TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Family, Music | Episode aired 25 November 1964
The school's football star has a huge crush on Cathy and she couldn't care less.
Director: Claudio Guzmán
Writers: Arnold Horwitt, Sidney Sheldon, William Asher
Stars: Patty Duke, William Schallert, Jean Byron
The school's football star has a huge crush on Cathy and she couldn't care less.
Director: Claudio Guzmán
Writers: Arnold Horwitt, Sidney Sheldon, William Asher
Stars: Patty Duke, William Schallert, Jean Byron
Short filmTranscript
00:02Rockety roost, rockety rah, rockety shag, it's the Rockets' hit!
00:16Hit the rocket!
00:30As team manager, I'm proud to introduce one of our school's all-time gridiron greats,
00:37Gilder Tugwell!
00:44Mr. Tugwell has gone on to win his letter in the game of life,
00:48but he still recalls the days when he captained our undefeated team of 1917.
00:57That's 1937.
00:59Oh, uh, right. Uh, 1937, that is.
01:04All right, gang.
01:06Mr. Gilder T for touchdown, Tugwell!
01:12Hey, Mr. Tugwell, thanks a lot.
01:19Hello, gang!
01:25Gang, that's right, that's right, I'm in the game of life.
01:29You know, the business world.
01:31But gang, believe me, life to me is just one big football game.
01:39But gang, gang, gang, listen, I appreciate the fight to stay on top.
01:44And you know, that's what this team is going to do.
01:53So gang, now I say to you, in the immortal words of old Coach Hanson,
02:00hit them high, hit them low, hit them hard, and...
02:06Go, go, go!
02:07Yeah, go, go, go!
02:22All right, gang, here he is, our quarterback and captain,
02:26the finest athlete to ever wear the red and gold,
02:29Rock Milankovitch!
02:54I ain't much for making speeches, but I'll tell you one thing.
03:04We're going to beat Eastern.
04:03When cousins are two of a kind.
04:14Hiya, Patty.
04:15Hi, Rich.
04:17Hi, Rock.
04:19Hey, congratulations.
04:21Oh, thanks.
04:23Kath, I want you to meet a friend of mine, Rock Milankovitch.
04:27How do you do?
04:29Rest it, Rock.
04:32What do you have, pal?
04:34Nothing, I'm in training.
04:37Is, uh, Rock your real name?
04:40No, it's, um, Myron.
04:45Myron's a very nice name.
04:47It's an old Greek name.
04:49Is it?
04:50Who told you?
04:52Oh, I read it somewhere.
04:54Kathy's always reading some book.
04:56She's the smartest girl in the school.
04:59I'll bet.
05:00Rock, you were absolutely sensational Saturday.
05:03When you came out of that T formation and through that lateral...
05:05Thanks, uh, did you see the game?
05:08No, I'm afraid not.
05:11Would you like to be my guest at the game next Saturday?
05:14That's very nice of you, but, uh, I really don't know anything about football.
05:20That's our Kath.
05:22If you were to ask her to a chess match...
05:26I can't even play checkers.
05:29Rock, level with me.
05:31How does it look for Saturday? Do you think we'll beat Central?
05:34Defensively, of course, I know they're very strong.
05:36But our team has such spirit and drive...
05:39We'll clobber them.
05:42But I ask myself, what good is it?
05:55Great game.
05:56Okay, guys, grab a fast shower.
05:58Coach wants to see you.
06:02Richard, Richard, I gotta talk to you.
06:04Hello, sir. What are you doing here?
06:06Well, I decided to watch practice today.
06:08And a good thing, too.
06:10Richard, what's wrong with our boy Rock?
06:13Beats me. He's been in a slump all week.
06:16Did you see that pass he dropped?
06:18I could have caught it with my teeth.
06:20Oh, is that the way you did it way back in your day?
06:24That's just an expression.
06:27And it wasn't so way back.
06:29Well, never mind about that.
06:31Watch ailing Rock.
06:42How are you feeling, Rock, old boy?
06:44Oh, fine.
06:49You see? I told you you can't get through to him.
06:52Well, naturally.
06:53What's needed is someone with tact and understanding.
06:56Okay, but who do we get?
07:05How's it going, boy?
07:07Swell, Mr. Tugwell.
07:09Everything all right at home?
07:10Oh, yeah. Okay.
07:12You keeping up with your schoolwork?
07:16Rock, boy, you can level with me.
07:18What's bothering you, boy?
07:20Nothing, Mr. Tugwell.
07:22Rock, I'm talking to you as if I were your own father.
07:25Yeah, you even yell like him.
07:29Excuse me, sir.
07:31I got to go shower.
07:33I told you.
07:36There's no getting through.
07:46I don't believe it.
07:50I know what's bugging Rock.
07:57Hey, that's Kathy Lane.
07:59Rock must have clipped this picture out of the class book.
08:02He's in love with her.
08:04Hey, our troubles are over.
08:06Go call Kathy up and tell her the good news.
08:09I don't think it's that simple, sir.
08:11I don't think Rock is Kathy's type.
08:13What do you mean, not her type?
08:15A boy who can take out three men with one block?
08:18Kathy just doesn't dig football.
08:20Don't be ridiculous.
08:22Go on over and straighten her out.
08:24Okay, I'll try, but I'm telling you,
08:26Kathy just doesn't care about football.
08:28Then talk some sense into her.
08:30Tell her that she's got to start being nice to Rock or else.
08:33Or else what?
08:35Or else we could lose every game this season.
08:38I'm sure Rock is a very nice boy.
08:41Take my word for it, Kath.
08:43He's a prince.
08:45But he just isn't my type.
08:47Kathy, nobody's asking you to marry Rock.
08:49They just want you to date him for a little while.
08:51Yeah, just till the end of the season.
08:53And suddenly drop him?
08:56That wouldn't be very nice.
08:58You never know, you might get to like him.
09:00Patty, I wouldn't even know what to talk to him about.
09:03All he cares for is football.
09:05And you don't know anything about football.
09:08Okay, I'll teach you.
09:10Look, there are 11 guys on a team.
09:12Most girls would be proud to go out with Rock.
09:15You'd be the envy of the whole team.
09:18Passing the forward pass or running with the ball.
09:20What's the difference?
09:22Patty, Richard, please listen to me.
09:25I'm not trying to be difficult.
09:28But why should I go out with Rock if I don't want to?
09:32I'll tell you why.
09:34Because you owe it to the school.
09:36The school?
09:48Patty, do you realize that with Rock on our team,
09:50this could be the most glorious year in the history of Brooklyn Heights High?
09:53Brooklyn Heights, my Brooklyn Heights.
09:56Because Brooklyn Heights isn't just classrooms, books and homework.
09:59It's a spirit, a bond, a sacred flame
10:03that is burning right now in our classrooms.
10:05I mean, in our hearts.
10:07And right now, Cassie, you are the keeper of the flame.
10:11If you want to nourish and cherish it,
10:13are you going to let it go out and turn to bitter ashes in your mouth?
10:17Brooklyn Heights, my Brooklyn Heights.
10:21Brooklyn Heights, my Brooklyn Heights.
10:24Oh, hello, Rock.
10:26Hi. Here. For you.
10:29Oh, thank you.
10:31Oh, they're beautiful, but you shouldn't have.
10:33Oh, it's okay. My uncle's an undertaker.
10:38Shall we go inside?
10:42Oh, uh, thank you very much for the football tickets yesterday.
10:45Oh, did you have a good time?
10:47Oh, yes, I did. It was very... interesting.
10:50It's the best game I ever played.
10:53That's because you were there, Cathy.
10:55Uh, what would you like to do today, Rock?
10:58Oh, anything you say.
11:00It's such a lovely day. Why don't we go for a walk in the park?
11:03Great. All right.
11:05Come on.
11:16And perhaps we could stop at the museum.
11:19What for?
11:20Well, they're having a new exhibit of a collection of sculpture.
11:23Oh, sounds swell.
11:25Do you really want to go?
11:27With you, I'd go anywhere.
11:42This one's very famous, Rock.
11:44It's called The Winged Victory.
11:46Of, uh, Samothrace.
11:49That was a big naval battle the Greeks won.
11:52Yes. How did you know that?
11:54Oh, I got an uncle who sculpts.
11:56He gave me a book about all this stuff.
12:01Oh, this one should interest you.
12:04Hey, that's okay.
12:06The guy who sculpted this sure knew what he was doing.
12:09What makes you say that?
12:11Well, you see how he done those muscles?
12:13He's got them bulging just right.
12:16Oh, really?
12:18Yeah, I'll show you. Go on.
12:20Feel my arm.
12:23Well, all right.
12:26Oh, yes.
12:28You're very strong.
12:32Oh, here's Mercury, the runner.
12:39Hey, you know something, Kathy?
12:41I'm having fun.
12:43I'm glad, Rock.
12:45Yeah, I used to, uh...
12:47I used to fool around with carving things when I was a kid.
12:50Did you?
12:52Out of clay. Kid stuff.
12:55Why did you give it up?
12:57Oh, I started playing football.
13:02Oh, you ought to go back to it.
13:04Nah, I'm too busy.
13:06You could find time.
13:08And just think, perhaps it would turn out that you have a real talent for sculpture.
13:11You know, my uncle said I was pretty good.
13:14I'm sure you were.
13:16Yeah, I could fix up a place in the cellar.
13:18And borrow some stone from my uncle.
