01:31If you discover pay dirt, let me know.
01:33Why should I? What's on the wire?
01:36Professor Andrew Hartwell, the noted entomologist,
01:39is on the Mexican border chasing butterflies or something.
01:42So what? See, I got a story from him once.
01:45The love life of a bee.
01:47Oh, why did she swarm?
01:49Those scientific eggs are a screwy lot.
01:52Screwy is right.
01:54The honor of discovering a new bug is their idea of something important.
01:58Yeah, they'd fight and die for that.
02:00Hey, did he take his niece with him?
02:03Swell kid.
02:04I only saw her once, but that was a day to put down in the diary.
02:09That crackpot ought to have a poke in the nose,
02:11dragging a sweet kid like that around over the desert.
02:14Lizards, rattlesnakes and everything.
02:28What are you doing here?
02:51Well, can't you be sociable?
02:53It don't cost no more.
02:54Uncle Andrew discharged you.
02:55Why are you still hanging around?
02:57I got as much right as you and your uncle to camp in this old hacienda.
03:01I suppose you have, but that doesn't include the right to annoy me.
03:13Uncle Andrew?
03:29Uncle Andrew!
03:58What's the matter, Uncle Andrew?
04:06Is something wrong?
04:07Paddle your horse.
04:08You must ride to town with the letter.
04:10Well, can't you tell me what happened?
04:12Do as I say, immediately.
04:14Must I write a thesis whenever I ask you to do something?
04:43What's the matter?
05:22Uncle Andrew!
05:36Them horses ran away.
05:39I was fixing to cinch them up for you.
05:41I must go for the sheriff.
05:42Is something wrong?
05:44My uncle's been murdered.
05:46Oh, that's too bad.
05:48You take it easy.
05:49I'll go for the sheriff.
05:51I'd rather go myself.
05:52I'll take your horse.
05:53What's your hurry?
05:55It's a long ride in the heat of the day.
05:57Let's go on my arm.
05:58Don't get in a ladder.
06:25Go away or I'll shoot.
06:29You can't stay in there forever.
06:31And when you do come out, I'll take you down off that high horse.
06:48Hey, Gus!
06:57What kind of tarantula juice you got on the bar?
07:00I'm seeing things already.
07:30What's your name, stranger?
07:32Larry O'Day.
07:34If that means anything to you.
07:36It don't right this minute.
07:38Let me see your license.
07:41For what?
07:42What are you peddling?
07:43Snake oil or horse liniment?
07:46Neither one.
07:48I'm peddling sunshine and joy.
07:50Or trouble.
07:51Whatever the customer wants.
07:58You better put a half hitch on that there lippy horn before you get unpopular.
08:02What's your business?
08:03I haven't any.
08:05I'm just a roving cowboy.
08:08Well, in that rig, you look more like a rambling rainbow.
08:14I had a job with a dude, Reg.
08:16And wearing this outfit was part of the job.
08:18And one reason why I quit.
08:22Just a minute, young fella.
08:25What was the other reason you quit?
08:29A fat lady who craved to be romantic.
08:55This Friday, John.
09:17Fish day.
09:18Not hamburger.
09:19Look here, young fella.
09:22It's my duty to keep the peace in this town.
09:24Then why don't you do it?
09:26This town don't welcome wild mavericks.
09:28We run it according to law.
09:30And they'd have killed that fellow if you were cranking up your legal machinery.
09:34Don't you tell me how to do my duty.
09:36Someone should.
09:42Put in your horns and get that craved along.
09:49What started the Chinese war dance?
09:51Boss, I swear, I don't know.
09:53I went in their kitchen to see if I could earn a meal by washing dishes.
09:56And they chased me out.
10:01I'm so hungry I could eat a cow without bothering to take the hide off.
10:11This town can get along without both of you members.
10:13And we can get along without this town.
10:15That makes it a standoff.
10:18A friend of mine owns a ranch about 40 miles from here.
10:20Down near the border.
10:22Why don't you give us both a job?
10:24I'd like a job, but I don't know.
10:26I've never been a nursemaid to a cow.
10:29That's all right.
10:30We'll find something for you to do.
10:33So long, Sheriff.
10:34I'll drop you a line and let you know how we're getting along.
10:45What'd you say they call you?
10:47Lucky Smith.
10:49They call you Lucky?
10:52I've got more luck than any two guys has ever got.
10:55And it's all bad.
10:57Well, don't let it throw you.
10:59You can't ride through the brush in those pants.
11:01I'm going to be all right.
11:03You wouldn't have a nickel's worth of skin left on your legs.
11:06You wear these shafts.
