Josh Bowie Wedding Photography - Should we do our photos before or after the ceremony?

  • 9 years ago | 604-897-7689

Q & A Bridal Session

Whether to do the bridal portrait before the ceremony or after the ceremony is a question that a lot of couples face, especially when they look at the schedule of the day and they want to try to figure how to go about doing the portraits.
In the past couple of years it has become the norm to do the bridal portraits before the ceremony and there’s quite a few advantages to doing this. One advantage is for scheduling; it’s easy to allot as much time as you want for the portraits when you do it before the ceremony because if you want more time you can just bump the getting ready portion, the hair and makeup, you can just kind of push that stuff forward an hour and create another hour if you want, so scheduling wise it’s nice to do it before the ceremony.
What most couples do now if they do it before the ceremony and they want to create that experience of seeing each other for the first time, we just create like a first look and we basically set a little scene or find a nice location or whatever where you guys can see each other for the first time and we make a bit of a moment out of that.
So those are the advantages I think of doing it before the ceremony. Another advantage is that you don’t have your guests sitting around waiting for an hour and a half or so while you go off and do pictures after the ceremony and also if you do it after the ceremony you miss out on that time with your guests say during the cocktail hour or whatever where it’s nice you guys to be a part of that enjoying your time with the guests.
So there are some benefits for doing it before the ceremony, it’s a personal preference, I am happy with either. It’s become the norm to do it before and for me that works really well so I think if you have the option to do either and traditionally you don’t mind seeing each other for the first time before the ceremony then I think it’s worthwhile to do the pictures before the ceremony.
