• 5 years ago
Fury - S1E10: The 4-H Story
30min | Family, Western | TV Series (1955–1960)

Joey wants to enter his lamb in the 4-H Club Livestock Show. Frankie Watson is also entering a lamb. Joey learns a lesson about sportsmanship.

Stars: Peter Graves, William Fawcett, Bobby Diamond
00:00This is the range country where the pounding hooves of untamed horses still thunder over
00:08mountains, meadows, and canyons.
00:11Every herd has its own leader, but there is only one fury, fury, king of the wild stallions.
00:18And here in the wild west of today, hard riding men still battle the open range for a living.
00:23Men like Jim Newton, owner of the Broken Wheel Ranch, and Pete, his top hand who says he
00:28cut his teeth on a branding iron.
00:32Wild as fury is, that's the one human voice he's learned to love and obey.
00:41The voice of the boy who once saved his life, Jim Newton's boy, Joey.
01:06Here's a mutual trust and affection that everyone can understand, especially a woman like Helen
01:12Watkins, Joey's school teacher and unfailing champion.
01:17Now kneel down and let me get on you.
01:25And there they are together, a great wild horse and the only person on earth who can
01:30ride him, Joey and Fury.
01:47Hi, Sheriff!
01:48Hi, Bill!
01:49Hi, Joey.
01:50Hello, Joey.
01:51What brings you out in the hills so late in the day?
01:52I was at Frankie Watt's house.
01:53We had a 4-H meeting there.
01:54You'd better ride on home before it gets dark.
01:55Old Claw foots are on these parts again.
01:56You mean that bear that was here last year?
01:57That's right.
01:58He killed a foal of the Gordons and made off with a pig from the Bar 2 Ranch.
01:59Say, he's a good boy, isn't he?
02:00He's a good boy.
02:01He's a good boy.
02:02He's a good boy.
02:03He's a good boy.
02:04He's a good boy.
02:05He's a good boy.
02:06He's a good boy.
02:07He's a good boy.
02:08He's a good boy.
02:09He's a good boy.
02:10He's a good boy.
02:11He's a good boy.
02:12He's a good boy.
02:13He's a good boy.
02:14He's a good boy.
02:15He's a good boy.
02:16He's a good boy.
02:17He's a good boy.
02:18He's a good boy.
02:19He's a good boy.
02:20He's a good boy.
02:21He's a good boy.
02:22He's a good boy.
02:23He's a good boy.
02:24He's a good boy.
02:25He's a good boy.
02:26He's a good boy.
02:27He's a good boy.
02:28He's a good boy.
02:29He's a good boy.
02:30He's a good boy.
02:31He's a good boy.
02:32He's a good boy.
02:33He's a good boy.
02:34He's a good boy.
02:35He's a good boy.
02:37Come on, Fury.
02:38We better go home.
02:53What's the matter, Fury?
02:56What are you stopping for?
03:07What do you see, Fury?
03:22Why, it's only a baby lamb.
03:24Couldn't be more than a couple of weeks old.
03:26Where'd you come from, little guy?
03:28Oh, it's shaking all over, Fury.
03:31Doesn't seem hurt, though.
03:33Just scared.
03:34Where's your mother, little fella?
03:44Guess old Crawford is back, all right.
03:51We gotta get him home before that old bear comes back again.
03:56I'm gonna do this.
04:05Good boy, Fury.
04:06Now, wait till I get on.
04:27She sure has got some appetite, Fury.
04:35Hi, Jim.
04:36Hi, how's the patient?
04:37He drank the whole bottle.
04:38Well, he better learn to eat like a big boy from now on,
04:41because I ain't eating no more baby bottles.
04:43It's a she, and I'm calling her Fuzzy.
04:46I found out where she comes from.
04:48Belongs to Mr. Drayson over at the Bar X.
04:50He wants her back?
04:53He said you could have her.
04:55Gee, that's swell.
04:57And listen, Jim, can I ask you something?
05:01You know the 4-H Club?
05:04Well, everybody has an entry for the livestock show, except me.
05:08Could I enter Fuzzy?
05:10Please, could I, Jim?
05:12You, uh, you think she's championship material?
05:15She win first prize.
05:17She's a beautiful lamb.
05:19I understand that Frankie Watts has got a lamb that he's grooming for the show.
05:22Supposed to be a pretty good one.
05:24Fuzzy's a million times better.
05:26Please say yes, Jim.
