• 6 years ago
Approved | 1h 3min | Action, Adventure, Drama, Western | 5 October 1936 (USA)

Just after the Civil War, Captain Thorn is sent west to help protect the new telegraph line that is under construction. Leeds is out to establish an independent nation in the west and tries stop its construction and also incoming wagon trains by inciting the Indians to attack both of them.

Director: Robert N. Bradbury

Writers: Robert N. Bradbury, George H. Plympton

Stars: Bob Steele, Frances Grant, Karl Hackett
00:11:39Lieutenant Thorne, you've been brought to my attention by your commanding officer who
00:11:50most highly endorses your courage, military conduct, and efficient handling of all duties
00:11:57assigned to you. Reports have come of a plot to establish an independent country on our
00:12:04western borders. To be in swift communication with this section, we are constructing a
00:12:10telegraph line there. The same conspiracy threatens this project. It will be your duty
00:12:17to uncover the leaders of this plot and place them in custody. It may be advisable to wear
00:12:24civilian clothes. These confidential orders contain your credentials and assure you of
00:12:32the fullest cooperation of the armed forces wherever you may contact them. With them, you
00:12:38will find a new commission promoting you to the rank of captain in the United States Army.
00:12:47Thank you, Mr. President. I will do my utmost to merit your confidence.
00:12:52I know you will, Captain. Goodbye and good luck to you.
00:12:57Thank you, sir.
00:12:59It's a survey party, all right. Playing the telegraph line. We've got to find out where
00:13:24that line's going.
00:13:26Why don't you ask them?
00:13:27Because they're keeping it a secret. They wouldn't tell you. They must have a map with
00:13:32them. And if a map's in that tent, I mean to have a look at it.
00:13:38You fellas ride over. Ask them a lot of questions. I'll get in that tent through the back.
00:14:08Hello. Hi.
00:14:09We're looking for work. Need any help?
00:14:12Well, I couldn't hire you if I wanted to. All that's done at headquarters in Dodge City.
00:14:22You fellas laying out of road?
00:14:25Oh, something like that.
00:14:36How far is your road going to?
00:14:40Oh, somewhere out in the west.
00:14:44There's plenty of wagon trains heading that way. You might get on as a guard.
00:14:49We might head for the Salt Lake Trail and pick one up there.
00:14:53Ain't that what we was going to do?
00:14:57Much obliged. Reckon we'll be riding.
00:15:01Well, good luck to you.
00:15:15Wonder what them fellas wanted. Seemed kind of aimless to me.
00:15:20Oh, you're too suspicious, Pete.
00:15:23Pays to be in a job like this.
00:15:28Let's get to work. Won't be long till the construction gang will be catching up with us.
00:15:32You're right.
00:15:38Did you find it?
00:15:40Yes. Telegraph lines going to Sageville.
00:15:45Won't the boss be surprised?
00:15:47Now we've got to find that wagon train we're after.
00:15:49Yeah, and the ammunition wagon.
00:15:51We're not talking too much about that, though, remember?
00:15:54Say, we've got to get cleaned up.
00:15:57We've got to look like gentlemen.
00:15:59As much as we can.
00:16:19Howdy, boys.
00:16:21Which one of you men is Larkin?
00:16:23My name is Thorn.
00:16:25Well, we heard you were coming, Captain. Glad to see you.
00:16:29This is Pete Morris.
00:16:31Glad to know you, Captain. Sure glad you come.
00:16:34Yes, you're just in time.
00:16:36What's happened?
00:16:38Some men dropped in on us today.
00:16:40We only saw two of them, but there must have been three.
00:16:43We found some tracks leading through the back of the tent.
00:16:46And my papers were scattered all over.
00:16:48Anything missing?
00:16:50No, only some important information might have been gained.
00:16:54Which way did they go?
00:16:56Left chair of the road over the hogback yonder.
00:16:59They probably left a trail.
00:17:01I'll see if I can pick it up.
00:17:03You boys better keep moving.
00:17:05The construction gang's only a day behind you.
00:17:07All right, Captain, we'll do that.
00:17:15Goodbye, boys.
