The Light of Western Stars (1930)
Not Rated | 1h 10min | Western | 19 April 1930 (USA)
A friend of Dick Bailey is killed by a mysterious assailant, whom Dick suspects to be Stack, who is in league with the crooked sheriff. Out on a spree Dick swears he will marry the first woman he sees, who happens to be Ruth Hammond, sister of his dead friend, arriving to take charge of the Hammond ranch. Revolted by his rough proposal,she fires him as the Hammond foreman and she proceeds to the ranch. Stack informs her he has purchased the ranch for the payment of the back-due taxes, and she relents and rehires Dick and his friends to aid her in her fight against Stack.
Directors: Otto Brower, Edwin H. Knopf
Writers: Zane Grey, Grover Jones
Stars: Richard Arlen, Mary Brian, Harry Green
Not Rated | 1h 10min | Western | 19 April 1930 (USA)
A friend of Dick Bailey is killed by a mysterious assailant, whom Dick suspects to be Stack, who is in league with the crooked sheriff. Out on a spree Dick swears he will marry the first woman he sees, who happens to be Ruth Hammond, sister of his dead friend, arriving to take charge of the Hammond ranch. Revolted by his rough proposal,she fires him as the Hammond foreman and she proceeds to the ranch. Stack informs her he has purchased the ranch for the payment of the back-due taxes, and she relents and rehires Dick and his friends to aid her in her fight against Stack.
Directors: Otto Brower, Edwin H. Knopf
Writers: Zane Grey, Grover Jones
Stars: Richard Arlen, Mary Brian, Harry Green
Short filmTranscript
00:00:30Oh, there it is.
00:00:55Whoa, I'm telling you, whoa, whoa, that's a good horse, eh?
00:01:17Now cover up my little girl, eh?
00:01:21That's a good horse, little Sheriff.
00:01:26Hello, Pop.
00:01:27Well, howdy, my friend.
00:01:29How's business?
00:01:30Ah, yes and no.
00:01:31It ain't good, but it couldn't be worse.
00:01:33You know how it is.
00:01:34Always this time of the year, when it gets close by Christmas,
00:01:37the menfolk want to be good to their wives.
00:01:39So they buy them a lot of wash boilers and pots and pans, you know,
00:01:43Christmas presents to make them happy.
00:01:46Dick Bailey, he's still in there, huh?
00:01:50He never took a drink before.
00:01:52It's a shame.
00:01:54Well, he went on this bend the other day.
00:01:56Young Hammond was buried.
00:01:58Been on it ever since.
00:02:00It must have been three or four weeks ago, ain't it?
00:02:02Oh, all of that, anyhow.
00:02:04Did you hear any news around about who shot Hammond, maybe?
00:02:08No, I didn't.
00:02:09I don't know.
00:02:10All of that, anyhow.
00:02:12Did you hear any news around about who shot Hammond, maybe?
00:02:15Well, the sheriff claims it was a drunken Indian
00:02:17was around here about that time.
00:02:19Ah, the sheriff.
00:02:21I'll bet if the sheriff says it was a drunken Indian that did it,
00:02:23it's because Stack told him to say that.
00:02:25Well, you couldn't get no better on me on that question.
00:02:28You see, the sheriff, he wears the badge.
00:02:31Stack, he runs the county.
00:02:34You're telling me?
00:02:41Well, Tom.
00:02:43Hello, my man.
00:02:44A drink, please.
00:02:45A little one.
00:02:46I don't want a big one.
00:02:47Just about that much to take off the chill.
00:02:52Ah, well, maybe just a drop more.
00:02:54Just a drop now, not too much.
00:02:56I'll tell you when to stop.
00:03:03I take it for medicine only.
00:03:05Well, you ought to be a mighty well man.
00:03:07Well, you ought to be a mighty well man.
00:03:09Oh, no, I'm sick.
00:03:19Hey, Dick, what's the matter with you?
00:03:21Are you sick?
00:03:22No, I ain't sick.
00:03:23I'm hungry, that's what I am.
00:03:26Speed, slow down.
00:03:27I feel like shooting.
00:03:31Moving things, that's what I feel like shooting.
00:03:34Something that's moving.
00:03:36Anything that's moving.
00:03:37There don't seem to be anything moving around here, Dick.
00:03:40Well, let's see if we can't make something move.
00:03:43Good night.
00:03:46Let me go!
00:03:47I saw something moving!
00:03:48Bailey, it's me, Piper.
00:03:50You know Piper?
00:03:53How do you do, Dick?
00:03:54How are you?
00:03:56How's all your family?
00:03:58I ain't got any family.
00:03:59You know it.
00:04:02Sure I know it.
00:04:04How could I make a mistake like that?
00:04:06I was thinking about another fella.
00:04:08Well, Merry Christmas.
00:04:11It ain't Christmas yet, and you know it.
00:04:14Would I argue with you?
00:04:15Sure I know it.
00:04:17What I mean to say is that when Christmas does come in a few days,
00:04:20I am wishing you a merry.
00:04:22Oh, so that's what you mean, is it?
00:04:25Well, I couldn't mean anything, Dick.
00:04:27I ain't stubborn about it.
00:04:29Well, do you want to fight?
00:04:31Oh, that's one thing I am stubborn about.
00:04:34Well, you've got to do something.
00:04:36Could I sell you something?
00:04:38Maybe you could.
00:04:40What do you got?
00:04:41Well, could I interest you in some nice kitchen utensils?
00:04:44A nice washboard?
00:04:47A nice pattern ringer?
00:04:49Some soothing syrup?
00:04:53Oh, listen, I got some pillowcases with colored pictures of the statue of Liberty painted on them.
00:04:58Oh, how you could sleep with Liberty underneath your head.
00:05:03Ah, jokers!
00:05:07Never mind, Piepan.
00:05:09If I ever do get myself married, maybe you can come around then and sell me some of them things.
00:05:13That's what you should be doing.
00:05:15Settle yourself down.
00:05:16Get married to a nice, quiet girl and have a nice home.
00:05:21Piepan, that ain't a bad idea.
00:05:24Sure it ain't. It's a great idea.
00:05:26A little one for me, please.
00:05:27It's a bet. I'll do it.
00:05:29Who are you going to get married to, Dick?
00:05:31I don't know. What's the difference?
00:05:33A woman.
00:05:34That's also a good idea.
00:05:36Any woman.
00:05:37I can see you getting married.
00:05:39You think I won't?
00:05:41Oh, have a drink.
00:05:42Sure. A drink and a wife. That's what I'm going to have.
00:05:46You think I'm fooling, don't you?
00:05:48But I ain't.
00:05:50You know what I'm going to do?
00:05:52No. Neither do you.
00:05:54Many old time I don't.
00:05:56I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
00:05:58I'm going to marry the first white woman I meet.
00:06:02What's your hurry?
00:06:03Shop around a little while.
00:06:05Look around. See what's going.
00:06:07No, sir. Not me.
00:06:09When my mind's made up, it's made up.
00:06:12That's a great idea, Piepan.
00:06:15What do I owe you?
00:06:16Oh, I don't charge for advice.
00:06:17That's free. Granted. It's for nothing.
00:06:19No, sir. You've got to be paid.
00:06:22You can't sell me nothing,
00:06:24maybe some of these other boys around here.
00:06:27Come on, boys. Step up and buy something from Piepan.
00:06:30Anything you want. I'll pay for it.
00:06:32I need a pair of pants.
00:06:33There you are. Made a sale for you already.
00:06:35But I ain't got any pants.
00:06:37Don't lie to me. You've got a pair on right now.
00:06:40I can see them.
00:06:41Yeah, but I couldn't sell these.
00:06:43You already sold them to this gent right here.
00:06:46Yeah, but what do I go home in?
00:06:48I don't care nothing about your private life, Piepan.
00:06:51What you go home in is none of my business.
00:06:54How much for them pants?
00:06:57Ten bucks I'll give you.
00:06:58Get them off and hand them over.
00:07:00No! Stop it!
00:07:01I'll catch a cold.
00:07:03What are you doing to me?
00:07:04I never liked you.
00:07:05What are you doing to me?
00:07:06Never in my life.
00:07:07Pants. Nice.
00:07:08You're meant to take the man's pants off.
00:07:10What are you doing to me?
00:07:12What are you doing to me?
00:07:17I'm going to catch a cold.
00:07:19Not if you run, you won't.
00:07:20Back when I run without pants.
00:07:22I don't care where you run.
00:07:23Pick out your own direction.
00:07:30Open again, I say.
00:07:49Open again, I say.
00:08:19I hope there'll be someone here to meet you, ma'am.
00:08:21Oh, I'll be all right, thank you.
00:08:23All alert!
00:08:25All alert!
00:08:50Come out of there, you pie-faced looter.
00:08:52I'll shoot plumb through the back.
00:09:09What's this?
00:09:11What's this?
00:09:13What's this?
00:09:15What's this?
00:09:17What's this?
00:09:25A woman.
00:09:29You let go of me!
00:09:30Come out of there.
00:09:31No use to your acting up.
00:09:35Come over here.
00:09:36Let's have a look at you.
00:09:42A beautiful woman.
00:09:44You let go of me or I'll scream.
00:09:46You want to know something to scream about?
00:09:49You and me is going to be married.
00:09:51You're drunk.
00:09:52Sure, I'm drunk.
00:09:54I wouldn't be getting married, would I, if I wasn't?
00:09:58You can't frighten me.
00:10:00That's the stuff.
00:10:01Never be frightened of the man you're going to marry.
00:10:04You're crazy.
00:10:06No, I ain't.
00:10:09I just made a promise over in the saloon...
00:10:12...that I'd marry the first woman I met.
00:10:15And you're in.
00:10:17If I had a gun, you wouldn't insult me like this.
00:10:22The woman I marry can have anything I got.
00:10:29Now what are you going to do with it?
00:10:31If you don't let me alone, I'll shoot you.
00:10:35Well, you got to know how to use it first.
00:10:41You point it at what you're going to hit.
00:10:45And then you just pull that little trigger there.
00:10:52Well, ain't you going to shoot?
00:11:04Sorry, it had to be done, ma'am.
00:11:06Ain't legal to marry a woman that she ain't kissed.
00:11:11There's another little technicality that has to be taken care of.
00:11:15What's your name?
00:11:18Any name will do for me.
00:11:22We've got a marrying sheriff over here.
00:11:25He'll be mighty glad to.
00:11:38You ain't Jimmy Hammond's sister, are you?
00:11:44I'm awfully sorry.
00:11:46You stop it.
00:11:48Honest, I didn't know that...
00:11:50Oh, I suppose if I hadn't have been Jimmy's sister... would have been perfectly all right.
00:11:55Yes, ma'am.
00:11:56I mean, no, ma'am.
00:12:01Jimmy Hammond was the best friend I had.
00:12:03And I wouldn't have this happen for anything in the world.
00:12:06Isn't there something I can do?
00:12:08Yes, there is.
00:12:10You could go away and let me alone.
00:12:12But I can't let you alone.
00:12:14Somebody has to take care of you.
00:12:16And there's no place for you to go.
00:12:19If you'd just let me have my suitcase.
00:12:21I never want to speak to you again.
00:12:23Oh, I don't blame you, miss, but...
00:12:25Honest, I...
00:12:35How about my pants?
00:12:39My pants!
00:12:46I've seen such a man take away his pants.
00:12:49Never in my life did I see such kind of joke... taking a man's pants away from him.
00:12:53Who ever heard of such a thing?
00:12:55It reminds me of the story of Joseph and his brethren.
00:12:57But there they took a coat, not pants.
00:12:59Listen, my man.
00:13:01What's the matter?
00:13:02That's Jimmy Hammond's sister.
00:13:04And she's here all alone.
00:13:05I can't do anything for her...
00:13:06...because I made a fool of myself.
00:13:07But I want you to look after her...
00:13:08...until I get sobered up.
00:13:10That's Jimmy Hammond's sister?
00:13:13Can you imagine that, Jimmy?
00:13:24Oh, miss.
00:13:25Miss, will you wait a minute, please?
00:13:28I'm the fellow who meets all the trains...
00:13:29...and takes people's places.
00:13:30Sorry, ma'am.
00:13:31I was a little bit late.
00:13:33You know the way to the Hammond Ranch?
00:13:35Oh, yes.
00:13:36Yes, sure I know.
00:13:37Could you take me there?
00:13:39Why, yes, miss.
00:13:40But there ain't anybody there just now.
00:13:42Oh, I know that.
00:13:44I'm Ruth Hammond.
00:13:46And since my brother died, well, it's my ranch.
00:13:49Oh, yes, miss.
00:13:50No, it ain't exactly the kind of place.
00:13:52Oh, but I won't be a bit frightened.
00:13:54Where is this cab of yours?
00:13:57Oh, you mean my wagon?
00:13:58Oh, right there, miss.
00:13:59You just follow me.
00:14:00And mind the knotholes in the walk...
00:14:01...because they're very tough on women's shoes...
00:14:03...and I don't sell any.
00:14:04This way, please.
00:14:21Give me a can of tomatoes.
00:14:23A can of what?
00:14:25Did you say tomatoes?
00:14:27What you gonna do, a trick?
00:14:29Get myself sobered up and stay sober for peace.
00:14:32Well, that'll be a trick.
