Super Mario World Beta by Yoshi Master (SMW1 Hack)

  • 8 years ago
A good Super Mario Hack that, from the various screen shots and camera images taken of the demo seen in 1990.

While Ninty's level design is clearly lacking in polishment and constructiveness here (just like the final) it's interesting to see and actually play the different version as close as we are possibly going to get.

The lack of constructiveness may be taken from when there were a public demo that needed to be easy.

ASM is done on the feather, for instance, and replicates what was actually seen.

Sprites seem to be taken from the SNES Test Program as well as mods of the originals.

Cool hack that I'd recommend to play if you're interested in the game's old demo and history which is never going to be outright released to the public sadly.