[ ENGSUB - INDOSUB ] The Investiture of the Gods Episode 28

  • 4 years ago
00:02Timing and Subtitles brought to you by"The Legendary Investors" Team @Viki
00:17♪ Chaos started throwing the earth into disorder, Pangu talked of Dao and separating heaven and earth. ♪
00:21♪ The golden age of peace and quiet has reached a peak, and King Zhou's tyranny destroyed the world. ♪
00:25♪ The people's hearts were good and versed in etiquette. When just and evil fight, only one must win. ♪
00:28♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
00:36♪ In fights and struggles, evil and just, in wind and rain, hard-pressing for a thousand years. ♪
00:40♪ One generation after the other with destiny unfulfilled, living and dying, the immortals reincarnate ♪
00:44♪ In a disordered row, disturbing the mortal world among the transitions of good and evil. ♪
00:47♪ Real, real, fake, fake, demons and Dao, The hidden and dim can finally be seen! ♪
00:54♪ As a god, as an immortal, smoke-like phantom. ♪
00:58♪ Heaven and earth, sun and moon, wind and rain, thunder and lightning. ♪
01:01♪ Being a traitor, being virtuous,strong as the will of heaven, ♪
01:05♪ Doing justice to the virtuous and traitor, recognizing loyal ones from traitors. ♪
01:09♪ Doing justice to the virtuous and traitor, recognizing loyal ones from traitors. ♪
01:13♪Calling upon the wind and summoning the rain with boundless magic powers! ♪
01:16♪ As a god, as an immortal. Being loyal, being a traitor. ♪
01:20♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
01:28♪Great one of primordial skies, his essence controls ruler and arms. Guards the earth dust, defends life's essence. ♪
01:32♪ With magnificent clothes and embroidered skirt, hat and dress of green fabric, green dragon lining to the left, white tiger visiting on the right ♪
01:35♪ A flying fairy deceiving fire, thunder with the utmost godly power. The supreme, ultimate one above and below, encircling all around the four social bonds. ♪
01:39♪ Overturning the skies, pouring efficacy, boiling seas destroying mountains, the drums of the six dragons speed up vibration under decree! ♪
01:49♪ Chaos started throwing the earth into disorder, Pangu talked of Dao and separating heaven and earth. ♪
01:53♪ The golden age of peace and quiet has reached a peak and King Zhou's tyranny destroyed the world ♪
01:57♪ The people's hearts were good and versed in etiquette. When just and evil fight, only one must win. ♪
02:01♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
02:08♪ As a god, as an immortal, smoke-like phantom ♪
02:12♪ Heaven and earth, sun and moon, wind and rain, thunder and lightning ♪
02:15♪ Being a traitor, being virtuous, strong as the will of heaven ♪
02:19♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
02:26The Investiture of the Gods
02:30 Episode 28
02:38Don't think that just because you hit us means you'll get your way.
02:40She is still in our hands.
02:45Don't come over here, or I will use the soul hook on her and destroy her soul.
02:49Never to reincarnate again.
02:52Don't do that.
02:53Zhaodi, Wuji. You don't need to concern yourselves anymore.
02:56I will go with them.
02:58-Mother! -No! You can't!
03:00You two, please don't make things difficult for them.
03:02Mother! You can't leave, mother.
03:13Mother, hurry and return to your body.
03:21Wuji, hurry and see your mother.
03:28Ah, my precious baby Nezha.
03:29Are you okay?
03:30I'm so relieved that you are okay.
03:32-Mother thanks you. -Mother, there's no need to thank me.
03:37You should see how mother is doing.
03:39Oh, I'll see.
03:55Wuji. Her soul has returned to her body, she is alright now.
04:07-Mother! -She's awake!
04:12Wuji, my good son.
04:15Wonderful, wonderful!
04:16Mother Wu, you've finally come back to us.
04:20Husband, what if those two ghosts return to bother mother?
04:23The ghosts can only capture souls.
04:25Now that mother's soul returned to her body,
04:27the ghosts can't capture her.
04:31Oh, that's great! My husband is so powerful.
04:34Okay, they are all watching.
04:47Zhaodi, Mr. Jiang. I thank you.
04:50Mother, please rise!
04:52Please don't be so formal.
04:55Teacher, my mother is aging and kneeling is not too convenient.
05:00Your student bows to you.
05:05Brother-in-law, thank you for saving my future mother-in-law's wife.
05:08Please accept my bow.
05:11Wuji, younger sister.
05:13You are family now, no need to act so formal.
05:15Please hurry and get up.
05:17Exactly. This time it was not just our accomplishment.
05:20Nezha contributed the most.
05:22That's right. If it was not for Nezha who prevented my mother's sou from leaving,
05:25then my mother probably would be suffering in the Underworld.
05:31Hey. Where is Nezha?
05:34Nezha? Where did he go?
05:38He was here just now, how did he suddenly disappear?
05:42Oh no. Nezha has likely gone to that place.
05:47What place?
05:48He went to find Li Jing.
05:53That's wonderful. Li Jing should go to the Underworld to suffer for a while.
05:56Don't speak more nonsense.
05:58Actually, I really don't believe that it was General Li who harmed mother.
06:01Think about when we were at the General's estate before.
06:04He was very good to mother. Why would he kill her?
06:09When you put it that way, it does make sense.
06:13Mr. Jiang, I also think it is a bit strange.
06:15My father is very doting.
06:16How would he harm us?
06:19Yes, that's right.
06:21Thinking back, my father's gaze was different from usual.
06:26Jinzha, Muzha, hurry and stop Nezha.
06:29Yes, Mr. Jiang.
06:35Husband. Husband!
06:38What are you worrying about?
06:41I am worried that if General Li was actually Shen Gongbao transformed.
06:45That would be bad.
06:46I am thinking that he wants to destroy the father-son relationship.
06:50That's bad. If it's really Shen Gongbao's doing,
06:53Then wouldn't he have succeeded?
06:54Exactly, it will be very troublesome.
06:58But if this is the case that's good too.
07:00We will have Nezha punish Li Jing.
07:03Zhaodi, stop being ridiculous.
07:06There's no such thing as a son teaching his father a lesson.
07:08That is very wrong.
07:09If Nezha were to really kill Li Jing.
07:12That will bring the Heavens' punishment.
07:22You say what? The Count of the West is raising an army to rebel against us?
07:28We have heard that the count is scrambling to buy weapons and horses.
07:32To train his army.
07:34So, we think XiQi is trying to raise an army to try and stage a coup.
07:39Yes. Your Majesty,
07:41Not only this. I have heard that the Count of the West constantly insults Your Majesty.
07:46He says that Your Majesty does not understand politics.
07:49That you only know to spoil Daji and listen to criminal politicians.
07:53He's caused the civilians to question Your Majesty.
07:56He is encouraging the to revolt against Your Majesty.
08:05At that time I had taken pity on him.
08:09I let him go to XiQi to farm.
08:13Yet he dares to raise an army to revolt against me?
08:15Fei Zhong, Yong Hun!Here!
08:18Take a unit of soldier immediately to head towards XiQi.
08:20We will kill them all, not leaving a single house.
08:22Your Majesty! I think that there is something suspicious about this matter.
08:30Your Majesty think about it. The Count of the West has always been quiet.
08:35He has been loyal to Your Majesty, definitely not a hint of betrayal towards you.
08:38How would he revolt against you?
08:41I ask that you investigate this matter.
08:44Do not make a false accusation against a loyal official.
08:49General, your words hold some truth.
08:53Your Majesty. The old Count of the West may have been how the General described.
08:57To be loyal towards Your Majesty.
09:00But since Your Majesty told him to heat his son, Bo Yikao's flesh
09:06after it was made into a meat bun, he has hated Your Majesty.
09:09He'd want to kill Your Majesty to avenge his son.
09:12So I think that the idea of him revolting is not impossible.
09:17What did you say?
09:18His Majesty forced him to eat his own child's flesh?
09:22Your Majesty! How could you do such a cruel thing?
09:31Regarding this matter, I do feel some regret.
09:36However, I did this to test his loyalty to me.
09:42Anyways, he is skilled in using divination techniques.
09:45He couldn't figure out it was his own child's flesh.
09:47That means he is getting old and has nothing to do with me.
09:52Even if that was the situation,
09:54I don't believe that the Count of the West would revolt.
09:59Your Majesty, if General Wen doesn't believe that the Count will revolt,
10:03Then we should ask General Wen to investigate this matter.
10:07This way we can tell whether XiQi has intentions to revolt.
10:10This way, we can avoid
10:13claims that we made false accusations.
10:19General Wen, I'll leave this to you then.
10:26I will abide.
10:45Not bad.
10:46So many days have passed. Even if Nezha isn't dead,
10:49He will go seek Li Jing for revenge.
10:52This is wonderful.
10:53Our plan has succeeded.
10:58Yu Qing, I wanted you to secretly follow Jiang Ziya.
11:02What's the outcome?
11:03Gongbao, I saw Jiang Ziya meeting a woman.
11:08What? A woman?
11:12I don't know either
11:13But I saw that his powers are very strong.
11:15He was able to sedate Nezha and take him away.
11:21Taken away?
11:23No wonder I couldn't see Jiang Ziya when I went to the cave.
11:28Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya.
11:30Who knew that even after being taught by the Heavenly Lord,
11:34I didn't think you'd be seduced by a woman.
11:40Gong bao. The best thing to do now is to let Nezha and Li Jing fight each other.
11:44and slowly get rid of those who are with Jiang Ziya.
11:48Then it will be as easy as turning over your hand.
11:53What I'm most worried about now,
11:56is still that Jiang Ziya.
11:58That's right. Jiang Ziya's existence is catastrophic.
12:04It will be great if we know who that woman is.
12:07We can figure out who that woman is and use her to defeat Jiang Ziya.
12:10You want to know who has seduced Jiang Ziya?
12:18Who are you?
12:20I am the one in charge of the registry of a hundred flowers, Hundred Flowers Fairy.
12:24Hundred Flowers Fairy?
12:25That's right.
12:27It looks like you are a human and you are a demon.
12:32I'm Shen Gongbao.
12:34I was from the same sect as Jiang Ziya.
12:36Was it you who took away Jiang Ziya?
12:42He fell to my seductive flower poison.
12:44Where is he now?
12:46It's a pity that he was saved by Neza.
12:49What did you say? He was rescued?
12:54Neza didn't die?
12:56That's right. Neza's skill has become stronger. I'm not his match.
13:00Also, Jiang Ziya's powers are getting stronger.
13:04I fear that he will eventually be able to find a way to counteract the flower poison.
13:07Why are you telling us now?
13:10Because I overhead the both of you talking about wanting to harm Jiang Ziya.
13:17Jiang Ziya took Golden Lotus Flower and Jade lotus root from me.
13:20Nezha is able to embody himself with the lotus flower.
13:23That's why he wasn't afraid of my flower poison.
13:25I hate Jiang Ziya.
13:28Hence, I'm willing to help you.
13:30How will you help us to eliminate Jiang Ziya then?
13:34It's very easy. When the flower poison is still in his body, let's kill him.
13:40Kill him?
13:42Jiang Ziya's spirit is all gathered at the crown of his head.
13:46As long as we collaborate and destroy it
13:49Then, he won't be able to return to the Heavens.
13:54But what I'm most worried about now is that Neza is with Jiang Ziya.
13:58We won't have the chance to kill him then.
14:04Somone's coming.
14:05Let's hide first.
14:06Nezha, wait.
14:10Nezha, wait a moment!
14:11Nezha! Wait!
14:13What do you want?
14:15Big brother, second brother, don't stop me okay?
14:17I am going to find him to get revenge.
14:19Nezha, are you talking about father?
14:22Nezha, no matter what, there's no sense in a son hitting his father.
14:26You are very upset, I understand.
14:28Your older brother and I will take you to father to clear this up.
14:30Please don't make another mistake.
14:32I'm making another mistake?
14:33At that time when he wanted to kill me, he already said,
14:35that he was going to end our relationship.
14:37He doesn't recognize me as his son, why should I accept him as a father?
14:40Okay, my good Nezha.
14:43Don't be mad anymore.
14:44If you do this, mother will be distraught.
14:48Yeah, you'll upset mother and you'll also make it difficult for us.
14:53Older brother, second brother, no need to say anything else.
14:55I will definitely go find him to get revenge.
14:58Nezha! I was ordered by Mr. Jiang to take you back.
15:02Hm. This is my own matter. Teacher Uncle is almost better.
15:05The poison in his body has been reduced.
15:06Mother Wu's soul was rescued.
15:08I was afraid that Teacher Uncle would stop me from finding father,
15:11so that's why I sneaked out.
15:13Older brother, second brother, don't stop me. Don't interfere in my matters.
15:19Don't follow me anymore. Or else don't blame me for hurting you.
15:26Older brother, what do we do now?
15:30No matter what, we can't let him hurt father.
15:33Lets go.
15:39That Jiang Ziya
15:42is not completely healed.
15:44The best news is that Nezha is not with Jiang Ziya.
15:49If that's the case, let's take care of Jiang Ziya right now.
15:52Yu Qing. Hurry and follow Nezha.
15:56When necessary, help Nezha to kill Li Jing.
16:00Then let Nezha get punished by heaven earlier!
16:03Okay, then I'll go first.
16:10Fairy, may I ask where Jiang Ziya is right now?
16:16Of course I know where he is.
16:17He is affected by my seductive flower poison.
16:20As long as I take a smell, I can tell where he is.
16:40Li Jing.
16:48You aren't dead.
16:51Hmph. Old man, you haven't died, how could I?
16:54Nezha, what do you dare to say?
16:58Can a son speak to a father this way?
17:01Hmph? Father? When you tried to kill me why didn't you think of yourself as my father?
17:04When you were in the cave and injured me, killing Mother Wu,
17:06why didn't you say you were my father?
17:08What nonsense are you saying?
17:10Don't act innocent.
17:13Father, you did go overboard.
17:16Nezha was already dead.
17:18How could you not let him go?
17:20Also, you hurt us.
17:23You killed Mother Wu.
17:25What nonsense are you saying?
17:27When did I ever hurt you two?
17:30When did I kill Mother Wu?
17:33If you speak more nonsense, I'll punish you.
17:36You'll punish me? You have no right to.
17:40You tried time and time again to kill me.
17:42Do you remember what you said when you killed me?
17:45You heartless old man.
17:47I will kill you today so I can avenge Mother Wu.
18:06Nezha! Father!
18:07Father, stop fighting.
18:09Stop fighting, father.
18:18Stop! Father!
18:35Nezha, you are still alive!
18:44Where are you running to?
18:46Nezha! I won't let you hurt father.
18:49Get out of my way. Take care of mother.
18:53Nezha! Mother!
18:57How would this happen?
19:00I missed him every night,
19:02hoping that Nezha could live.
19:06Now, he's alive. But how could he fight with your father?
19:11Mother. You don't know.
19:13It was Mr. Jiang who saved Nezha.
19:16Nezha not only lived, he learned the Three Head Six Limb power.
19:19His powers are even more powerful.
19:22That really happened?
19:25But, he starting fighting with his father. That is a grave mistake.
19:29Why didn't you stop him?
19:35Father is really too much.
19:39When Nezha came back to this world and was healing in a cave,
19:43father tried to kill him and also hurt us.
19:48Yes, mother. That's not all.
19:51He also killed Mother Wu.
19:55How could this be?
19:59How could this be?
20:05Father is too much.
20:08No wonder Nezha wants to
20:12When did these events happen?
20:17Seven days ago.
20:20No. Impossible.
20:24I missed Nezha so much I couldn't sleep or eat.
20:30I was worried about you two because I didn't know where you were.
20:34Your father has been by my side the whole time. He has never left.
20:42How can that be?
20:44It was Muzha and I who took father.
20:47But, he was really by my side the whole time.
20:55Oh no! We've been tricked.
21:01Li Jing, where do you think you're going?
21:15Nezha, I didn't think you would be so powerful now.
21:21Li Jing, where do you think you're going? I want to settle matters with you today.
21:25Evil creature! You dare to try to hunt down and kill your father?
21:30Are you not afraid of being punished by the heavens?
21:32The person who should be punished is you.
21:35You've tried to kill me multiple times. It's a good thing I am lucky.
21:38Today, I must take revenge for myself!
21:41I'm coming for you!
22:10Nezha, stop!
22:14Older brother, second brother, get out of my way.
22:16Otherwise, don't blame me for my actions.
22:18You dare?
22:19Nezha, we have fallen into a trap.
22:21The person who hurt you this time isn't dad!
22:23Right, if you don't believe us ask mom.
22:26Nezha, I can serve as proof.
22:28You must believe me.
22:31At this time, you guys are all protecting this rotten old man.
22:36Even if he didn't wound me this time,
22:38what about how he destroyed my temple?
22:40Today, I must get revenge!
22:55Stop fighting!
22:58Don't fight anymore!
23:13Stop! Nezha.
23:15No matter what he is your dad.
23:17How could you do this?
23:31If I have to die in your hands today,
23:38then I accept my fate.
23:43Nezha, don't.
23:46Nezha, you can't do this.
23:53Don't come over here! If you move one more step, I will kill her.
24:00Nezha, didn't you want to kill your father? Do it quickly.
24:04Otherwise I will kill your mother!
24:06You rotten monster, release my mother!
24:09Nezha, don't worry about me.
24:12Today, even if I die in this monster's hands
24:15you still can't kill your father.
24:18Nezha, since you want to kill me, do it quickly.
24:21I have done you wrong.
24:24You can't let your mother be harmed. Do it quickly!
24:27Nezha, don't!
24:29Nezha, think of a way to save mom!
24:32Nezha, if you don't do it now, I will kill her.
24:35Nezha, kill me quickly!
24:42Father, father!
24:52Mother! Mother.
24:55Mother, are you okay?
24:58I am fine.
24:59I am so happy that you saved me.
25:08Father, father are you okay?
25:12I am fine.
25:20Nezha, you are too much, how could you kick father?
25:23If he didn't kick me then
25:27I would have already died under his weapon. Don't blame him.
25:30Nezha, no matter what, he is still your father.
25:37Stop hating your father again, on my account. Alright?
25:42Neza, kneel down now and admit your mistakes to Father.
25:48Why should I admit my mistakes to him?
25:49I only kicked him once, but he tried to behead me!
25:53The more you tell me this, the more I will refuse.
25:57I refuse to admit my mistakes to him.
25:59Shut up.
26:02Based on the fact that you protected your mother, I can forgive you a little.
26:06Even if I die today, I will teach you a lesson.
26:09- Father! - Move aside!
26:10Bring it on.
26:14- Father. - Muzha, Jinzha.
26:17Why are you still standing there? Stop them now.
26:20- Alright. - Alright.
26:29- Father. - Father.
26:30Who are you? Why did you take my Fire Wheel?
26:33I am the Taoist priest, Ran Deng, from Yuan Jue Cave in Ling Jiu Mountain.
26:38Nezha, I'm your teacher.
26:42Teacher? Why haven't I heard of you?
26:46Nezha, your personality is too wild.
26:49I am following the orders of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial being to stop this conflict.
26:54Your father and you must get along with each other
26:58then together, you can help the Count of the West to become the king.
27:05Thank you, Taoist Priest, for saving my life.
27:08Li Jing, no need to be so formal.
27:12I don't believe what you said.
27:15What evidence do you have to say that you are my teacher?
27:17Based on the seven tier pagoda that I'm holding in my hand.
27:25Seven tier pagoda?
27:27Right. This is a treasure of our sect.
27:31It is the same as the other treasures given to you.
27:37My greetings to Teacher.
27:38Neza, you should patch up with your father.
27:42You have more important tasks to do in the future.
27:46In future, I will go with my Teacher Uncle to find Ji Chang!
27:50But as for him,
27:52he kept trying to kill me.
27:54I must take revenge on him today.
27:56You traitorous son!
27:57Nezha, there are no parents without fault.
28:02Are you really not going to let your father off?
28:09Frankly, your father is helpless too.
28:12He was tricked by the demons. That's why he tried to harm you.
28:16Although he's at fault but you should know that
28:18he has been unable to sleep each night and sighs while looking at the moon.
28:24He has always been blaming himself for not teaching you properly.
28:30Frankly, he can't bear to be without you.
28:33That's right, Neza.
28:35What the Taoist Priest said, it's true.
28:38Your father hasn't been sleeping well.
28:40If I asked him what the problem was, he would say that
28:45he's worried about Neza and misses Neza.
28:51Neza, do you know?
28:53Frankly, you are very important in your father's heart.
28:58He has only been acting like this to you because of his duties and due to the deception by the demons.
29:02Mother. I know you are saying this because you afraid that I would harm him.
29:07Nezha, I didn't know that you said such disrespectful words at your young age.
29:13Teacher, can you not get involved in my family matters?
29:18I insist on doing so today.
29:21I will offend you then.
29:32Oh no, I can't win against him. Quick run!
29:35You are not going anywhere.
29:44So hot!
29:45Mother, help me.
29:47Help me, Mother.
29:48Taoist priest! No matter how wrong he is, he is my son.
29:52He's young and immature.
29:54I'm begging you. Let him go.
29:57Taoist Priest, I'm begging you. Spare Neza.
30:00Taoist Priest, please release Neza.
30:02Please spare Neza.
30:08Taoist Priest.
30:09Li Jing, don't regret.
30:13I can release him but he still tries to kill you, what will you do?
30:19Taoist Priest, I won't regret.
30:22It came to this stage.
30:24Blame me for being confused for believing the female demon.
30:28That's why I tried to harm him.
30:31Older brothers.
30:32I will forget about this today.
30:34I can't bear to see my son suffering like this.
30:38Taoist Priest, please spare him.
30:40Neza, did you hear that?
30:44Your biological father is asking for forgiveness on your behalf.
30:47Will you listen or not?
30:50I will.
30:59Thank you, Taoist Priest.
31:01I'm returning this to you.
31:11Thank you, Teacher.
31:14Neza, since you have agreed,
31:17apologize to your father now.
31:21That's right, Neza.
31:22Listen to the Taoist Priest and apologize to your father now.
31:34Li Jing, sorry.
31:42Neza, you are apologizing without meaning it.
31:50Once my teacher leaves, see how I get rid of you.
31:56I already predicted this.
32:01Li Jing,
32:04I'm giving this to you.
32:11Thank you, Taoist Priest.
32:17Li Jing, I have used magic on you,
32:21do you know how to use this?
32:24I do.
32:26Good, then I hope you all well.
32:31Thank you, Taoist Priest.
32:33He gave him the pagoda. I don't believe he knows how to use it immediately.
32:38Nezha, if you are disrespectful to me again,
32:43believe it or not, I will use the pagoda to restrain you.
