Ty Tu Sobie Nie Zaparkujesz

  • 8 years ago
You can buy tons of shit to make you happy. The latest console for console gamers perhaps.
[] "Star dust"
[] ? Dont derail my fact please dude, have some consideration..
[] You tossed 500$ in the passenger seat. You tossed the lunch in the passenger seat. You toss everything. Be more careful. Money goes into pockets.

Other than that, I'd probably have done it like you did, unfortunately. Fuck if I'm going to be 500$ short for a mistake.
[] Worked at Canada Computers in Ontario.

Phone rings
Me: Canada Computers, This is John Speaking, how may I help you?
Customer: Hi, uh... you guys open?

[] Been to a lecture by Felice Varini — Entirely in french with a translator but managed to catch most of it. He projects at night, uses tape to get the shape...then paints during the day.
[] Many don't know that Poe was one of Sylvester Stallones biggest inspirations before he became famous. Stallone has read pretty much everything about him and wanted to make a movie about him at a young age.
[] It's my go-to whisky-theme.
[] My soccer coach would just punish us with running laps, one time we pissed him off enough he said "run until I say stop" we ran for about an hour and a half then had to continue to practice which consisted of more running
[] Mr. Frodo, why did you have to joke about that?
[] Bank account, commas in your bank account, car, wallet, house, television, fridge, watch, pillow on your side, 5-hour energy.
[] Just give them 10k it might be enough
[] Life sentences for getting caught at my wife and FUCKIN SHAUN'S wedding.
[] The planet we live on. Don't you know anything?
[] Exactly. Most of the "broken up terrorist plans" were just people recruited by the agencies themselves.
[] Graveyard at a Denny's - "Where's your bathroom at?" from a kid that had just stabbed someone to death up the street. When he got up to use the bathroom, two undercover cops who were dining in the restaurant spotted him and pinned him to the bench at gunpoint and arrested him. Found out he'd tried to crash a wedding reception and the father and brother of the bride tried to stop him and he stabbed the brother to death. I still made him pay his bill as he was leaving (the cops fished some cash out of his pockets and even gave me a tip), snicker.
[] "Are you guys hiring?"

I work for a staffing agency. Fucking of course we're hiring, or we wouldn't be open.
[] The Jays are a very unique baseball team since they have a whole country of supporters
[] Eight mile
[] Ok. ..but my husband is a wine steward at a chain grocery store and he makes more than that. That is absolutely a shit investment financially.
[] Yoga Pants.
[] Metro density is what I was referencing with regards to population. I must have misremembered the total area, though.
[] Sorry, quarter or not I'm not willing to pay for love. Unless your mom is available.
[] Someone verbally threatened to kill me and my kids.
[] This is the correct answer