11:15Why'd you haze that young fellow out of town?
11:18He's all right.
11:20Well, maybe he is, maybe he ain't.
11:23He's too free with his lip.
11:31You look like an old cowhand from New Jersey.
11:34How did you know I was from Jersey?
11:37You'll be glad you've got them when we hit the chaparral.
11:41Come on, climb on.
11:42I don't know whether I can get on this kind of a...
11:45Take it easy.
11:47Take it easy.
11:49Whoa, whoa, whoa.
11:53Now, don't go fast.
11:55Take it easy.
12:20Doesn't look like anyone lives here.
12:23This will be a good place to camp for the night.
12:26It's kind of a spooky looking joint, ain't it?
12:30You're not afraid of a spook, are you, Lucky?
12:32Oh, no, no.
12:33But I just don't want to get palsy-walsy with one.
12:48I guess my constitution wasn't built to fit a horse.
13:01You'll get used to it.
13:03There's nothing like a good horse between your knees.
13:05Yeah, that's all right.
13:06You can only get your knees together after the horse gets out.
13:18Let's take a look at this place, Lucky.
13:32Anyone that starts using me for target practice
13:35gets themselves an argument right then and there.
13:41I'm going to sneak in on that bushwhacker from behind.
13:44You draw his fire and keep his attention.
13:47I don't want his attention.
13:49You'll be all right if you keep out of sight.
13:51Fire a shot now and then.
13:52I don't need the fire.
14:23Come on, Lucky!
14:51Why, you're a girl!
15:00Yes, I am.
15:01I'm sorry, miss.
15:03What do you mean, beating up offenseless women?
15:05You're not so defenseless.
15:06One of those bullets just about nicked my ear.
15:29Help him!
16:00How do you feel?
16:19Oh, I feel like a horse trumped on my neck.
16:23Did you see anyone?
16:24I thought I did, but whatever it was, disappeared like a ghost.
16:27Yeah, a plenty solid ghost.
16:29He squalls until my eyes popped out.
16:32This was around his neck.
16:35A strangler's cord.
16:38That's funny.
16:39Hey, what do you mean, funny?
16:42Jay, why did you take a pot shot at us?
16:45Oh, I was frightened.
16:46I thought you were the man I was trying to escape from.
16:49Who was that?
16:50Jim Barton, a cowboy that my uncle hired.
16:53Your uncle?
16:55Where is he?
16:59He was murdered.
17:25I'll send for the sheriff the first thing in the morning.
17:45You had better get some rest and don't be afraid.
17:52There's somebody in there.
18:05Give us a light.
18:14Why, Dr. Von Kurtz!
18:16Yeah, Dr. Von Kurtz.
18:18Come for what is my own.
18:20Your uncle spied on me.
18:22He robbed me of my great discovery.
18:25Where is he?
18:26I'll tell him so his face.
18:30Uncle Andrew's dead.
18:45Who would murder him?
18:46And why?
18:48Suppose you tell us more about your quarrel with him.
18:51Is that your business?
18:52I'm making it my business.
18:53Dr. Von Kurtz is an entomologist.
18:55Oh, yeah?
18:56Where's your dummy?
18:58Not a ventriloquist.
19:00An entomologist.
19:05Such stupidity.
19:06An entomologist is a scientist.
19:09A man that collects bugs.
19:11Oh, that.
19:13I've been one for years and thought nothing of it.
19:16Pardon me, Dr. Von Nertz.
19:18Not Nertz.
19:24You said he robbed you of a discovery.
19:26I guess you were plenty sore about it.
19:28That's foolish.
19:30Would I kill a man over a bug?
19:32That all depends upon how important it might be to you.
19:43What do you want?
19:44I'm sorry to intrude, but I have lost my way.
19:48I'm seeing the light.
19:50Where are you headed for?
19:51I have business with a man named Obed Young.
19:55I never heard of him.
19:56I know who he is.
19:57A horrible creature who has a hog ranch about a mile beyond here.
20:00I'm sure he's crazy.
20:02That is the man, gracious lady.
20:04I buy pork from him.
20:06Please accept most profound gratitude.
20:09You go a long ways for your pork.
20:12The Chinese are particular about pork.
20:15Young feed his hogs as they are fed in China.
20:18So we buy from him.
20:21I take my humble departure.
20:24Good night.
20:31He's strayed a long ways off his range.
20:33He has nothing to do with this matter.
20:36Mr. Hartwell, I give you my heart, my deepest sympathy.
20:41I will not be robbed of my discovery.
20:45I take what is mine own.
20:47You'll take nothing.
20:49You'll regret if you interfere in what is not your business.
20:52I'll take a chance on that.
20:58What is that?
20:59I don't know, but I've heard it before.
21:01Now, once is enough for me.
21:03I'm going to get out of here before I go nuts.
21:27I'm lucky he was back with the sheriff.
21:32I can't tell you how grateful I am to you.
21:35I didn't do anything except knock you down.
21:39I deserve that for shooting at you.
21:41I was horribly frightened.
21:43All alone and poor Uncle Andrew.
21:47Please don't worry.
21:49I'll be here as long as you need me.
21:54There's Obed Young, the pig man.
22:02Is that the hombre you think is local?
22:04Yes, I've always been afraid of him.
22:07How come?
22:08Oh, he resented our camping in this deserted old house.
22:12He raised an awful commotion about it.
22:14Ranted about it being a monument sacred to the memory of somebody who died here.
22:19I can't remember exactly what it was all about.
22:39You'd better heed my warning, young woman.
22:41I told you your presence here is abomination.
22:44And ruin and disaster will fall upon you if you don't leave this place.
22:48Good, land ruin and disaster a helping hand.
22:50And you'd better heed my warning and get away from here, too.
23:01Thought I got rid of you.
23:03Hello, Obed.
23:04Where are you bound for?
23:06To the border to get another load of soybeans.
23:09Well, that's the third load this week.
23:12But I ain't ever been able to train them hogs of mine to get along without eating.
23:16They ain't never been done yet.
23:18Not successful.
23:19Wait around a spell before you leave.
23:21I need you agonized.
23:22I got the coroner with me.
23:24Where's the corpse?
23:25I'll take a look at the scene of the crime.
23:27I'll show you.
23:29Shorty, you stay with the horses.
23:31The rest of you come with me.
23:36What corpse?
23:38Her uncle.
23:40Was murdered.
23:41Eh, didn't I tell her that ruin and disaster would strike her down?
23:45Maybe you had inside information.
23:47I know the curse would be on them, but they wouldn't heed my warning.
24:10I see you made it all right.
24:12That's a swell horse you got there, boss.
24:14Every time I fell off, he stood and waited for me.
24:17He's a gentleman.
24:18I bet he didn't even laugh at you.
24:20No, not a snicker.
24:39That pig man is not as local as he makes out to be.
24:42Do you think that...
24:43I don't know, but I'm sure going to pay him a visit.
24:46There's the man I told you about, Jim Barton.
24:59Still on the warpath.
25:05Joe, go in there and help the coroner.
25:07Carry out the corpse.
25:10Howdy, Sheriff.
25:12Hello, Jim.
25:24What caliber is that there gun of yours, miss?
25:29Let me see it.
25:35Been fired recent.
25:37She shot at me by mistake.
25:38If I want you to talk, I'll say so.
25:41Where was you when your uncle was shot?
25:43I was saddling my horse.
25:45Uncle Andrew was writing a letter.
25:47He wanted me to mail.
25:48Where's the letter?
25:50I don't know.
25:52It disappeared.
25:54Jim, you've been working around here.
25:56What do you know about this?
25:57I was out to the corral, tended to the horses.
25:59See or hear anything unusual?
26:02I hear a shot and see her come tearing out of the house.
26:06When I tried to talk to her, she whipped me across the face with her quirk.
26:08Why, that's a lie.
26:10I don't do no good calling folks liars.
26:1232s is mighty scarce around here.
26:14And Hartford was shot by a 32.
26:17Fired, I reckon, from your gun.
26:19And I can easily find out for sure.
26:21Use your common sense, Sheriff.
26:23She's not a murderess.
26:24You'd better keep your nose out of it.
26:28You attend to your own business.
26:30I've a good mind to arrest you for disturbing the peace.
26:32If you crave to see the peace really disturbed, go ahead and arrest me.
26:36Oh, please don't get in trouble on my account.
26:38Well, he'll get in plenty of trouble if he tries to interfere with the law.
26:41I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder.
27:39You go.
27:42Put the barrel down and shoot.
27:53I'm looking for your boss.
27:55I want to buy a pig.
27:56Watch where you're going.
27:58You go.
28:00All right, Bill.
28:01Let him have it.
28:02Don't move, Humphrey.
28:06Don't move.
28:37Let go!
28:44Larry, help me!
28:47Where are you?
28:57Help me!
29:03Let go!
29:04Let go of me!
29:05Oh, they're strangling me!
29:08Help! Murder!
29:11Murder! Larry!
29:13Help! Police! What happened?
29:16Hey, get those guys off me!
29:18They're trying to choke me!
29:20Help me, Larry!
29:22You just tangled yourself up in a curtain.