00:14:35I think I got some tomatoes out back.
00:14:37I'll go look.
00:14:55Put that stuff in the safe and lock the safe up.
00:14:57I'll take care of it. Don't worry.
00:14:59I'm worrying plenty.
00:15:00Get the thing all cleaned up and turned into money.
00:15:03This stuff's as good as money, ain't it?
00:15:05Not for me, it ain't.
00:15:06Why not?
00:15:07I can't spend money and nobody asks questions.
00:15:10I never thought of that.
00:15:11You better start thinking.
00:15:17I got a cold tonight.
00:15:18I think I'll move you over and stand myself a hook or a hoot.
00:15:20Now put that stuff away...
00:15:21...and don't let anybody get a look at it.
00:15:23I'll take care of it, Stack.
00:15:37Hi, Artie.
00:15:40Hello, Stack!
00:15:42Hi, Mark.
00:15:43Hi, boys.
00:15:46Step up, everybody.
00:15:47This one's on me.
00:15:52I said everybody.
00:15:54I heard you.
00:15:55I'm having this can of tomatoes just now.
00:15:58I'm having it by myself.
00:16:02Well, don't be a fool.
00:16:05Well, don't dull your knife, young fellow.
00:16:08I'll open them for you.
00:16:16Lay that bottle down here.
00:16:18My whistle's sure dry.
00:16:58You use kind of a small-bore gun, don't you?
00:17:02Maybe small, but I hit what I aim at.
00:17:05You don't always aim at tomato cans, do you?
00:17:08What do you mean by that?
00:17:10What do you think I mean?
00:17:13Are you looking for trouble?
00:17:17I don't figure you could be much trouble to me, Stack.
00:17:20Not unless you snuck up from behind like somebody done to Jimmy Hammond.
00:17:25Why, say you...
00:17:26Here, here.
00:17:27What's this?
00:17:29Oh, hello, Drip.
00:17:31Better keep this young Rutherford some manners, or you're going to have a burying on your hands.
00:17:37Buryings are getting real common around this town.
00:17:41It was Jimmy Hammond three weeks ago.
00:17:45Come on, now. Outside.
00:17:48Be no shooting around here, but I'm sure of it.
00:17:56Don't go in that chair, Kidman. We were fixing to have a good time.
00:18:01I should have let that nosy car puncher have it.
00:18:03Got some news for you, Stack.
00:18:05Jimmy Hammond's sister came in on number three tonight.
00:18:08I didn't know Jimmy Hammond had a sister.
00:18:10Yes. Five fans driving around in his wagon now.
00:18:13I seen them as they went by.
00:18:17What kind of a looking quail is she?
00:18:19Not half bad.
00:18:25Did you imagine what she'd look like when I drop in and tell her the news?
00:18:48I got you, Wood.
00:18:53If you find a big toe in that piece of wood, it's mine.
00:19:02Never in my life did I see such wood to saw.
00:19:06No, that's wrong. Did I saw such wood to saw.
00:19:09Did I see such... Never saw...
00:19:13English is a very difficult language.
00:19:17You must be all worn out.
00:19:18Me? Why should I be worn out?
00:19:21You drove back and forth to town all night.
00:19:24You couldn't have had any sleep at all.
00:19:26Sleep? Oh, I had plenty.
00:19:28All the way to town and all the way back, just like a baby.
00:19:31You can't sleep and drive.
00:19:33Sure not, but I don't have to.
00:19:35That old horse of mine knows more about where we're going than I do.
00:19:39All I have to do is point it towards town,
00:19:41and I'll curl up on the seat and in two minutes,
00:19:44you could hear me snore a half a mile away.
00:19:47Only one thing I had to break myself up.
00:19:50When I sleep on my left side,
00:19:52I got a habit of snoring like a fellow saying, whoa.
00:19:55And I'd wake up and there we would be right where we started from.
00:20:04What's that?
00:20:07Oh, that was the four cowboys I got for you, miss.
00:20:12Boys, come in. The chairman wants you to come into the house.
00:20:19There ain't much to look at, but you know how it is with cowboys.
00:20:22They get bow-legged and bent up, and their faces ain't exactly the kind of faces
00:20:26you'd like to take pictures of if you're going anyplace.
00:20:29But what's the difference?
00:20:31Why does a cow or a horse care for a face?
00:20:33Well, you ain't nothing to sit up on a man when you're new.
00:20:37My pan tells me you gentlemen are willing to work for me.
00:20:40Yes, ma'am.
00:20:42Well, did he tell you that I have no money just now?
00:20:46Well, you see, miss, we ain't none of us got no money now either.
00:20:50So that makes everything even.
00:20:53I ain't never heard no cowboys getting no wages until some stock or something was sold,
00:20:58and then mostly they got whatever the boss figured he could afford to give them.
00:21:02And many times not even that.
00:21:05Well, I hate to ask you to do this, but if it's really the custom of the country, why...
00:21:09Custom, my ma'am, that's the state law.
00:21:11Didn't you know that?
00:21:12Why, certainly.
00:21:14Well, then you men are hired.
00:21:20And now that you're working for me, I'd like to know your name.
00:21:23Well, this one, this kind of long one here, by name he's Griff Meeker.
00:21:28How do you do?
00:21:29Oh, pretty good, ma'am. Thank you.
00:21:31And this is Square Toe Boots.
00:21:33Square Toe Boots? Is that a name?
00:21:35I don't know. Anyhow, that's what they call him and he don't fight back.
00:21:39How do you do?
00:21:41How do you do, ma'am?
00:21:42And that's Slick Wayland. Maybe that ain't a name neither, but whatever it is, that's...
00:21:48How do you do?
00:21:49How do you do?
00:21:50Well, there you are, miss. They're your boys. You hired them.
00:21:54Didn't I tell you they were nice boys?
00:21:56I haven't met this gentleman yet.
00:21:59Oh, him? Haven't you met him yet?
00:22:01Well, as I'm living and breathing, I must tell you about him.
00:22:06You know, he's kind of bashful, very bashful.
00:22:09And he's got an experiment in his speech.
00:22:11He stammers.
00:22:13That's Dick Bailey.
00:22:15How do you do?
00:22:21I'm mighty sorry about last night, miss.
00:22:24I told you I never wanted to see you again.
00:22:26I know you did, but I heard you needed some help out here.
00:22:29I don't need any help from you.
00:22:31I wouldn't be too hard on him, miss. He means well.
00:22:34He means well. Do you know what he did last night?
00:22:37Well, I know he had a few drinks.
00:22:39Well, that's no excuse.
00:22:41Just after I got off of the train, he came to me on the platform and, well, he kissed me.
00:22:47Ain't you ashamed of yourself?
00:22:50I no more than touched the tip of her ear.
00:22:52Will you get out of my house?
