Barbell Middle Finger Deadlift 315lb

  • 4 years ago
l realized I hadn't done any in a while AND it would be perfect for some light training since I was quite mangled from yesterday's training. This is not too far off from my best of 345lb. It was common knowledge back in the Olde Time Strongman days that you could pick up MORE with just your Middle Finger than when using your whole hand. This type of training is the Olde Time Strongman version of 'deloading'. If they were beat up from training, they would find a relatively lighter alternative as l did today. I'm only lifting 315lb here but, l am definitely working hard. It was light enough to be doable but, heavy enough to make we work and it shook out the cobwebs making me feel much better. If it wasn't for George Olesen, l NEVER would have gotten into Middle Finger training OR Olde Time Strongman at all!! Thanks George!!
Good Luck & God Bless!!