29:25No, there were ten guys standing right...
29:28Well, they must have...
29:30You won't want to wear a necktie again.
29:32No fooling. Come on, Larry, let's get out of here.
29:35This place is driving me screwy.
29:37We can't do that.
29:38Why not?
29:39I'm not leaving here until I find out who murdered Professor Hartwell.
29:54There's someone prowling around here.
29:57I'm going to find out who it is.
29:59Oh, what do you want to go looking for trouble for?
30:21I was sure I saw someone duck in here that night you were nearly strangled.
30:25But he disappeared. I can't figure out where he went to.
30:30That pig rancher has some reason for trying to keep folks away from this place.
30:35And this in some way ties in with that reason.
30:38Oh, that's a pretty little trinket. Where'd you get it?
30:41In a place where it had no business to be.
30:50Hey, what'd you do that for?
30:52I just want to see what'll happen.
31:00Whoa, whoa, whoa.
31:07I'm going to have a look around. You stay here.
31:10What, me stay here alone?
31:14Take this and keep your eyes open.
31:17But supposing I should see something?
31:19Oh, I don't like this idea.
31:22We're trying to save a girl from being convicted of murder.
31:25Don't you want to help?
31:26Well, uh, why certainly, of course.
31:56My friend will help you escape. Trust him. Larry O'Day.
32:26Well, the Chinese restaurant's on fire.
32:29Hey, the fire. Run!
32:32Get out of here!
32:34Get out of here!
32:36You're going to get us all killed.
32:39Get out of here!
32:41Get out of here!
32:43Get out of here!
32:45Get out of here!
32:47Get out of here!
32:49Get out of here!
32:51Get out of here!
32:53Hey, the fire.
32:55Come on, boys, let's get it.
32:57Come on, everybody, let's put it out.
32:59Where you are? Where you at?
33:02Come on, let's go.
33:09Hey, boys, speed up the line. Quick, come on.
33:12Get the bucket.
33:16Hey, boys, speed up the line. Quick, come on.
33:19Get the bucket.
33:23Hurry up now. There's no time to call your notice.
33:26I don't want to run away like an escaped criminal.
33:29Now, there's no time to argue.
33:31Everything is going to be okay.
33:33You take the high-lying trail to the old house at the end there.
33:38There's a horse across the street in front of the ice house. Hurry.
33:52Hey, boys, speed up the line.
34:06Shut up!
34:08We've got to get organized.
34:10One moment, please. What is it, Charlie?
34:12I much regret we have caused so much trouble.
34:15There is no fire. What? Ain't no fire?
34:18Mary, Petro, go grease, and we have it under control.
34:21Well, I'll be...
34:23Go on about your business.
34:25What do you mean, starting a stampede over nothing?
34:27Fire! Fire!
34:29The girl escaped!
34:31The girl escaped?
34:33Come on.
34:49Get out of my way.
34:51Take it easy. Let's be friends.
34:54I'm the one that got you out of jail.
34:56You. You helped me escape.
34:59Why, sure.
35:01Ain't that being friendly enough?
35:03I don't want your help.
35:11There's the sheriff.
35:13He's right anxious to see you.
35:15You'll take my help or hang for murder.
35:45Let's go.
36:15Pull up, young fella.
36:45Get out of my way.
36:46You'll stop in the name of the law.
36:47What's the law got to do with me?
36:49Where have you got that Hartwell girl hid?
36:51What are you talking about?
36:53You arrested her.
36:54And someone helped her escape.
36:57What a fine mess you've made of things.
36:59You be careful how you talk.
37:01If you had any brains, you wouldn't have arrested her in the first place.
37:04Now she's worse off than ever.
37:06A fugitive.
37:07I'll tell her what might happen to her.
37:37Come on, hurry.
38:01Come on.
38:31Come on.
39:02Come on.
39:03Come on.
39:31Come on.
39:36Come on.
39:49I know I'm not.
40:07I don't reckon you know but you stay around let's see if you got that galley it
40:11here right ahead and make yourself at home Sheriff I reckon you've done all the
40:16damage you can do today. Get busy.
40:33I went through a lot of trouble getting you out of jail. And I think you ought to
40:39be right thankful. I know where we can find
40:44a Padre to marry.
41:44Thank. You.
41:55Lucky. Lucky.
42:02Lucky. Lucky.
42:14There is no profit in being
42:27struggling. It would be wiser to spend these few moments in preparing your soul
42:35for the honor of joining your illustrious ancestors. When I walk in my garden if
42:41he take. This time of day how many of my progress I break it off and it's nice.
42:49You are disturbing to the harmony of my business.