05:28I don't know, Joey.
05:29That's a big project.
05:30You'd have an awful lot to do between now and the show
05:32to get her in shape.
05:33I can do it.
05:34You'd have to feed her yourself and clean out her pen, comb her, groom her.
05:38I'll do it, Jim.
05:40Well, maybe fate saved Fuzzy from old Clawfoot just to get her that blue ribbon.
05:44Then I can show her?
05:47Oh, boy.
05:48Thanks, Jim.
05:50She'll need another bottle at 4 o'clock, Pete.
05:52Well, you fix it, son, because I ain't playing nursemaid to no lamb.
05:56That's right, Pete.
05:57Joey, this is where you take over.
05:59You bet.
06:00Thanks again, Jim.
06:31Well, chow's ready, but where's Joey?
06:33Oh, he'll be here.
06:35He went with Frankie over to the livestock pavilion to see about pens for the show.
06:39You know, I never did see a kid say head up over anything.
06:43You'd think that blue ribbon was the most important thing in the world.
06:47It is to him.
06:49Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to see it.
06:51Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to see it.
06:53Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to see it.
06:55Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to see it.
06:57Well, I'm sure he'll be happy to see it.
06:59Yes, I am.
07:01And that lamb, like one of the family.
07:03Well, grooming Fuzzy for the show was a good experience for Joey.
07:07You know, I don't know what that kid would do if anything ever happened to that critter.
07:21There she is.
07:22What'd I tell you?
07:23Hey, Jim.
07:25Yeah, it's a pretty nice animal.
07:27Pretty nice.
07:28Look at that fleece.
07:29Ever see a tighter fleece than that?
07:31Sure, on my lamb, Betsy.
07:33Better teeth, too.
07:35What do you mean, better teeth?
07:37How can a lamb have better teeth?
07:38I don't know, but mine does.
07:40And she's got better formation over the back, too.
07:42You're going to feel pretty sorry, Frankie,
07:44when the judge decides otherwise.
07:46You haven't seen Betsy lately.
07:48Well, I got to get home and help Dad with the chores.
07:50Right over tomorrow and see what a prize-winning lamb looks like.
08:00All right, I will.
08:01Oh, hi, Joey.
08:14Uh, what did Frankie think about your lamb?
08:16He thinks whatever he's got is better than anybody else's.
08:20Always bragging.
08:22That seems to be rather a common failing around here.
08:24That's for sure.
08:41I got to clean out that tree in order to get Fuzzy to town.
08:44After lunch.
08:47See, that's Fury!
08:49Yeah, it's a tree!
08:58Let me go, I've got to help him!
09:00He'll only make it worse.
09:06Fuzzy, Fury!
09:12Gee, thanks, Fury!
09:25You don't know what a close call you had, Fuzzy.
09:27You almost didn't get that blue ribbon.
09:38Mmm, blueberry pie, huh?
09:40Yep, well, that cheered Joey up.
09:43Cheered him up?
09:44Is there something the matter with him?
09:45Yeah, I reckon there must be.
09:48What do you mean?
09:49Is he sick?
09:50I can't tell.
09:51He seemed okay this morning, ate a good breakfast and all, but...
09:55But what?
09:56I don't know.
09:57After breakfast, he went over to see Frankie, and when he came back was when I noticed it.
10:01He seemed kind of low and droopy.
10:05Think he's coming down with something?
10:08Here he is now.
10:12Hi, Jim.
10:13Hi, Pete.
10:14Hi, Joey.
10:16I was just going out to look for you.
10:17You want to go to town with me?
10:19No, thanks.
10:22How about some nice blueberry pie I just made?
10:26No, thanks.
10:29How's, uh...
10:31How's Fuzzy?
10:32All ready for the show?
10:34Ready as she'll ever be, I guess.
10:36You got the trailer all fixed up for her?
10:38Jim, I just don't think I'll put her in the show.
10:41Why not?
10:43I just don't think there's any use, that's all.
10:45Now, wait a minute.
10:47Suppose you tell me what's happened.
10:49How do you feel this way all of a sudden?
10:51I just don't want to take her to the show, that's all.
10:54You went over to Frankie's this morning.
10:56Pete said you were feeling fine when you left.
10:58What happened in the meantime?
11:00Gosh, Jim, I saw Frankie's lamp.
11:04And what?
11:05Jim, I think his lamp's gonna win.
11:08Joey, did you ever hear of good sportsmanship?
