00:00:04Man I'm hungry guess I'll need to figure that out from here on out
00:00:24I'll kill both of you
00:00:28Time to show some spine
00:00:49Thank goodness, they're safe now
00:00:54Sounds like I made them cry
00:00:58So what do I just lay here and die?
00:01:07But I don't recognize this ceiling
00:01:13Is this a hospital I know I help some people but it's a fancy private room like this Willie necessary
00:01:30Think you got the wrong
00:01:50Are you all right kind do you remember who you are?
00:01:53Don't worry. He's probably just confused madam. He has been asleep for a week after all
00:02:00Yes, that's a good point
00:02:02Your fever's definitely gone down, but you should rest a bit more
00:02:06Oh, that's right. You must be starving a little bit of soup and you'll be as good as new
00:02:12Sylvia, of course, I'll bring some right away
00:02:16Now you just rest until it gets here. Okay
00:02:19Excuse me
00:02:23Yeah, and my mother
00:02:29Do I look like that wait, this is some white novel reincarnation thing
00:02:33So that means I didn't survive the injury. Did I but I did see those clothes at least
00:02:42Well, what's that is done if I've been reincarnated I need to know what I'm dealing with here
00:02:48I'm not gonna wear any weird in-world shenanigans get the best of me
00:02:52That's your crying your soup is
00:03:15Yeah, your sense of taste is coming back she's white it's a bit weak but I can tell there was meat and vegetables in there
00:03:26Wonderful I'm glad to see you eating so all young master
00:03:37We've got a burpee before bad you're trying to burp me
00:03:48Not sure how I feel about her trying to put me down for a nap, but she certainly gave me a lot of answers
00:03:54First of all, my name is kind born Silver and a three years old
00:03:59My father is gone and my mother is Sarah. I have a sister named Wayna who's two years older than me
00:04:06Sawa is bomb second wife. The name of his first wife is Maria. There's also Dean and Alec the two sons
00:04:12She had with my father
00:04:14That makes me kind
00:04:16comes third and youngest son
00:04:18Calm is a high-ranking noble a mock way with his very own army
00:04:23It's his responsibility to protect the Whelms borders against foreign invaders
00:04:27And to the south of Garcia the part of the kingdom of expert that Lord Garm overseas is the forest of monsters
00:04:36Yes, but you don't need to worry
00:04:40That's right, they defeat the monsters for us do they fight with swords and magic, of course
00:04:46Some of them specialize in magic
00:04:50Man I wouldn't try using magic to that may take a little while. So maybe try learning how to write first. Okay, okay
00:05:01When I heard this world had magic I made up my mind to with my wife here
00:05:05You see in the world I left behind my last living relative. My grandpa had just died and I was living alone
00:05:14There was nothing left for me to go back to
00:05:19What kind's able to write
00:05:25That's fantastic
00:05:31Perhaps our little boy is secretly a genius darling
00:05:34No, really, it's just
00:05:42But why the sudden interest in studying you have seemed a little different since the fever a divine revelation
00:05:50Is everything all right, do you want some baby food some of mother's milk, maybe
00:06:02Respectable and wise too. I have three sons and only one estate
00:06:06So you will have to make your own path in life
00:06:08Then if you don't wow it I'd like to start reading books on magic in the kingdom's history to go right ahead
00:06:15Really? You're interested in magic kind
00:06:20Yet you have to be baptized first like me
00:06:24Baptized, huh? Yep, that's right
00:06:27You'll need to wait until you turn five, but you can begin by reading the basics
00:06:34And remember magic takes time. I guess that's true
00:06:45Wow, that was magic wasn't it? How come I can use it doesn't matter
00:06:53Okay, let's try this again
00:07:13Don't deny it
00:07:16You're secretly trying to learn about the outside world, right? Oh sister can teach you a thing or two
00:07:24She had me going there for a second
00:07:28After that my sister way to stop by my room every day to teach me about the kingdom of s1
00:07:33I weren't all about it's 300 year long history
00:07:36Apparently the first king started out as an adventurer before going on to found a kingdom. His name was yeah
00:07:42Yeah, she taught me that and all sorts of other things
00:07:45Wait, that's nice Japanese, isn't he? I
00:07:48Warned of the races elves wolves and even peaceful all living together in this new world
00:07:55Also, things that are weary for me, too
00:07:59Wish I could go outside right now. I just have to wait two more years until my baptism
00:08:05Finally, what could be taking so long? He's going to be late
00:08:18Handsome is the word I would use it's definitely my son. Have I changed that much? Oh, yeah, you're fine now
00:08:25You're such a big boy these days
00:08:28You better not get too big though
00:08:32Mother father
00:08:33Thank you for everything. I'm ready to be baptized. You've been looking forward to this day for so long
00:08:39All right, first a baptism than a debut. Let's get to it. Shall we?