00:17:16Goodbye, Captain.
00:17:47Uncle Ray's.
00:18:16Part of me has to change our names a whole book.
00:18:19Doesn't seem quite honest.
00:18:21It's safer, Betty Lee.
00:18:24We're traveling into Yankee country.
00:18:27We're starting all over again in a new land,
00:18:30even to our name.
00:18:55Haven't we seen that man before?
00:19:01That's what I recollect, honey.
00:19:24Well, they might have.
00:19:25Busy with that wood.
00:19:26And I didn't notice.
00:19:28What seems to be the trouble with the wagon?
00:19:29Well, it's loaded down pretty heavy.
00:19:31Gets stuck in the sand all the time.
00:19:33I've had to get out and shove it several times today.
00:19:37What do you suppose makes it so heavy?
00:19:39Well, I took a look in there, thought it was kitchen stove.
00:19:42But there's a lot of crates in there covered with blankets.
00:19:47Oh, I see.
00:19:56Permit me, miss.
00:19:57Oh, thank you.
00:20:11Haven't I seen you before?
00:20:13Maybe you have, miss.
00:20:15My name is Rance, and I also came from the South.
00:20:23Mr. Rance, this is my uncle, Colonel Holbrook.
00:20:28A pleasure, sir.
00:20:29Thank you, sir.
00:20:30Many a kindred spirit in this part of the country.
00:20:33In fact, there's a movement afoot now that can't fail to interest those from the Old South.
00:20:40Why, what do you mean, sir?
00:20:43We'd better speak about that later.
00:20:45But I'll be glad to introduce you to some influential people when we reach Sageville, Colonel.
00:20:49Well, thank you again, sir.
00:20:58I beg your pardon, miss, but is your name Harvey?
00:21:01No, it's Holbrook.
00:21:03And what business is it of yours?
00:21:07Sorry, I was mistaken.
00:21:10I hope you'll excuse me.
00:21:21Sage, you find your friends?
00:21:23Not yet.
00:21:25He's looking for some fellows that joined up today.
00:21:28Well, we joined up today.
00:21:31What are you doing that for?
00:21:33What are you talking about?
00:21:38You fellows couldn't be the ones I'm looking for, could you?
00:21:47There must be several hundred guns in them cases.
00:21:51Now, boys, tonight's the night we listen for the owls.
00:21:55You want us with you?
00:21:57No, I'll go alone.
00:22:03Hey, that new fellow I was telling you about is still asking questions.
00:22:07Never mind about him now.
00:22:09We've got to arrange for the attack.
00:22:46What are you doing here?
00:22:58Please be quiet.
00:22:59You don't understand.
00:23:01I understand that you're acting very suspiciously.
00:23:07What is it, Betty Lee?
00:23:09Nothing, Uncle Leif.
00:23:17Betty Lee?
00:23:31Betty Lee?
00:23:51In the morning.
00:24:05When wagon trains start again.
00:24:07Uh, me tell.
00:25:05The ammunition and rifle are yours, Chief.
00:25:35But you must attack the wagon train to get them.
00:25:41We get them when sun come again.
00:25:45In my new country, we will live at peace with the Red Man.
00:25:50But we must stand together against our common enemy who would drive us from this fair land.
00:26:20All right, folks.
00:26:41Let's get moving.
00:26:44All right, folks.
00:26:45Get moving.
00:26:47All right, let's go.
00:26:48All right.
00:26:49Get moving.
00:26:57Hey, what are we going to do when the Indians attack?
00:27:01We ain't going to be here then.
00:27:03In fact, we're getting out right now.
00:27:05Yeah, we'll ride away, casual like.
00:27:08I don't reckon we'll be noticed.
00:28:07Indians are coming, folks!
00:28:08Get outside, quick!
00:28:09Indians are coming!
00:28:10Indians are coming!
00:28:11Indians are coming!
00:28:13Indians are coming, folks!
00:28:14Get outside, quick!
00:28:15Get outside, quick!
00:28:16Indians are coming!
00:28:17Indians are coming!
00:28:18Indians are coming!
00:28:19Indians are coming!
