What is Learner Support

  • 4 years ago
00:14The whole program is learner support.
00:16Everything we do is learner support.
00:19We are really focused on our learner.
00:21When you come in, it's very warm,
00:23it's very friendly.
00:25There's times that you see the struggles that people have,
00:28and you realize how hard it has been
00:31for them to walk into your space.
00:33You try to meet that individual
00:37right there in that space
00:39and say, "What are we going to do together
00:41"that's going to make your life easier
00:43"and help you achieve your goals?"
00:45There's people that walk in and you just think,
00:47"How is this person going to get where they need to go?"
00:51And then the next person walks in
00:53and you realize that person
00:55is making a difference in their life
00:57and you just drink that in.
00:59We find that we support a lot of our learners
01:02with things like researching post secondary,
01:07looking at entry qualifications
01:09to see if, actually, would they qualify?
01:14Looking at applying for funding, so student finance.
01:16We can actually help them apply for those.
01:19Being that asset or that network weaver,
01:23or the person that can give a really great referral
01:27to other services,
01:29we by no means are everything for everybody,
01:33but we are often top of mind to go to first.
01:37It's listening to them and finding out their goals
01:39and referring them if needed,
01:42helping them if we can,
01:43working with them to figure out what they want to do.
01:47We have artwork. We have plants.
01:49We have coffee. We have snacks.
01:52We have just about everything you can do to support a learner.
01:56Learner success, we're saying,
01:58means let's celebrate the little steps and the little successes
02:04that are so important to that learner.
02:10I think about half the time,
02:12when I'm working with an adult learner,
02:14I will say, "You can do this,"
02:18and they start to cry.
02:20And I said, "Hasn't anybody told you,
02:22"you could do this?" and they say "No".
02:25And I just think,
02:26to not have somebody tell them that they can do this.
02:32We all got to remember we got to tell one another
02:34that we can do it.
02:36We just have to do that.
02:39Learner support correlates directly to learner success.
02:44And that is so totally different
02:46for every learner that we deal with.