00:22:54Now hold your horses just a minute, miss.
00:22:56You see, we four of us, we always stick together.
00:23:00Ain't that right, boys?
00:23:01That's a fact, miss.
00:23:02Yeah, that's right, miss.
00:23:03Well, I won't have anyone working for me that's even associated with him.
00:23:08All right, boys. Come on, let's go.
00:23:10Just a minute, boys. Just a minute.
00:23:12You can't stay here alone.
00:23:14And if you looked all over the country, you couldn't get such wonderful boys.
00:23:18I suppose you're one of them.
00:23:20Who, me? One of them?
00:23:22I should kick a cow in the ribs for $30 a month?
00:23:25Oh, I got a business.
00:23:27Well, you're a friend of his, aren't you?
00:23:29I am, and I'm very proud of it.
00:23:32Well, then.
00:23:34In all my life, I never had to work so hard to be nice to somebody.
00:23:38Come on, five-hand. We've won it around here.
00:23:41I'm beginning to believe it myself.
00:24:11I'm beginning to believe it myself.
00:24:41I'm beginning to believe it myself.
00:25:11I'm beginning to believe it myself.
00:25:41I'm beginning to believe it myself.
00:26:11That wind is sure cold tonight.
00:26:13You wouldn't be surprised if it blew up a storm.
00:26:16Who are you?
00:26:18My name's Zack.
00:26:20I know your brother.
00:26:23Yes, indeed.
00:26:24You know him really well.
00:26:26He likes you, too.
00:26:28Everybody likes you.
00:26:29I'm glad to hear that.
00:26:31Too bad about him being shot.
00:26:35Do you know about it before you come out here?
00:26:38They wrote and told us.
00:26:40Did you get any letters from him?
00:26:43Any late ones, I mean.
00:26:45Yes, I had a letter from him just...
00:26:48just the day before it happened.
00:26:51Tell you how things were going here at the ranch?
00:26:55He wrote that he'd had a rather hard time paying the taxes,
00:26:58but that he'd managed it last and everything looked all right.
00:27:02He wrote that, did he?
00:27:04Why do you ask these questions?
00:27:06Well, I guess maybe your brother was...
00:27:08writing those things to sort of make you feel better.
00:27:11What do you mean?
00:27:12He never paid them taxes.
00:27:15How do you know?
00:27:18Because I paid them.
00:27:21Right after he died.
00:27:23You paid them for my brother?
00:27:25No, indeedy, miss.
00:27:28But I ain't in the habit of playing Santy Claus.
00:27:32I paid them for me.
00:27:36I don't understand.
00:27:39Well, I hate to tell you this, young lady,
00:27:41but right after your brother died,
00:27:43I bought this ranch for the back taxes.
00:27:45You bought it?
00:27:46That's it.
00:27:48Looks like you're not going to have any trouble proving it.
00:27:51If you want to go down to the sheriff's office,
00:27:52you can look up the records.
00:27:54I don't believe it.
00:28:00And the ranch isn't mine.
00:28:02No, miss.
00:28:03Of course, now you have the right and privilege
00:28:05to buy the place back.
00:28:07You want to pay me what I give for it.
00:28:09How much was that?
00:28:15But I haven't that much money now.
00:28:17Nowhere near that much.
00:28:19Well, that's just too bad.
00:28:22But that's the way the world goes.
00:28:25Oh, I just can't believe it.
00:28:28I wanted to stay on here.
00:28:29I wanted to help my brother start it.
00:28:32Sure you did.
00:28:34Of course, now, I ain't going to be hard on you.
00:28:37If I could, put you right over the place.
00:28:44I'll leave as soon as I can.
00:28:46Oh, now, what's the hurry?
00:28:50Besides, it's kind of homey-like,
00:28:52having a woman around.
00:28:55We ain't going to be any gust of wind.
00:28:56You going to live here?
00:28:58Why, sure.
00:29:00You going to stay here tonight?
00:29:02Why, certainly.
00:29:06Oh, now, don't feel that way about it.
00:29:09I ain't a fat fellow to get along with when you know me.
00:29:14Scientists are kiddies, ain't you?
00:29:16Well, I like them that way.
00:29:18I like them to scythe and prance at me.
00:29:21Ain't kidding you?
00:29:23Ain't kidding you?
00:29:24I like them to scythe and prance at me.
00:29:26Ain't kidding you?
00:29:28Better not.
00:29:30Unless you're fixed to shoot three ways at once.
00:29:47Well, you got me.
00:29:49What are you going to do about it?
00:29:51Don't mean to do nothing?
00:29:54Guess I don't have to tell you fellows
00:29:56that'll all get trespassing on a man's property.
00:29:58That's right.
00:30:00You don't have to.
00:30:02I was willing to be reasonable with you.
00:30:04But now I'm warning you.
00:30:06Get off of my property.
00:30:08Get off and stay off.
00:30:10Nice stack.
00:30:20It's your pot.
00:30:22But don't start counting your winnings.
00:30:25The game ain't over yet.
00:30:27Good night, Mr. Stack.
00:30:29Sweet dreams.
00:30:31May your horse stick his foot in a gopher hole.
00:30:38Good night, ma'am.
00:30:40Oh, Mr. Bailey.
00:30:46I'm awfully glad you came back.
00:30:49We never went away.
00:30:50No more than enough to get out of sight
00:30:52and sneak back again.
00:30:54After the way I treated you?
00:30:56Shucks, ma'am.
00:30:58We didn't mind.
00:31:00Is it true, Mr. Bailey?
00:31:02Does that man Stack really own this ranch?
00:31:04Of course not.
00:31:06Why, say, that fellow's the lioness man
00:31:08west of the Mississippi.
00:31:10He just done that to scare you.
00:31:12You think so?
00:31:14Think so? I know so.
00:31:16Now, don't you worry,
00:31:18and I'll look after the legal end of it for you.
00:31:21Say, uh,
00:31:23have you had your dinner?
00:31:25Oh, yes. I cooked it some time ago.
00:31:27You didn't eat it, did you?
00:31:29No, I...
00:31:30Oh, that's all right, then.
00:31:32It didn't taste very good.
00:31:34Yeah, we was keeping tabs on you through the window.
00:31:36Oh, then you...
00:31:38Yes, ma'am, we saw how things was going.
00:31:40Say, would you mind if I cooked you up a mess of stuff?
00:31:43Oh, thank you.
00:31:50I never tried cooking before.
00:31:52I didn't know how hard it was.
00:31:54It's kind of like playing the fiddle.
00:31:56First time you try it,
00:31:58you're apt to make a mistake or two.
00:32:00I expect you think I'm awfully silly.
00:32:03No, ma'am.
00:32:05That ain't what I'm thinking about you.