00:08:52The alternate world I dreamed about in my past life
00:08:56Hold architecture soldiers monsters
00:09:03By the way, Reina tell me what's it actually like to be bestowed with status magic
00:09:17What does the door of kya mean
00:09:26So surprised that you can use three different elements of magic it's all Reina here was granted level 2 protection by the god of magic
00:09:36Magic and protection are attainable in levels 1 through 5 the higher the level the higher the users natural aptitude is
00:09:43Protection is a useful thing that determines how much magic is needed to activate a spell and it affects skills as well
00:09:49Whoa, where's protection come from a god gives it to you a god. That's right
00:09:55Here in this kingdom we practice the marine fort faith
00:09:59that is
00:10:01We give worship and offer praise to seven pillar gods
00:10:06The point of this ceremony is to inform those gods that you've reached five years of age
00:10:12Interesting. So that's what my baptisms for
00:10:18My lord we will now commence the ceremony of baptism
00:10:25Hey in Vaughn's ill Ford the seven pillar gods of the marine Ford faith welcome you on this your blessed fifth birthday
00:10:33Will you choose to embrace them? I will
00:10:37God's who created this world and watch over us. I inform you that this child Kain von Silford has reached the age of five
00:10:46By your grace, I beseech you to show him the path is to walk
00:10:55What is this radiant light
00:11:05The world of the gods where we the seven gods reside it is good to see you Kain no
00:11:30Am Zenim God of creation and the creator of this world
00:11:35Really? I thought he was just some weird old dude in a costume, but he's a god
00:11:41Incidentally since I'm a god I can hear everything you're thinking
00:11:45Now the matter of your reincarnation if you would be so kind
00:11:50I am known as rhyme the god who governs both death in the cycle of rebirth in
00:11:55Truth your untimely demise was actually a mistake
00:11:59You perished while attempting to protect two young girls. Yes
00:12:07Your actions were unnecessary because you see the criminal would have tripped and been restrained by passersby
00:12:20I'm afraid so
00:12:25Because of your death at his hands that criminal was charged with murder
00:12:30I'm surely there is a better way to convey this to him
00:12:35But take heart your death was in the service of a good deed after all and it was for this reason that the God of
00:12:41Earth requested that I reincarnate you in our world
00:12:44It was considered a good deed then also as I thought nursing and diaper changing would cause too much mental trauma for you
00:12:51I had intended to suppress your memories, but for some reason you were called them
00:12:57Forgive me
00:12:58No, don't apologize
00:13:00In fact getting my memories back helped me with magic and gave me an edge in learning how to write
00:13:05It also gave me the perspective to embrace my new family to truly appreciate my parents and sister
00:13:11So really I owe you a debt for leaving my memories with me a stute I like this one
00:13:18I'm Renault God of Magic. I
00:13:22Understand you've been practicing haven't you Kai? I grant you my protection. So continue to study. Ah, yes
00:13:28I also grant you my protection
00:13:32After all, our paths are bound to cross again. They are
00:13:36I'm Sarno's God of War
00:13:38Please remember to work on your sword skills and martial arts to do all of this and I'll grant you my protection as well
00:13:45Grow strong like me
00:13:48God of technology also bless you. This world is light on entertainment
00:13:52So feel free to use knowledge from your former life as long as you show restraint. I'm God of Commerce Panama with my protection
00:14:00You'll be at liberty to access both item box and judgment. I hope they serve you well
00:14:05And finally, there is my protection. I am known as Bella the God of Earth and my blessing is somewhat unique
00:14:13I mean, but I'm sure if you experiment a little all will become clear. Thank you all so much
00:14:19Well, it seems our time is up. You will find our protection has taken effect once you return, right?
00:14:26Farewell, Kain until next time
00:14:36I've never seen the statue shine so bright
00:14:40Perhaps he's been favored with a great many protections. Well, Kain, will you show us your status?
00:14:46I have a bad feeling about this
00:14:49I'm sorry, my stomach's suddenly not feeling very good Kain. Where are you?
00:15:06God of Creation 10, God of Life 10, God of Magic 10, God of Earth 10, God of War 10, God of Technology 10, God of Commerce 10!
00:15:14What the heck are those gods playing at? The highest level is only supposed to be 5, right?
00:15:20So this is what he was laughing about. Oh crap. I have to hide this. I'd never be able to explain it
00:15:27If only there was some way I could keep it hidden from them
00:15:32Made it so you can create magic too. You might want to try using status conceal
00:15:47Apologies is your stomach feeling better? Yes, it is. Thank you. Sorry to make you worry now
00:15:54Then let's celebrate Kain's fifth birthday. Happy birthday Kain
00:16:00Happy Birthday!
00:16:03I'm still curious. What do you suppose that light was during the baptism ceremony?
00:16:08That certainly didn't happen when I was a child nor did it happen with Reina. Kain, were you able to check your status?
00:16:14I was and I think the gods were quite generous with me father. Good. Why don't you show us?
00:16:21Sure, so this is what my status looks like
00:16:24It can't be. You have the protection of the God of creation and every God of the Marine Ford faith and your magic stat is Astronomical.
00:16:35I thought I fixed that!
00:16:37Palace mages have only around 10,000 while you possess this much at only five
00:16:43You have item box and judgment too. No matter what job you choose, you'll be guaranteed success
00:16:49That's amazing Kain!
00:16:51It's beyond amazing, but never show this status to anyone else Kain. While very promising
00:16:57It could be construed as a threat to the very kingdom. If this were known you could be placed under state supervision
00:17:03Cebes, Sylvia, do not breathe a word and for the love of the gods hide this during the debut
00:17:09I will
00:17:13I finally get baptized and this is what happens?
00:17:16What's considered an average status anyway?
00:17:20What's this? A book on summoning magic? I wonder if I'll be able to summon some fluffy animals
00:17:26Huh? Yes please, just the thought of it soothes my soul. Sylvia won't be around for a little while, right?
00:17:32Now summon!
00:17:34Paid my call! Come fluffy!
00:17:36Come fluffy!
00:17:38Come fluffy!
00:17:40Come fluffy!
00:17:42Come fluffy!
00:17:44Come fluffy!
00:17:46Come fluffy!
00:17:48Parvo, what are you doing out here?
00:17:50You two, run!
00:17:58Now, time to show some spine!
00:18:04Kain, what are you doing?
00:18:06I just want to protect these two!
00:18:12You will return!
00:18:18Kain, no!
00:18:24Cat ears?
00:18:26I wish I'd gotten the chance to touch them
00:18:28But this is all I can do, isn't it?
00:18:34Sorry, I keep making people cry
00:18:38What now? Am I just going to die again?
00:18:48Closed open, closed open
00:18:50I'm alive!
00:18:52Thank goodness, you're okay!
00:18:54Does it hurt anywhere?
00:18:56I'll go get father!
00:18:58Don't worry, I'm fine!
00:19:00You promise?
00:19:02Yeah, I'm sorry for frightening you
00:19:04I'm so glad!
