The Mother of Imam Shafi'i

  • 9 years ago
The story of Imam Shafi’i (RM)’s mother is a beautiful example of a Muslim mother’s strategy to bring forth a great scholar of Islam with the help of Allah (swt). This video shows the actions she undertook to achieve this noble goal but it also details how she was greatly aided in realizing her vision for her son through the institutions and general atmosphere of learning generated by Islamic rule under the Khilafah. Through her story, the Khilafah’s role in supporting the role of motherhood in Islam as the first and foremost educator of the children of this Ummah in their Deen and in raising a strong generation of Muslim youth, can be understood.
This video is part of the global campaign entitled,"Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction" organised by the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir.

For further information regarding the points raised in this video & Hizb ut Tahrir's International "Women and Shariah" Campaign and Conference, please contact:


