[ ENGSUB - INDOSUB ] The Investiture of the Gods Episode 24

  • 4 years ago
00:02Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Legendary Investors Team @Viki
00:17♪ Chaos started throwing the earth into disorder, Pangu talked of Dao and separating heaven and earth. ♪
00:21♪ The golden age of peace and quiet has reached a peak, and King Zhou's tyranny destroyed the world. ♪
00:25♪ The people's hearts were good and versed in etiquette. When just and evil fight, only one must win. ♪
00:28♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
00:36♪ In fights and struggles, evil and just, in wind and rain, hard-pressing for a thousand years. ♪
00:40♪ One generation after the other with destiny unfulfilled, living and dying, the immortals reincarnate ♪
00:44♪ In a disordered row, disturbing the mortal world among the transitions of good and evil. ♪
00:47♪ Real, real, fake, fake, demons and Dao, The hidden and dim can finally be seen! ♪
00:54♪ As a god, as an immortal, smoke-like phantom. ♪
00:58♪ Heaven and earth, sun and moon, wind and rain, thunder and lightning. ♪
01:01♪ Being a traitor, being virtuous,strong as the will of heaven, ♪
01:05♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
01:09♪ Doing justice to the virtuous and traitor, recognizing loyal ones from traitors. ♪
01:13♪Calling upon the wind and summoning the rain with boundless magic powers! ♪
01:16♪ As a god, as an immortal. Being loyal, being a traitor. ♪
01:20♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
01:28♪Great one of primordial skies, his essence controls ruler and arms. Guards the earth dust, defends life's essence. ♪
01:32♪ With magnificent clothes and embroidered skirt, hat and dress of green fabric, green dragon lining to the left, white tiger visiting on the right ♪
01:35♪ A flying fairy deceiving fire, thunder with the utmost godly power. The supreme, ultimate one above and below, encircling all around the four social bonds. ♪
01:39♪ Overturning the skies, pouring efficacy, boiling seas destroying mountains, the drums of the six dragons speed up vibration under decree! ♪
01:50♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
01:53♪ Chaos started throwing the earth into disorder, Pangu talked of Dao and separating heaven and earth. ♪
01:57♪ The people's hearts were good and versed in etiquette. When just and evil fight, only one must win. ♪
02:01♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
02:08♪ As a god, as an immortal, smoke-like phantom ♪
02:12♪ Heaven and earth, sun and moon, wind and rain, thunder and lightning ♪
02:15♪ Being a traitor, being virtuous, strong as the will of heaven ♪
02:19♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
02:26The Investiture of the Gods
02:30Episode 24
02:34Master, right now, you're no ordinary person anymore
02:36When the demons see you they run, and Xiqi is now inviting you.
02:39When I'm by your side, I've got to maintain a better appearance.
02:42What are you saying?
02:43I can't embarrass you.
02:44You don't need to try and please me anymore, we need to rush on our way.
02:48Master why didn't you tell Ji Fa that you are the person he is looking for?
02:54It's not that I don't want to tell him,
02:57it's just because the time for me to meet the Count of the West (Xi Bohou) has not yet come.
02:59So, we are all waiting for the right time.
03:02Huh, what kind of important person is Xi Bohou?
03:05He is a kind and benevolent person,
03:07he is a very rare kind of great gentleman.
03:11I've listened here and there, but why does that sound like you?
03:16Huh, when did you learn to spout flattery?
03:19No I'm not.
03:21oh... that Count of the West (Xi Bohou) is he that good?
03:26You can believe it or not.
03:28At the right time, he'll personally come to find me.
03:33He'll come personally to invite you?
03:38then master where will we go now?
03:43Chen Tangguan (T/N: the gateway to Longmen Mountain with an ancient temple)
03:44Huh? Why go to Chen Tangguan?
03:48Ever since Neza's temple was destroyed by his father,
03:51Neza has been angry and upset.
03:54So, I want to resolve the anger and hatred between the father and son.
03:58If Master has already said so, then let's go.
04:03Stop talking nonsense, alright?
04:08Preposterous! That's preposterous!
04:12Husband (T/N: "Laoye" means old/great man but it's also what wives call their husbands)!
04:18General Li, we really aren't lying to you!
04:21Yes, Great General Li, we are telling the whole truth.
04:26It's not that I don't believe your ways.
04:29Before, I have heard my master tell me
04:32about the Lotus flower Reincarnation.
04:35But, how does this have anything to do with me tearing down Neza temple?
04:39Husband, tearing down Neza temple was your wrong!
04:46what I'm doing now is it so wrong
05:00Wife, have you forgotten?
05:03At the time, an old couple came to sue Neza,
05:07saying that Neza harmed them so they lost their family and home
05:11I am the general of Chen Tangguan, how could I not think of the people first?
05:18In addition, Neza is so young
05:22how could he take advantage of so many people?
05:56what he still wont come back
06:03Does he want me, his father, to personally go and invite him back?
06:07yes dad he said if you dont come pick him up
06:11then he doesn't want to come back
06:15then lets never tell him to come back anymore
06:18dad his age is still young
06:21also, it was you who teared down Neza's temple.
06:25which is why ..
06:25That's only why, what?! Is he going to blame me, his father?
06:33This arrogant fool, he has no respect for his father!
06:45Great general Li, I'm an outsider and I shouldn't say anything
06:53look at your wife, she's so upset, why don't you just personally go and invite Neza back?
06:57What kind of hatred could a father and son have?
07:01that right, General Li
07:03Regarding Neza's temple, I can be a witness.
07:06At the time, the people who went to Neza's temple
07:09all of them got Neza's blessings.
07:11If you don't believe me, you can think about it a bit. That day, when you took soldiers to tear down the temple,
07:15why didn't those people want to leave, huh? I mean think about it!
07:20So, it's not necessarily what that couple said!
07:28Neza is the child I tried to give birth to for three years and sixth months.
07:33Why are you so harsh and why do you refuse to go and call him back?
07:39Then what's the point of me living?
07:44Wife, you...
07:47*crying *
07:52Why do you have to push me like this?
07:55that right dad his age is still small
07:58go pick him up its not that much of a big deal
08:02That's right, father! Why don't you just personally go and bring him back?
08:06Exactly, General Li! Don't lose your son over pride and saving your face.
08:10Great General Li, I'm also begging you!
08:14Husband, I'll kneel before you!
08:17Mother! Father?! Father!
08:33I give up.
08:36Since all of you are asking for his forgiveness,
08:40then I'll just forgive him and get him to come back.
08:44Hehe! Yay!
08:47So great!
08:53But, I have matters to attend to, so
08:56I can't go, so...
09:00so you guys will have to go to pick him up
09:02Mother, he agreed!
09:05lets hurry and go pick him up
09:06Alright! Alright let's go right now.
09:08lets go together
09:10Let's go! Go!
09:13Mother, it's this room.
09:17Neza? Neza!
09:23Neza? Neza?!
09:30Are you sure it's here? Is this right?
09:33Mother, Neza really was living here.
09:37Neza?! Neza, your mother is here to see you!
09:42Where are you? Stop playing hide and seek! Hurry and come out!
09:48Coo coo!
09:49Yeah, where is the young master?
09:52I don't know...
10:00Madam (Master's wife), perhaps he went to play with Sister Ma (Zhaodi).
10:05thats right
10:07How about you first rest here. Big brother and I will go and look for him.
10:10Okay, okay. Xiao Mei and I will take care of your mother. You guys hurry and go find him!
10:15- Okay. - Okay. Let's go!
10:16Hurry and find him!
10:18Be careful!
10:23Madam, let's go over there and sit for a little
10:34Wuji, tonight we'll rest here.
10:37Master, here?
10:41Why don't we go to General Li's place instead of resting here?
10:44I already promised Zhaodi I would meet her here.
10:48Have you forgotten that Neza still doesn't want to see his father yet?
10:52Aiya, master. Neza doesn't want to see his father,
10:55but I want to see my mother!
11:02Only for your mother?
11:06Of course, of course, there's also Xiao Mei.
11:11Okay, I understand. I'll make sure that tomorrow evening
11:16you'll be able to see your mother and Xiao Mei.
11:18Ah? Really, Master! Master, you're so great! Master, you're so great! (T/N: Wansui, means Long live/you're great)
11:28Hey, look!
11:32Look here, look here! No, look here?
11:35Precious Neza, look at how beautiful this cloth is!
11:41Oh, I haven't made new clothes in so long!
11:45Look at these beautiful materials!
11:47I can't help but really want them!
11:50Master's wife, you can't help but what?
11:52I just want theeeem!
11:55Buy? Let's buy them then!
11:57Really? Then I'll choose one!
12:04-How is this? - Great, great!
12:07Look at this one!
12:12- How about this one? - Yes, yes, it looks good!
12:14You can only say it looks good!
12:17This one!
12:22- How about this one? - Looks good!
12:24Hey, why do you keep saying it looks good?
12:26Of course it's good.
12:29- Demon! - Huh, demon?
12:45What are you doing?
12:47Demon! Harming people! Hurry and come out!
12:49What demon? What demon?
12:51Let go, let go!
12:53Aiya, Precious Neza,
12:54you must have looked incorrectly!
12:57Let go! Let go!
13:00Don't thinking that if you melded with her I won't be able to tell who you are!
13:03Everyone, everyone, hurry and take a look!
13:06This child has no respect for the elderly!
13:08- Yanking my hand?! - Sorry, sorry, sorry!
13:11How can you say I'm a demon? What demon am I?
13:14Let go, let go! Hurry and let go!
13:17Okay, then let me get her into her original form,
13:19and let you all see!
13:36- Huh, what? - (villagers talking about how he killed a person)
13:43Precious Neza, look what you've done!
13:45She isn't breathing anymore!
13:47Master's wife, I didn't touch her at all!
13:49I just wanted the demon to leave her body,
13:50but that demon took away her soul.
13:57General Li is coming!
14:05What happened?
14:09General Li! You've come just in time.
14:12Can't you tell who he is?
14:17Who is he?
14:19Aiyo, he is Neza!
14:26Neza, Neza.
14:28- Come here! - Hmph.
14:35- Come here. - What are you doing?
14:36Come here, come here!
14:37Hurry and call him. Call him!
14:43- You really are Neza? - Hmph.
14:46Hurry and call him father! Call him!
14:49How could this son be so irresponisble!
14:57You've grown.
15:01General Li, he killed a person!
15:03Look, it was him!
15:05No, no he didn't!
15:09Did you kill this person?
15:11I didn't beat her to death! This was a demon's doing!
15:16- Demon? - It's you who clearly killed her!
15:19I can be a witness!
15:20Neza really didn't kill her!
15:22He only used his finger, and
15:25touched her a bit and she just died.
15:29But if there was a demon, why didn't she return to her original form?
15:32And is still in her human form?
15:35This I also know! She... she...
15:40precious Neza, how about you say what happened.
15:43This person just had a demon invade her body.
15:45I wanted to get her to return to her original form, but it turns out, she...
15:48Neza, you're looking to capture me?
15:51Come here! Come here!
15:56Stinkin' demon, you've come again! Where are you running?
16:03You. You! What are you doing?
16:05Demon, demon. Why don't you go to your original form?
16:07This clearly is an old lady!
16:11Father, I clearly saw a demon go into this old lady.
16:14What demon? I'm a human!
16:18Neza! Hurry and let go!
16:20I can't let go, father!
16:21If I let go, she will run away!
16:23I will make her reveal her original form,
16:25and prove it to you all!
16:50Neza! You!
16:52General Li, General Li, please calm down. Please calm down!
16:56This, clearly is a demon!
16:57Or else, how could a little finger do so much...
17:03and she died?
17:10Neza, this clearly is an old lady. She's so fragile!
17:14It's because of you that she was frightened to death!
17:16Father, I told you so many times
17:18this old lady had a demon go inside her.
17:20I have barely used any power at all.
17:22I only used a method to try and get her into her original form.
17:25You, you are full of lies!
17:26You, you were reincarnated by the lotus, and you have godly power,
17:29who should suffer from your power!
17:31Aiya, General Li!
17:36Precious Neza, I'm your master's wife!
17:38If you move one bit, I'll kill you!
17:51Face my wrath!
18:09Really, have none of you seen the demon
18:11the demon go into his body,
18:12and even took away his soul?
18:14He really had a demon inside him!
18:18This demon is so terrible!
18:20Using this kind of method to frame me!
18:22You shut up!
18:24Maybe you hadn't used so much power on the last two,
18:26but how could this young person be killed so easily?
18:30What other excuses do you have?
18:32- Father, please believe me! - Yes, yes!
18:35General Li, you have to believe him! I believe he would never lie!
18:38Since he is reincarnated from the lotus,
18:40if his power is so great how could he have confused a person with a demon?
18:44You imbecile!
18:46- Father! - General Li... i... i...
18:47General Li, General Li...
18:48It's alright if no one believes Neza,
18:50but he's your son!
18:51Unless you don't even believe your son?
19:00You dare to kill so many people in front of me.
19:03This is a guilty act. No way to forgive!
19:07I'm going to send you to die!
19:12- Guards! - Here!
19:15Get three people to hold him down.
19:20Arrest and take Neza to jail!
19:23Yes, sir!
19:30Mother, please drink some tea first.
19:38This is unsettling.
19:40Why haven't Jin Zha and Mu Zha returned yet?
19:43Madam, do not worry yet and first drink some tea.
19:47I'm scared that Neza and Zhaodi might create and get in some trouble.
19:52Madam, they won't, don't worry.
19:54Yes, yes. Don't worry!
19:57When Neza's with our Sister Ma (Zhaodi),
19:59he won't cause trouble.
20:02Mother! Mother!
20:05Mother! Something's gone wrong!
20:07What happened?
20:09Just now, Father and Neza got in another fight!
20:13Where are they right now?
20:16Neza, in front of father,
20:18killed three lives!
20:21- What!? - Three lives?!
20:23You said, you said, he killed three people in front of his father?
20:28killed three people in front of his father?
20:32Then where is Neza now?
20:34Under the people's demands,
20:36father arrested and took Neza away.
20:38And said he would receive the death punishment!
20:41Oh no! This is bad!
20:45Madam! Madam!
20:46Mother! Mother! Mother!
20:48Madam! Mother!
20:49Mother! Madam!
20:51Mother! Mother! Madam!
20:53I saw from one look that she was a demon!
20:55Precious Neza, your moves earlier
20:57- were so great! - Of course!
20:59- Like this, and this, and you already beat them! - You!
21:02You should kneel down!
21:07Master's wife, haha!
21:08Wife Jiang, I didn't ask you to kneel.
21:12I wanted Neza to kneel!
21:15Aiya, he didn't ask you to kneel down.
21:18Why didn't you say that earlier? You scared me out of my wits!
21:20That's right!
21:23Talking about you. Imbecile. Kneel down.
21:25I'm not an imbecile, why should I kneel? I'm not kneeling!
21:28I want you to kneel, but you won't kneel?
21:32If you were my father,
21:34why would you be like this to me?
21:37How else should I be to you?
21:39You killed three lives right in front of me, how else should I treat you?
21:43Even if it wasn't you, my son,
21:45and it was me who killed three people, then I would also have to receive punishment!
21:48Aiya, father! Let me tell you,
21:51those three people were invaded by a demon.
21:53I didn't use any power at all at the time!
21:55The demon just also took away three souls,
21:57that's why they died!
22:00Full of lies!
22:02All of the village people saw you kill them!
22:05Those three people were clearly killed by you!
22:10If I, General Li, don't punish you,
22:17then I can't give a responsible answer to the village people of Chen Tangguan.
22:21I can't take him anymore. I can't take it. There he goes again!
22:25I must say, General Li, you must stop with this talk!
22:28Before, I didn't want to say anything about you.
22:30But now, I'm standing there listening to you, and as I listen I get more and more upset.
22:33I don't care about Chen Tangguan's people,
22:36I just know that the tiger does not poison itself (T/N: a Chinese idiom meaning the tiger will eat other animals but not its own kind and even the fiercest people love their children )!
22:39That year, you tore down Neza's temple!
22:41You almost caused him to lose his spirit and his life!
22:43Today, you're like this again?!
22:44Do you just want to kill Neza?
22:46I mean, seriously, I think you are just really excessively terrible!
22:49Stop this!
22:53I'm not blaming you,
22:55but you are now blaming me?
22:58I'm telling you, if it were not for Jiang Ziya,
23:02I would have also gotten rid of you!
23:06In any case, I've already said what needed to be said.
23:08I can shut up and we'll see how you solve this.
23:10Master's wife, don't be scared when I'm here!
23:15Father, if you want to kill me
23:17I'll willingly let you go ahead. But, I won't admit to this fault!
23:19You won't admit to it?
23:21Yeah! You teared down my temple last time but
23:23I haven't asked you to pay for those reparations!
23:27Preposterous! You lawless, impudent, imbecile!
23:38Alright, alright.
23:43From now on, I am no longer your father!
24:00I will kill you right now!
24:02No!! No you can't!
24:04Don't kill Neza!
24:05- Move away! - No!
24:08- Move away from him! - Noooo!
24:11Don't, father! Don't!
24:13Don't kill Neza!
24:16Please don't kill him! You can't kill him!
24:17General Li, please don't kill him!
24:20Father, father, calm down!
24:25Mother, it's me!
24:30- Mother! - You...
24:32I am Neza!
24:35Yeah! Yeah! This is Neza!
24:44- Mother!! I've missed you so much! - My poor son!
24:47My poor son!
24:52Mother! [cries]
24:55Father! Father, you must forgive!
24:58How can you let me calmly forgive?
25:00You guys don't know how he just treated me earlier!
25:04Father, it's you who teared down my temple with no rhyme or reason.
25:07You won't believe what I say,
25:09and you just want to kill me!
25:11And you even want to break off our father-son relationship!
25:12You think that if you say this, I'll be scared of you?
25:17Do I even have a place in your heart as your father anymore?
25:22I want to kill him right now!
25:24No!!! No!!! No, father, no!
25:26You can't! No!
25:28It's me, it's alright!
25:29Neza, quickly leave!
25:30It's alright!
25:32Father, if you want to kill me, I'll let you kill me.
25:36But, I am not admitting to these faults! (T/N: bu fu, means I'm not satisfied but more accurately it means he believes his father hasn't judged fairly.)
25:41Okay. This is what you said!
25:45Don't believe that I won't kill you!
25:48Jing Za, Mu Za (his other sons)!
25:50Take Neza to the back garden's firewood house (he wants to burn him to death)!
25:55I will personally monitor the fire myself tomorrow afternoon
25:59and see to Neza's death!
26:01No! No! Husband! General Li! No!
26:02Neza, hurry and leave! Hurry and leave!
26:06Haven't you heard what I said!
26:07This child, why are you so stubborn!
26:13Move away!
26:15Jing Za, Mu Za, have him drowned to death in the fire!
26:24Neza, hurry and leave!
26:29If I have to leave, then I'll leave!
26:38My Neza! My Neza!!
26:40Neza! My Neza!!
26:45General Li, has your heart been eaten away by a dog?
26:48How can you be so harsh to him!
26:50Shut your mouth!
26:51How dare you ask Xiao Mei to shut her mouth?!
26:54Not only is Xiao Mei criticizing you, so am I!
26:57You see no reason and you can only see white and black!
27:02You even want to kill your own son!
27:05You suck and your terrible!
27:08Can you even be a human? Why are you so harsh and terrible?
27:10I'm telling you, if you say one more word
27:13I will have your tongue cut off!
27:15Okay! Cut it off then!!
27:19Cut your tongue?! Ah!!
27:22Don't say anything more, Sister Ma!
27:23Sorry, sorry!
27:25Sister Ma! Sorry, General Li!
27:27I won't let Sister Ma say a word more!
27:29Sorry, sorry!
27:33Husband, why is your heart so harsh and bitter!
27:40Why is your mercy so small?
27:45Why do you have to kill my son?
27:50He had such a hard time coming back to life,
27:53why do you want him to die no matter what?
28:11Wife, it's not me who wants to kill our son.
28:16It's that he has no respect for his elders or his father.
28:20This kind of imbecile son,
28:24I'd rather not have.
28:46Madam, don't be upset so quickly.
28:49If we want to save Young Master Neza, there's still a way.
28:52What way?
28:54We should look for Jiang Ziya.
28:56Look for Jiang Ziya (they address him as "Sir Jiang" or "Jiang xiansheng")
28:58Yeah, we can ask for brother-in-law's help!
29:03Oh right!
29:07My husband, he definitely will have a way to solve this!
29:09Right! Isn't that right?
29:12How great! There'll be a solution now!
29:23Master... all is not well, Master!
29:27Wuji, what has caused you to be in such a panic?
29:30Of course I'm in a panic!
29:31Outside there an announcement has been posted, saying that General Li
29:34wants to kill Neza in the firewood room!
29:38Kill Neza?
29:48Master? Master, you don't seem worried at all...
29:53Why should we worry about this?
29:55This is so terrible!
29:57Neza is at least General Li's biological son!
30:07This is all caused by the demons!
30:10Master, then isn't Neza being sent to death for no reason?
30:15This matter, you don't need to worry about just yet.
30:18I shouldn't worry?
30:19Master, what you should do right now
30:21is find a way to save Neza!
30:25I can't save Neza...
30:28killing people is wrong and should be punished and admitted to.
30:31Only if Neza is punished and he admits he is wrong,
30:33all will be right.
30:37When in the world
30:39did you say that Neza should be punished (basically face his death)?
30:42Master, you know that if he's punished (T/N: the direct translation is actually "head meets the ground")
30:45that means he'll die!
30:47No matter what, I can't go and save Neza!
30:52Master, you are too strict and by the rules!
30:56You're willing to just see Neza go and die?
30:59Wuji, unless you go to Xinchang tomorrow
31:02and personally see Neza get killed in the firewood room,
31:05then you'll understand why I say this.
31:08Okay, Master. You have your own way,
31:12but what about the demons that framed Neza?
31:20Neza, I can't save.
31:23But the demons who hurt him
31:25I will not let even one of them get away without punishment!
31:32Big Sister, your plan is so well crafted!
31:35Now, General Li has got Neza put in jail!
31:39Not only this, tomorrow he plans to put an announcement
31:43tomorrow Neza will face punishment and die in the firewood room!
31:46That's right, let General Li kill his son.
31:50Even if he is able to kill him or not,
31:52from now on they will have hatred towards each other forever.
31:55And if General Li really kills Neza,
31:58that aligns with our plan.
32:00That's right. And if General Li is unable to kill Neza,
32:03and Neza kills him instead,
32:05then Neza will become a murderer of his father instead.
32:15Jiang Ziya?!
32:16Wu Xianger, Yushi Piba Jing,
32:19Jiutou Ziqijing ( Nine-tailed Fox Demon) and you, Sheng Gongbao!
32:22You guys had to come together to hurt someone?!
32:24Master, don't try to talk with these stinkin' demons!
32:27Hurry and get rid of them!
32:29You think that we're that easy to get rid of?
32:32Jiang Ziya, don't think that we can't actually defeat you!
32:35As long as I want to, within a moment
32:38I can get an army to kill this town of Chen Tangguan.
