NASA | Mighty Eagle 25m Hazard Avoidance Testing

  • 11 years ago
This vehicle is an autonomous flying test-bed that is used for testing hardware, sensors and algorithms. These sensors and algorithms include such things as on-board cameras that, with specialized guidance, navigation and control software, could aid in the capture of orbiting space debris, in-space docking with a fuel depot, docking of a robotic lander with an orbiting command module and the rendezvous of multiple unmanned stages for deep space human exploration of the solar system
On September 20th 2013, the Mighty Eagle tested a lightweight, low cost hazard avoidance system over a simulated lunar terrain field developed for the flight series. The test bed used an off-the-shelf stereo camera system to detect hazards at an altitude of 25 meters and landed safely after its 38 second flight. Video for the test was shot with 8 low-cost Go-Pro cameras: 5 on-board, 2 on the ground and 1 on a quad-copter, which took air-to-air video. Initial software and hardware development were done on precursor vehicle called the Cold Gas Test Article which used compressed air as a propellant and had about 10 seconds of flight time. The knowledge gained from this development and testing was used in the design of the Mighty Eagle.
