Does Gun Control Work

  • 6 years ago
7 Facts On Gun Crime That Show Gun Control Doesn't Work

The Left is incessantly attempting to figure out new ways to take guns from law-abiding American citizens in the name of reducing gun crime. However, the facts clearly show that gun control only exacerbates violent crime. Here are seven facts proving this.

1. Washington, D.C.'s gun ban worsened the city's homicide rate. As The Daily Wire has previously explained:

In 1976, D.C. implemented a law that banned citizens from owning guns, as only police officers were allowed to carry firearms. Those who already owned guns were allowed to keep them only if they were disassembled or trigger-locked. Trigger locks could only be removed if the owner received permission from the D.C. police, which was rare.
Gun control doesn’t work

In the aftermath of the Las Vegas spree killing, there’s an urgent call to do something. A cry to enact new laws that will stop the slaughter.

Given the pain, suffering and horror created by the Mandalay Bay shooter, it’s an entirely reasonable reaction. But it’s not rational.

What gun control law would have stopped the killer? Limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds? Restricting sales of semiautomatic rifles to one a month? Per year? Banning “assault rifles”?

When Stephen Paddock opened fire, he broke the law against murder. Dozens of times. Believing that any gun control law would have disarmed or dissuaded a man willing to commit mass murder is to fail to understand the nature of the beast.

Like it or not, America is home to hundreds of millions of guns.

Regardless of gun control laws, criminals, crazies and terrorists manage to obtain firearms. Always have. Always will. To believe otherwise is dangerously naive.

That’s because gun control is more than ineffective; it’s a distraction.

If we’re serious about reducing firearms-related injury and death, we have to focus on a range of effective solutions.

If we could pass laws that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mass murderers, it would reduce firearms-related crime. But we can’t. Gun control doesn’t work.
Gun control is a fantasy. Start a realistic conversation about preventing school massacres

The shooter who perpetrated the recent massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Fla., succeeded in killing 17 people. He also got Americans talking about gun control again.

Once again, too, there were those whose contribution to debate was to sneer at people who offered prayers for the victims and their families, instead of advocating or promising gun control. Even if you set aside the sneers, there is a problem with their attitude, no matter how good their intentions are otherwise. Prayer might actually help. Gun control, on the other hand, doesn't work and can't work in the U.S

