• 2 anni fa
Storyline: A married couple formed by Polly and Ray Cutler decide to spend their honeymoon, delayed for three years for economic reasons, at Niagara Falls. Once they reach their destination they find the chalet they had booked still occupied by another couple, made up of Rose and George Loomis, two spouses in marital crisis, due to the doubts harbored by the latter, who morbidly suspects that his wife is hiding an affair extramarital. George's fears turn into certainty. Together with her lover, Rose is developing a plan to kill her husband, but the plan goes up in smoke: to defend himself, George will kill her lover, before going into hiding, making people believe he is dead.
Upon recognizing the body found in the waters of the Niagara River, Rose must therefore understand that the dead person is not her husband, but her lover. Shocked by the news, Rose is admitted to hospital. Once she recovers from her trauma, she escapes from the hospital and tries to return to US territory, but she is hunted down by her husband, who, taken by her desperation, strangles her. George then escapes by stealing a boat, on which Polly fortuitously is also on board. Pursued by the police, George heads towards the waterfalls: due to a breakdown the boat ends up prey to the very strong currents, which are about to drag the two passengers towards the somersault. In a final gesture of generosity, George manages to save Polly's life, sacrificing his own. While he remains on the boat which falls towards the abyss, the police take Polly to safety by helicopter.