00:19:06I was scared that I'd lost you again, Kain
00:19:08Those girls, they were crying because of me
00:19:12But Reina, she's smiling
00:19:15Thank you, Reina
00:19:17My sweet Kain!
00:19:19Maybe, in this world
00:19:23I can help people find their joy again
00:19:29With the help of all those gathered
00:19:31I've safely reached my fifth birthday
00:19:33But I'm still young
00:19:35And have much to learn
00:19:37So I hope I can continue to count on your guidance
00:19:39And counsel in the years ahead
00:19:41Kain, as you are my third son
00:19:44Your future is yours to choose
00:19:46And so I ask you this
00:19:48Do you know what it is you would like to do?
00:19:52What I desire is to see many places
00:19:54To learn many things
00:19:56To help those in need
00:19:58And to meet all kinds of new people
00:20:00And so
00:20:02To that end
00:20:04And to protect all the smiles before me
00:20:08I'm going to be an adventurer!
00:20:10What I desire
00:20:12Is to see many places
00:20:14And to meet all kinds of people
00:20:16And so
00:20:18To that end
00:20:20And to protect all the smiles before me
00:20:22I'm going to be an adventurer!
00:20:26All right, son
00:20:28To become an adventurer, you'll need to concentrate on your studies
00:20:30Sounds like it's time for me
00:20:32To arrange an excellent tutor for you
00:20:36I couldn't ask for a better father than you!
00:20:39Master Kain, a real tutor?
00:20:43I'm so excited!
00:20:45What will my new tutor be like?
00:20:47Big and tough, cunning like a witch
00:20:49Or what if...
00:20:51They're even cooler!
00:20:53Master Kain, your tutor has arrived
00:20:55And is ready for you
00:21:01There's a child falling from the skies
00:21:09Sorry, sweetheart
00:21:11But I'm not your mother
00:21:13I don't have any milk for you
00:21:15I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!
00:21:17Allow me to introduce you
00:21:19These are your tutors
00:21:21Maester Millie and Maester Nina
00:21:23No way!
00:21:25I'm so embarrassed!
00:21:27I hope you can forgive me
00:21:29I'm just a confused little boy
00:21:31My name is Kain
00:21:33But the truth is
00:21:35I reincarnated into this world as a noble
00:21:37I don't know why, but the gods gave me level 10 protections
00:21:39For like everything
00:21:41So my status is off the charts
00:21:45Um, hello there!
00:21:47As of today, I'll be tutoring you and showing you how to fight
00:21:49Let me just start that over
00:21:51I'm Millie the Obscure
00:21:53I'm Millie and I'm a D-rank
00:21:55Hi there
00:21:57Nina, what a pleasure
00:21:59Hey! Don't you dare be rude to the nobles, Kain!
00:22:01She's an elf!
00:22:03Why do you always do this around strangers?
00:22:06It's fine, truly
00:22:08You two are his tutors after all, right, Kain?
00:22:10Yes! Please don't worry about speaking too formally around me
00:22:12That's a relief
00:22:14I wasn't sure how we would manage
00:22:16Teach him for three years
00:22:18I trust you'll take good care of my Kain
00:22:20I bet we'll have fun
00:22:22Lots of it
00:22:24Right then, we should get started right away
00:22:26Let's begin with swordsmanship
00:22:28Try some swings and we'll evaluate you
00:22:36How is he already so good?
00:22:38Look at him go, he's got more moves than you do
00:22:40Hey, I would never lose to a five-year-old boy, understand me?
00:22:42Listen up
00:22:44If you can do all that, we should have a mock battle
00:22:46Give me all you've got
00:22:48No problem
00:22:50Kain, are you sure you're five years old?
00:22:54I just underwent my baptism the other day
00:22:56That's hard to believe
00:22:58Believe it
00:23:00My, what beautiful swordsmanship
00:23:02By any chance, Kain, do you have the God of War's protection?
00:23:05Yes, so my father told me not to tell anyone
00:23:07Outside my family all about that
00:23:09How are you doing that?
00:23:11I'm never going to be able to last
00:23:13If we keep going this hard
00:23:15Seems like you're ready for Nina to start teaching you about magic
00:23:17And on that note
00:23:19It's break time
00:23:21You're all Nina's, go
00:23:25Guess you're mine now
00:23:27First off, I have level three protection from the God of Magic
00:23:29Let us start with the basics
00:23:31Oh, but I've already learned that stuff
00:23:33Practice what I read in books
00:23:37Yes, check this out
00:23:39Waterballs, go
00:23:41Fireballs, go
00:23:43Rock bullish, blast
00:23:45All I can do is this beginner level stuff though
00:23:49Was that unchanted magic?
00:23:51Just using shortened forms of incantations
00:23:53Takes a lot of intense training
00:23:55But unchanted magic at age five?
00:23:57Unheard of
00:23:59On top of that, he can use every element
00:24:02That's impossible
00:24:04Even among mages of the sage class
00:24:06There's no one who can use all the elements like he does
00:24:08And with so much power
00:24:10Wait, you have protection from the God of Magic too?
00:24:12Is that it?
00:24:16You have two protections
00:24:20And magic
00:24:22There's a good chance we won't be able to teach him anything new
00:24:24Don't sweat it
00:24:26Here, I'll give you a towel
00:24:28Wait, now he's using item books?
00:24:31That could surprise me
00:24:33I can't keep being totally freaked out by everything he does
00:24:35Little Kaleen, the genius
00:24:37We can't teach him here anymore
00:24:39This place won't hold up against his power
00:24:41That makes sense
00:24:43Maybe my lessons could take place somewhere else then
00:24:45Somewhere else?
00:24:49I've never had a chance to leave the mansion grounds if you can believe it
00:24:51Well, except for my baptism
00:24:53But that doesn't count
00:24:55It seems like taking me elsewhere for the sake of practicing magic should be okay
00:24:57Don't you think?
00:24:59At this point, with all of his raw talent
00:25:01It might be safer to practice away from this place
00:25:03You're so strong
00:25:05Let's try
00:25:07Wait, so that's it?