00:32:21Oh, no more, thank you.
00:32:23Well, I thought you said you was hungry.
00:32:25I was.
00:32:27A person gets that way after a while.
00:32:32I guess I'll be drifting along now.
00:32:34You don't think that man Stack will come back, do you?
00:32:36Stack? Say,
00:32:38you hear anybody prowl around this place,
00:32:40just let out a screech.
00:32:42We'll all of us come a-gunning.
00:32:44It's so good to see you.
00:32:46Oh, thank you.
00:32:47We'll all of us come a-gunning.
00:32:49It's so good to have someone near I can trust.
00:32:54I guess I'll be drifting along now.
00:33:01My, that was good.
00:33:03I'm real glad you liked it.
00:33:07You see,
00:33:09it's so strange for me here.
00:33:11So different from what I'm accustomed to back east that I...
00:33:14It'll be all right when you get used to it.
00:33:15You know,
00:33:17I'll bet you get to like it.
00:33:21I wonder if I will.
00:33:26I kind of hope you will.
00:33:31Good night.
00:33:39My, isn't it nice out now?
00:33:42Sure is.
00:33:44Aren't the stars bright?
00:33:47Sure are.
00:33:50You see that big white one up there?
00:33:54Look right along my arm where I'm pointing.
00:33:56Oh, yes, I see it.
00:33:58No, you're looking wrong.
00:34:00Right over that peak there.
00:34:04That's Venus.
00:34:06Have you studied astronomy?
00:34:08Have I what, ma'am?
00:34:10Oh, I mean,
00:34:11you've read a great deal about the stars?
00:34:13No, I've never done any book studying about them, but,
00:34:16you know, laying out nights on your saddle alone,
00:34:19nobody to talk to,
00:34:21nothing to do.
00:34:23You get to feeling kind of friendly with them.
00:34:25I can understand that.
00:34:27Just like there was people.
00:34:31Yeah, you get to knowing them that way.
00:34:35You see that kind of reddish one out there?
00:34:39I call him Kelly.
00:34:43Yeah, on account of a puncher I knew once.
00:34:46Red Kelly, I called him.
00:34:49Well, he kind of had a reddish beard and a red face.
00:34:53You know, he was,
00:34:55he was sort of a lady's man.
00:34:57How do you mean?
00:34:59Oh, he always kind of liked to be around women.
00:35:01You know.
00:35:03But what has that got to do with the stars?
00:35:07there's Venus up there.
00:35:09And there's Red Kelly.
00:35:11In the winter,
00:35:13she wouldn't have nothing to do with Kelly.
00:35:15But in the springtime,
00:35:17he'd come a-courting right up to her.
00:35:24I guess I'll be drifting along now.
00:35:27I'm awfully glad you're here.
00:35:29Yes, and so am I.
00:35:33Good night,
00:35:37Good night.
00:35:42Did you hurt yourself?
00:35:44No, ma'am. Not a bit.
00:35:46Good night.
00:35:48Good night.
00:36:00The devil got tickled in gin.
00:36:05And now this old devil got tickled in gin
00:36:08and found him a wife without any chin.
00:36:11Think terror a week or we'll be weak.
00:36:16I'd like to know,
00:36:18do you season your hard-boiled eggs with garlic
00:36:21or do you put strychnine in them?
00:36:23No, I most generally boil mine in lye.
00:36:27You fellas got a lot to do, haven't you?
00:36:33Say, Pie-Pants,
00:36:35why do you suppose sack one of this red face?
00:36:38I don't know.
00:36:40One gross of galvanized dish pans at 30 cents,
00:36:43three times four is 12.
00:36:45Why do you suppose he got the dough to pay the sheriff?
00:36:48I don't know that either.
00:36:50But one thing is certain,
00:36:52if it's worth dollars to him,
00:36:54it's worth that much to Miss Hammond.
00:36:59isn't there a law in this state
00:37:01that a man can reclaim his property
00:37:03if he pays his taxes within a year?
00:37:05Yeah, providing he's got the money.
00:37:06That's smart.
00:37:08What was that story you was telling us, Pie-Pants?
00:37:11You know, over at the barrow last summer.
00:37:14The story I was telling you?
00:37:16Yeah. I don't remember.
00:37:18There was a sheriff in it,
00:37:20and a fellow with bow and arrows.
00:37:22Uh-oh, he's off again.
00:37:24He's talking about Cupid.
00:37:26Cupid, stupid.
00:37:28He means Robin Hood.
00:37:30That's the critter, Robin Hood.
00:37:32Didn't he rob from the rich and give to the poor?
00:37:34Say, what are you driving at?
00:37:36That was one smart fellow, that Robin Hood.
00:37:40Once upon a time,
00:37:42he was going into a little village
00:37:44where was living a very rich man.
00:37:46And he says to this rich man,
00:37:48I'm awfully sorry to wake you up,
00:37:50but I just found a family.
00:37:52A mother with six starving children
00:37:54had nothing to eat since last Tuesday.
00:37:56So I gotta take away from you a few dollars.
00:37:58And he took away from him.
00:38:00That's the kind of fellow Robin Hood was.
00:38:02A taker.
00:38:06Come on.
00:38:18Hey, listen.
00:38:30Come on, Quirt.
00:38:37I know what I'm talking about.
00:38:39It wasn't nothing of the kind.
00:38:41Well, it was a red heifer, I tell you.
00:38:43I can see as clean as I can see you.
00:38:45Don't talk so simple.
00:38:47That was a brindle bull.
00:38:49Tell you it was a red heifer.
00:38:51Say, are you trying to make out I'm a liar?
00:38:53Well, I wasn't gonna bring that subject up,
00:38:55but since you speak the word yourself,
00:38:57yeah, that's what you are.
00:38:59Oh, yeah, that's what you are.
00:39:01Yeah, that's what you are.
00:39:03Yeah, that's what you are.
00:39:04Yeah, that's what you are.
00:39:06All right, you're a liar yourself, then.
00:39:08Yeah, don't you call me a liar
00:39:10while you slap-sided, bull-headed,
00:39:12little half-pint of nothing.
00:39:14Why, you wall-eyed, sway-backed,
00:39:16old rack-a-bull, I'll...
00:39:18Hey, he hit me!
00:39:20He hit me, I tell you!
00:39:22Let me go now!
00:39:24Put that gun in your pocket.
00:39:27Holy smokes, Quirt.
00:39:29Gold dust.
00:39:30Property on H.W. Stack.
00:39:35Where would he be getting gold dust from
00:39:37around this country?
00:39:39Where did he get it from?
00:39:42Somewhere off the Hammond Ranch, that's where.
00:39:45That's where he bought the place, eh?
00:39:47That's what he paid them back taxes with.
00:39:51What's it worth?
