Introduction to CALP

  • 4 years ago
00:00Welcome to the Community Adult Learning Program.
00:03A network of organizations supporting adult learners
00:05in communities all across Alberta.
00:09You are now part of this incredible network of individuals
00:12and communities that make our system strong.
00:15The Community Adult Learning Program works to ensure
00:17that adult Albertans can access the foundational learning they need
00:21to live full and successful lives.
00:23And the best way to do that is to create vibrant
00:26and connected learning communities
00:27where adults can build foundational learning skills.
00:31Our organizations focus on providing programs and services
00:34to increase adult learners skills
00:37in literacy, numeracy, English language learning,
00:40basic digital skills and skills for learning.
00:44Whether delivered through a classroom setting, tutoring,
00:47online, or a group setting using the principles of family literacy,
00:51these programs truly aim to transform lives.
00:55Adult foundational learners have strengths, weaknesses,
00:58interests, goals, and dreams just like all of us.
01:01They are looking for a way to improve their lives.
01:03And, while they may not know exactly
01:05what skills they need to do that,
01:07their local CALP just might be the best place to start.
01:10Our organizations help learners identify those skills
01:14And make a learning plan.
01:16Each learning opportunity has a primary intended
01:18learning objective to build a foundational skill.
01:22Building on an individual's foundational skills
01:25can have a great impact on their ability to learn,
01:28on their health status and participation in society,
01:31and on their ability to access employment,
01:33and that's why Community Adult Learning Programs are so important.
01:37They serve as points of entry for learning in our communities
01:40by creating safe and welcoming learning environments
01:43for all types of learners.
01:44When learners feel comfortable within a well-connected network,
01:47finding their way to the services
01:49and supports they need is so much easier.
01:52Our aim is to ensure that any door is the right door for every learner.