32:41In the future, if I see you again I will not let you get away.
32:46You really are the queen of the empire. (sarcasm)
32:48Even using the king's army to kill innocent people.
32:52You demon, before I fight with you,
32:56give me my Nuwa Stone!
33:01How is this Nuwa Stone yours?
33:04This is what Sheng Gongbao gave me!
33:09You still are so stubborn and won't change?
33:14Gongbao, don't be scared, let's fight him!
33:20Jiang Ziya, back when you were at the emperor's palace hall
33:23you used the Three Great Fires (San Wei Zhen Huo) to burn my sister Yuqing!
33:26Today, I wil definitely take revenge.
33:28Wu Ji, you must have secretly learned
33:32the moves I taught Ji Fa for the fight move Huang Yue, right?
33:36Now, it's your turn to try it out.
33:38Wait what? Master, you promised you would give me a weapon,
33:41but you still haven't given me anything, so what can I use to fight?
33:50This is your weapon, hold it well.
33:55I'm taking your life.
33:56Huh? Okay!
33:58Ha, come here, come here!
34:00You dare to come over here? You don't dare!
34:02Come on! Come here! Hahaha
34:04Don't run!
34:11Looks like now it's my time to fight the three of you.
34:15Stop with the useless talk, come on!
34:46- Sister Ma? - Huh? - are we being thieves?
34:49Of course not!
34:52Are you sure we're here to find people?
34:54Of course
34:55If you're looking for a person, why are you being so quiet and sneaky-looking?
34:59Oh that's right!
35:02We are here looking for a person!
35:04- Yeah! - Aiyo.
35:07I got nervous for a second too because of you.
35:09Sister Ma, is what the shopkeeper said earlier true?
35:12Of course it's true! The shopkeeper was
35:15clearly talking about my husband and your Wu Ji!
35:17My Wu Ji? Then where are the keys?
35:20Right inside!
35:22She's even more excited than me!
35:26Wu Ji!
35:29Wuji! Husband!
35:32Wu Ji?!
35:44Wu Ji!!
35:48-WU JI! - Aiyo...
35:53- Husband! - Wu Ji!
36:05They are so big, where could they have hidden?
36:08Can't find them anywhere!
36:12Sister Ma, have we been tricked?
36:16How could we have been tricked?
36:17I have such a smart brain, how could that be possible?
36:24Let me think a bit.
36:27Oh! They must have gone shopping on the street!
36:30Hey, Xiaomei!
36:35It's not that I want to say so or anything, but your Wuji
36:38really likes to buy things and spend money!
36:42In the future, if you both become husband and wife,
36:44you'll have to keep a good eye on and take care of him!
36:45Or else, all the money you guys saved or have will be used up by him soon!
36:48You have to take care of him!
36:50He'll want to buy things to eat, buy things to drink,
36:52buy and spend time at the brothel or salon, or spend it on gambling.
36:54Then what will you be able to eat, drink, or wear?
36:56What will you use to raise your kids?
36:58Speaking of kids,
36:59our neighbor Wang Erma's child
37:02looked so ugly! We all said the child definitely wasn't Wang Erma's
37:06and instead she definitely had kids with the neighbor who sells cakes!
37:08And speaking of those cakes, their family's cakes
37:11are sooo disgusting!
37:12The cakes always --
37:14- Sister Ma!! - had six sesame --
37:15and now only has three sesame.
37:17-... [something sesame]. - Stop!
37:24Sister Ma, we still have important matters to figure out.
37:28Oh, yes, yes yes, yes!
37:30Oh, I haven't chatted in so long! As soon as I started, I forgot about the important things!
37:33I was just talking about... I was just talking about...?
37:35- What was I just talking about? - Important things!
37:37Oh, yes, yes, yes! Uh...
37:38since we weren't able to find them here, let's go somewhere else!
37:41Ay, ay, ay.
37:43Wait a second. Look, it's almost dark now.
37:46If we leave now, what happens if we can't find them?
