• 5 years ago
Clutch Cargo - E3: Desert Queen
4min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1959– )

A twenty-nine pound ruby is missing and Clutch must find it.

Creator: Clark Haas
Stars: Richard Cotting, Hal Smith, Margaret Kerry
00:00Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, The Desert Queen.
00:13Clutch and company, off on another adventure, have booked passage on an old-fashioned riverboat
00:20and are headed downstream on a secret mission.
00:23Looks like a lazy day for Clutch, Spinner and Paddlefoot.
00:27Golly, Clutch, I bet I'm the luckiest kid in the world taking all these trips with you.
00:32You're a big help too, Spinner.
00:34Remember, though, no one must know that the purpose of our trip is to find the Desert Queen.
00:39About three weeks ago, a 29-pound ruby, the biggest and most perfect ruby in the world,
00:44was stolen from the King's National Museum of Monrovia.
00:47Twenty-nine pounds? Why, that weighs as much as Paddlefoot.
00:50Rumor has it the Desert Queen, who once lived in the palace at Monrovia,
00:55feels that the ruby is rightfully hers.
00:58And they say she sent an agent from her desert hideaway to Monrovia to return the ruby to her.
01:03So, Spinner, don't speak to strangers. This boat may be loaded with spies.
01:08Don't worry, Clutch. I'll be careful.
01:10And just at this moment, farther along the ship's deck lurks a strange figure,
01:15very interested in Clutch and company.
01:18Say, I didn't finish packing those suitcases, Spinner. I'd better do it now.
01:21Okay. I think I'll stay here. The sun feels good.
01:24Well, well, young man. Did you drop this?
01:27No, I didn't, sir.
01:29You are the only passenger on board of Boy Scout Age.
01:33You must have dropped this Boy Scout knife.
01:36I do belong to the Scouts, but I don't have my knife yet.
01:39Well, my boy, you do now. That's your knife.
01:43But, but Clutch said not to...
01:45Talk to strangers?
01:48Always an excellent idea, Sonny.
01:52Never talk to strangers.
01:54But, mister, you're a...
01:55A stranger? Not anymore. We're friends.
01:59I gave you the knife, remember?
02:03I'm the Maharaj of Sphinxville.
02:07All my friends call me Big Ma.
02:10What's your name?
02:11Spinner. And this is Paddlefoot.
02:14Oh, how delightful.
02:16Mr. Maharaja, what's in that basket?
02:19Is that your lunch?
02:20No, Spinner.
02:21This basket contains a delightful gift for my little grandson.
02:25A cobra. A deadly cobra.
02:28They make wonderful pets when they're tamed.
02:32Well, Spinner, let me say I'm extremely happy to have met you.
02:36Thank you, Mr. Maharaja. Maybe I'll see you again.
02:39Maybe, Spinner, maybe.
02:41But I doubt it.
02:43Too bad.
02:46You didn't like him, did you, boy?
02:48I guess I shouldn't have talked to him. I'd better tell Clutch.
02:51What's that, Spinner?
02:52A man, Clutch. The Maharaja of Sphinxville.
02:55He gave me this knife, said his friends called him Big Ma.
02:58He was so nice, Clutch.
03:00And he had a cobra in the basket for his grandson.
03:03Spinner, I asked you not to talk to strangers.
03:06Golly, I'm sorry, Clutch.
03:08We've got to be careful.
03:10While we were on deck, someone searched our luggage.
03:12Lucky I've got the map in my pocket.
03:14There. That message will warn them about Clutch Cargo.
03:17Away to Sphinxville, you beautiful bird.
03:22Only another day and night's travel and we'll be there.
03:25Right, Clutch. It won't be long now.
03:27Look out, Spinner!
03:29Help! Help! Wait for us!
03:31They can't hear us!
03:33My, what a pity.
03:35We've lost those two nice people and that water is filled with whirlpools.
03:39Probably crocodiles, too.
03:41And yesterday I saw a stingray.
03:44I must notify the captain.
03:50Can Clutch and company survive those dangerous swirling waters?
03:55Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
04:12Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
04:16in another exciting adventure, The Desert Queen.
04:21You remember last time Clutch and company were traveling by riverboat
04:25to the Desert Queen's Palace to bring back a 29-pound ruby
04:29stolen from the Monrovia National Museum.
04:32Clutch, Spinner and Paddlefoot were leaning on the boat rail
04:35when suddenly it gave way.
04:38Help! Help! Come back! Wait for us!
04:41They can't hear us!
04:43Clutch! Help! Something's caught my feet!
04:47Hold on, Spinner boy. I'm coming.
04:49What the? It's got me, too.
04:52Is it a whirlpool?
