Clutch Cargo - E42: Road Race
4min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1959– )
Clutch enters the Forgonia Grand Prix but someone is trying to sabotage him.
Creator: Clark Haas
Stars: Richard Cotting, Hal Smith, Margaret Kerry
4min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1959– )
Clutch enters the Forgonia Grand Prix but someone is trying to sabotage him.
Creator: Clark Haas
Stars: Richard Cotting, Hal Smith, Margaret Kerry
Short filmTranscript
00:00Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Road Race!
00:12Early morning finds Clutch and company at the ocean pier supervising the loading of their homemade special Grand Prix race car.
00:19It won't be long now, Spinner, and we'll be on our way to the little country of Forgonia.
00:24Golly! Our first foreign sports car road race! I can hardly wait!
00:29Whoa! Whoa!
00:33Here you tuck my Rubishnitzer special V-12 away safely, Fred Sneaky. You can count on me, Your Grace, yessiree.
00:42Who are those men, Clutch?
00:44The famous Count Rubishnitzer and his mechanic, Fred Sneaky. He's won trophies all over the world, including the Rubishnitzer Gold Cup.
00:51Gosh! He'll be tough competition!
00:54Come on, Spinner. Our racer is loaded. Let's get on board.
00:58And stay with the car every minute. There are strangers on board.
01:04Careful, I said! If you get one scratch on that, I'll sue the shipping company!
01:11Gosh! The Count doesn't seem very friendly, huh, Clutch?
01:14No, he's not, Spinner. But he's a very fine driver.
01:18By the way, we'd better keep a sharp eye on our own car. We wouldn't want anything to happen to it.
01:23Don't worry, Clutch. We'll watch her. Hey, Paddlefoot!
01:30I sure like the water, Clutch.
01:32Yes, it's great for a change.
01:35By the way, our old friend, Colonel Twaddle, has entered in the race with his inline flathead Twaddle Six.
01:41A car he built himself?
01:42You bet. A backyard special, just like our own.
01:45Here comes that man and his dog.
01:55Don't touch that dog, Cedric. It may be contaminated.
01:59It's all right, Paddlefoot, old boy. We know better.
02:04Did you see that homemade racer being loaded as we got on, Cedric?
02:09I thought it looked like a vacuum cleaner.
02:14Several days and nights pass as the ship nears the little seaport of Forgonia.
02:19Cargo's car looks pretty good. He might have a real good chance of winning. Maybe we'd better...
02:28Shh, Paddlefoot, be quiet. Do you want to wake up the rest of the ship?
02:34Well, it seems to be secure just fine. Let's go, boy.
02:39There's Forgonia.
02:40Gee, what a pretty place.
02:45There they are, my dear friends, the King and Queen of Forgonia.
02:50Just wait until you see how glad the King is to see me.
02:54They can hardly wait to shake hands with me.
02:58They can hardly wait to shake hands with me.
03:02When I win this race, I'll be a guest in the King's court.
03:09They didn't even say hello to me.
03:13Clutch boy, welcome to Forgonia.
03:16We haven't had the honor of seeing you since you saved my husband's life from those highway robbers.
03:21But you must autograph your adventure logbook for me, Clutch.
03:26Thanks, Your Highness. This is indeed a surprise.
03:29Oh, these are my young pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot.
03:33How do you do, Your Honors?
03:36Clutch, you and your friends are invited to be guests at court.
03:41We're very much honored, Your Highness.
03:43Curses. I'll get even with that Clutch Cargo for this insult.
03:48Just wait until the race gets underway.
03:53What terrible things does the Count have in mind?
03:56Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
04:12Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Road Race.
04:19You remember last time Clutch and company were on their way to Forgonia for the international sports car race.
04:25Count Rubusnetzer is also entered.
04:28With him is his dog, Cedric, and his mechanic, Fred Sneaky,
04:32after arriving in Forgonia and being snubbed by the King and Queen.
04:36I'll get even with that Clutch Cargo for this insult.
04:39Just wait until the race gets underway.
04:44The day of the Forgonia Grand Prix International Road Race arrives.
04:48Everyone is in a festive mood.
04:50The colorful crowd is filled with excitement in anticipation of the arrival of the King and Queen of Forgonia.
04:58Drivers are taking their positions.
05:03This is sure exciting, Clutch.
05:05It's a big event, Spinner, and a very important one.
05:08Look, Clutch, here comes Count Rubusnetzer.
05:11In first place will be Count Rubusnetzer.
05:14Second place, Clutch Cargo.
05:16Third place, Colonel Twaddle in his blue inline present.
05:20And Frenchie McDougal in his powder blue number three.
05:23Why is the Count first?
05:25Because he is the champion, Spinner.
05:27Here's Colonel Twaddle.
05:29And go, lead! Look at his car!
05:34Good show, Clutch boy!
