• 7 years ago
Climate Barbie Has no time for climate deniers

Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she has “no time” for political adversaries who don’t believe climate change is real.

During an interview with CTV Question Period host Evan Solomon, McKenna smacked down critics of the Liberals’ climate change plan and price on carbon.

“I have no time for folks who are like, you know, ‘We shouldn’t take action,'” she said. “I don’t have time for politicians that play cynical games about climate action.”

On ‘Climate Barbie’ and the art of the insult

“Climate Barbie” is a brilliant barb.
Wish I’d thought of it myself.

Winston Churchill, who sparkled at the withering put-down, has left us with countless gems.

Lady Astor: “Winston, if you were my husband I would flavour your coffee with poison.”

Churchill: “Madam, if I were your husband, I should drink it.”

On Charles Beresford, British admiral and later MP: “He is one of those orators of whom it was well said, before they get up, they do not know what they are going to say; when they are speaking, they do not know what they are saying; and when they have sat down, they do not know what they have said.”

Bessie Braddock, Labour MP: “Winston, you’re drunk.”

Churchill: “My dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”

Why is a quarter of Canada’s prison population Indigenous?

For decades watchdogs and researchers have attempted to draw attention to the disturbing overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the country’s prison systems.

Yet despite urgent warnings from domestic and international organizations, the latest report from federal prisons watchdog Ivan Zinger makes clear the situation continues to get worse.

A key Crown witness in the trial of a Saskatchewan farmer charged with shooting an Indigenous man on his property said he lied to police and the Crown about carrying a gun and breaking into a truck on the day his friend was killed.

Under cross-examination, 18-year-old Cassidy Cross admitted he changed his story the day before he took the witness stand Thursday in the second-degree murder trial of Gerald Stanley
“After the trial started you thought it good to take the Crown and the police officer aside and say actually we did have a gun, it was my gun, we were stealing, we used the gun to try and break into a vehicle?” Defence lawyer Scott Spencer asked. “So that’s all stuff you told the police last night after court?”

Texas man gets 50 years in prison for stealing hun