00:39:53A couple of thousand dollars?
00:39:56Just a little more than nothing.
00:39:58Just a little more than enough for what we need.
00:40:01But you can't pay the sheriff that.
00:40:03Why, he no longer can.
00:40:05You think he wants anybody to know
00:40:07that he had it in here?
00:40:09Say, we'll give it right back to him for them taxes,
00:40:11and he won't open his mouth.
00:40:13I'm warning you now.
00:40:15All right, then, Sheriff.
00:40:17But tell him not to go starting things.
00:40:19Any more trouble out of either one
00:40:21of you two galoots,
00:40:23and you'll go to the color booth.
00:40:29I never want to speak to you again,
00:40:31you ornery polecat.
00:40:33Well, that sure suits me.
00:40:54Howdy, Sheriff.
00:40:56Oh, hello, Billy.
00:40:59What's on your check?
00:41:01Just been made forming out the Hammond ranch.
00:41:04Miss Hammond was telling me
00:41:06that there was some back taxes amounting to...
00:41:11That was paid by Mr. Stack.
00:41:15After Jimmy Hammond died.
00:41:18According to the laws of this state,
00:41:21if Miss Hammond pays them taxes within a year,
00:41:23the property goes back to her.
00:41:30You weigh out the amount from this,
00:41:32and I think you'll find plenty and some to boot.
00:41:43Where'd you get this stuff?
00:41:45There's an old saying, Sheriff.
00:41:47Gold's where you find it.
00:41:49Say, you, you...
00:41:53Oh, I understand.
00:41:55That fake fight up the street, then my safe opened.
00:41:57Do tell.
00:41:59Didn't get nothing of value, did they, Sheriff?
00:42:01You know what they got.
00:42:03You stole...
00:42:05Careful, Sheriff.
00:42:07Nothing's been stolen.
00:42:09Getting it right back, ain't you?
00:42:11Yes, but that gold was Stack's.
00:42:13Oh, Stack's gold, huh?
00:42:15Maybe you could tell us where he got it.
00:42:17That noose wasn't so big,
00:42:19it looked just like Stack's.
00:42:21Ain't you clever.
00:42:23You could, but you won't.
00:42:25You wouldn't want me going around
00:42:27telling people, would you?
00:42:29I'm warning you, young fella,
00:42:31don't hone in where you don't belong.
00:42:33I wonder if Jimmy Hammond got that much warning.
00:42:35What are you getting at?
00:42:37I'm getting at paying them back taxes
00:42:39and having you give me a receipt for the Hammond ranch.
00:42:41How about it?
00:42:47Listen, fella.
00:42:49Fair is fair, and fun's fun.
00:42:50There wasn't no sense in you smacking me that hard.
00:42:52I didn't mean to hurt you, Slick,
00:42:54but I had to make it look real.
00:42:56Come on, boys.
00:42:58Doing it good for yourself, Dick?
00:43:00That's pretty good.
00:43:02I wonder what that 10 says before, Dick.
00:43:10Say, how long you been sitting here?
00:43:12I ain't got no watch.
00:43:14Did you see anybody go in the ropes of mine
00:43:16while I was out?
00:43:18Well, now you know how it is with me, Sheriff.
00:43:20My eyesight isn't any too good.
00:43:22You can see across the street, can't you?
00:43:24How far is it across the street?
00:43:26About 75 feet.
00:43:28Well, my limit's about 60 feet.
00:43:37Morning, Drip.
00:43:41What's ailing you?
00:43:43Come on in here.
00:43:51I couldn't grab him, Stack.
00:43:53Everybody'd find out about this dust
00:43:55and they'd want to know where it came from.
00:43:59We'll put that dust where it can't be found.
00:44:01You give it out, the office has been robbed.
00:44:03Robbed of what?
00:44:05Anything you say.
00:44:07That's up to you.
00:44:09The office has been robbed.
00:44:11Dick Bailey and Square Toad Boots done it.
00:44:13You get yourself together a posse that we can trust,
00:44:15we'll go out there and get them.
00:44:17I'll go out there and get them.
00:44:18They happen to get killed resisting arrest.
00:44:20I don't like the looks of this.
00:44:22What do you mean?
00:44:24Well, the state will get me
00:44:26for malfeasance of office.
00:44:28There's been talk of removing me
00:44:30and it kind of gives me the shivers.
00:44:34You've gone too far to back out now, Drip.
00:44:36Just what kind of shivers
00:44:38would a wholesale hanging give you?
00:44:40You doing a jigstep
00:44:42with about six foot of thin air under your feet.
00:44:43I'm the old prairie
00:44:48I'm the very midnight
00:44:51I'm the old prairie
00:44:58I'm the very midnight
00:45:01I'm the old prairie
00:45:04Hi, Ted.
00:45:06Do you mean to tell me
00:45:08they don't celebrate Christmas down here at all?
00:45:11They don't celebrate Christmas down here at all?
00:45:13By this country, they don't.
00:45:15Christmas, Tuesday, Thursday, any day.
00:45:17Every day is the same.
00:45:19Nobody pays any attention.
00:45:22I'm the very midnight
00:45:32I'm the old prairie
00:45:35I'm the very midnight
00:45:38I'm certainly sorry
00:45:39they don't celebrate Christmas down here.
00:45:41It would be better for my business.
00:45:43But there's no Christmas tree.
00:45:45And do you know why?
00:45:48Once upon a time, there was a dinosaur.
00:45:51And this dinosaur
00:45:53was spitting fire through his nostrils
00:45:55and he burned up all the Christmas trees.
00:45:58So now there's no Christmas tree,
00:46:00so no Christmas.
00:46:03I'm the very midnight
00:46:06I'm the old prairie
00:46:10I'm the very midnight
00:46:13I'm the old prairie
00:46:16I'm the very midnight
00:46:19I'm the old prairie
00:46:25What's that?
00:46:27It's nothing. Mice.
00:46:30Don't go. Let's finish the dishes.
00:46:35Why, Ted?
00:46:36Why, Ted?
00:46:40Merry Christmas.
00:46:43Oh, Merry Christmas.
00:46:45I'm supposed to be Santa Claus.
00:46:50Do you like it?
00:46:52Do I like it?
00:46:54Oh, it's beautiful.
00:46:57You old frog.
00:46:59Can you think of any more reasons
00:47:01why they don't have Christmas trees out here?
00:47:03I hope you wouldn't think I'm a liar.
00:47:07I'll go and get the boys.
00:47:13We didn't hardly know what to get you.
00:47:15It doesn't make a particle of difference what you got.
00:47:18It's just that you remembered.
00:47:22It's a phonograph.
00:47:24A phonograph?
00:47:26Yeah, it plays real nice.
00:47:28Look, you wind it up here
00:47:30and put this thing over here like this.
