Uber Sets Course For China

  • 8 years ago
Bank account, commas in your bank account, car, wallet, house, television, fridge, watch, pillow on your side, 5-hour energy.
[] Just give them 10k it might be enough
[] Life sentences for getting caught at my wife and FUCKIN SHAUN'S wedding.
[] The planet we live on. Don't you know anything?
[] Exactly. Most of the "broken up terrorist plans" were just people recruited by the agencies themselves.
[] Graveyard at a Denny's - "Where's your bathroom at?" from a kid that had just stabbed someone to death up the street. When he got up to use the bathroom, two undercover cops who were dining in the restaurant spotted him and pinned him to the bench at gunpoint and arrested him. Found out he'd tried to crash a wedding reception and the father and brother of the bride tried to stop him and he stabbed the brother to death. I still made him pay his bill as he was leaving (the cops fished some cash out of his pockets and even gave me a tip), snicker.
[] "Are you guys hiring?"

I work for a staffing agency. Fucking of course we're hiring, or we wouldn't be open.
[] The Jays are a very unique baseball team since they have a whole country of supporters
[] Eight mile
[] Ok. ..but my husband is a wine steward at a chain grocery store and he makes more than that. That is absolutely a shit investment financially.
[] Yoga Pants.
[] Metro density is what I was referencing with regards to population. I must have misremembered the total area, though.
[] Sorry, quarter or not I'm not willing to pay for love. Unless your mom is available.
[] Someone verbally threatened to kill me and my kids.
[] This is the correct answer
[] I work at a grocery store. Sales like this make perfect sense. Food has expiration dates, unlike other products.

(In Leslie Knopes voice of course;)
[] His eyes remain in a safe box in NYC
[] The feeling when I was sitting in my car in an underground parking garage about to kill myself. I was sobbing with a blade at my wrist and decided to call the suicide hotline.
[] A Hassle of joggers
[] "No, I don't".. :D
[] If you think its okay to put your pets in unsafe environments because you are too lazy to entertain them you shouldn't have pets. If you let your pet go on other people's property without permission you shouldn't have pets
[] context?
[] I once booked a room to find it only had a desk, and a couch with a pull-out-bed. I was quite unhappy, and the staff acted like it was completely normal and i should've know i had to specify "room with bed"

This was at a classy hotel too - the le infant - in DC a few blocks from the us capital building.
[] Well, someone promised him that his keyboard would have the best numbers, all the best numbers, really good numbers.
