• 5 years ago
Fury - S1E18: The Boy Scout Story
30min | Family, Western | TV Series (1955–1960)

Joey joins the Boy Scouts of America, but Joey's friend Buzz thinks scouting is kid's stuff. Joey and Fury set out into the woods to show Buzz that scouting can make men out of boys.

Stars: Peter Graves, William Fawcett, Bobby Diamond
00:00This is the range country, where the pounding hooves of untamed horses still thunder over
00:08mountains, meadows and canyons.
00:11Every herd has its own leader, but there is only one fury, fury, king of the wild stallions.
00:18And here in the wild west of today, hard riding men still battle the open range for a living.
00:23Men like Jim Newton, owner of the Broken Wheel Ranch, and Pete, his top hand who says he
00:28cut his teeth on a branding iron.
00:32Why all this fury is, that's the one human voice he's learned to love and obey, the voice
00:45of the boy who once saved his life, Jim Newton's boy, Joey.
01:06Here's a mutual trust and affection that everyone can understand, especially a woman like Helen
01:12Watkins, Joey's school teacher and unfailing champion.
01:17Now kneel down and let me get on you.
01:25And there they are together, a great wild horse and the only person on earth who can
01:30ride him, Joey and Fury.
01:47No, no, I think it has to go up a little, Pete.
01:50No, that's too much now.
01:52Bring it down.
01:53No, back up now.
01:55Well, make up your mind before this book jumping box throws me.
01:59Now that's got it.
02:04Ain't bad, I would say so myself.
02:06Aha, looks good.
02:07Hey, where's Joey?
02:09Well, last I seen, he was reciting the Fury out of his boy scout book.
02:14Well, it's a big day in Joey's life.
02:16He wants to be letter perfect in his initiation this afternoon.
02:18Yeah, but he's got Fury reciting too.
02:26See what I mean?
02:37One of the first requirements of being a scout is to have a sound and healthy body.
02:41Scout is physically strong, chapter 22, page 403 in the boy scout manual.
02:46Well, why aren't you eating your lunch?
02:48I guess I'm not hungry.
02:50It isn't coming, is it, Jim?
02:53I don't know, Joey.
02:55I wouldn't worry about it.
02:59I can't be inducted without it.
03:01Anybody here who calls himself Joey Newton?
03:04Well, speak up, else I'll have to send this package back to the boy scout outfitters at
03:08Capital City.
03:09Special delivery man just come by and handed it to me.
03:11Gee, gee.
03:12Now hold on, young fellow, don't write me down.
03:14Can I go to my room?
03:15Go ahead.
03:21That boy ain't having enough to keep the hummingbird alive.
03:24I don't think he's very interested in food right now, Pete.
03:26That's great.
03:57Come on.
03:59Come on.
04:00Come on.
04:01Come on.
04:25Scout is trustworthy.
04:27Scout is loyal.
04:28Scout is helpful.
04:30Scout is courteous.
04:31Scout is brave.
04:42Now repeat the scout oath.
04:44On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country
04:50and to obey the scout law to help other people at all times,
04:55keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
05:02I, Jim Newton, Scoutmaster of Troop 232 of the Boy Scouts of America,
05:06take great pride in bestowing the rank of Tenderfoot upon Joey Newton
05:10because he's passed all the requirements which entitle him to that rank.
05:19Tenderfoot Newton, congratulations.
05:22Thank you, sir.
05:23Give me the hand clasp.
05:37Hi, Buzz.
05:38Hi, Mr. Newton.
05:39I came to collect for the paper.
05:41How much do I owe you?
05:44Let's see.
05:50Why don't you join the Scouts, Buzz?
05:52That's kid stuff.
05:54Very important kid stuff.
05:56Troop 232 could use a hardworking young fellow like you.
05:59I got better things to do with my time.
06:01Here's your receipt.
06:02Thanks, Buzz.
06:03I wish you'd think it over about joining.
06:05It's a pretty fine organization for boys.
06:07For kids, you mean.
06:09Not me.
06:13What do you think of it, Fury?
06:15Isn't it a beauty?
06:19Hi, Buzz.
06:20I made it.
06:21I'm a Scout.
06:22Hooray for your side.
06:32Well, I guess we'll be going hiking.
06:46Buzz, you in bed yet?
06:48Yes, Mom.
06:50Hello, Buzz.
06:51Hi, Mom.
06:52Had to work late again, huh?
06:53Oh, yeah.
06:54Had a lot of specials at the laundry to get out tonight.
06:57That ironing room sure melts you down.