04:54No, it's a net. We're being pulled toward shore.
04:57I wonder who's on the other end of this net.
05:01In a moment we'll know.
05:03Halt! Who are you?
05:05How'd you get into my net?
05:07Take it easy with that gun, mister.
05:09Name is Cargo, Clutch Cargo.
05:11Clutch Cargo, the famous adventurer author?
05:15Don't know how famous, but I'm the one.
05:17Clutch Cargo, why, I read your last book.
05:21My name's Twaddle, Colonel Lucifer Twaddle.
05:24Colonel Twaddle, the foremost authority on prehistoric bones?
05:27The same.
05:29I read your last book, Colonel Twaddle. Very interesting.
05:32Well, that makes it a mutual admiration society.
05:35Paddlefoot liked the part about dinosaur bones.
05:38I see. What brings you here?
05:42And so, Colonel Twaddle, the ship's rail broke,
05:44we fell overboard, and here we are.
05:46However, I managed to save this man.
05:48It'll show us the overland route to the Desert Queen's stronghold.
05:52We're at this point now.
05:54First stop, Pharaoh Oasis.
05:56Then a short journey by camel to the Desert Queen's palace.
05:59Do you prefer your camel with one hump or two?
06:03With this gang, we'll need a two-humper.
06:06That's good. I just happen to have one in the bushes.
06:10This is my camel, Sir Duffy.
06:12Gee, Paddlefoot, a real camel.
06:15And we get to ride him.
06:17All ready.
06:19Clutch, you ride the front hump,
06:21Spinner the back hump, Paddlefoot behind Spinner,
06:24and I'll ride the middle.
06:27Golly, Clutch, this is like riding on a small-sized roller coaster.
06:32Right, Spinner. Just be sure to hang on.
06:34I don't know why it is I always end up with the cheap seats.
06:39I'm extremely happy I could join you, Clutch.
06:42Perhaps I'll discover some giant brontosaurus bones.
06:46Anything is possible where we're going, Colonel.
06:49Just be on the lookout for Big Ma. He's dangerous.
06:54For miles through hot desert sands they trudge.
06:58Tired and thirsty, Clutch and company with Colonel Trottle
07:01arrive upon a welcome seat.
07:03Look, Clutch, an oasis.
07:06That's an oasis, Spinner. Anyway, it means water.
07:09Don't drink too fast now.
07:11Cold water isn't good for you when you're too hot.
07:13We'll fill the canteens and be off.
07:17Clutch, Colonel Trottle, look.
07:20There goes the Maharaja of Sphinxville.
07:23He's riding a one-humper.
07:25No time to lose. Come on, let's go.
07:28He's headed for Sphinxville, too.
07:30I hope we can keep Big Ma in sight.
07:32I doubt if we can. He's pulling away.
07:34Go, Duffy, go!
07:37Looks like we've lost him, Clutch. He's gone.
07:40Good heavens, Clutch, look ahead.
07:42Sandstorm. Worst thing that could happen.
07:45Right in our path, too.
07:47We're traveling this way fast.
07:49Cover your noses and mouths.
07:54Will Clutch Cargo and Company
07:56be buried beneath the desert sand?
07:59Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode
08:02with Clutch Cargo.
08:04Clutch Cargo and his pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot,
08:08in another exciting adventure,
08:10The Desert Queen.
08:12You remember last time Clutch and Company
08:15were on their way to the Desert Queen's palace.
08:18Traveling on the desert with Colonel Trottle's camel,
08:21they had just seen Big Ma,
08:23and now they're on their way to the Desert Queen's palace.
08:27Clutch Cargo and his pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot,
08:31Traveling on the desert with Colonel Trottle's camel,
08:34they had just seen Big Ma disappear over a sand dune.
08:38Then, without warning...
08:40Don't give up, men.
08:43As old Swampy would say,
08:45where there's a will, there are several ways.
08:48What's that?
08:50Sounds like motors.
08:52Stay right there, all of you. I'm going to take a little trip.
08:55Little by little, Clutch inches his way through the storm,
08:58digging, clawing, pulling his body.
09:00The motor's getting louder.
09:02Well, it was a sandstorm, all right, but a whirlwind machine.
09:06A well-thought-out plan to do away with all this.
09:09If only it had been Big Ma.
09:12Spinner, Colonel Trottle, you can get up now.
09:15It's over. Everybody okay?
09:17Fine, Clutch.
09:19Now that we're underway again,
09:21it won't be long before we see the Desert Queen's palace.
09:23Let's hope there'll be no more mishaps.
09:26I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Big Ma.
09:35We're here. Sphinxville and the Palace of the Desert Queen.