00:25:09Well, we'll need to convince your father first
00:25:11Explain to me why you don't think it's optimal to train Kaleen here on the mansion grounds
00:25:15Even though he's only five years old
00:25:17He's far surpassed the beginner level in both swordsmanship and magic
00:25:19If we teach him at an intermediate level
00:25:21He'd destroy everything
00:25:24I figured it would come to this eventually
00:25:26But on this very first day
00:25:28I was not expecting that news
00:25:30You're such an amazing boy
00:25:32The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
00:25:34So please, my lord
00:25:36We would like to continue his training outside the mansion
00:25:38Where he has the proper space to be creative
00:25:40Fine, but only if
00:25:42Only if
00:25:44You must return to the mansion before sundown
00:25:46Do not go very far
00:25:48And most importantly
00:25:50Know your own limits
00:25:53Is that understood, Kaeen?
00:26:05So this is the outside world
00:26:07And it's full of adventure
00:26:09Okay, Kaeen
00:26:11We're far enough from the mansion now
00:26:13Nina, your lesson
00:26:15I'm already on it
00:26:17Kaeen, why don't you try using some intermediate level magic
00:26:19Okay, let me focus
00:26:21Fire wall
00:26:33Oh, whoops
00:26:35I might have gone a little overboard
00:26:37That's way beyond intermediate magic
00:26:39Using that much power should have drained most of your magic
00:26:41And depleted your energy
00:26:43Are you even tired?
00:26:45Nope, I'm still ready and raring to go
00:26:47What? He has a crazy amount of magic too?
00:26:50Really? Who's this kid?
00:26:52I'm just Kaeen
00:26:54Be very quiet for a second
00:26:56Nina, I can feel it
00:26:58Stay on your guard
00:27:00Hear that?
00:27:04Looks to be a killer rabbit
00:27:06It's a dangerous monster that attacks people
00:27:10Watch out, Kaeen
00:27:14Congrats on your first successful kill, Kaeen
00:27:16You could sell the meat and hide if you want, you know
00:27:18Actually, I'd prefer to show it to my mother and sister
00:27:26That is so cool
00:27:28I'm planning to buy myself a magic bag when I have enough saved up
00:27:30What is a magic bag?
00:27:32It's a special magic item
00:27:34It does the same thing as item box
00:27:36Even if you don't have the skill
00:27:38They are pricey though
00:27:40Oh, fascinating
00:27:42Hey, we still have plenty of time to get in some more hunting
00:27:45What do you think?
00:27:47Can you use search?
00:27:49I'm already on it
00:27:51Now I seek
00:27:53Find any enemies that surround mine so
00:27:59I've spotted a few of them 300 meters ahead
00:28:01Oh wow, Maester Nina
00:28:03What kind of magical powers did you use to find them?
00:28:05Well, I searched for the location of the monster's magic itself
00:28:09I sort of just spread out my own magic in a super thin layer
00:28:11So like this?
00:28:14Now I seek
00:28:16Find any enemies that surround mine so
00:28:22I sense them too
00:28:24Four killer rabbits 300 meters ahead of us like you said
00:28:26So few people can do that their first try
00:28:28And you even got the exact number of them
00:28:30Are you really fine?
00:28:32Let's go
00:28:34Nina, at some point
00:28:36We're just going to have to accept it
00:28:44Oh no, you don't
00:28:46Stop running now
00:28:48Don't go in there
00:28:50You got it?
00:28:52It's an extremely dangerous forest
00:28:54Full of strong monsters
00:28:56That's the forest of monsters
00:29:00And unfortunately
00:29:02Once every few decades
00:29:04They break out and attack the city en masse
00:29:06I see
00:29:08So that's why the city wall is so well fortified
00:29:10It's to protect everyone
00:29:12From the monsters in there
00:29:16So you'd better become a strong adventurer too
00:29:18So you can be ready to protect the city
00:29:20When the time comes to
00:29:24I will
00:29:26You have my word maestra
00:29:30I'll go
00:29:32I'm a level 8 now?
00:29:34I had no idea it was possible to level up that much
00:29:36By beating some killer rabbits
00:29:38That's nuts
00:29:41An increase of 100 times
00:29:43That explains it
00:29:45That must be what happened to me
00:29:47That's obviously way beyond any human capability
00:29:49If people were to find out
00:29:51About this ridiculous status
00:29:53Forget state supervision
00:29:55They'll come for my pretty head
00:29:57You're kidding me
00:29:59The only thing I want is to have fun adventuring
00:30:01Without a care in the world
00:30:03Is that too much to ask
00:30:05You stupid gods
00:30:07Why me
00:30:21The gate is this way maestra
00:30:23With your skill level we think you can take on monsters
00:30:25That are a little stronger than those rabbits
00:30:27So we thought we'd stop by the guild
00:30:29And find out what else is around here lately
00:30:31Oh the guild
00:30:33You definitely can't be an adventurer without a guild am I right
00:30:35Well what's the hold up
00:30:37Let's head on in
00:30:40So this is the guild
00:30:42Come on Kain
00:30:44I'm on my way
00:30:46Rudy you got a second
00:30:50She has cute doggy ears
00:30:52What brings you here today
00:30:54We wanted some information on local monsters
00:30:56Got anything stronger than killer rabbits around here
00:31:00I'm pretty sure that all we've got right now are wolves
00:31:02Let's see
00:31:04I haven't received any witness reports of new sightings either
00:31:06You have wolves though huh
00:31:08We wouldn't want a whole pack of them coming right at us
00:31:10But that should be perfect for Kain here
00:31:12Oh for this little boy
00:31:14You're an awfully cute adventurer
00:31:16How old are you
00:31:20He's special
00:31:22He's actually the son of the domain lord
00:31:24Please forgive my foolishness
00:31:26I'm Rudy the receptionist here at the guild
00:31:28My name is Kain von Silvert
00:31:30I'm only five years old
00:31:32So I can't register just yet
00:31:34But thank you for having me
00:31:37And I really love your puppy ears
00:31:39I can tell you're a noble
00:31:41You have such good manners
00:31:43Well looky what we have here