07:00Had your supper yet?
07:02I made out all right.
07:03How about you?
07:04I'll fix something.
07:06You look pretty tuckered out yourself.
07:08Collection day on my paper route.
07:10I had to make two trips to most of the places.
07:13There's our show running on the dresser.
07:15Buzz, I don't know what I'd do without you.
07:18That $22 a week from the laundry
07:20sure doesn't go far these days.
07:26Buzz, where'd this extra $10 come from?
07:30I finished that job for Mr. Larson this morning.
07:37What job?
07:38Just cleaning Ira's warehouse with stacking
07:40stuff up on the shelves.
07:42Oh, Buzz, that's too big a job for a boy your age.
07:47I took it easy.
07:48Couple hours each day all week.
07:50Buzz, you're trying to do too much.
07:54A paper route's all right.
07:56But these extra jobs before and after school,
07:59all day Saturday, like today, when
08:02you should have been outdoors playing
08:04ball with all the other kids.
08:06I get more fun out of helping you, Mom.
08:12I believe you do.
08:17Buzz, I brought home some nice green apples
08:20and some biscuit mix.
08:21How would you like some hot apple cobbler and some milk?
08:24That'd be great, Mom.
08:26You'll be ready in a jiffy.
08:41This is an O. This is a Y.
08:47This is a J. This is a Z. This is an E.
08:54This is an F. This is a J. This is a Z.
09:00This is a K. This is an R.
09:07Hey, what do you fellas think you're doing?
09:10Hi, Buzz.
09:11We're just baxing up on the semaphore code.
09:13Well, you sure need a lot of practice.
09:14You were doing it all wrong.
09:16You weren't making an R. You were making an S.
09:19Here, let me show you how it's done.
09:22This is an R.
09:27Gee, that's right.
09:35What's that?
09:36Your name.
09:37That's pretty good.
09:38Where'd you learn the code?
09:39I studied it.
09:41I just picked it up somewhere.
09:43You ought to be in our troop.
09:44Why don't you join?
09:45Are you kidding?
09:46We could sure use you.
09:48Me join up with a bunch of tin soldiers?
09:50That's for the birds.
09:51Every kid should be a scout.
09:53You mean every kid with a hole in his head?
09:55If that's the way you feel about it,
09:57we don't want you in the scouts.
09:59That's okay with me, stupid.
10:01Either way, rover boy, one side.
10:04Who's shoving you?
10:10Keep going.
10:11Come on.
10:15Come on, Joey.
10:16Let's go.
10:20Come on.
10:21Come on, Joey.
10:22Get in here.
10:23Come on, Joey.
10:24Come on, Joey.
10:25Come on, Joey.
10:30Stop that.
10:32Hey, what are you trying to do?
10:34Leave him alone, Fury.
10:36I can take care of myself.
10:41Hold that.
10:46Just lucky for you, your horse is around.
11:00Hi, Joey.
11:01Hi, Jim.
11:06Hey, that's a butte.
11:07What happened to the other guy?
11:08He's got one, too.
11:11Who's got one?
11:12Buzz Canfield.
11:14You want to tell me about it?
11:16I tried to get him to join our troop.
11:18He got sworn we had a fight.
11:21I never heard of recruiting a scout by fighting with him.
11:24I didn't want to fight him, Jim.
11:26I guess I just lost my temper.
11:28But I don't get it.
11:29Buzz knows more about the semaphore cold than any of us.
11:32He should be a scout.
11:34What's he got against us, anyway?
11:36I don't think he has anything against us, Joey.
11:39I don't understand.
11:40Well, I think Buzz has got a problem that you could help him solve.
11:44But he doesn't want any help from me.
11:46Well, just be nice to him.
11:48No matter what he does to you, be nice to him.
11:50You know, you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
11:54Remember, no more fights.
11:55Your head's made to think with, not to block a left hook.
11:58And when you get through with Fury, come on in.
11:59We'll paint that shiner a different color.
12:05Come on, Fury.
12:10Well, Joey, you've been in the scouts for a month now.
12:13You all set to pass your outdoor test for second class?
12:16Yes, sir.
12:17Off you go.
12:18Yes, sir.
12:22I'm sorry, Fury.
12:24You can't go with me this time.
12:26I've got to pass this test on my own.
12:28I'll be back later, and I'll tell you all about it.
12:40Fury, I told you I got to go alone.
12:43Now go on back in your stall and stay there till I get back.
13:09Come on, Fury.
13:40Fury, I told you to stay home.
13:45It's no use arguing.
13:46I've got to pass this test alone.
