Does Gender Equality = Respect for Women?

  • 9 years ago
This video is part of the global campaign entitled, “Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction” organised by the Women’s Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir.

It is PART 2 of a series of 4 videos that examines whether ‘Gender Equality’ – a concept often used to condemn Islam’s social laws as oppressive towards women – has in reality delivered on its promises for women.

This video addresses the question of whether ‘Gender Equality’ that has been enshrined in various international treaties as well as the constitutions of states across the world secures respect for women while Islam devalues them because its social and marital laws contradict equality. It establishes that respect towards women is not dependent upon equalizing the rights and roles of the genders within a society but rather the viewpoint towards women generated by the values and laws of the ideology and system implemented upon a state. This is proven by the continuing high levels of violence and violation of rights suffered by women within societies that embrace gender equality but govern by the capitalist, liberal system that encourages men to pursue their desires and permit the exploitation of women’s bodies for male gratification and profit. In contrast, Islam does not only espouse respect towards women but prescribes a set of laws that complement this view and ensure it materialises within a society, including prohibiting any form of exploitation or devaluing of women.

For further information regarding the points raised in this video & Hizb ut Tahrir's International "Women and Shariah" Campaign and Conference, please contact:




