30min | Family, Western | TV Series (1955–1960)
Joey signs up to ride in the Junior Rodeo. But he's up against the local champion, Ty Jones (played by Sammy Ogg). Jim, Pete, and Fury help Joey learn to ride a bucking bronco.
Stars: Peter Graves, William Fawcett, Bobby Diamond
30min | Family, Western | TV Series (1955–1960)
Joey signs up to ride in the Junior Rodeo. But he's up against the local champion, Ty Jones (played by Sammy Ogg). Jim, Pete, and Fury help Joey learn to ride a bucking bronco.
Stars: Peter Graves, William Fawcett, Bobby Diamond
Short filmTranscript
00:00This is the range country where the pounding hooves of untamed horses still thunder over
00:08mountains, meadows, and canyons.
00:11Every herd has its own leader, but there is only one fury, fury, king of the wild stallions.
00:18And here in the wild west of today, hard riding men still battle the open range for a living.
00:23Men like Jim Newton, owner of the Broken Wheel Ranch, and Pete, his top hand who says he
00:28cut his teeth on a branding iron.
00:32Wild as fury is, that's the one human voice he's learned to love and obey.
00:41The voice of the boy who once saved his life, Jim Newton's boy, Joey.
01:06Here's a mutual trust and affection that everyone can understand, especially a woman like Helen
01:12Watkins, Joey's school teacher and unfailing champion.
01:17Now kneel down and let me get on you.
01:25And there they are together, a great wild horse and the only person on earth who can
01:30ride him, Joey and Fury.
01:46Dog gone fury, if you don't keep better time than my watch.
02:10Dog gone you fury, you never forget, do you?
02:13That boy.
02:14Now you listen to what I say, you hightail it to the school and bring Joey right home
02:21and no visiting.
02:39I ask you boys to drop by here after school to remind you that our annual junior rodeo
02:43is only two weeks away.
02:45Now last year our county team didn't do so well.
02:48My son Ty here missed the championship by only a few points and this year he's going
02:51to win it.
02:55That's the kind of spirit we want in our county team this year.
02:57So line up boys and get your entry blanks and we'll show those upstate buckaroos what
03:00rough riding really looks like.
03:02Come on.
03:08Well look who's here, the pride of the Broken Wheel Ranch.
03:11What event are you entering, kid?
03:13There isn't any pie eating contest.
03:15You're not the only rider around here, Ty Jones.
03:17I'm going out for the championship.
03:19The drugstore cowboy thinks he can ride a bucking horse.
03:22You've never even sat on one.
03:24But I don't know now, I can learn.
03:25I got two weeks.
03:26Two weeks.
03:27Get him.
03:28You think it's that easy, huh?
03:30Well I'd sure like to be around the first time a bronx sunfish is with you.
03:33Come on, Buck, let's get a couple of malts.
03:37Don't mind what he says, Joey.
03:39Ty Jones thinks he's the greatest.
03:41He is the best rider in the county.
03:43You can't take that away from him.
03:45I'm not even going to try.
03:47No bucking horses for me.
03:49See you later.
03:55You know Fury, all I need is some practice and you're going to help me.
04:00I don't get rough now.
04:02Just jump around easy like until I learn to keep my balance.
04:06Okay, here we go.
04:10Attaboy, Fury.
04:16Attaboy, Fury, now jump higher.
04:25Now jump higher.
04:44I'm okay.
04:45Just knock the wind out of me.
04:47We'll try again in a minute.
04:54Jump, jump.
05:01Well, we cut out the smallest ones, but they're still plenty mean.
05:04They give the school kids some good practice.
05:06Jim, Jim.
05:10I got my entry blank for the rodeo.
05:13Well now, young fella.
05:15You know what you're getting yourself into?
05:17This rodeo riding is a pretty rough and tough business.
05:19I know, Jim, but if the rest of the kids can do it, so can I.
05:22Especially if you and Pete show me how.
05:25Okay, you're asking for it.
05:27Pete and I will do the best we can for you.
05:29Now you're talking.
05:30Ride them, cowboy.
05:32Pete, cut out two of those broncs for Joey's training.
05:35Yes, sir.
05:36And I reckon I better mix up a couple of gallons of liniment.
05:53Now, tootin', cowboy.
05:55Loose your limber.
05:58That's the way, Joey.
05:59Keep that right arm out for balance.
06:08That was a good ride, Joey.
06:10Nine seconds.
06:11Gosh, I never knew the bronc could feel so hard.
06:14Well, they won't feel quite as hard when you learn to roll when you hit,
06:18like a football player does.
06:19Gosh, that's gonna take plenty of learning.
