Austrian jihadi poster girl beaten to death after trying to leave ISIS

  • 9 years ago
RAQQA, SYRIA — An Austrian teen from a Bosnian refugee family who became well known for joining the Islamic State has reportedly been beaten to death after a change of heart prompted her to leave the extremist group.

The New York Daily News reports that Samra Kesinovic and her friend Sabina Selimovic were radicalized in Vienna by an Islamic preacher before the two ran away in April of 2014 to become jihadists, telling their parents in a note, "Don't look for us. We will serve Allah — and we will die for him."

The two married IS militants after arriving in Raqqa, Syria, the terror group's stronghold.

Fifteen-year-old Sabina was believed to have been killed while fighting for ISIS late last year, while the whereabouts of Samra became unknown, according to the Mirror.

However, The Local reports that a Tunisian woman claiming she lived with the teens has said that Samra, then 17, was beaten to death by extremists after trying to escape the city.

ISIS has been recruiting more youngsters from Europe to join their ranks. Girls are married off and often used as fighters. The group believes anyone killed by a woman will not go to heaven.


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