00:31:45It's been a while
00:31:47What's a d-rank duo like you doing with a little brat huh
00:31:49I guess babysitting quests are the only ones
00:31:51You can get nowadays
00:31:53Let's go
00:31:55Wait hold up
00:31:57How about you ditch the kid and pour me a drink
00:32:01How about you eat a few breath mints
00:32:03We're on duty
00:32:06Did you really just say that
00:32:08Listen here no d-rank is supposed to be talking down to a c-rank like me
00:32:10Now do what your superior says
00:32:12And pour me a drink already
00:32:14You bastard
00:32:16You're coming with us too
00:32:22I'm sorry
00:32:24It's rather important to me that you don't interfere with my training today
00:32:26And who do you think you are
00:32:28My name's Kain
00:32:30I'm Maester Millie and Maester Nina's new student
00:32:32Pleasure to meet you
00:32:34Kain run away from here
00:32:36Don't follow us just go
00:32:38They may tell me to run
00:32:40But I'm supposed to have training lessons
00:32:42So it's best if you get out of our way
00:32:44Ow ow you brat
00:32:46You need a lesson
00:32:48Let me teach you one
00:32:52Who the hell are you really
00:32:54A high school stu-
00:32:56Oops I mean I'm Kain
00:32:58The Margrave Garmfond Silvert
00:33:00Happens to be my
00:33:03Little punk
00:33:07Leave him be
00:33:09It's on you
00:33:11You drew a blade first
00:33:13So what if I did
00:33:17I won't allow it
00:33:19Apologize to my maestress
00:33:21How about you shut up
00:33:23Very well if that's how you're going to behave
00:33:33Now what about you two
00:33:35Go on and try
00:33:37But I hope you don't care what happens to your friend's pretty little face
00:33:39You guys both deserve
00:33:41A good spanking
00:33:45Kain thanks
00:33:47I hope you're okay
00:33:49You protected us
00:33:51You brave boy
00:33:53Next time I promise to protect you
00:33:55That's so sweet of you
00:33:59You're not just good with swords and magic
00:34:02You can do martial arts too
00:34:04Yeah I can
00:34:06I read all about it in some magic books
00:34:10Let's all head back to the forest
00:34:12And see what's up
00:34:18Rock bullets
00:34:30It's good to have you back home master Kain
00:34:32I prepared a change of clothes for you
00:34:36Thank you
00:34:38Miss Sylvia
00:34:40I'm afraid both of your tutors
00:34:42Just declined to extend the duration of their contract
00:34:44So your training with them will be coming to an end
00:34:46Oh I see
00:34:49Shall I have Lord Garm ask them to reconsider it
00:34:53I don't want to tie down talented adventurers for too long
00:34:55I wonder if there's any way
00:34:57I can thank them before they depart
00:34:59They've been so good to me
00:35:01These past three years
00:35:03Why can't I think of anything they might want
00:35:05Oh I've got it
00:35:07Maestra Millie once said
00:35:09That she was trying to save up enough money
00:35:11For her own magic bag
00:35:13In that case
00:35:15I'll need materials
00:35:17From some monsters
00:35:19I think a red bag would go great with Maestra Millie's red hair
00:35:21There's one
00:35:23A blood ogre
00:35:27Okay cool
00:35:29And I think Maestra Nina would prefer green
00:35:31Right there
00:35:33An earth dragon
00:35:37That can't be good
00:35:39No way
00:35:41It must be a big monster outbreak
00:35:48Please hear us gods
00:35:50Hurry don't fall behind
00:35:52Listen to me
00:35:54It's a monster outbreak
00:35:56I'll lead just follow me
00:35:58There that should take care of supplies
00:36:00Now move
00:36:04Everyone keep following me
00:36:06We're almost there
00:36:10What in the world is this
00:36:13A crater
00:36:15Doesn't make sense
00:36:17I've been using search
00:36:19But there haven't been any signs of monsters
00:36:21Then who do you think is responsible
00:36:23For this kind
00:36:31Air bullets
00:36:37He's just as insane as ever
00:36:39Kinda hard to believe that Kain is only eight years old
00:36:41He is so much stronger than either of us
00:36:43I know
00:36:45I'm sorta sad
00:36:47We say goodbye today
00:36:49Maestra Millie
00:36:51Maestra Nina
00:36:53I think I'm done now
00:36:55It's done indeed
00:36:59Hey Kain
00:37:01This is your graduation day
00:37:03You did great these past three years
00:37:05Yes you taught me so much
00:37:07I've been trying to think of a good way
00:37:10To say thank you
00:37:12So um I hope these make you happy
00:37:14Here I wanted to make them for you both
00:37:16To show my appreciation and gratitude
00:37:18For your kindness
00:37:22They're magic bags
00:37:24I made them myself
00:37:26I remember you said you wanted one Maestra Millie
00:37:28You handmade these
00:37:30And sourced the materials
00:37:34The red one came from a blood ogre
00:37:36And the green one came from an earth dragon
00:37:39Are you freaking kidding me
00:37:41Those are both the kind of monsters
00:37:43That even a full party of A rank adventurers
00:37:45Can barely take down together
00:37:47And an eight year old child did it alone
00:37:49I mean it is Kain
00:37:51Oh yeah duh
00:37:53Ladies please don't worry about it
00:37:55I know the materials may look a bit different
00:37:57But they're just regular old magic bags on the inside
00:37:59And I made it so they don't hold all that much stuff
00:38:01Oh is that right
00:38:03Yep promise
00:38:05It would hold our mansion I think
00:38:07Hold on
00:38:09The magic bag I was going to buy couldn't even hold a normal house
00:38:11You're talking two carriages at most
00:38:13And it's something you have to save up
00:38:15A ton of money to buy too
00:38:17You mean a magic bag of this class
00:38:19Isn't normal then
00:38:21Oh these are definitely national treasure class
00:38:23Yikes that sounds extra fancy
00:38:25I messed it all up
00:38:27And if we carry national treasures
00:38:29Around everywhere we go
00:38:31All kinds of people will come after us
00:38:33You don't need to worry about that
00:38:36I made it so that if anyone but us holds them
00:38:38They'll be as heavy as everything held inside
00:38:40So they're thief proof