06:21Well, look, nobody's gonna force you to do this.
06:23You can quit any time you want, you know.
06:25Who said anything about quitting?
06:27Well, I reckon you can take time out to eat.
06:31So the main thing about bronc riding is this.
06:34When the horse is up at the top of the jump where he's clear off the ground,
06:37then you gotta out-guess him, or he'll out-guess you.
06:40I got it.
06:41You gotta fool him if you can.
06:42That's right.
06:43Hey, any time he was in bed, cowboy.
06:46Oh, guess you're right, Pete.
06:47Oh, say, Jim, how many bones we got anyway?
06:51About 200, I guess.
06:53The way I feel, there must be a lot more than that.
06:55Well, sing out when you're ready,
06:57and I'll rub some of that horse linen into you before you go to bed.
07:00Okay, Pete.
07:01Good night, Joey.
07:02Good night, Jim.
07:04Jim, don't you reckon you're letting the boy in for too much of a beating?
07:08Oh, I don't think so, Pete.
07:10Hard knocks won't hurt a boy like Joey.
07:12He's tough.
07:13He's got a lot of courage.
07:15You know what?
07:17Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna start him on a young steer.
07:20Steers before them wild broncs?
07:23Steers are harder to ride than broncs,
07:24but they're also closer to the ground.
07:26They'll jar you so much when you fall off.
07:28I think maybe he can learn to keep his balance a lot sooner.
07:31By golly, I think he got something, Jim.
07:33A week on the steers, and the broncs will seem easier.
07:36That's the only way in the time we've got
07:38to put him in the same class with Ty Joey.
07:40That's the only way in the time we've got
07:42to put him in the same class with Ty Jones.
08:02Oh, Ty.
08:03Hiya, Dad.
08:04Pull the watch on me, will ya?
08:06Don't waste any more time on these jugheads.
08:08I got some real mean broncs
08:09coming over from Broken Wheel Ranch.
08:11Oh, boy, now you're talking, Pop.
08:13I got news for you, Ty.
08:15You're wrong about Joey.
08:16He's so good, Newton has him riding steers already.
08:21Oh, you must be kidding, Dad.
08:23Well, that tinnit foot couldn't ride a rocking horse.
08:25Maybe you're the one being kidded.
08:27Newton tells me the boy's sticking nine and ten seconds
08:29on the toughest young steers he can find.
08:31So you better get busy.
08:33Or that Joey will be riding rings around you at the rodeo.
08:38Ten seconds on a steer.
08:40How do you figure it, Ty?
08:42Oh, forget it.
08:45Hey, we got some young steers down in the pasture.
08:47Let's go ride a couple of them.
09:09That's riding him, son.
09:11Eleven seconds, Joey.
09:12That's the best yet.
09:13That's good enough for any company.
09:15Tomorrow we start with the bucking broncs.
09:17You hear that, Fury?
09:38Let's go.
09:55Well, Broken Hill Ranch ought to win the cup
09:57for the most handsome entry anyway.
09:59That's not all we're going to win, is it, Joey?
10:01I'm going to try.
10:02Of course you will, Joey.
10:03And I'll be cheering for you, too.
10:06There's the parade call.
10:07Let's go.
10:22Well, get a load of fancy Joe from Kokomo.
10:25Hiya, cowboy.
10:26Give me your autograph, will ya?
10:28Oh, you fellas are just jealous.
10:30I got the best horse in the state.
10:31Why shouldn't I show him off?
10:36Here they come, ladies and gentlemen,
10:38hard-riding kids from all over the state.
10:40Let's give them a great big hand.
10:58And now, folks, the first award of the day,
11:00a silver trophy for the best-looking horse and rider.
11:03Will Joey Newton please ride forward?
11:21There you are, folks,
11:22Joey Newton and his wild horse, Fury.
11:25Let's give him a great big hand.
11:34Okay, Joey,
11:35ride over to the judges' stand and get your trophy.
11:43Look what Fury won.
11:44That's mighty pretty, Joey.
11:46But I think you had a little something to do with it, huh?
11:48You showed Fury like a real pro.
11:50I was proud of both of you, Joey.
11:52Well, at least it's something.
11:53You keep it for me.
11:55All right.
11:56We'll have it engraved.
11:58Time you got in your working clothes.
12:00Riding's about to begin.
12:01Now, remember, Joey,
12:02don't stiffen up.
12:03Ride him loose and limber.
12:04And long.
12:09Nice work, Jim.
12:11Glad to see the little fellow win something,
12:13even if you had to donate the cup.
12:15You stick around, Charlie.
12:17You may have a little surprise coming.
12:20Oh, not that one.
12:21He's too tough for the kids.