00:28:20Indians are coming!
00:28:21Indians are coming!
00:28:22Indians are coming!
00:28:23Indians are coming!
00:28:45Indians are coming!
00:29:12Things are working out all right for us, boys.
00:29:19What's that?
00:29:27The cavalry!
00:29:28How do you reckon they got word?
00:29:30Who's that with them?
00:29:39Why, that's what I tried to tell you about.
00:29:41I knew him for as quiet a minute I'd seen him.
00:30:09I knew him for as quiet a minute I'd seen him.
00:30:38You brought the cavalry just in time, son.
00:30:43How did you happen to know of the attack?
00:30:45I trailed an Indian that was sneaking around here last night
00:30:47and overheard a plot to attack the train this morning,
00:30:50so I headed for the fort.
00:30:51Say, it's a good thing you did.
00:30:53You certainly saved our lives.
00:30:57What happened to those Tuplican customers
00:30:59we were talking to last evening?
00:31:02Say, come to think of it,
00:31:04those fellows rode out just before the attack.
00:31:08Why, they must have run away, you dirty cowards!
00:31:13We'd better tell Lee so he can change his plans.
00:31:16What about the wagon with the guns in it?
00:31:18We'll take care of that when it reaches town.
00:31:29I'm sorry I was so mean last night.
00:31:33That's all right, Mr. Holbrook.
00:32:01We've got most of them rounded up for him.
00:32:06The men I suspect have gone, Major,
00:32:09but I'll know them again when I see them.
00:32:11How about the one you heard talking with the Indians?
00:32:14I'll know him, too, by his voice.
00:32:17Good work.
00:32:18We've got to break up this conspiracy.
00:32:20If you need any help, just call on me.
00:32:23Thank you, sir.
00:32:46Gentlemen, I tell you the time is right
00:32:49to establish an independent republic.
00:32:53Separated from the states by Indians
00:32:55whose friendship I hold,
00:32:57we will be doubly safe against interference.
00:33:01There remains but the threat of the telegraph,
00:33:05whose destination we are trying to learn.
00:33:08We must not allow it to arrive,
00:33:10just as we must not allow other dangerous elements
00:33:14to remain among us.
00:33:17We shall now have news of the telegraph from Mr. Ramps.
00:33:21Did you learn its destination?
00:33:24Where is it?
00:33:25Right here at Sageville.
00:33:31If our enemy has direct communication with Washington,
00:33:34our plans are ruined.
00:33:36The telegraph line must be destroyed.
00:33:39But not yet.
00:33:41We must wait until it comes within striking distance.
00:33:46Then our plan will succeed.
00:33:50Gentlemen, you may go.
00:33:53Remember, I'm sending you out into the field as missionaries
00:33:58to win others to our cause.
00:34:01Be cautious in not revealing too much of your plans to others
00:34:05until you know that your listener is in sympathy with us.
00:34:09Good day.
00:34:16I'll see you again.
00:34:23Was the Indian attack successful?
00:34:27It would have been, and the Indians would have had the guns and ammunition by now.
00:34:31But the cavalry was warned, and it saved the wagon train.
00:34:34How could they have known?
00:34:37They were brought by a man who joined the wagon train yesterday.
00:34:41I'm sure he's a spy.
00:34:43That man is a menace to us and our plans.
00:34:46He must be removed.
00:34:48He will be.
00:34:49I did not want that wagon train to come,
00:34:52for it will bring people who might not be in sympathy with us.
00:34:56We've been fairly successful so far in getting rid of our enemies.
00:35:01But too many killings might arouse suspicion,
00:35:04and we cannot afford that until we're more strongly entrenched.
00:35:08But since the wagon trains must come, we'll give them a royal welcome.
00:35:13We'll soon find out who is for or against us.
00:35:44Welcome, everybody!
00:35:56You have come to the Paris far of the New West.
00:35:59Did you have a pleasant trip across the plain?
00:36:02Thank you, sir.
00:36:04Oh, Mr. Leeds, let me present Colonel Holbrook and his niece.
00:36:08Mr. Leeds, the gentleman I was telling you about, Colonel.