09:39How do we get in, Clutch?
09:41Read that sign.
09:43It says, to open gate, sound your musical A.
09:46Musical A?
09:48Yes, you know, Spinner, sing the scale.
09:51You mean...
09:53Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do.
10:00Well, that didn't work. Let's all try it.
10:03Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti...
10:09Good boy, Battlefoot, you've opened the gate.
10:12Come on.
10:17By Jove, what a delightful place.
10:20Sure looks quiet.
10:22But we don't know yet if it's friendly.
10:24Clutch, look.
10:26Get him, Punchy.
10:30This guy means business.
10:32Open the gate, Battlefoot.
10:34Howl, howl.
10:36Try hard, Battlefoot.
10:38He can't. He's too scared.
10:41Only one chance. Trip him.
10:47Run for it, Spinner, run.
10:53Too close for comfort.
10:55Hey, where's Colonel Twaddle?
10:58They got him, Clutch. He didn't get out.
11:01Then we've got to get in.
11:03We can't use the gate, so we'll use the wall.
11:05But how, Clutch? It's too high.
11:07Not when you've got Duffy.
11:09Come on, boy. Ever see a camel ladder, Spinner?
11:12Not till now.
11:14Feet up on this ledge.
11:16There. Hold on.
11:18We're going over the top.
11:21Quiet now and stick together.
11:23We've got to have a little talk with the Desert Queen.
11:26Slowly they move until they find a stairway leading to a door.
11:30Easy, Spinner.
11:32One's inside this door, and we're in the palace.
11:39Clutch, look.
11:43You're right, Spinner. A mummy tomb.
11:46A mummy tomb.
11:49Uh-oh. Locked in.
11:51I wonder what we've gotten ourselves into this time.
11:55Mummies are thousands of years old.
11:57Wow. Locked in a tomb of mummies with one still alive.
12:02Will they get out?
12:04Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
12:17Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
12:21in another exciting adventure, The Desert Queen.
12:26You remember last time Clutch and company luckily escaped the razor-sharp knife of Pungie.
12:32Clutch, Spinner and Paddlefoot went back inside in search of Twaddle.
12:40Golly, Clutch. Paddlefoot's attacking the mummies.
12:43No, Paddlefoot, don't. There may be a curse on that mummy.
12:46He's unwinding the bandage, Clutch. Stop him.
12:49It's too late, Spinner. The damage is done.
12:51And look. It's Colonel Twaddle.
12:54Is he all right, Clutch?
12:56He's alive, but that was a close one.
12:59Just a few more minutes and he'd have been a real mummy.
13:01I'll bet we can thank Big Ma for this.
13:04Thank Paddlefoot. He's the real hero.
13:08Where am I?
13:10Where am I? What happened?
13:14You're going to be all right, Colonel Twaddle. That was a tight one.
13:18I'll say. Just like me first tuxedo.
13:21Stay with him, Spinner. I want to look around.
13:24We've got to find a way out.
13:26Sometimes these walls have secret doors.
13:29No. No luck.
13:31I feel much better, Clutch. Rearing to go.
13:35I'll teach them to twiddle with Twaddle.
13:38How are you? Good, Colonel.
13:40Together, maybe we can find a way out.
13:42Right behind Clutch and his friends, an ancient sarcophagus slowly opens.
13:50Oh, no. Not another live one.
13:53She sure looks alive to me.
13:55I can't believe it. Must be my underwater fever coming back.
13:59That's not fever, Twaddle. She's real.
14:02Shh. She's going to speak.
14:04I welcome you to my palace, gentlemen.
14:07I am the Desert Queen.
14:09Thank you for all of us, Your Highness.
14:11May I ask who you are?
14:13This gentleman is Colonel Lucifer Twaddle, prehistoric bones specialist.
14:18And this is Spinner, my young pal, and his dog, Battlefield.
14:22My name is Clutch Cargo.
14:24I am highly honored, sir.
14:26I have read your adventure book.
14:28Who sent you here?
14:30The King of Monrovia sent us to find you to plead with you
14:33to return the priceless 29-pound ruby to the National Museum.
14:36Sir, I do not have the ruby,
14:38nor have I seen it since I left it in the museum.
14:41Well, the ruby has disappeared,
14:43and as the story goes, you are supposed to have sent someone to steal it.
14:47This is terrible.
14:49I have always believed the ruby should remain in the Monrovia Museum.
14:53Who could have taken it?
14:55Clutch, do you think Big Mom...
14:57Just a moment, Spinner.
14:58Do you know the Maharaja of Sphinxville, Your Highness?
15:01Very well. He is one of my most trusted subjects.
15:05Maybe so, but nevertheless a very dangerous man.