37:48Don't worry, Xiao Mei. Even if I need to search through the whole town of Chen Tangguan,
37:52I will definitely find my husband!
37:55And your Wu Ji!
37:58Wu Ji!
37:59Let's go quickly find them! Let's go!
39:14How is it? You're scared now, right?
39:16You! You! What kind of martial art is this?
39:22No wonder Master won't give me any kind of treasures
39:24and only gave me this trashy stick.
39:29There's demons who are as stupid as you?!
39:31It's my first time seeing someone who's slower and more stupid than me!
39:34You're calling me dumb! How am I dumb?
39:38You're just a tiny demon.
39:40You're not worth any treasures that my Master would give me to punish you.
39:43So he just gave me this stick.
39:46- You!- Stop!
39:51I better name it! Oh!
39:54To punish a lowlife imbecile like you,
39:56I will call it animal taming stick!
40:00You called me lowlife! You're looking to die!
40:02You want to bite me?
40:04You want to bite me?!
40:05I'll just beat you, the lowlife imbecile that you are!
40:13Don't run!
40:28Stop right there!
40:58Big sister!
40:59I never could have imagined that Jiang Zhi Ya's martial arts have become this strong. Stay strong!
41:03Qingqing, Big Sister, let's leave!
41:06You want to leave? That won't be easy!
41:17Jiang Zi Ya, I dare you to do it again!
41:42Qing Qing!
41:53Let's go!
41:57You vixen, you dare use Nuwa Stone against me!
42:01Master! Master! Master!
42:04Wu Ji?
42:06You couldn't defeat her?
42:08No, Master. That demon ran away.
42:13Master, this has been the most exhilarating experience I've had fighting against demons!
42:18How am I so amazing?
42:19I'm too talented!
42:23Master, I should not be so arrogant. I should be humble.
42:30So, I request that you, Master, praise me well!
42:35Okay, okay, yes you did perform very well.
42:39But where is Pipa Jade (Yushi Pipa Jing)?
42:41That Pipa Jade (Yushi Pipa Jing) demon got beaten up by me so bad it ran away
42:43jumping and holding it's butt!
42:46I think, it'll take her a month,
42:49— No! — at least two months, for her to sit down again.
42:55Oh yeah, Master, what about those three?
42:58They got away.
42:59Then why don't we chase after them?
43:01Let it go. We should immediately head back and rest.
43:04And prepare to be entertained by the chaos tomorrow.
43:07Entertained by the chaos?
43:11Not to look at Nezha be burned to death?!
43:18Master, is Nezha really a lost cause?
43:32Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Legendary Investors Team @Viki
43:58♪ Cold pond of Ten Li, waning lights of the red mansion ♪
44:05♪ Wind of dawn, setting moon, longing, half-awake ♪
44:11♪ The morning hours rush the sinking moon, the warm wind rushes the brown goose ♪
44:17♪ Blossoming a thousand trees, but you still haven't returned. ♪
44:23♪ Fog spreading of the third month, a distant image and a lonely sail is all that is left ♪
44:29♪ Curtain of beads, floating lamps, a wild goose returning alone ♪
44:36♪ Willow catkins spreading on the earth, the peach blossoms fall and evening comes ♪
44:41♪ The qin sound is played, and rain drops over Chang'an. ♪
44:47♪ In the endless night, fine rain falling freely by the riverside ♪
44:53♪ Whose feelings are prying into the qin sound day and night? ♪
45:00♪ The worries are heavy, the water flowing, carrying motionless ♪
45:05♪ Just wishing to accompany you for another travel south of the river♪
45:11♪ In the endless night, the rain tonight is falling on Chang'an ♪
45:17♪ Whose feelings are blown into chaos on the paper? ♪
45:24♪At the end of the world, leaning on a wall with a lost gaze ♪
45:30♪ Who will bring letters and will talk with me about the tree peonies of Luoyang ♪
45:36♪ Who will bring letters and will talk with me about the tree peonies of Luoyang ♪