00:36:11Please welcome Colonel Holbrook, our tuum of the old south,
00:36:15and know perhaps better than any other what has brought you and yours out here.
00:36:19You are most kind, sir.
00:36:20Not at all, sir.
00:36:22We need men like you out here, sir.
00:36:24And I shall personally see to it that you have a place to stay
00:36:28until you have determined where you would like to invest in some property.
00:36:31Well, it's very nice of you to talk like that, sir.
00:36:33Not at all, sir.
00:36:34Many happy families are here already.
00:36:37I think you will be interested in what we're trying to do.
00:36:40I shall tell you more after you have recovered from your journey.
00:36:43You are very nice, sir.
00:36:45And now if you folks will excuse us, we'll see you later.
00:36:50I hope your uncle isn't in a hurry to buy land, especially from that man.
00:36:56I can't tell you just yet, but delay matters if you can.
00:37:00I don't understand.
00:37:02You didn't understand once before, but you found out I was right, didn't you?
00:37:12So that's the Yankee spy.
00:37:16So that's the Yankee spy.
00:37:19We'll deal with him.
00:37:26We've got to get that gun wagon out and hide it.
00:37:29Better keep your eye on that Yankee spy.
00:37:32I'm just waiting for a chance to get back at him.
00:37:34Don't worry, you'll get it.
00:37:45Let's go.
00:38:01I, too, am of the New England country, and I know just why you've come.
00:38:06Well, maybe you do, and maybe you don't.
00:38:10Oh, yes, indeed.
00:38:12Well, when you're ready to buy your land, if you'll just consult me,
00:38:15I'll be glad to show you some very desirable property.
00:38:42It'll be safe here, if we want it.
00:39:43Have you anything more to report, Captain?
00:39:45I have, sir, a lot.
00:39:47What is it?
00:39:48I found the man I heard talking to the Indians.
00:39:51Who is he?
00:39:52Horace Leeds.
00:39:54Are you sure?
00:39:56Positive, sir.
00:39:58I know Leeds, of course.
00:40:00Everybody does.
00:40:01But I thought he merely a bag of wind, a promoter.
00:40:07That wagon load of guns and ammunition intended for the Indians
00:40:10is hidden down by the river.
00:40:12Give me its location before you go, and I'll send some men to get it.
00:40:15Leeds was counting on that to gain the Indians' help when he needs it.
00:40:19He may still be able to gain their help.
00:40:21The Indians are restless, dissatisfied, easily aroused.
00:40:25Their crops failed this year,
00:40:27and game has been driven further west as more people come.
00:40:31Do you think a wagon load of supplies would help keep them neutral?
00:40:34That's an excellent idea.
00:40:37Are you willing to undertake it?
00:40:39Immediately, sir.
00:40:53The great white father sends his red brothers much food.
00:40:57Grain, meat.
00:41:01Grain, meat.
00:41:03He wants the Indians to live safely and in peace.
00:41:10The bad white men promise the Indians many guns,
00:41:14but they speak with forked tongues,
00:41:17for they only want the Indians to fight their battles for them.
00:41:20Then the soldiers must fight the Indians, which is bad,
00:41:24for it is not the Indians' fight.
00:41:27The white father wishes the Indians to remain at peace
00:41:31and let the white man settle his own wars.
00:41:34The Indian believes the white man,
00:41:37who proves his self-friend by bringing food.
00:41:41He will not listen to a white man who speaks with forked tongues.
00:41:46It is bad.
00:41:49He has already led us on trails that are crooked.
00:41:55We will go smoke the pipe of peace and be brothers.
00:42:16The ladies don't want us to go to that meeting tonight.
00:42:20I have a good idea to go and tell him something.
00:42:24Where is the meeting?
00:42:26It's a little house on the outskirts of town.
00:42:30I'll show you if you want to go.
00:42:50Come on, let's go.
00:42:52Come on, let's go.
00:42:54Let's go.
00:43:21Here's to our new republic.
00:43:24And the end to all Yankee spies.
00:43:32Rather a Yankee spy than one who plots with the Indians
00:43:36to murder his own kind.