00:47:33And there's something else on the tree.
00:47:45Come in.
00:47:50You darling!
00:47:52Glad to see me?
00:47:54I should say I am.
00:47:56You think I could stay away from you?
00:47:58Not much.
00:48:00What did you say before I came west?
00:48:01Never mind what I said.
00:48:03I'm here.
00:48:05And the ring's here.
00:48:07And there's nothing else to do but...
00:48:09Just as sure of yourself as ever, aren't you?
00:48:11You bet.
00:48:13Oh, this.
00:48:15I want you to meet Mr. Drexler.
00:48:17Bob, this is Mr. Bailey.
00:48:19Mr. Bailey?
00:48:21How do you do?
00:48:23Bob from my hometown back east.
00:48:25Oh, is he?
00:48:27Yeah, I used to carry your books home from school.
00:48:29Did you?
00:48:33I went about as far as I could go.
00:48:35How is everybody?
00:48:37Oh, fine.
00:48:39All the old crowd wanted to be remembered for you.
00:48:41And what do you think?
00:48:43Ella Higgins teaching English in high school now.
00:48:45No, honest.
00:48:47Oh, don't go there.
00:48:49Well, Squirtle said some of the work stock needed feeding
00:48:51so I'd better go down and...
00:48:55Say, what kind of looking guy is this fella?
00:48:58You should look like that.
00:48:59The fella that's all slicked and shined up
00:49:01like the kind of a kitchen stove you give to a bride.
00:49:03What's he doing here?
00:49:05I don't know.
00:49:07But the fella that brought him
00:49:09says he's an old friend of Miss Hammond's from the east.
00:49:11Did he show her the things, Dick?
00:49:13Yeah, was she surprised?
00:49:15Yeah, she liked him real well, too.
00:49:17Say, boys,
00:49:19I was just thinking it'd be a good idea
00:49:21if we all drifted down to the border.
00:49:23What do you think?
00:49:25You was just thinking?
00:49:27Well, I know lots of things
00:49:29but how do you know?
00:49:31Because I know you
00:49:33and you ain't a quitter.
00:49:35Well, I ain't in the habit of sticking around
00:49:37where I ain't wanted.
00:49:39Well, who says you ain't wanted?
00:49:41Well, I got eyes, ain't I?
00:49:45there's an old saying which says
00:49:47that you should never believe anything you hear
00:49:49and only half of what you see.
00:49:51And so far,
00:49:53you've only seen the half that you shouldn't believe in.
00:49:55Well, I...
00:49:56Did I ever tell you the story of Lachenwald?
00:50:00No matter what kind of looks you give me,
00:50:02you're going to hear it just the same.
00:50:05This fellow, Lachenwald, he was a westerner, too.
00:50:08You know how I know, it says in the book,
00:50:10he came out of the west.
00:50:12Once upon a time, this Lachenwald,
00:50:14he was even wiser than you.
00:50:16But did he give up? Never.
00:50:18He got on his horse and he said,
00:50:20horsey, get up there.
00:50:22And he rode 16,000 miles to see the princess.
00:50:24And did he catch her?
00:50:26You betcha he catched her.
00:50:28That's the story of Lachenwald.
00:50:53The water's cold now, it's pretty hot, huh?
00:50:55Yeah, a little bit.
00:51:05Look over to the hill there, huh?
00:51:29Well, how many do you think we rounded up this time, Dick?
00:51:31Oh, about a hundred, Ed.
00:51:33That's pretty good.
00:51:34Hey, Blake!
00:51:35Get him off the ground!
00:51:37Come on, quick!
00:52:00Come on!
00:52:20Get him!
00:52:28Work on it!
00:52:51Isn't it thrilling to watch the way they handle those horses?
00:52:54It certainly is.
00:52:56I'll go down and see how many they got.
00:53:06Sure got a nice bunch this time.
00:53:08Oh, that's great work, Squirtle.
00:53:10Uh-oh, here comes the Duke of Duhinkes.
00:53:13I'll bet he's a nice boy.
00:53:15Well, I don't like him.
00:53:17Well, I don't like him either, but there's lots of nice people I don't like.
00:53:23How are you?
00:53:25He wears the necktie.
00:53:27So well, he wears the necktie.
00:53:31Pretty good bunch, huh, Griff?
00:53:33Yeah, well, he did.
00:53:34Nice work, fellas.
00:53:35You pleased?
00:53:36Very much.
00:53:37Well, that's fine.
00:53:38How many did you get?
00:53:39Oh, about a hundred heads.
00:53:41Oh, you don't know exactly how many?
00:53:44Not exactly.
00:53:46Well, I'll count them later.
00:53:48Oh, uh, I want to thank you and all the boys on behalf of Miss Hammond for all you've done for her.
00:53:53You know, I'll be around here for a while, so of course I'll take charge.
00:54:04Lachen wir?
00:54:19He's going to count the horses.
00:54:26You're going to do what?
00:54:29I'm going to take charge of things while I'm here.
00:54:31Did Miss Hammond tell you to take charge?
00:54:33It isn't necessary.
00:54:34You see, we're old friends, and we understand each other.
00:54:37You mean you're going to be the foreman?
00:54:40If that's what you call it.
00:54:42Yeah, that's what we call it.
00:54:43Well, then I'm foreman.
00:54:44Hmm, that kind of mixes things up.
00:54:47How so?
00:54:48Because I'm the foreman.
00:54:50Not anymore.
00:54:52I'm hysterical.
00:54:54Don't you know that a foreman around here must be able to lick everybody on the place?
00:54:58Oh, is that so?
00:54:59Yeah, that's so.
00:55:00All right, then, I'm the foreman.
00:55:03That's easy to say.
00:55:05I guess we might as well settle this right now.
00:55:08Now, wait a minute, boys.
00:55:09You've got a very good idea, and I wouldn't stop it for anything.
00:55:11But you know how it is with women.
00:55:13If Miss Hammond should see you fighting...
00:55:14Now, listen, Partan, you start it.
00:55:15And don't stop for me.
00:55:16Look, you go ahead and hammer his ears under his armpits.
00:55:19I'll run down to the house and do something so Miss Hammond don't see you do it.
00:55:23That's right.
00:55:24Let's get away from the house.
00:55:25Come on, fellas.
00:55:26Come on.
00:55:27This is going to be good.
00:55:29Let's go see the Duke, you crown.
00:55:30Oh, Miss Hammond, ever since I've come, I've been wanting to hear that talking machine.
00:55:38Could you play me something?
00:55:40Why, yes.
00:55:41Haven't you heard it yet?
00:55:42Yes, I heard it, but not good.
00:55:46Have you got a loud record?
00:55:49You know, a big band or something like that?
00:55:51I think so.
