Un Enfant Interrompt Un Mariage

  • 8 years ago
People must ask you that question. Do you play ______ball? Well do you?
[] Not a formal declaration of war
[] Did you go back with clothes bought from the shop next door using Richard Gere money?
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[] "I want you to mow the back but i don't want any lines from the tires in it."

Yeah let me just fire up the hover mower, asshat.
[] I feel your pain, there. Honestly, there's only one of those who have cat-called me, whom I'd ever daydream the idea of a relationship, but then, I've never seen a single one of those people ever again, and it's never happened to me in a scary situation or dark alley.
[] sweet. this looks really good. will there be subtitles?
[] It's videos like this that SHOULD help my wife with anxiety while flying...
[] Then maybe you've had the good fortune not to work for completely irrational assholes. Yay? My experience has definitely not been that.
[] Where does extra medium fit in?
[] Cop an upvote for all your comments in this thread