Highlights - Stage 4 - #LaVueltaFemenina by Carrefour.es 2023

  • el año pasado
Discover the best moments of today's stage.

Stage 4 - (Cuenca / Guadalajara)

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© Unipublic S.A.U.
00:00 It has started. We're off. We're off for a very interesting final.
00:12 Welcome to stage four of Love Welter Femenina. After blitzing their way through the fastest
00:17 women's world tour stage ever yesterday at an average of 45.6km/h, the peloton are preparing
00:23 for a punchy day to Guadalajara. Mariana Voss is out to defend her red jersey before the
00:28 climbing begins in earnest on Friday. This won't be a walk in the park though. There
00:33 are plenty of lumps and bumps. Only one official climb, the Alto de Jorge, but it tops out
00:39 with just 12km remaining, so we are unlikely to see a big bunch sprinting it out for victory.
00:47 It took around 50km for a breakaway to form and it was breaking apart with around 50km
00:52 to go. The Olympic champion Anna Kiesenhofer struggling to keep pace at the front with
00:57 Ana Victoria Magalhaes and Patricia Ortega. A little bit further back, Charlotte O'Cole
01:02 was struggling. The DSM sprinter dropped from the peloton which was about one minute behind
01:07 the three escapees. Toto Magalhaes ended up leading solo although she still had Ortega
01:13 and Kiesenhofer on her tail. Andrea Alzate then attacked from the peloton for the Enecat
01:21 team who had had Marina Varenic in the original breakaway. The Colombian looking to bridge
01:26 her way up to the front, but the main bunch were gradually closing in with the race leader
01:30 Vos looking nice and relaxed in red. Alzate and Kiesenhofer eventually caught up to Magalhaes
01:35 but their advantage was only around 30 seconds. For a stage that was described as flat in
01:41 the roadbook, this was starting to hurt. And it wouldn't be long before the GC favourites
01:46 started making their moves. It has started. We're off. We're off for a very interesting
01:54 final. This shows that Vos is ready to defend her jersey. That injection of pace bringing
02:02 an end to the breakaway. Several women then tried to attack and two of them snuck away.
02:08 Ransa Villalon, yet another rider from Enecat, and Georgia Williams of EF Education Tibco.
02:14 They opened up a small gap and they were first to the intermediate sprint in Tendilla. That
02:18 left two seconds available for the peloton and they were duly snaffled up by Vos. Three
02:24 other riders managed to bridge across to the leading duo, but they were all brought back
02:27 at the foot of the final climb. Movistar, who kicked off all of the action in the crosswinds
02:32 yesterday, taking control for Annemiek van Vleuten. Demi Follering and Mavi Garcia coming
02:37 to the front as they hit the steepest part of the climb in Horché. The front group was
02:41 now down to around 25 riders, including Vos. Van Vleuten attacked just after the summit,
02:47 quickly followed by Follering and Garcia. Her rivals scrambling to shut down the move,
02:51 with Vos desperately trying to stay in contact. Liana Lippert then started lighting things
02:56 up for Movistar, going not once but twice, and second time around she was joined by Follering.
03:02 But the German champion didn't look massively keen to work with one of her team's biggest
03:06 rivals so they were brought back again with 2.5k to go. Chloe Digert also tried a big
03:11 late move in those pink shoes, but to no avail. They were all back together again as they
03:15 hurtled into Guadalajara, with Vos looking for back-to-back wins.
03:20 Coming out of this tunnel, a little bit of a gap there for the rider of SD Works. That
03:25 is of course Marleen Rooysen, just ahead of Marianne Vos we find Norskaard, and ahead
03:31 of Norskaard it's Chloe Digert. Then Vos launches her sprint. The people in the streets of Guadalajara
03:37 see La Roja and they know that she is the queen of cycling. Another stage win there
03:42 for Marianne Vos. What a magnificent win again by the Dutch rider.
03:49 Two wins in two days for Marianne Vos, who had to dig deep today to stay in the front
03:53 group with help from Rianna Marcus and Amber Krak. The three-time world champion showing
03:58 her strength and class to win the stage ahead of Emma Norskaard and Marleen Rooysen. She
04:02 is now just two shy of 250 career victories and was full of praise for her team-mates.
04:08 The girls did a really good job to bring that down and to control that group. And from then
04:14 on it was trying to stay in front and trying to stay in control of the group. I want to
04:22 thank my team to do that so well and to control the group and to control the brakes and to
04:28 be there with me in the final. Vos wins ahead of Norskaard and the SD Works
04:33 pair of Royser and Blanca Vaz van Vleuten fifth, followed by Dijgnan, Chaby, Digert,
04:39 Persico and Dranova. The Dutch woman extends her lead over Digert to 25 seconds with Marleen
04:44 Marcus, Krak and Chaby making up the top five after Henderson lost time. But there is set
04:49 to be a big GC shake-up tomorrow. Vos has an even bigger lead in green, nearly
04:53 100 points ahead of Digert. Her main sprint rival, Charlotte Cole, had to abandon the
04:58 race earlier today after being dropped. And finally we have a new queen of the mountains
05:02 with Elise Chaby taking over from Jadwiel. Well, the mountains is where we're headed
05:07 on Friday with the first Category 1 climb and the first summit finish. It promises to
05:11 be spectacular. So join us then and thanks for watching.
05:14 [MUSIC]
