Creating a Positive Learning Environment

  • 4 years ago
00:06We know that there's lots of adults out there
00:08who've been through institutional...
00:10the traditional setting of what learning looks like
00:13and rows of desks or whatever it was,
00:17and we want to counter that.
00:21They just need to feel safe.
00:22They need to trust you.
00:23And they absolutely need to know
00:25that you respect their journey as well.
00:29And it's just mostly by being human with them and being kind.
00:35For our classes, we have coffee and water,
00:38and we have a thing of candy on the table
00:41that is donated by somebody or other,
00:44but people feel they can come in and they can sit down,
00:48and they can actually talk to you.
00:49You've got the time to talk.
00:51You've given them your undivided attention for the time.
00:54And those are really important,
00:55especially if your relationship goes
00:57more than the once or twice visit.
00:59A lot of cases, it's taken them a lot to be able to come in,
01:03so you've got to respect that
01:04and be able to give them positive information, feedback,
01:10a positive response, a friendly face, that you care,
01:13and let them know that you care.
01:15I think that that's really important to build that trust.
01:19If a learner is walking in,
01:20they feel like there's a stigma attached
01:22because they're walking into an organization
01:24that teaches you how to read or write.
01:26By being able to say that we offer learner support services,
01:30if someone's walking through our door,
01:32nobody knows what they're going in for.
01:35Every student that's in our program gets a little card that says,
01:40"Congratulations on your commitment
01:42"and dedication to your learning."
01:44Signed by the president, myself,
01:46the program coordinator, the gold seal.
01:49We just decided to make some changes.
01:52Obviously, we didn't have a lot of money,
01:54so they were things that we could do on a dime.
01:58And so we went from white walls to some colour.
02:02Once we started painting, putting some plants out,
02:06we went to the local art club
02:08and asked if we could showcase some of their art,
02:11and we put that up on the walls.
02:14Sometimes we'd have music play.
02:17And then we watched the change in people.
02:20I would have people come into my office and sit down,
02:23and they'd start to be aware more of things.
02:26They pick up on things and they'd be like, "Oh, that's kind of neat."
02:30And I would be able to take them into our classroom,
02:34and you could just see them relax.
02:37And it just made all the difference
02:39to take the time to buy a plant
02:41or go on Pinterest and find something that you can do
02:45and make it makes a difference.
02:48And it doesn't have to cost a lot of money,
02:51but it can change the atmosphere.
02:53It's so much about people feeling welcome.