12:22Take him back in the corral.
12:30He wouldn't have been too tough for my boy.
12:32Would he, Ty?
12:33Oh, they're all alike when you know how to ride them.
12:35We don't want any boys going to the hospital, Ty,
12:37even if they're foolish enough to ask for it.
12:39I don't care.
12:40I don't care.
12:41I don't care.
12:42I don't care.
12:43I don't care.
12:44I don't care.
12:45I don't care.
12:46I don't care.
12:47I don't care.
12:48I don't care even if they're foolish enough to ask for it
12:50All right, that's enough for now, Pete.
12:53Get the show rolling.
12:58Jim Newton sure be keeping an eye out for you.
13:00He's afraid you might draw that bad bronc.
13:02Jim's looking out for all of us.
13:04He knows an outlaw horse when he sees one.
13:06Looks like he's trying to run the whole show for you.
13:09Yeah, framing up that cup just for riding
13:11Fury in the parade.
13:12What are you talking about?
13:14I suppose you didn't know.
13:15Jim Newton donated that cup and then
13:17and then fixed it up with the judges for you to win it.
13:19That's a lie!
13:20Oh, is it?
13:21Jim Newton knew you couldn't win anything else.
13:23He didn't want to let you go home without nothing.
13:25You take that back!
13:48Hold it! Hold it, you guys! Hold it!
13:50Hold it!
13:51Cut it out, you banty rooters.
13:53You'll have plenty to fight in that corral without tackling each other.
13:56Come on, Ty. I'll get you ready for your first ride.
13:58Okay, Lem.
14:02When you ride your first bronc, I'll help pick up the pieces.
14:05Yeah, now.
14:06All right, son. Get it off your chest.
14:09What was that ruckus about?
14:10Your attention, please.
14:12Attention, everybody.
14:14The first round of buck and horse riding is about to start.
14:18This will be for the inter-county team championship,
14:21as well as individual points.
14:23The first riders will be from upstate.
16:41attention please that completes the first round for all visiting contestants
16:46and now folks get ready for your own homegrown buckaroo the first rider will
16:51be last year's runner-up for the championship tie Jones of the lazy J
17:11a good ride on a mean road folks seven seconds for Ty Jones he's a writer yes
17:22he is Pete I think Joey's gonna give him a contest next rider
17:26buck Wilson that was tough luck for buck Wilson only three seconds that
17:44puts him out of the contest Joey Newton of broken wheel ranch out of shoot three
17:51don't sit Joey
18:21good ride for Joey Newton that was eight seconds folks
18:57attention please here are the results thanks mainly to the riding of Ty Jones
19:27and Joey Newton our boys have won the intercounty trophy
19:35the individual contest for a state championship is a tie between Jones and
19:42Newton after an intermission these two contestants will ride off the tie
19:47meanwhile the mounted drill team will give an exhibition come on let's get
19:52some refreshments
20:07you put that bad boy in the joint and shoot like I told you yep shoot number
20:11three ain't nobody around here can ride that crazy jumping fool
20:25thanks man that championship ought to be in the bag now
20:31you're doing fine Joey thank you sir so's Ty yeah fine Jim let's take a
20:46little walk huh well sure your attention folks the ride-off for junior state
20:54champion is about to begin but there's one change by mutual consent
21:00Joey Newton will ride the horse and shoot number one and Ty Jones the brunk
21:05in number three riders take your places Samantha don't you like to switch in
21:11horses why sure I guess it's okay then get in there and ride yes ready for the
21:20first rider Joey Newton out of shoot number one okay Joey
21:24loose and easy now yes all right here we go
21:54that was 12 seconds for Joey Newton folks and ridden to a standstill
22:24what happened why the change in horses I don't know I think dad got wise well
22:29you're the rider and a good rider almost looks better on a bad horse go to it are
22:35you watching because he's me easy on him now
22:54it's the outlaw all right you're quite a guy Charlie I only want one I've got a
22:59right to Ty Jones ride was only four seconds very tough luck for Jones and
23:05Joey Newton wins the championship congratulations Jim don't be too tough on
23:14the boy Charlie I think he's learned his lesson you're right Jim I guess he's
23:20been punished enough
23:25and speaking for the people of this county we're proud of the showing our
23:30boys made here today and so my son's eye goes the runner-up cup
23:44and to Joey Newton the trophy emblematic of the champion junior rodeo rider of
23:50our state I know you'd like to hear a word from the new champion a boy who up
24:00to two weeks ago had never ridden a bucking horse tell us Joey how on earth
24:05did you do it I guess it's because it's big bronc jump so high I was afraid to
24:09fall off
24:12look what we want Fury