11:12Sure, but here I've been grooming Fuzzy every day,
11:15thinking so hard about that blue ribbon I could see it in my sleep.
11:18So's Frankie.
11:19So have all the other 4-H boys and girls who have entries.
11:22Besides, aren't 4-Hers supposed to lose without complaining?
11:26Yeah, I guess so.
11:35Here's Frankie now.
11:41Hi, Frankie.
11:42Hi, Jim.
11:43Hi, Frankie, anything wrong?
11:44I'll say there is.
11:45My lamp is gone, and you're the one who stole her.
11:48Are you crazy or something?
11:49Why should I steal your old lamp?
11:51Because she's better than yours, that's why.
11:53You're afraid she'll win.
11:54Whoa, now wait a minute.
11:55Let's get this straight.
11:56Frankie, what happened?
11:57Just like I said, Betsy's gone.
11:59I went out to feed her this morning.
12:00She just wasn't there.
12:02Well, I had nothing to do with it.
12:05Well, could she have gotten out somehow?
12:07Maybe wandered off?
12:08Well, the gate was open.
12:13But I still think you did it, Joey.
12:15You didn't want Betsy in the show, so you came over and let her out.
12:18I did not.
12:19Now, Frankie, I don't believe that Joey'd do anything like that,
12:21and I don't think you believe it either.
12:23You're just upset.
12:24Now, why don't both of you boys go out and look for her, huh?
12:28Yeah, sure.
12:30I'm sorry, Jim.
12:32I just gotta find Betsy.
12:34Well, you can go find her yourself.
12:38Please, Joey, help me.
12:40Why should I, after you said I stole your old lamb?
12:43I only thought...
12:44I know what you thought.
12:50Okay, I'll find her myself.
12:59Wait a minute, Joey.
13:02You remember that pledge you took when you joined the 4-H club?
13:06What was it?
13:07You mean all those words?
13:09Well, they're not just words.
13:10There's real meaning behind them.
13:12Let's see.
13:13I pledge my head to clearer thinking.
13:16How does the rest of it go?
13:18My heart to greater loyalty.
13:22My hands to larger service.
13:24Go on.
13:26My health to better living.
13:28For my club, my community, and my country.
13:32You think you're living up to that pledge?
13:34Well, he said I stole his lamb.
13:36That's not the point, Joey.
13:38I've been working hard so Fuzzy could win that blue ribbon.
13:41And now she has a good chance.
13:43Joey, there's more to 4-H clubs than just winning blue ribbons.
13:46You help to solve each other's problems, share troubles.
13:49Like this one of Frankie's.
13:51I got work to do.
13:59I didn't think that boy had a selfish bone in his body.
14:03Seems like he needs a little more talking to, Jim.
14:06Well, fighting selfish instincts, learning to lend a helping hand,
14:10those are all part of growing up, Pete.
14:13I'm afraid that's a problem he's going to have to wrestle with himself.
14:28Yes, sir.
14:47That blue ribbon is ours right now, Fury.
14:50I should worry if his lamb is lost.
14:57My heart to greater loyalty.
14:59My hands to larger service.
15:01Go on.
15:02My health to better living.
15:04For my club, my community, and my country.
15:07And isn't there something about losing without complaining?
15:11You couldn't have, Jim.
15:13Look, you club members are supposed to share your troubles, aren't you?
15:17Aren't you?
15:18Aren't you?
15:19Aren't you?
15:26I guess we'll have to look for Frankie's lamb.
15:31We'll come back till we find her.
15:51Next time we go to town for provisions, I'm going to take a truck.
15:54We got a grown boy here, remember?
15:57I'll take this sack down to the barn and tell Joey we're back.
16:00All right, I'll give you a hand.
16:08Hi, Sheriff.
16:10What can I do for you?
16:11Hey, Jim, you seen anything of my boy Frankie?
16:13He started over here this morning to see Joey.
16:15Seems Frankie's lamb's gone.
16:17Well, yeah, he was here.
16:19Joey couldn't go with him, so Frankie went off to look by himself.
16:23Why? What's happened?
16:24Frankie's horse came back to the stable without him.
16:27Well, that's not all.
16:28Old Clawfoot's in the neighborhood.
16:29He mauled one of my wranglers this morning.
16:31Darn near killed him.
16:32We better get up a posse.
16:34We're doing that, Jim, and we need the help of you and your men.
16:36Oh, Jim.
16:37Hey, Jim.
