Pervert dad sexually molests daughter, bites her breasts

  • 9 years ago
A 38-year-old divorced father surnamed Chiou from Miaoli in Taiwan has been accused of sexually molesting his daughter. At the time, Chiou was living with his daughter and son, forbidding them from contacting their mother.

Although there were two beds in the bedroom, Chiou shared same bed with the pair. According to the daughter's accusation, in June 2011, after a drunken binge, her father began molesting his daughter as she slept, pinching her legs and even biting her breasts.

This woke the young girl from her slumber, and she tried to get away into another bed, but was threatened by her father. After the girl alerted her teacher to the situation, the police were called.

Chiou maintained that his daughter was lying, and that he was just being intimate with his girlfriend, and didn't touch his daughter. However, psychological tests on the daughter revealed that she was genuinely repulsed by her father, calling him "that man" instead of "father".

Chiou was sentenced to one year in prison for his behavior.


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