15:09Clutch tells the Queen about their trip and their narrow escapes,
15:12and how they always saw Big Ma running from the scene.
15:16We must be careful.
15:18If what you say is true,
15:20the Maharaja may be planning to seize my throne.
15:23Ears have heard every word that was said,
15:26for just inside the mummy case door, a huge figure lurks.
15:30Please be quiet. These tunnels echo.
15:32Stay together, everyone.
15:34Good night, Clutch.
15:35Strange man, the Maharaja.
15:37Always carrying that big basket.
15:40I've never asked him, but I think that is his briefcase.
15:44He told Spinner it was a gift for his grandson.
15:47Said it was a cobra. Right, Spinner?
15:51They're gone!
15:52Disappeared in thin air.
15:54Colonel Twaddle!
15:55But they couldn't have gone far.
15:57Well, there's another door right...
15:59Spinner and Twaddle gone,
16:01the Queen kidnapped,
16:03and Clutch knocked out cold.
16:05Is this the end?
16:07Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode
16:11with Clutch Cargo.
16:21Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
16:25in another exciting adventure,
16:27The Desert Queen.
16:29You remember last time Clutch and company with Colonel Twaddle
16:32had met the Desert Queen,
16:34who, as Clutch and his friends with the Queen
16:36started through a secret tunnel,
16:38Spinner, Twaddle and Paddlefoot disappeared.
16:41Turning back...
16:43Sorry, you two won't be able to enjoy our little game
16:48as much as we will.
16:51You have a very dark future, Your Highness.
16:55Keep your eyes on that wall, Mr. Cargo.
16:58In a moment, your little playmate will enter.
17:09Pretty ferocious looking.
17:11If I can hypnotize him by staring him down like Swampy told me,
17:15then he'll be friendly, I hope.
17:19Steady boy, steady.
17:22Steady boy, steady. Easy does it.
17:27Careful, easy.
17:34It worked.
17:37Now, come on boy, come on.
17:41Nice kitty.
17:43Easy, easy.
17:45Good kitty.
17:48Now to stand on his back.
17:50There, now if I can just straighten up,
17:52I can get these ropes over this pool.
17:54A little more and...
17:55Got it.
17:56Now to open that mummy case.
17:57Hope Her Highness is okay.
18:00Are you all right, Your Highness?
18:02Perfectly, Mr. Cargo.
18:04But so hurt to think my most trusted subject,
18:07the Maharaja, would try to do away with me.
18:10Like he's probably trying to do with Spinner, Twaddle and Paddlefoot.
18:13Follow me, Mr. Cargo.
18:15We'll use my secret tunnel.
18:16I'm sure we will find them headed for the open air arena.
18:19The Desert Queen pulls the bottom bill of an ancient bird statue.
18:23Suddenly a portion of the wall opens, revealing a tunnel.
18:27Come quickly, Mr. Cargo.
18:29There's no time to lose.
18:31Uh-oh, we're near the end of this tunnel and I hear voices.
18:34That's the march to the slave market.
18:36Look, there's Spinner and Twaddle and Paddlefoot.
18:39I've got to stop them.
18:40Not that mob, Mr. Cargo.
18:41Wait, we'll find a way.
18:43No time to lose.
18:44Is there another way to reach them?
18:46Through that door.
18:48What are you intending to do with them, Big Ma?
18:51Sell them as slaves worth their weight in gold.
18:55Made it.
18:56What luck, that rope is tied to that beam across the arena.
19:01Take that.
19:02Now for a sky ride, Big Ma.
19:05Help, let me down.
19:08I can't stand heights.
19:12Here's a three-point skid landing.
19:15I give up, I give up.
19:21The ruby.
19:22He had it all the time in that basket.
19:25And he told me it was a cobra.
19:27He was the only cobra, Spinner.
19:29What's that old saying about one bad apple spoils the bunch?
19:32He won't harm anyone else, Mr. Cargo.
19:35My faithful subjects will see to that.
19:37Please return this ruby to its rightful place.
19:40The National Museum in Monrovia.
19:42That will be our pleasure, Your Highness.
19:44Clutch, Clutch, look.
19:46When Big Ma dug that trench in the ground,
19:48he uncovered the world's greatest brontosaurus femur bone.
19:52Just what I've always wanted.
19:54Hooray, now Twaddle won't have to fiddle with the shovel.
19:57Please come back again sometime.
19:59Our gate will always be open.
20:01Thank you, Your Highness.
20:02And for you, little man, a kiss.
20:07And so ends the story of Clutch Cargo
20:10and the Desert Queen.
20:12Be sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure
20:15with Clutch Cargo and his pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot.
