Tree Cutting Fail Compilation

  • 8 years ago
I wanted to know what it looked like inside, so I Googled and found it's part of TreeHotels in Sweden. Here's the source with more images. Looks really nice! /r/ScandinavianDesign, of course
[] Drip coffee doesn't really exist outside of the US. Its all espresso based. So to simulate american drip coffee, they just water down the espresso.
[] I accept your opinion, but I strongly disagree, there is 3 car washes in my town all 3 were run by young local lads, a few months ago one of the car washes was taken over by foreigners who washed cars for next to nothing, the other 2 car washing businesses had previously refused to sell to foreigners but they lost so much trade to the guys purposefully washing cars for pennies that he felt he had no option but to sell and did to other foreigners from Pakistan.

I know most of the local lads personally and 4 of them have jobs peeling prawns but the others are unemployed.

So I disagree when people say that foreigners don't steal our jobs because I've seen it first hand.
[] Just one if those big old-timey car horns that you squeeze on.
[] "Hwat's this?! An overabundance of bees in the workplace? My briefcase full of bees oughta put a stop to that!"
[] Friend always said OMW when he was.getting ready to pick me up.

For months i always thought it said oh my word. Clicked one day. Never told him
[] Not quite. It's kind of hard to understand, but like a place where I can talk with others who don't like and don't care about politics about not caring about it and not liking it.
[] What do you expect from a culture that came from an ancient book. With a paedophile prophet.
[] So a few weeks after I broke my arm I had to get checked up at the doctors. After the doctor was finished checking my arm I asked him if he could give back my mitella. For some reason I mixed up the words mitella and tampon. I proceeded to not say anything for the rest of the meeting. This was a few years ago but thinking back I'm still really embarrassed. Also my mum was in the same room.
[] I find it interesting that if somebody were to find 40 aircraft with 'God is great' scrawled on them, people would actually be upset at the people that got upset about it....
[] The hubs and I went to Portugal recently. In their hotels, you have to put your key card in a slot by the door to make the electricity work, which we did not know. We bumbled around the room trying to figure it out for 30 minutes before we caved and called the desk, so that we didn't come off as being another pair of retarded tourists.
[] The rest of the series that DotF is from is really good too but I can't remember now if there's sexual violence in the others. They are really good books if you ever feel you can handle it once it's censored.
[] Islam.
[] as in when you buy when your savings will be depleted
[] Survival of the fittest
[] My dad did not either and he pretty good at signing his mom's name lol
[] The Absolute at Large by Karel Čapek
[] That's true. When I cut ties with two narcissistic friends in my life, I chose not to lash back out at them. I knew they were both capable of doing "smear campaigns", where they would spread rumors about others and twist things around. Anything you confront them with-they will use it to make you look like a bad guy.
[] You mean makes it back? They've both been there before.
[] I used to work in the admissions department at my University. My job included giving tours and information to aspiring students. One mother once asked me if medical students had to bring their own corpse.
[] An empty wallet
[] huuh? what the.... i honestly do not know.
When I came back inside all wrecked off my face I told her "We had 5 beers, 2 whiskeys and smoked a joint in between and he is one cool dude."

...studies to become a web designer.
[] That quote from Ubisoft gets misinterpreted a lot. They said that they don't expect to make money from the movie, not that they don't expect the movie to make money. The studio will get nearly all the profit from the film if its a success; Ubisoft is just in it to increase their brand's visibility.
[] Yeah, I'm 18 and I'm also MUCH better off than when I was 13.

In fact, I hit rock bottom then (nothing compared to some of this thread's responses, but still the worst years of my life for now).

Back then I had very little friends, now I have many more (though admittedly since we started colllege I haven't seen many of them. Some of my best friends stayed though). Only place where I've not progressed is dating (and even that is debatable). Everywhere else I'm better off than at 13.

Apparently many people go through a bad phase at that age