00:43:39You're mean to me.
00:43:41You're lying.
00:43:51You're lying.
00:44:21Get him.
00:44:51Get him.
00:45:18Get out of the way.
00:45:22If there are any more traitors here, let them step out.
00:45:30I advise you not to play any more tricks, you mangy coyote.
00:45:34Come on, Jack.
00:45:52Friends and neighbors,
00:45:54the time has come
00:45:56when we must form a free and independent country of our own.
00:46:01The town is ready to startle the world with its deeds.
00:46:05We are at peace with the surrounding Indian tribes.
00:46:09The Union is engaged in reconstructing the unfortunate South.
00:46:14We are at war with the enemy.
00:46:17The Union is engaged in reconstructing the unfortunate South.
00:46:21But before they can stop us,
00:46:23before they can even become aware of what we are trying to do,
00:46:27we'll be safe in an empire of our own,
00:46:30far from the heel of the oppressor whom we both hate and fear.
00:46:41Now, my friends, let me implore you.
00:46:48I've been listening to you, Leeds.
00:46:52Friends, before you make a hasty decision,
00:46:56I think you should know the type of man who is attempting to lead you.
00:47:01He says that you are at peace with the Indians.
00:47:05If that is true, why did they attack the wagon train
00:47:09and kill your friends and kinfolk?
00:47:12I'll tell you why.
00:47:14Because he bribed the Indians and incited them to attack you.
00:47:18I defy you to prove that.
00:47:20Of course you do, because you know I can't prove it just yet.
00:47:24But I know it, and you know it.
00:47:26He lies.
00:47:28He's a spy sent by the Yankees to upset and ruin our plans.
00:47:33Friends, some of us are from the North, others from the South.
00:47:38But we have come here for the same purpose,
00:47:41hoping to find a happier land where we can live in peace and security.
00:47:46But we can never do so while there are traitors and murderers among us, like this man.
00:47:52Neighbors, all of us.
00:47:55He's a traitor.
00:47:59Neighbors, are you going to believe this man?
00:48:04And we've had enough of you and your lying accusations.
00:48:08Eddie Lee, I warn you to go slowly, Leeds.
00:48:12There are more loyal and intelligent people in your midst than you think.
00:48:33You've heard this man accuse me of treachery.
00:48:37Now listen to me.
00:48:40I force the issue, sir.
00:48:42I think Leeds will be frightened into a desperate move that will betray him.
00:48:46Is there any danger of his succeeding?
00:48:48Not without Indian aid, and we know he won't get that.
00:48:52I'll warn the telegraph crew to be ready for an attack.
00:48:55I'll warn the telegraph crew to be ready for an attack.
00:48:57If you will, Captain.
00:49:00Hello, Captain.
00:49:01Hello, Larkin.
00:49:03I came over to warn you there may be an attack.
00:49:05However, the troops will be nearby and we'll try and prevent it.
00:49:08We'll be ready, sir.
00:49:10Is the line in operation?
00:49:12Fairly good.
00:49:14I want to send a personal message.
00:49:16Who to, Captain?
00:49:18General John Harvey, late of the Confederate Army.
00:49:23Meadowbrook, Kentucky.
00:49:53And it is everywhere I roam.
00:50:07Oh, dark is how my heart grows weary.
00:50:20From the old hope at home.
00:50:35Good evening.
00:50:36Good evening.
00:50:39I was hoping you'd come over to see us.
00:50:43I've been wanting to see you.
00:50:45Tell me, are you really a Yankee spy?
00:50:49I'm afraid I'll have to plead guilty to being a Yankee, Miss Betty.
00:50:53But I think the spy part an unjust accusation.
00:50:56The war is over.
00:50:59The spies usually work as openly as I've been doing.
00:51:02Surely there can be no doubt for my sympathies lie or what I'm trying to do.
00:51:07Then your sympathies lie.
00:51:08Only with my country.
00:51:11Your country.
00:51:12Our country, Miss Betty.
00:51:15I'm only trying to drive out these conspirators who would force us into another war.
00:51:20Even more cruel than the one we've just been through.
00:51:24It's going to be awfully hard to convince Uncle.