42:53I think I'm going to be.
43:05Being told.
43:15They want to be you are Johnny's over. You will soon be at the home of you are
43:19honorable bridegroom and wealthy merchant who are eagerly his bride.
43:50You the sheriff wants to see you.
44:07I'm convinced that you weren't mixed up in that jail break I'm down off your high
44:10horse Sheriff and let's work together. What do you mean work together I'm sure
44:14someone's got a secret hideout around here my partner just appeared.
44:19I guess you would like to keep your hair while that girl sneaks across the border
44:22wouldn't you well you got to think of a better than that hit all the boys going to
44:26swing down towards the border.
45:19But. You're not exactly welcome around here.
45:29I understand I came to offer my apology to Miss Hartwell. In my great
45:34disappointment I forgot to be
45:36a gentleman.
45:38To you. This means nothing to a scientist means everything honor glory reward for
45:48months of labor. How can you understand what it would mean to present this
45:52discovery to a scientific world.
45:56I'm not going to let you get away with it I'm not going to let you get away with it I'm
46:00not going to let you get away with it I'm not going to let you get away with it I'm
46:04Not going to let you give this discovery to a scientific world.
46:31What's her say?
46:32I'll see.
46:41What happened?
46:43She tried to run away and got knocked off her horse.
46:46She was not grateful to the man who rescued her from prison?
46:51Boy, that little wild cat don't know the meaning of the word.
47:27Leave it to me, my friend.
47:29All will proceed with utmost harmony.
47:32All right.
47:33I'll tell Young to stop by and smuggle the girl across the border.
47:59All right.
48:30You have no cause for alarm?
48:34But how did I get here?
48:36My servant found you unconscious.
48:40Oh, yes.
48:42I remember.
48:44I was thrown from my horse.
48:46I was trying to escape.
48:48Let your mind be at rest.
48:50All danger is past.
48:51Let your mind be at rest.
48:53All danger is past.
49:17They all seem to like you.
49:19But who are all these girls?
49:21They are soon to be brides.
49:26Many of my countrymen desire wives from China.
49:30But your law says no.
49:33So I smuggle them in.
49:36I'm a lawbreaker.
49:40You are in danger of law.
49:42If you wish, I could smuggle you safely out of the country as I smuggle them in.
49:52I can't bear the thought of going back to jail again.
49:57The escape is at hand.
50:04My servant will escort you.
51:21Come on!
51:37Where did you come from?
51:44Hey, Lewis!
51:46Young is taking that girl across the border.
51:48What girl?
51:49Barbara, Miss Hartwell.
51:51He's going to deliver her to Barton.
51:53You stay here and watch this pair until I get back.
51:55Where's that gun I gave you?
51:57I don't know. They took it away from me.
51:59Here, take this one.
54:19I think we'd better ride over there and see what that's all about.
54:49I'll have the law on you for this!
54:51Here's for a ruin and disaster backfire.
55:19Where's the gal you're looking for?
55:21In old Ben's wagon.
55:34You're being tricked.
55:36They weren't helping you to escape.
55:38We have to go back and get Lucky.
55:50We have to go back and get Lucky.
56:04They didn't help you to escape, eh, old Ben?
56:06Pete, take him in and lock him up.
56:19Come on.
56:50Hold it there, fella.
56:59Boy, oh boy, am I going to disturb your harmony.
57:02This letter absolutely...
57:04The sheriff is here.
57:06The sheriff? Hmm.
57:08I reckon I got you this time.
57:10Aiding a criminal to escape.
57:12Don't try any tricks.
57:15Step right in, folks.
57:17There's the countess.
57:19I reckon he ate the canary.
57:21He murdered Professor Hardwell.
57:27I found a letter that the professor wrote just before he was murdered.
57:31He says he found out about that racket of smuggling in Chinese picture bribes.
57:35He threatened to kill him if he didn't keep his mouth shut.
57:38I found this letter right under the steps
57:40where Chanley had thrown it after he'd pulled the job.
57:43Well, I bet you'll find his fingerprints all over it.
57:49It's poison, eh, Chanley?
57:51You are right. And why not?
57:53Hanging would be extremely unpleasant.
57:56You're under arrest for murder.
57:58Where's them picture bribes?
58:00They're in the back room.
58:02Joe, go fetch them gals in here.
58:05They got to be deported back to China.
58:10I'm sorry, miss, for all the trouble I've caused you.
58:13It looked as though I'd been a little bit hasty.
58:19Take him on into town, Joe.
58:25Where do you think you're going?
58:27Sheriff, can't I be deported too?
58:30I think I'd like it in China.
58:34I know I like it right here where I am.