00:38:42That's even beyond national treasure class actually
00:38:44Oops I did it again
00:38:46But are you really sure
00:38:48Can we accept these
00:38:50You're so smart
00:38:52There wasn't that much we could teach you
00:38:54Well that's not really the way I see it
00:38:56I was able to learn all kinds of super important things
00:38:58From the both of you
00:39:00Like how good a packed lunch tastes
00:39:02When you eat it outside
00:39:05How special friends are
00:39:07And also how much fun adventuring
00:39:21Take care kid
00:39:23If you ever want our help after you grow up
00:39:25Don't hesitate to let us know okay
00:39:27Yeah we'll be there for you anytime
00:39:29And thank you
00:39:31We had so much fun with you Kain
00:39:33So um Maester Millie
00:39:35And Maester Nina
00:39:37You were the best teachers I could have asked for
00:39:45That day
00:39:47Their contract period ended
00:39:49And they left
00:39:51Just like that
00:39:53This was on the ground where the forest was blown to pieces
00:39:55And I had Sylvia confirm
00:39:57It's yours so fess up
00:39:59Care to explain to me yourself what this is about
00:40:02I led my troops out
00:40:04Thinking we were on the cusp of a monster outbreak
00:40:06What exactly did you do
00:40:08I used intermediate magic to fight a blood ochre
00:40:10And an earth dragon
00:40:12What in the world
00:40:14Listen you're just an 8 year old boy Kain
00:40:16You need to learn your limits son and soon
00:40:18I'm really sorry
00:40:20Imagine if either of those monsters came into the city
00:40:22Just one of them could flatten the place
00:40:24Please forgive me
00:40:26Do you understand how hard I've worked to protect this city
00:40:28You need to start paying attention
00:40:30You need to be more self aware Kain
00:40:32I don't want to keep nagging you but you're forcing me to
00:40:34And it's a waste of time
00:40:36Nina it's all you
00:40:38I'm on it
00:40:40Next time to the royal capital
00:40:54You uh
00:40:56Getting up
00:41:00Did I beat it
00:41:02That seemed like a super tough one
00:41:04I wonder what my level is now
00:41:06Status open
00:41:12Oh no I overdid it
00:41:14My magic is over 80 million and I even got the aliases
00:41:16Enemy of all monsters and dragon killer
00:41:20I reincarnated into this world
00:41:22As a noble
00:41:24I don't know why but the gods gave me level 10
00:41:26Protections for like
00:41:29So my status is off the charts
00:41:31But shhh
00:41:33That's a secret
00:41:35Two years later
00:41:37I found myself headed to the royal capital
00:41:39To make my debut
00:41:43It's a traditional event all noble sons must go through
00:41:45Oh and also
00:41:47I just turned 10
00:41:49I can't wait until we get to live
00:41:51With each other in the capital
00:41:53You should go ahead and take the entry exams
00:41:55And start school early since you're so smart
00:41:58School attendance starts at age 12
00:42:00So you'll have to practice patience for two more years
00:42:02Well I'll miss my big sister
00:42:04But you're still looking forward to starting school right
00:42:06Yes I'll take the number one rank on the school's exam for sure
00:42:08And I'll work as hard as I can to make you proud of me too
00:42:14I have no doubt
00:42:18How long do you think it'll take us to get to the capital
00:42:20About a week I guess
00:42:22That's assuming no monsters get in our way
00:42:24That long huh
00:42:26I don't want to run into trouble
00:42:28So I should be on the alert for any attacks
00:42:30To help out the guards
00:42:36Heads up father
00:42:38There's a battle three kilometers ahead
00:42:42So you're able to read that far off
00:42:46Looks like there are about ten people
00:42:48Getting totally swarmed by a few dozen monsters
00:42:50We have to hurry
00:42:52Quicken the pace
00:42:55You boys hurry on up there and lend a hand
00:42:57Yes sir
00:43:01That's not enough
00:43:03They'll never make it there in time
00:43:05I'll go too
00:43:07What are you doing Kain
00:43:09Stop that
00:43:11It'll be fine
00:43:13You got me two of the very best tutors after all
00:43:15Come back
00:43:17Wind magic
00:43:19No Kain
00:43:21What was that
00:43:24Go kick some monster butt
00:43:36Just try
00:43:38I'll protect this carriage no matter what it takes
00:43:44I'll help you
00:43:46Air cutter
00:43:48This is much too dangerous for children
00:43:50Air bullet
00:43:54Air cutter
00:43:58Wait I can't
00:44:00Magic would hurt the knights too
00:44:08Well looks like that just leaves you
00:44:24Are you injured
00:44:26Don't come near this carriage
00:44:28Stay right there
00:44:32How rude of me
00:44:34We haven't met yet
00:44:36I'm the third son of Margrave Garm von Silfert
00:44:38My name is Kain von Silfert
00:44:40Lord Garm's son
00:44:44You get me at ease now
00:44:46As knights of the Margrave of Gracia
00:44:48We will
00:44:50What is master Kain doing here
00:44:52And all the monsters are dead
00:44:54What a mess
00:44:56Where are you hurt
00:45:00Don't force yourself to speak
00:45:02I can use healing magic
00:45:04Would you allow me to heal everyone here
00:45:06How can you
00:45:08That doesn't matter now
00:45:10Area high heal
00:45:16How is this possible
00:45:22You need to get some rest
00:45:24And eat foods that boost blood production
00:45:26I'm incapable of replacing the blood
00:45:28That you've lost
00:45:30And I can't help them either
00:45:38Are you really who you say
00:45:40I am Garm von Silfert
00:45:42I've come to check on this carriage
00:45:44Is everyone safe
00:45:46Wait Kain
00:45:48Now I know why you jumped out back there
00:45:51Yes it is
00:45:53Fill me in on the situation later
00:45:57Wait that crest on the door
00:45:59Did this attack endanger a member of Duke Santana's household
00:46:13These ladies are no other than
00:46:15Princess Telestia and Miss Silk
00:46:18I'm relieved you are unharmed
00:46:20The princess and the duke's daughter
00:46:24We're grateful Margrave Silfert
00:46:26We simply can't thank you enough
00:46:28For coming to save us in our time of need
00:46:30And also
