NASA | Propylene on Titan

  • 11 years ago
Titan News | Propylene is the second member of the alkene series, It is Also called propene. Chemical formula: C3H6. C3H6 is a flammable.
NASA has found Propylene on the surface of titan. New studies show its existence on Titan.Titan has long been thought to be Earthlike With a thick atmosphere, clouds, a rain cycle and giant lakes, Saturn's large moon Titan is a surprisingly Earthlike place. But unlike on Earth, Titan's surface is far too cold for liquid water - instead, Titan's clouds, rain, and lakes consist of liquid hydrocarbons like methane and ethane (which exist as gases here on Earth). When these hydrocarbons evaporate and encounter ultraviolet radiation in Titan's upper atmosphere, some of the molecules are broken apart and reassembled into longer hydrocarbons like ethylene and propane.NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft first revealed the presence of several species of atmospheric hydrocarbons when it flew by Titan in 1980, but one molecule was curiously missing - propylene, the main ingredient in plastic number 5. Now, thanks to NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists have detected propylene on Titan for the first time, solving a long-standing mystery about the solar system's most Earthlike moon.
Physical properties of C3H6:Propylene
Formula C3H6
Molecular Weight (lb/mol) 42.08
Critical Temp. (°F) 197.5
Critical Pressure (psia) 666.3
Boiling Point (°F) -53.8
Melting Point (°F) -301.4
Psat @ 70°F (psia) 152.2
Liquid Density @ 70°F (lb/ft3) 31.92
Gas Density @ 70°F 1 atm (lb/ft3) 0.1105
Specific Volume @ 70°F 1 atm (ft3/lb) 9.05
Specific Gravity 1.501
Specific Heat @ 70°F (Btu/lbmol-°F) 15.56

Credit: NASA / / Conner Nixon
Credit: Space Central /
This video is public domain
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