32:45Old Master, don't.
32:47Mother, stop begging him.
32:50I don't believe you know how to use this.
32:57Try this if you don't believe it.
33:03Old Master, look at how much pain Neza is in.
33:06It's very painful! Mother!
33:08Release him now.
33:11Please release him.
33:19I didn't imagine you really know how to use this.
33:28What are you trying to do? Are you going to kill me again?
33:32Neza, I have wronged you.
33:39I don't want to use this to restrain you. I won't use this again.
33:44No matter how you hate me or refuse to forgive me,
33:49you can punish me however you like.
33:56Old Master.
34:04Father, I have wronged you.
34:10- Father. - Neza.
34:14I have wronged you.
34:17I was a muddle head and caused you to suffer.
34:22Son, starting from today, let's start over again. Okay?
34:52Father, just now Teacher Uncle said that
34:54we should go to Xi Qi to look for the Count of the West Ji Chang.
34:57But father, right now you are a general.
35:00What should we do?
35:04Since this is the case,
35:05I will resign as the general.
35:11When the Count of the West rises in rebellion,
35:15I will go seek refuge with him.
35:16This is great.
35:33- Husband. - Teacher.
35:34Husband, are you tired?
35:35Do you feel better?
35:37I feel much better.
35:39Just that the poison in my body has not been completely removed.
35:50Husband, what did you foresee?
35:52Fairy Flowers is coming this way with Gongbao
35:55and wants to kill me.
35:56They are coming for us?
35:59This flowery slut!
36:01Previously you poisoned my husband to the point where he was unable to return home.
36:04And also, this Shen Gongbao.
36:06You have been trying to harm my husband multiple times! How hateful!
36:09No way! Husband, we need to think of a way to take revenge!
36:14I've heard that there is knowledge about the art of Taoism, war, and formations inside.
36:18I am the most skilled at setting formations.
36:20In a while I will set up a formation and wait for them.
36:22Wu Ji, help me.
36:26The three of you, later you must not start anything.
36:28Remember to hide. Fairy Flowers is extremely powerful.
36:32Brother in law, rest assured, we will not cause trouble for you!
36:35Then might not be so...
36:37What are you saying? You want to cause more trouble?
36:40No, husband.
36:41I mean, didn't Wuji and I learn how to fight too?
36:45I don't believe that we can't defeat them.
36:49When I tell you not be be reckless, don't be reckless.
36:51Let them know how difficult it is and retreat. Got it?
36:54I know.
36:57I will do whatever you say.
37:15Fairy, didn't you say that Jiang Ziya is here?
37:18Where is Jiang Ziya? Why don't I see him?
37:21I followed the scent of my flowers.
37:22Jiang Ziya is definitely here. I can't be wrong.
37:26Fairy, didn't you say he is hurt?
37:30and Neza is not with him now.
37:31How about we split up and take action? Then we can make him into meat sauce!
37:35Stinky mouth! Who are you going to make into meat sauce?
37:38You two, one is a loose woman and the other is a dirty animal,
37:40you are ganging up to bully my husband! Watch out for karma!
37:44Which one of you tried to be Li Jing and killed my mother?
37:47It was me. So what?
37:51Oh, Shen Gongbao.
37:54Who knew it was you again, you animal!
37:58You dared to harm my mother. Today, I'm going to take revenge for her.
38:04Take revenge for her? You? Can you do it?
38:08Shen Gongbao, cut the unnecessary talk.
38:12You two are merely mortals. Watch out for me!
38:24I didn't think that there is actually a formation here.
38:27What formation is this?
38:28Cloud Water Formation.
38:32Cloud Water Formation?
38:34What formation is this?
38:36Heart like white clouds, often at ease.
38:39Thought like flowing water, it can be anything.
38:42Heart like white clouds, often at ease.
38:45Thought like flowing water, it can be be anything.
38:47Then what if the water dries up?