05:37Ladies and gentlemen, the parade is about to begin.
05:40The King and Queen of Forgonia will lead the procession.
05:47Ladies and gentlemen, their royal harnesses, the King and Queen of Forgonia.
06:05Hey, Clutch, there's the Count's mechanic. What's he doing?
06:10Be sure you've got everything ready.
06:13I wouldn't want to lose this race.
06:15Everything set, Count?
06:17He's probably getting last minute instructions.
06:20Ladies and gentlemen, the King.
06:23Welcome, all my loyal subjects and friends, to this great racing event.
06:29Her Royal Highness the Queen has been named the official starter.
06:35He's a best driver win.
06:39They're off.
06:41Clutch Cargo is second.
06:43Colonel Twaddle and Frenchie McDougal are fighting for position.
06:48They're off for the first turn. What a race!
06:51Colonel Twaddle and Frenchie McDougal are in third place.
07:02Oh, oh! Count Ruber's sister got to the narrow stretch first.
07:07Now they're on the straightaway. What a race!
07:13Time to cut across country and get to the tunnel.
07:23Has they found the back turn? It is still Count Ruber's sister.
07:27Watch that map closely, splitter.
07:29Our first obstacle seems to be a tunnel.
07:32Let me know when we're coming to the turn.
07:34We can't pass now, Clutch. There's a single lane tunnel ahead.
07:38Okay, splitter. We'll wait. Safety comes first.
07:45Now they're approaching the tunnel. It's Count Ruber's sister.
07:48Clutch Cargo, Colonel Twaddle and Frenchie.
07:55Oh, no! That's light!
08:02Oh, no! A train in the tunnel!
08:06How will they get out?
08:07Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
08:21Clutch Cargo with his pals, Splitter and Paddlefoot,
08:24in another exciting adventure, Road Race.
08:28You'll remember last time the International Sports Car Race had officially begun.
08:32Just before the start, Count Ruber's sister asked Fred Sneaky if everything was all right.
08:37Then Sneaky sneaked off through the bushes.
08:39As Clutch entered the tunnel...
08:43Oh, no! That's light!
08:52Wait a moment! Something's wrong!
08:53Frenchie, Colonel Twaddle and Clutch Cargo are backing out!
08:56It looks like Colonel Ruber's sister made it through.
08:58What happened to the train? Where's the Count?
09:00We've been tricked, Splitter. There is no train. There aren't any tracks.
09:05The Count went right through, and as soon as he passed,
09:07someone tricked us into thinking there was a train in that tunnel.
09:10They're going through.
09:15But I saw the headlight! And I heard the whistle!
09:26Look! Look! It's the man! And he's got a record player!
09:41I see him. That's where the train sound came from.
09:45And look overhead. There's your train headlight.
09:52The drivers are once again on their way.
09:54Count Ruber sets her lead by almost three miles.
10:04Here comes the hosels. They are catching up!
10:07Oh, this is so exciting!
10:10Okay, Sneaky, let her go.
10:26This ought to stop them.
10:31Here's a clear level stretch, Clutch!
10:35We just step on the gas and make up for a loss.
10:38Oh, no! A brick wall right across the road. There's no place to turn out. Hold on!
10:49We stopped just in time!
10:51We did? Well, here comes Colonel Dwartle.
10:55Look! They both went right through!
10:58No wonder. This wall is made out of papier-mâché.
11:01It sure fooled me. I wonder who's behind all this.
11:04Uh-oh! Something apparently happened to Clutch Cargo in the back stretch!
11:08I guess that slowed them down, eh, Cedric?
11:13But wait until they hit the next obstacle.
11:35Hooray! We're on our way again!
11:37Clutch Cargo is passing Colonel Dwartle. Clutch is in second place.
11:40Count Ruber sets her in first. What a race!
11:48Well, that's the last obstacle.
11:50But Clutch! It isn't! Look!
11:53By golly, it's starting to snow!
11:57It's a real blizzard. I can't see a thing.
12:00But look! There's a snow coat across the road!
12:03Too late! I can't stop!
12:07Slippery, dangerous, man-made snow.
12:10Will they all pile up?
12:12Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo!
12:28Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
12:31in another exciting adventure, Road Race!
12:34You remember last time Clutch and company, holding their own in the race,
12:38discovered the train and the pedal was faked.
12:41But immediately were stopped by what looked like a brick wall.
12:46Then they ran into slippery, dangerous, man-made snow.
12:50I can't see a thing!
12:51There's a snow drift across the road!
12:53Too late! I can't stop!
13:04Everybody okay back there?
13:06Right-o! And you, Frenchy?
13:08Oui, oui, I think.
13:10But where did all this snow come from?
13:13This is not the season for snow!
13:16Strangest thing I've ever seen!
13:18Thought the underwater people was coming back.
13:20Turned out to be snow!
13:22Another trick someone pulled on us.
13:24That snow came from that snow machine up there.
13:27Come on, Spinner. Let's go.
13:32Nice work, Sneaky. That sure slowed them down.
13:36Move on to the next checkpoint.
13:38Okay, boss. I'm moving.
13:46I see the car just ahead.
13:48How's the road look, Spinner?
13:49Looks great, Clutch!
13:50Stayed at an hour for two miles!
13:52Good. Hold on to your hat.
13:54We're going to let it off.
13:57Uh-oh. Here comes cargo.
14:08What a race! Count Ruber's Glitzer is still out in front.
14:11Clutch Park is coming up last.
14:14Clutch is taking the lead.
14:16Clutch is passing.
14:17Clutch Park is coming up last.
14:19Clutch is taking the lead.
14:21Clutch is passing.
14:22Clutch Park is coming up last.
14:24Clutch is taking the lead.
14:25Clutch is passing Count Ruber's Glitzer.
14:27He did it! He passed Count Ruber's Glitzer!
14:29He did it, Clutch! We passed the count!
14:32Clutch is now passing the oil train!
14:35Now if we could only keep our lead.
14:43Yeah, boss. What now?
14:45The cow, right, boss. The paper cow.
14:47The stone one is for real emergencies.
14:55A cow!
14:56Clutch! Slow down!
15:00How are we?
15:03Hey! It was only a paper cow!
15:06My figure is much thinner.
15:08Someone was trying to wreck us again.
15:10The cow didn't work, Sneaky.
15:12Try plan 4BX7.
15:24Roger, male cow, boss.
15:25Plan 4BX7 coming up.
15:29Ladies and gentlemen, the racers have now passed the halfway mark.
15:32They are now headed towards the finish line.
15:37Clutch Cargo is well out ahead and...
15:39Clutch, Clutch! Up ahead!
15:46Take a look at the map, Sprinter.
15:48What kind of road are we on?
15:5020 degree turn just ahead.
15:52And then a half mile straight away.
15:56Hey, we'll open her up.
15:58Oh my word, the road's out!
16:00Oh no!
16:03Clutch and company traveling over a hundred miles an hour and the road out.
16:07Is this the end?
16:08Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
16:20Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Road Race.
16:30You remember last time Clutch and company and the other racers came through the snowstorm without mishaps.
16:36Farther along, the count and his helper put a paper cow in the road to slow them down.
16:41And finally, a much dirtier trick, a detour sign.
16:45The road's out!
16:47Oh no!
16:50That was nothing but a painted backdrop!
16:52That's right, Spinner. It had me fooled too.
16:55With Clutch and company in the lead, it looks as though they are a cinch to win.
16:59The count trails by half a mile.
17:03Do something, anything.
17:05Stop Clutch Cargo!
17:07Okay, boss. I got a sneaky plan.
17:09The royal train has stopped at the highest peak to view the finish of the race.
17:20Oh, Clutch, you're a cinch to win.
17:28I do believe we just passed our engineer.
17:31Oh my, the royal train is running away.
17:35What? The royal train! It's running away!
17:39You're right, Spinner. There's no engineer in that cab.
17:42Hang on, we're going after the train.
17:46Ladies and gentlemen, something is wrong.
17:48Clutch Cargo, only a moment ago, the jewel winner, suddenly swerved from the track and is headed across the field.
17:54Spinner, let's come over here and drive like Bradford on a train.
17:58Get ready.
18:00Look, it's Clutch Cargo and Spinner. They'll save us.
18:04Faster, Spinner. Keep us steady.
18:07Straight at you.
18:10We've got to stop this thing.
18:18Clutch, the cab just passed us.
18:23We're in the lead, Cedric, and we're going to stay there this time.
18:26Hang on, Spinner.
18:29There goes Clutch, back into the race.
18:31Just think, he forfeited his place to save us.
18:34Yes, but he might win yet. Look at him go.
18:42Sneaky. Cargo's coming up fast. Get ready with the cement cow.
18:47I'm standing by, boss. Just give the word.
18:53He's trying to keep us from passing.
18:56Cargo won't beat us now.
19:07No, no, not cow. I said no.
19:12It's too late. I can't stop.
19:16Oh, something's happened to the back stretch.
19:18Cobb Rubersnitcher has had an accident.
19:20It looks like he hit a cow.
19:22Here they come across the finish line.
19:24Clutch Cargo is the winner.
19:26Cargo loses for a quarter of a second.
19:30Cobb Rubersnitcher disqualified because of unsportsmanship-like conduct.
19:42We're very proud to receive this sportsman's trophy.
19:46And for their bravery above and beyond the call of duty,
19:50it is my honor to award Clutch, Spinner and Paddlefoot the Royal Heart.
20:06And so ends the story of Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot and Road Race.
20:12Be sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure with Clutch Cargo.