00:46:34What's that
00:46:36Oh of course
00:46:38Sorry please allow me to introduce my third son to the two of you
00:46:40Hello there
00:46:42I'm Kain von Silfert
00:46:44You're Princess Telestia and Miss Silk correct
00:46:46Such a pleasure to meet you
00:46:48I'm so glad that you're safe
00:46:52Forgive me if this is presumptuous
00:46:54But would you allow me to use a minor spell on you
00:46:56To reduce your stress
00:46:58You may
00:47:00Please try it
00:47:02Then relax
00:47:06What is this feeling I'm having
00:47:08My heart feels so much lighter
00:47:10Like walking on air
00:47:12There's no pain or exhaustion anymore
00:47:15It's pure bliss
00:47:19My heart
00:47:21It's totally carefree now
00:47:25Master Kain
00:47:27That's my name
00:47:29I am Telestia
00:47:31Terra Esfort
00:47:33And you're a true hero
00:47:35Thank you for saving us from danger
00:47:37I thought we were surely done for
00:47:39My life even flashed before my eyes
00:47:41Master Kain
00:47:44I owe you my gratitude as well
00:47:46My name is Silk von Santana
00:47:48I saw you fighting them through the carriage window
00:47:50And you unleashed your magic with the force of a mighty gale
00:47:52Your swordsmanship's on point too
00:47:54This hand is mine
00:47:56I'm headed first
00:47:58How about
00:48:00I take the right and I take the left
00:48:02Please stop
00:48:04What brings you all the way out here Master Kain
00:48:06Well I uh
00:48:08I was actually just on my way to the capital
00:48:10It's my debut so I need to be there soon
00:48:12That's perfect
00:48:14Can you believe we were on the way to our debut as well
00:48:16Please feel free to travel with us if you'd like
00:48:18Oh great idea
00:48:20It wouldn't be safe for us to go alone
00:48:24Help father
00:48:26They're taking me
00:48:34It's so tight
00:48:36And cramped
00:48:38But the carriage is huge
00:48:43Why don't I sit right over there so I can keep watch
00:48:45Oh please don't
00:48:47I'm still scared and I would only feel better if you're beside me
00:48:49No fair me too
00:48:51I almost forgot
00:48:53I would really prefer that you call me Talos from now on
00:48:57I couldn't call the princess that
00:48:59Oh and as for me
00:49:01You could call me Silk
00:49:03I couldn't call the duke's daughter
00:49:05It's Talos
00:49:07And I'm Silk K
00:49:09But why we only just met today
00:49:11That's my name to you got it
00:49:13And I am Silk you got that
00:49:15Um I guess so
00:49:17I'll call you miss Silk and princess Talos then
00:49:19No princess please
00:49:23Of course I expect the same
00:49:25Yes miss Silk
00:49:27Hey no miss please
00:49:29Find yourself
00:49:31Good boy
00:49:33Forgive me for interrupting but there is an update
00:49:35We are now approaching the town of Vrinamaa ahead
00:49:38Did you see all of that
00:49:40Sure did
00:49:42What a disaster
00:49:44Let's take a time out and rest up when we get there
00:49:46A time out
00:49:48You'll take a break with us
00:49:50Right master kind
00:49:58Wow what an exhausting day you know
00:50:00I'll see you tomorrow
00:50:02Why tomorrow
00:50:04I want us to be together tonight too
00:50:07You can't stay with me the whole time because I'm scared
00:50:09I want to spend the night being protected by master Kayin as well
00:50:11I really don't think that's going to fly
00:50:15Even if you are only 10 having boys and girls share a room together is rather inappropriate
00:50:17But I'm totally traumatized by the awful things that I witnessed today
00:50:19What are we supposed to do if monsters attack us during the night and you're not there huh
00:50:21We're inside the town though so wouldn't
00:50:23Impossible no one can ever roll out a dragon attack
00:50:25If that is your concern then a maid can easily
00:50:27I only want master Kayin to stay with me
00:50:29I don't care
00:50:31I don't care
00:50:33I don't care
00:50:35I don't care
00:50:37I don't care
00:50:39I don't care
00:50:41I don't care
00:50:43I don't care
00:50:45I don't care
00:50:47I don't care
00:50:49I don't care
00:50:51I don't care
00:50:53I don't care
00:50:55I don't care
00:50:57I don't care
00:50:59I don't care
00:51:01I don't care
00:51:04I don't care
00:51:06I don't care
00:51:08I don't care
00:51:10I don't care
00:51:12I don't care
00:51:14I don't care
00:51:16I don't care
00:51:18I don't care
00:51:20I don't care
00:51:22I don't care
00:51:24I don't care
00:51:26I don't care
00:51:28I don't care
00:51:30I don't care
00:51:33I don't care
00:51:35I don't care
00:51:37I don't care
00:51:39I don't care
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00:51:43I don't care
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00:51:47I don't care
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00:51:55I don't care
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00:51:59I don't care
00:52:01I don't care
00:52:03I don't care
00:52:05I don't care
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00:52:09I don't care
00:52:11I don't care
00:52:13I don't care
00:52:15I don't care
00:52:17I don't care
00:52:19I don't care
00:52:21I don't care
00:52:23I don't care
00:52:25I don't care
00:52:27I don't care
00:52:30I don't care
00:52:32I don't care
00:52:34I don't care
00:52:36I don't care
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00:52:40I don't care
00:52:42I don't care
00:52:44I don't care
00:52:46I don't care
00:52:48I don't care
00:52:50I don't care
00:52:52I don't care
00:52:54I don't care
00:52:56I don't care
00:52:58royal palace thank you sir oh your highness it's such a relief to see you
00:53:05safe but you're on his arm
00:53:10they were scared and I was trying to help them feel safe that's the truth
00:53:14mr. king made me feel totally safe master kindness is strongest there is is
00:53:19that so am I to assume you are Kain well then that makes sense
00:53:27dying von gazard vice-captain of the royal chivalric order the Knights have
00:53:33already explained everything to me I thank you for protecting her highness
00:53:38and miss silk also you brought my fallen comrades back home their families extend