16:38Look at this.
16:41I've gone to look for Frankie's lamb.
16:43Back later, Joey.
16:45That means there are two boys out there.
16:47Look, we'll take the west side of Sugarloaf Mountain.
16:49You take the hill between here and Watts Ranch.
16:55Come on, D.
16:56Let's find those boys before it's too late.
17:18Fury, we've just got to find Frankie's lamb.
17:21Let's look in those clump of trees.
17:32No, Fury, not that way.
17:35Okay, maybe you know better.
17:44Over here!
17:55Hi, Frankie.
17:56What are you doing out here?
17:58I decided to help you look for your lamb, that's all.
18:00But you said...
18:01Never mind what I said.
18:03Ride back on Fury and send a pack horse back for your lamb.
18:06Joey, I can't.
18:07I think my leg is broken or something.
18:09What happened?
18:10When I found my lamb, I tried to get both me and her on my horse.
18:13He bolted and I fell.
18:15Let me see.
18:17I can't even move it.
18:19Don't move it, it's kind of bent.
18:21Gosh, maybe you did break it.
18:24You ride back and bring my father.
18:26I better not leave you here, Frankie.
18:29Why not?
18:30I'll be okay.
18:31Not with a broken leg.
18:33I'll send Fury back.
18:36Fury, go get Jim.
18:38Go on.
18:42Don't worry, he'll bring Jim back.
18:45I guess I had you figured all wrong, Joey.
18:47I mean, thanks for coming after me.
18:49We're supposed to help each other, aren't we?
18:52What was that?
18:53It was nothing.
18:59Say, I did hear something.
19:01Oh, that was just birds.
19:06That's no bird, Joey.
19:07Gee, maybe you shouldn't have sent Fury off.
19:10It was nothing, just a woodchuck or something.
19:18That's no woodchuck.
19:20It sounds more like a bear.
19:22No, it couldn't be.
19:26Old Coughlin's been seen around here.
19:28What do we do if it is him?
19:31I'm afraid of this rock.
20:02Joey, look!
20:09Go get him, Fury!
20:43Fury, you saved our lives!
20:45Now, go get Jim!
20:58What do we do now, Jim?
21:00Keep on looking.
21:02Who's that coming?
21:05It's Fury.
21:08Joey must be in trouble.
21:26He wants us to follow him.
21:29Get out of the way, Fury.
21:43Frankie, somebody's coming!
21:52Jim, hey!
21:55Boy, am I glad to see you.
21:56Joey, what happened?
21:58I think Frankie's leg's broken.
22:00And we were almost killed by Old Clawfoot.
22:02But Fury chased him away.
22:03Suppose I better take after that bear right now, Jim?
22:05No, Pete, you'll have to ride in and get a litter for Frankie.
22:08Okay, Jim.
22:09And contact Frankie's father and the sheriff.
22:11Tell them that Old Clawfoot's still around here somewhere and bring some deputies.
22:14Right, Jim.
22:26Does that feel a little better, Frankie?
22:28A little.
22:29Thanks, Jim.
22:31Joey, I'm awfully proud of you.
22:34I didn't do anything.
22:35Well, you sure did.
22:36You found Frankie and Betsy.
22:38It nearly took ten years off of my life before I found you.
22:43What, Frankie?
22:44I guess you'll win easy tomorrow.
22:45What do you mean?
22:46I won't even get Betsy in the show.
22:48Why not?
22:50I could never get her cleaned up in time.
22:53Look at her.
22:55She sure is a mess, all right.
22:57Well, maybe I'll have better luck next year.
23:01Look, Frankie, I could clean her up in time once we got her back to the ranch.
23:05And we could take her to the show with Fuzzy in the morning.
23:08That'll mean working all night.
23:09I don't mind.
23:10Can I?
23:13Gee, thanks, Joey.
23:15Oh, that's all right.
23:21Well, here you are, young man.
23:44First prize.
23:45Gee, thanks.
23:46Fine animal you've raised.
23:50Well, Joey, second prize goes to you, boy.
23:54Gee, thanks a lot.
23:58You know something?
23:59I had a hard time deciding.
24:04Joey, we made it.
24:05We sure did.
24:06We'd like to tell Fury about this.
24:08Well, Joey, how does it feel winning that ribbon?
24:11Gee, swell.
24:12He really won two ribbons.
24:14This one's half his.
24:16Teamwork really pays off, doesn't it, Joey?
24:18It sure does.
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