00:55:52That's good.
00:55:53Well, play it.
00:55:55Play it quick.
00:55:56I like good music.
00:56:03Oh, that's beautiful.
00:56:09Can't you play it louder?
00:56:13It's a loud little place.
00:56:15It's too loud.
00:56:21I kind of hate to do this.
00:56:23Don't you worry.
00:56:25He don't know it, but he's kicking his head smack dab in a bucket of pink poison.
00:56:29Hey, ain't that Pop Skelly coming, yonder?
00:56:32It sure is.
00:56:33And he's riding like a trouble horse somewhere.
00:56:35Wait a minute.
00:56:36Wait a minute.
00:56:37Let's not get a good fight started and have it interrupted.
00:56:39Wait a minute.
00:56:42Wait a minute.
00:56:50They're coming, boys.
00:56:51Who's coming?
00:56:52Why, Stack and his gang.
00:56:53The sheriff's leading them.
00:56:55They're nothing but a gang of killers.
00:56:57They're out to get you, boys.
00:56:58The sheriff's been telling you around town that you robbed his safety and he's out to get you.
00:57:02What of it?
00:57:03They can't prove nothing.
00:57:04They're not coming to prove.
00:57:06They're coming to shoot.
00:57:08Break for the house, boys.
00:57:09Hurry up.
00:57:12Hurry up, boys.
00:57:14Come on, get along.
00:57:17There they go, boys.
00:57:22Come on down here, fellas.
00:57:31Come away from that window.
00:57:33Come on, boys.
00:57:34We're in for it.
00:57:35Pick out a window and keep low.
00:57:37What's the matter, Walt?
00:57:43Say, Bailey, what's this all about?
00:57:44Walt, get out of here.
00:57:49Get him, boys.
00:57:51You asked for a fight.
00:57:52Well, here it is.
00:58:13I missed him.
00:58:16Keep popping on them, boys.
00:58:17They'll be running out of juice pretty soon.
00:58:34What's the matter, Pop?
00:58:35Did they get you bad?
00:58:37What's the matter, Pop?
00:58:38Did they get you bad?
00:58:40Spread out, boys, and circle the house.
00:59:11Pipe hand.
00:59:13You watch the window.
00:59:14All right.
00:59:20Listen, boys.
00:59:21Stack's rounding the house.
00:59:22That means we're lit, unless I can get the drop on him.
00:59:25How are you going to do that?
00:59:26I'm going to make a break for the corral.
00:59:27That's suicide, Dick.
00:59:28Why, sure.
00:59:29It's the only chance we've got, and I'm going to take it.
00:59:31You keep them busy, and I'll make a run for it.
00:59:33I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:34I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:35I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:36I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:37I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:38I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:39I'm going to make a run for it.
00:59:40Well, let's go party.
00:59:41Dick, don't go out there, please.
00:59:46I've got to, miss.
00:59:47But you must.
00:59:48Something might happen to you.
00:59:50Something has.
00:59:57Oh, Dick.
01:00:05He's gone.
01:00:07He's gone.
01:00:09He's gone.
01:00:11Ruth, you mean that you.
01:00:16More than anything in the world.
01:01:21Take your hand off that trigger and back up.
01:01:32Why, look like you win another pot, Bailey.
01:01:35I'm counting my winnings this time, Snack.
01:01:38The game's over.
01:01:41Drop that gun.
01:01:47Call off that man.
01:01:48Well, that's a posse operating on the sheriff's orders.
01:01:51That's just too bad for you.
01:01:52Because if he can't stop that shooting, then do it pronto.
01:01:56If I do, what happen to me?
01:01:58If I do, what happens to me?
01:01:59You'll talk about that later, if you don't.
01:02:08Hey, you stubborn!
01:02:10Can you hear me?
01:02:14Call it off.
01:02:15Round up your men and head for town.
01:02:17What's wrong?
01:02:19You heard me, didn't you?
01:02:21You coming along?
01:02:22By and by.
01:02:23Get your men together now and head out of here.
01:02:26You're the doctor.
01:02:29Hey, Spike!
01:02:30What do you want?
01:02:32Call the boys in.
01:02:34Bring your horses and hit me back for town.
01:02:36Come on, fellas.
01:02:43Say, what's the idea of him sending us back?
01:02:45All I know is that they'd go back to town.
01:02:51Let's get out of here.
01:02:52Send us all back?
01:02:58Come on.
01:03:08You okay?
01:03:09So far.
01:03:11Get in front of this gun and keep moving.
01:03:24Wait a minute.
01:03:26Right in there.
01:03:42Now what?
01:03:47Who killed Jimmy Hammond?
01:03:50Why ask me?
01:03:53I've got a bullet in the chamber of this gun.
01:03:56That I made out of two small boar bullets.
01:04:01One was the slug that killed Jimmy Hammond.
01:04:04The other went through that can of tomatoes.
01:04:10Jimmy Hammond was shot in the back.
01:04:14Turn around.
01:04:15Have I got any way out?
01:04:17You might look for one.
01:04:22You want to know who killed young Hammond?
01:04:25I did.
01:04:28I know you did.
01:04:34Found a pocket of plaster gold on his ranch here.
01:04:37I don't believe you.
01:04:39I don't believe you either.
01:04:40I don't believe you either.
01:04:41I don't believe you either.
01:04:42I don't believe you either.
01:04:43I don't believe you either.
01:04:44I don't believe you either.
01:04:45Back there in Whitehorse Canyon.
01:04:46Well, if he comes over the falls...
01:04:48Go on.
01:04:50Well, he panned out some two thousand dust-phase back taxes on the place here.
01:04:55Then what?
01:04:59He met me.
01:05:04I don't know whether I'm going to be able to keep my finger eased off this trigger or not.
01:05:07Now wait a minute.
01:05:15a. Get
01:05:21a hold of that.
01:05:30What are the prices that fit.
01:05:32A. What
01:05:44do you want me to write the whole work.
01:07:02Oh I wonder where you think that.
01:07:32It hurts I'm all right what happened that was
01:07:37a matter that. You want to.
01:07:44Give this to. Her. You're going to give it to yourself I'm going to get out of
01:07:51here. Feed it away from this place. I should I go back.
01:07:58I'm never going to. Get
01:08:03where to. Get it settled up.
01:08:10What's the use of sticking around. I'm down by the river and no.
01:08:22Are. But I thought you and. Yeah I thought so too.
01:08:37Well. Merry Christmas.
01:08:46Lane that beautiful. That reminds me of the story of Snow White and the prince.
01:08:52Once upon a time. In the mountains and there was
01:08:57a prince looking all over the country for himself I don't like and he came across
01:09:01no I didn't. Know why he said. Mine.
01:09:09And they were married right away and they were living happy.