What to Say and When to Say it During a Training Session?

  • 3 years ago
We all strive to conduct that “perfect session” where we deliver exactly what our client wants, but what specifically does that look like? Since everyone’s goals are different, the answer doesn’t lie in a series of “magical exercises" Component of our sessions are what we say, and how we say it.

Here are some useful tips which can help us figure out exactly what to say and when to say it when encountering different personality types:

People Who Don’t Like Working Out - For those of us who might not enjoy the "journey," we can always use distractions. This can come in the form explaining the exercise in more detail during or between sets

People Who Are Less Social, or Harder to Relate To - Awkward silences can make a session feel twice as long. If a client seems to be more quiet, reserved, or we just don’t have much in common to talk about, we can still create engagement by talking about the exercises, what they’re working and how they fit into our client's goals

People Who Won’t Let You Get a Word in - Endorphins and a good conversation can knock a well paced workout right off track. A “quick” 1-2 minute conversation can be a long time in certain cases, especially when the goal is to elevate the heart rate

People Who Move Too Quickly - While they may feel like they are getting it done quicker, or perhaps overachieving, moving too quick through an exercise typically leads to overtrained larger/stronger muscles and neglected smaller, supportive muscles. Over time, this leads to injury

A useful one is the hypertrophy 4-2-2 cadence, the 4 seconds being contraction time (shortening of the muscle), 2 seconds being the isometric (or squeeze) and the final 2 seconds being the eccentric (lengthening)

Receiving a totally personalized experience, along with real-time feedback and modifications is the quickest and safest way for your client to achieve their goals

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