13:20As a sculptor?
13:22The undertaker.
13:24He's also in the monument business.
13:26Do it, Rock. Won't it be exciting to try?
13:34I know just what I'm gonna sculpt first.
13:38You'll see.
13:45Kathy, it's you.
13:48It certainly is.
13:51I feel as if I belong on Mount Rushmore.
13:53Do you like it, Kathy?
13:55Oh, it's beautiful.
13:57Yes, you're beautiful.
13:59I meant it was a beautiful piece of work.
14:01Yeah, terrific.
14:03Come on, Rock, let's get over to practice.
14:08How am I going to get it home?
14:12Rock, boy, you're gonna be late for practice.
14:16Come on, Kathy.
14:18I'll walk you home.
14:24You know something?
14:26I think we have an ex-football player on our hands.
14:33I'm here today because
14:35this is it.
14:37Your final practice.
14:39On Saturday, you meet Frog's Eye for the big one.
14:43Now, Rock, I know that we can count on you.
14:53Well, good luck, Hank.
14:55And drive, drive, drive!
15:05Great speech, Coach.
15:07Oh, thanks.
15:09Why wasn't Rock here to hear it?
15:11I don't know.
15:13Well, what's wrong with him now?
15:15I thought things were fine since he got together with Kathy.
15:18Well, he's playing as great as usual.
15:20You know that.
15:22He's been skipping practice lately.
15:24Skipping practice?
15:26What does he think football is, a game?
15:30Rock, you're late!
15:32That's right, Mr. Tugwell.
15:34I was at the Modern Museum.
15:36Modern Museum? What for?
15:38Well, Kathy took me to see the new Brancusi show.
15:41Very powerful in a non-representational idiom.
15:45What'd you say?
15:47Rock's on an artistic kick.
15:49Oh, forget it, Rock.
15:51The only kick we care about is the one that starts the big game Saturday.
15:55Uh, you might as well brace yourself
15:58for a big shock right now, Mr. Tugwell.
16:01I'm not playing.
16:03What? What are you saying, boy?
16:05I'm giving up football, sir.
16:07I've decided.
16:09It's interfering with my career.
16:11Well, football is your career, boy!
16:13No longer, sir.
16:15I'm turning in my shoulder pads.
16:17You can't, Rock. Not before the big game.
16:23Here's my notebook with all the play signals.
16:26I no longer have any use for it.
16:28No! Rock, boy, where's your school spirit?
16:32Oh, I haven't lost that, Mr. Tugwell.
16:35But it's just like Kathy says.
16:37The finest thing I can do for Brooklyn Heights High
16:40is to become a great sculptor.
16:42No, no, no, no, no! You listen to me!
16:45Are you getting excited about all this, Mr. Tugwell?
16:48Well, I wish I could be out there with the other chaps
16:50on the playing field on Saturday, but my mind's made up.
16:53Oh, Rock, wait, wait!
16:55There must be 500 girls in this school.
16:57Why does he have to fall in love with a culture nut?
17:03This way, Mr. Tugwell.
17:05And that way.
17:07Martin, I want to work with you.
17:09Good evening, Gilbert, Richard.
17:11Oh, sit down, both of you.
17:12Oh, yeah. Here, Mr. Tugwell.
17:14I'll get some coffee.
17:18What can I do for you, Gilbert?
17:20We got a problem on our hands.
17:22And she's sitting right over there.
17:25This niece of yours is destroying the career
17:28of the best athlete Brooklyn Heights High has ever had.
17:31He's talking about Rock Milankovitch, Poppa.
17:33Rock also happens to have a great talent for sculpture.
17:36So this girl talked him into quitting the team
17:38on the day before the big game.
17:41Well, here's some coffee.
17:42Darling, would you take that for Richard, please?
17:45Thanks a lot, Mrs. Lane.
17:48How can you eat like that when we're facing a crisis?
17:51I gotta keep my strength up.
17:56Exactly what do you want me to do, Gilbert?
17:58Talk sense to Kathy.
18:00Tell her to get Rock back into the ball game.
18:03Please, Poppa.
18:04I've talked to her till I'm blue in the face
18:06and she won't listen to me.
18:08Patty, I cannot tell Kathy what to say to Rock.
18:10Now, you should understand that.
18:12Thank you, Uncle Martin.
18:15Without Rock, we'll be clobbered.
18:17Well, I hope not, Gilbert.
18:19But if a boy prefers art to football...
18:22Look, look, look, I've got nothing against art.
18:25Didn't I pay for that statue of old Coach Hanson?
18:28So you did.
18:30Well, I appreciate how you feel about it, Gilbert.
18:33Believe me, I have nothing against school athletics.
18:36Oh, that's true, Gilbert.
18:37Back in college, Martin was captain of the baseball team.