00:53:44their gratitude to you I as well I'll take care of them from here normally
00:53:50we'd bring home their effects and either bury or burn their bodies right where
00:53:54they fell but because of you they'll be returned to their families sir time you
00:54:02should know these Knights fought bravely against 50 orcs to protect those two
00:54:06young ladies lives I couldn't have ever done it alone so please be sure to yes
00:54:13I'll tell the Knights as well as the people who loved them thanks to you our
00:54:18fallen Knights deaths were not in vain
00:54:27well I should go now wait just a moment you were to have an audience with his
00:54:36majesty the king an audience with the king himself as soon as I arrive at the
00:54:41capital haven't I been through enough
00:54:45on their long and arduous journey here princess Celestia and miss silk von
00:55:11Santana were mercilessly attacked by a band of over 50 orcs it was an organized
00:55:16orc army including the top-ranked orc general remain silent this young man
00:55:23right here Cain von Silver eliminated orcs single-handedly without considering
00:55:29the risk to himself after the battle he healed our injured Knights with healing
00:55:33magic and he was even able to bring our proud fallen Knights back here to the
00:55:37royal capital what that little boy all by himself we shall therefore reward him
00:55:43your majesty you outdid yourself by being so selfless and brave had you not
00:55:49been there neither Celestia nor miss silk would have had the chance of survival
00:55:53and so I hereby proclaim Cain von Silver to Baron you do I also grant you ten
00:56:01platinum coins and a mansion of your very own no way ten-year-olds can't be
00:56:06granted a peerage and he's even getting a mansion hey this doesn't make a lick
00:56:10of sense granting a ten-year-old a peerage is unthinkable he's still just a
00:56:15child and platinum coins too they're right I'm against all of this too I'm
00:56:20nowhere near ready to be a baron quiet down Corgino do you think you could have
00:56:24eliminated all those orcs on your own like kind did then no I don't then
00:56:30you'll listen to me what benefit would come from keeping such a talented young
00:56:34man in a powerless position the decisions made now stand down I'll see
00:56:40myself kind von Silver you will accept won't you I hope so yes not that you
00:56:50gave me a real choice thank you sire I accept with gratitude good our audience
00:56:56is hereby ended but you won't be leaving just yet so I expect you to come to the
00:57:01parlor next well I'm impressed I didn't expect you to be granted a peerage even
00:57:09though you are my third son you are the very first one to be promoted thanks for
00:57:21getting attacked by orcs earlier please take a seat this is not a formal talk so
00:57:27be at ease to start I would like to extend my gratitude thank you so much
00:57:34kind your majesty Celestia has told me everything kind I would like to thank
00:57:42you personally as well I'm silks father Eric von Santana Malbeek a pleasure I am
00:57:48truly indebted to you for your help it's really not necessary to lower your heads
00:57:54to me I only jumped into help because I saw that there were innocent people
00:57:57being attacked it's important that I express my gratitude not as a king but
00:58:02as a father there's no need to be so humble you saved their lives kind now
00:58:10let's talk about your future I was under the assumption that the only miners who
00:58:15could receive a peerage for those who had lost both their parents
00:58:18huh he excels in magic and the sword and is protected by all the gods I see no
00:58:24good reason to leave such a talented child to his own devices that's why I
00:58:28made him a baron you'll receive pay according to official standards you must
00:58:33maintain your mansion if you have any questions about nobility you'll ask God
00:58:38thank you very much we have a more important matter to discuss would you
00:58:43please take the hand of my dearest Celestia and my silk as well of course
00:58:51you won't be formally married until you reach adulthood but you can be engaged
00:58:55to them for now I'm sure you have some idea why don't tell us that you don't
00:59:03remember after all you sat arm-in-arm with them in the carriage and surely you
00:59:09haven't forgotten that you slept in bed with two unmarried ladies and now that
00:59:13that's happened no one else will take them as brides
00:59:16seriously it's not like I wanted to though so are you saying my daughter's
00:59:20not good enough for you then that's not what I meant at all let's see what do
00:59:27you suggest I do about this little boy anyway well how about granting him a
00:59:31peerage and making him stand on his own feet without a doubt giving him a
00:59:35mansion and having him live in it will show us who he truly is now tell us in
00:59:39this silk I've heard that both of you are smitten with this young man who
00:59:43saved your lives just how smitten what if I said I wanted one of you to agree
00:59:48to be his fiance really now listening to their squeals makes me think this boy
00:59:55must be quite remarkable my decision is made I plan to keep him right here in
01:00:00this kingdom so will you take her I need you to assume responsibility kind okay
01:00:08but isn't all this moving just a little too quickly this has to be one of those
01:00:12situations where there's no way I can say no right
01:00:15guide me father young man I don't have a choice I will accept the terms of the
01:00:27engagement then he has given us his sworn word is that enough for you I'll
01:00:34never forget the nights the three of us slept so close together I know I can't
01:00:38get those nights out of my mind either wait those nights the three of us slept
01:00:42so close together
01:01:08oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
01:01:38oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
01:02:24he he he