38:54- What's wrong? - Shen Gongbao, do you realize that
38:57In this formation, our powers are sealed!
39:00That's right. I find it strange too.
39:02I have never heard of such a formation.
39:13Shen Gongbao, for a crook like you who has never read the Heavenly Book
39:19how would you know what is the Cloud Water Formation?
39:21Jiang Ziya, stop playing tricks!
39:23What are you trying to do?
39:26Falling flowers have meaning, flowing water is without mercy.
39:29Fairy Flowers, the water of this formation
39:32is specially used to face you.
39:34What? I don't believe it.
39:39Based on the fact that you once helped me, I will let you live.
39:43Leave now.
39:45Jiang Ziya, you haven't agreed to our marriage yet.
39:49How can I leave like that?
39:50What did you say?
39:52You stinky scum! You still dare seduce my husband?
39:55I'm going to beat you to death!
39:58Teacher's wife!
40:00I'm going to beat you to death!
40:03Shen Gongbao.
40:05Wu Ji.
40:17You bitch you dare to hit me?
40:18I'm going to fight you to death today!
40:36I'll beat you!
40:42I...will beat
40:44you to death!
40:46Zhaodi, don't.
40:47Leave now.
40:53Wu Ji.
41:00- Wu Ji, are you okay? - I'm fine.
41:05Jiang Ziya, you are here at the right time.
41:07Shen Gongbao, I will not let you off today.
41:11I know that you have been poisoned and your magic is unable to be fully used.
41:14Today I must kill you to prevent future problems!
41:17Shen Gongbao, of course you wouldn't know that in the Heavenly Book
41:20there is a way to cure the poison from the flower.
41:22Also, even if there is still poison in my body,
41:25with my powers now
41:27it is not difficult to kill you!
41:30Fine, give it a try then.
41:44The two of them are fighting so hard, I can't go in!
41:47Teacher's wife, don't worry.
41:49It is a piece of cake for Teacher to take care of this kind of rubbish.
41:52Sister Ma, brother-in-law hasn't fully recovered yet.
41:55If he continues like this, will he be alright?
41:58Don't worry. My husband will definitely win.
42:01Zhaodi, why does it seem like Mister Jiang's
42:04body strength is not that good?
42:05Is that so?
42:46Jiang Ziya, what kind of weapon is this?
42:48My teacher gave me this, it's the Whip that Hits Gods.
42:51Whip that Hits Gods?
42:56Where did he go?
43:02Timing and Subtitles brought to you by"The Legendary Investors" Team @Viki
43:29♪ Cold pond of Ten Li, waning lights of the red mansion ♪
43:35♪ Wind of dawn, setting moon, longing, half-awake ♪
43:41♪ The morning hours rush the sinking moon, the warm wind rushes the brown goose ♪
43:48♪ Blossoming a thousand trees, but you still haven't returned. ♪
43:54♪ Fog spreading of the third month, a distant image and a lonely sail is all that is left ♪
44:00♪ Curtain of beads, floating lamps, a wild goose returning alone ♪
44:06♪ Willow catkins spreading on the earth, the peach blossoms fall and evening comes ♪
44:12♪ The qin sound is played, and rain drops over Chang'an. ♪
44:18♪ In the endless night, fine rain falling freely by the riverside ♪
44:24♪ Whose feelings are prying into the qin sound day and night? ♪
44:30♪ The worries are heavy, the water flowing, carrying motionless ♪
44:36♪ Just wishing to accompany you for another travel south of the river♪
44:42♪ In the endless night, the rain tonight is falling on Chang'an ♪
44:48♪ Whose feelings are blown into chaos on the paper? ♪
44:55♪At the end of the world, leaning on a wall with a lost gaze ♪
45:00♪ Who will bring letters and will talk with me about the tree peonies of Luoyang ♪
45:07♪ Who will bring letters and will talk with me about the tree peonies of Luoyang ♪
