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00:00The concept of God in Judaism. It's mentioned in the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy
00:05chapter number 6 verse number 4. Moses peace be upon him says
00:09Shama Israelu Adnahinu Adnaiqat. You are Israel the Lord our God is one Lord
00:15It's mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter number 43 verse number 11
00:19I, I am Lord and there's no Savior besides me. It's mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter number 45
00:27Verse number 5. I am Lord and there's none else. There's no God besides me
00:32It's mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter number 46 verse number 9. I am God and there's none else
00:38I am God and there's none like me
00:41It's further mentioned in the book of Exodus chapter number 20 verse number 3 to 5 as well as in the book of Deuteronomy
00:48chapter number 5 verse number 79
00:50Almighty God says thou shall have no other God besides me
00:54Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image of anything of any likeness in the heaven above in the earth beneath in the water
01:02Beneath the earth thou shall not bow down to them nor serve them for thy God thy Lord is a jealous God
01:08So if you read the Old Testament, you shall understand the concept of God in Judaism and understand Judaism in the right perspective