00:51:27I can understand that.
00:51:29You see, this man Lee...
00:51:32Betty Lee.
00:51:40Step aside, Betty Lee.
00:51:42I'll deal with this sneaking spy.
00:51:44We owe him our lives, Uncle Leif.
00:51:46He has cancelled any such debt by his unjust accusations.
00:51:51Go to your room.
00:51:52I'll not go.
00:51:53Colonel Holbrook, I think you're being most unfair.
00:51:56Not only to yourself...
00:51:57I'll not trade words with you, sir.
00:52:00You may go this time.
00:52:02But if you ever enter this house again, I'll shoot you on sight.
00:52:10I'm sorry, Miss Betty.
00:52:11Good evening.
00:52:19Betty Lee, I want you to...
00:52:29Grant, these people are not in sympathy with us.
00:52:33Therefore, they must be eliminated.
00:52:37Have you sent the guns and the bullets to the Indians?
00:52:40Bart's on his way with them now.
00:52:46The gun wagon's gone.
00:52:51The Yankee spy.
00:52:53Rally all the men you can find.
00:52:55Tonight, we'll strike at the people on that list.
00:52:58At dawn, we'll destroy the telegraph.
00:53:01Go to the Indian chief.
00:53:03Tell him we will not pay him until he's helped us trap the cavalry there.
00:53:07I know these Indians.
00:53:09It's better to make promises you never intend to keep than to pay them in advance.
00:53:13Now, let us map our course of action for tonight.
00:53:16Jase, you and the boys meet me at the head of the pass near Cottonwood Hollow.
00:53:31Bust in the door.
00:53:38As soon as we finish this job, we'll wipe out the Thompson family.
00:53:41At dawn, we're to meet Leeds and Rance and clean out the telegraph.
00:54:18Take it easy, man.
00:54:20What's happening?
00:54:22They're after us.
00:54:25killing the whole Thompson families wiped out who did it Indians Indians nothing
00:54:32was white man our own kind. It was late work I tell you. I recognized
00:54:39this man.
00:54:50These killers have just wiped out two families we must act at once or prepare to
00:54:54leave immediately Captain.
00:56:04just in time I guess I started the attack.
00:56:25Our plan will succeed we'll draw the cavalry here and then the Indians will
00:56:30attack and we'll wipe them out.
00:56:37Here come the cavalry now right into our trap.
00:56:46Indians won't help us what do you mean I mean they ain't coming in there they
00:56:50helped me before I could get away from.
00:58:19Take refuge in that house.
00:58:36What is the meaning of this intrusion we've been betrayed I'm yourself for the
00:58:40attack it is we who have been betrayed by your life. I know you now for what you
00:58:51A wreck in the house and the wall.
00:59:02They're coming up the path.
00:59:11Daddy. As I explain major leads is the head of this conspiracy the other two are
00:59:17his age just a minute Captain.
00:59:22Isn't this Colonel Holbrook one of Leeds most ardent sympathizers no sir. He is
00:59:28Colonel Harvey late of the Confederate Army. He aided me in the capture of these
00:59:34Thank you for the force but then and I guess.
00:59:49And Harvey as one soldier to another I thank you for your cooperation.
01:00:04I hope you'll be happy you general it's been
01:00:06a pleasure to meet you thank you sir. General if you're ready I'll take you to
01:00:12your fault this is
01:00:13a happy day of my life I'm going to have a little while I believe all right don't
01:00:20be long.
01:00:20I won't.
01:00:28Want to come in thank you. How do you know you do. I have
01:00:34a little surprise for you.
01:00:50They said if you were dead yes I know but if he John.
01:00:59You can thank Captain Thorne not only saved my life but brought me out here.
01:01:05They really bring that young man back here.
01:01:59Why didn't you stop when I called you why I didn't hear you Betty you're just
01:02:04a mean stubborn ornery Yankee. Then why did you follow me young lady I didn't I
01:02:10mean uncle they sent me out to you why bring you back we're not going back we're
01:02:16going to town. Yes. A minister just arrived on the stage today.
01:02:26You go with me Betty.