13:48Now go on home.
13:50Go on.
14:09Go on.
14:10Go on.
15:04Hi, Bus.
15:07They were biting good.
15:09Buzz, what do you want?
15:12I just want you to know that I'm sorry about the fight
15:15we had the other day.
15:16Oh, that's all right.
15:17Forget it.
15:18Would you like to be friends?
15:21Well, sure.
15:30Where are you going?
15:31Taking my second class outdoor test.
15:33Hike five miles by compass, make a fire, cook a meal,
15:38clean up, and then hike back by using
15:40the scout method of walking 50 paces and running 50 paces.
15:44Yeah, that's right.
15:46Gee, I sure hope I pass.
15:48Sure you will.
15:49Well, see you around.
15:50OK, Buzz.
15:51Hey, Joey.
15:54How'd you like some of these fish?
15:55They're more than Mom and I can eat.
15:56I sure would.
15:58I couldn't take them with me.
16:00OK, I'll put them on ice for you.
16:03I'm going back.
16:04I'll stop by your place.
16:05OK, see you around.
16:09Hey, Joey.
16:12Good luck.
17:14Go get help!
17:33Hey, what are you starting that for again?
17:35I didn't do anything.
17:40Hey, look!
17:49Hey, Joey!
17:51You're leaving me alone!
18:28Grab her!
18:32I can't reach her!
18:34Keep it forward.
18:35I'll get you out.
18:53Here you are, Joey.
18:54Climb up the branches.
19:02Climb up it, Joey.
19:10I can't!
19:11My leg!
19:14I can't move my leg!
19:51Mom, I can't move a muscle!
19:54You're a big boy, Joey.
19:57We're all gonna break.
19:59I think it's broken I have to make some splints.
20:24That hurt much?
20:39Not so much.
20:40It's a good thing you didn't get too far away.
20:43You saved my life, Buzz.
20:45You can thank Fury for that.
20:47He kept pushing me toward the well.
20:49I didn't know what he was trying to do, but boy, he sure wouldn't let me go.
20:53That too tight?
20:54No, it's fine.
20:55Gosh, you know as much about first aid as Doc Bennett, or even an Eagle Scout.
21:00Hold still, will ya?
21:01How's that feel now?
21:02That's better.
21:03Thanks, Buzz.
21:04I only did what anybody would do.
21:08You did what any scout would do, only lots better.
21:10Aw, you don't have to be a scout to know about first aid.
21:16You sure learned about it from the scout manual.
21:20How do you know?
21:21It's sticking out of your back pocket.
21:23Aw, I just wanted to see what you guys saw in the scout stuff, so I decided to read up
21:30on it.
21:31That's all.
21:32Buzz, for a kid who doesn't want any part of the scouts, you're sure taking a lot of
21:35interest in them.
21:36Aw, what's the use in trying to kid you now?
21:40Sure I like to be a scout, more than anything in the world.
21:44And what's stopping you?
21:45I can't afford a joint.
21:47I can't even afford to buy a uniform.
21:49We got a fund for that.
21:51Golly, you don't think we'd let a uniform stop you from being a scout.
21:54I pay my own way.
21:56I don't want any charity.
21:57It isn't charity.
21:58We all draw from the fund when we need something.
22:00I did, and I'm paying it back at only ten cents a week.
22:05Aw, what's the use?
22:07I can't spare the time.
22:09I gotta keep working to help Mom.
22:11We can't live off what she makes of the laundry.
22:13We'll help you get your jobs done so you can come to the meetings.
22:17That's what scouts are for, to help other people and each other, too.
22:22Aw, forget it.
22:24I gotta get you home before dark.
22:38Well, you're all set.
22:39Looks like you'll be home in time for fish dinner after all.
22:42I had to talk you into joining Troop 232.
22:47Come on, Fury.
22:49We gotta get Joey back to the ranch.
22:51He's getting sort of delirious or something.
23:09By unanimous consent, the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America
23:13has voted William Buzz Canfield the Scout Honor Medal
23:16for heroism and exceptional achievement in the practice of scout principles and training.
23:32Congratulations, Buzz.
23:33Thank you, sir.
23:35Now parading in the rescue of Scout Joey Newton,
23:38our local scout council has voted a special equine honor medal
23:42to Fury.
23:44Second class Scout Newton, will you make the presentation?
23:48Here you are, Fury.
23:56I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:12I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:15I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:18I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:21I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:24I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:27I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:30I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:33I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:36I'll bet you're the first horse to ever win a scout medal.
24:39© BF-WATCH TV 2021