18:41I'm an adept at baseball players.
18:50The time is now one minute to midnight.
18:53You're fast. It's only 7.30.
18:56That's just an expression.
18:59Somehow, we have got to get through to Rock.
19:02How? They'll only listen to Kathy.
19:04Yeah, I know.
19:06He's coming over later.
19:08That means he's probably still home in his workshop creating.
19:14Pick up that phone and dial beachview23598.
19:25Hey, that's Rock's number.
19:27That's right.
19:29Hello, Rock. This is Kathy.
19:32I get it.
19:34Patty, if you pull this off, the school will put up your statue.
19:37Yeah, and Rock can sculpt it after the big game.
19:45Hello, Rock?
19:47This is Kathy.
19:50What are you doing?
19:53Oh, you're sculpting a new statue?
19:56Oh, no, no, no.
19:58Don't come over.
20:00I'd like to run over there and take a look at it.
20:04See you then.
20:15Sit down. I'll be with you in a minute.
20:24I passed the gym on my way over here tonight.
20:28They were having a big pep rally before the game tomorrow.
20:32Were they?
20:36Rock, you can be frank with me.
20:39Deep down inside,
20:41don't you really wish you were playing in that game tomorrow?
20:44Oh, yeah, I do, kind of.
20:47But it's like you said, Kathy.
20:49I'm an artist now.
20:55Don't you think you're avoiding a moment of truth?
21:01Well, an artist just can't create.
21:04He has to experience.
21:06Experience what?
21:10Eat, sleep, fall in love.
21:16Play football.
21:18I've already had that experience.
21:23But an artist must live his life to the fullest.
21:28Well, of course.
21:30Well, look at Hemingway.
21:32He stopped lions in Africa.
21:34And, uh, Lord Byron fought wars for Greek independence
21:38and Tolstoy...
21:40And what'd he do?
21:44Whatever the life force told him was right.
21:48Gee, Kathy, I've never heard you talk like that before.
21:51You sound like a different person.
21:58I just want you to know
22:02I just want you to, uh, fulfill yourself.
22:16Well, we're gonna have to get this thing tuned.
22:19Say, it's almost 9 o'clock. I thought you said Rock was coming over.
22:22Oh, you know Artis. He's probably lost in his work.
22:25Well, why don't you call him up?
22:27I was thinking I might take a walk over there.
22:29I have a better idea. I'll drive you.
22:31Would you?
22:33Why not? I'd like to see some of his work myself.
22:35All right.
22:37Let's go through it again.
22:4111, 78, 44, 22, hey!
22:44It starts out as a run to the left,
22:46I fake it to the halfback, and I get it to the fullback.
22:5131, 39, 55, 74, hey!
22:54I fake an inrun, starts out as a fake inrun,
22:57a long pass, and...
23:07Peter, two of you Kathys.
23:10What's going on?
23:12Well, I have a theory, Rock.
23:15But perhaps Patty would like to explain.
23:22Patty, you didn't.
23:24Shall we say I nearly did?
23:26Is that all you have to say?
23:28I did it for the old school. I wanted to see us win.
23:31It's a far, far better thing I do
23:33than I've ever done before.
23:35Oh, boy, am I ever sorry I did it.
23:41Are you beginning to find the game exciting, Patty?
23:44When Rock got away and the three guys almost had him
23:46and he still made it?
23:49All right!
23:53All right, I was waiting to see that!
24:01How did I do, Kathy?
24:03You were wonderful, Rock.
24:05It was a great game, Rock.
24:07Thanks, Mrs. Lane.
24:08I'm glad you decided to play, Rock.
24:10A man should use all his talents.
24:12That's just what I told him last night.
24:14I said, Rock...
24:16I like to see Michelangelo throw a touchdown pass like that.
24:19Wait till next year, boy.
24:21Mr. Tugwell, you better brace yourself again.
24:25There's not going to be any next year.
24:28I'm transferring to Brooklyn Poly.
24:31Brooklyn Poly?
24:33You're joking.
24:35They don't even have a football team.
24:37Yeah, I know.
24:39But, boy, what an art department.
25:00¶ Here's Kathy who's lived most everywhere ¶¶
25:03¶ From Zanzibar to Barkley Square ¶¶
25:06¶ But Patty's only seen the sights a girl can see ¶¶
25:09¶ From Brooklyn Heights, what a crazy pair ¶¶
25:12¶ But they're cousins ¶¶
25:15¶ Identical cousins ¶¶
25:17¶ And you'll find ¶¶
25:19¶ They laugh alike ¶¶
25:20¶ They walk alike ¶¶
25:21¶ At times they even talk alike ¶¶
25:23¶ You can lose your mind ¶¶
25:25¶ When cousins are two of a kind ¶¶