Jet For Jesse

  • 6 years ago
Evangelist wants disciples to buy $54 million private jet: ‘Jesus wouldn’t be riding donkey’

prosperity gospel televangelist is asking disciples to “pray about becoming a partner” to his mission of obtaining a $54 million private jet.

The Louisiana-based ministry of Jesse Duplantis has already paid cash for three other private planes, but he says God told him “I want you to believe in me for a Falcon 7X.” Times-Picayune reports that Duplantis made the pitch to his followers in the May 21 edition of his weekly video address.

Duplantis says the three-engine plane would allow the ministry to fly “anywhere in the world in one stop,” reducing fuel costs while maintaining a global reach.

Duplantis says Jesus Christ “wouldn’t be riding a donkey” today — “he’d be in an airplane flying all over the world.”
“I don’t always get shot in the middle of a speech

But when I do, I finish the damn speech” – Teddy Roosevelt

Over the years I have witnessed the decline of Man in almost all aspects of life.

The rough, rugged, adventurous, strong man of yesterday seems to be disappearing. I’m not talking about professional athletes but ordinary day to day man.

Probably the most noticeable change is more estrogen-nominate (more female estrogen than male testosterone) men, thus causing a whole host of health issues including ED – Erectile Dysfunction (starts with men in their 20’s). Yes 20’s!
Differences Between Left and Right: It’s All about Big Government

Clarity is conservatives’ best friend.

If most Americans were clear about the differences between Left and Right, they would not vote Democrat in nearly the numbers they do. The Left understands this, which is why most left-wing rhetoric is dismissive of conservatives’ character — “sexist,” “intolerant,” “bigoted,” “hateful,” “xenophobic,” “racist,” “Islamophobic,” “homophobic” — rather than conservatives’ positions. By focusing on conservatives as people, and characterizing them as bad, the Left successfully deflects attention from its positions.
Jim Carrey believes he doesn’t exist and is just an ‘idea’

The actor has opened up on his theories on life, and he believes that Jim Carrey was an ‘idea’ given to him by his parents, rather than a real person. Speaking to The Talks, Jim reflected on his role of comedian Andy Kaufman in Man On The Moon, for which he refused to break character during filming. The 56-year-old said: ‘It took me a while and I was depressed going back into my concerns and my politics. But there was a shift that had already happened. And the shift was, “Wait a second. If I can put Jim Carrey aside for four months, who is Jim Carrey? Who the hell is that?” ‘I know now he does not really exist

