NASA | Spurting Prominence

  • 11 years ago
A prominence is a large, bright, gaseous feature extending outward from the Sun's surface, often in a loop shape. When the prominence breaks away from the Suns Great Gravitational hold it then becomes a Coronal Mass Ejection. A Prominence can span over many thousands of miles from the surface of the Sun. Prominence's have been known to last from days to even weeks.
An eruptive prominence became unstable and blew out into space over a 5-hour period (Sept. 24, 2013). The event was observed in extreme ultraviolet light. An image taken by SOHO's C3 coronagraph some hours later shows the broadly expanding particle cloud that the event generated. In the SOHO image (blue), the Sun, represented by the white circle, is blocked by the dark blue occulting disk.
Our Sun has been known to have a magnetic field that harbors energy for strong solar Activity.
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