Eye makeup for small eyes - making eyes look bigger & brighter

  • last year
00:00 Today I will be showing you how to make your eyes appear bigger and a little larger.
00:10 The majority of girls that I have seen or have worked upon, they have big eyes but then
00:16 the crease tends to be a little closer to the eyelid, hence making the eyes appear smaller.
00:20 Now the best way to make them look a little bit bigger is by not using a black pencil,
00:28 by using either a brown pencil, meaning for a kajal or a white pencil.
00:32 So I will show you exactly how it would look when you would use a white kajal pencil and
00:37 instead of using a black eyeliner, we will use a totally different color so that you
00:42 know exactly how colors need to be played around to make your eyes look a little bigger.
00:47 So to start off I will be prepping Sujana's eyes with ground work by MAC.
00:57 This will give a very nice base to the eyeshadow.
01:05 Now remember that anything that is MAC will push back a feature and anything that is shimmery
01:11 or light will bring it forward, meaning that any light colors would highlight the zones
01:16 which would mean a highlighter would always be applied on your cheekbones, a little bit
01:21 on your under your brow area.
01:24 So those are areas that need to be highlighted.
01:26 So things that need to be pushed back, like in case if you want to intensify the crease
01:31 and you want to give it a little bit of depth, you would always use a darker color there.
01:34 So for now, because we want the eyes to look bigger, I will be using a light shimmery color
01:39 which is this one.
01:42 It's called All That Glitters by MAC.
01:45 Using it with the Lord and Berry No. 815 flat eyeshadow brush, taking a little bit onto
01:51 the brush and dabbing off any excess so that we avoid any fallouts and applying it all
02:00 over the lid.
02:08 This is one color which can be worn in the day as well as in the night because it's extremely
02:14 light.
02:16 You can hardly make out that you have anything on the eyes except for the shine.
02:20 So it doesn't give you a lot of color.
02:24 So this worn with bright lips would also look very pretty.
02:30 Now moving on to creating a little bit of depth and dimension on the crease line, which
02:37 would mean this line.
02:40 I'll be using a shade in a brown, which is not too dark again.
02:44 Now anything that is dark and is required for a depth, it's preferable to use a matte
02:51 texture.
02:52 So I'll be using Embark by MAC.
02:55 That's a dark brown.
02:56 So again, start off with very little.
02:59 You can intensify it later.
03:01 Using it with a MAC 217 brush, just using a little on the outer corner in the shape
03:06 of a V, blending it and taking it just a little above onto the crease line.
03:19 You can make it as dark as you want depending on the kind of look you're trying to achieve
03:24 here.
03:25 So if you have a look at the strokes that I'm taking, you need to be very firm and
03:32 do not use a lot of pressure and blend as much as you can.
03:43 Now do not take the brown until here because that would again make your eye look smaller.
03:49 So just take it in the corners and take it just on the crease, just at the tip, just
03:56 like as though you're just blending it out.
04:02 So for the highlighter, I'll be using Rice Paper by MAC.
04:11 Using it with a Sigma E45 blending brush and just applying a little bit on the brow bone
04:18 area and blending it all out.
04:24 Now I do not need to fill Sujana's eyebrows because they are already so thick and filled
04:29 that if I fill it even more it would look very fake and artificial.
04:34 So in case if you do have gaps in your eyebrows, make sure that you fill them up with an angular
04:39 brush as well as a color like this or something very similar to your hair color would be best.
04:46 So do not use the black because black looks very obvious and prominent again.
04:49 Make sure you're using colors of brown only.
04:54 Now for the kajal, like I had said in the beginning of the video, I'll be using a white
04:59 pencil.
05:00 Now this is called Fascinating by MAC.
05:02 It's a beautiful white, crystal clear.
05:05 You just need to draw a line on your waterline instead of a black kajal and you'll see how
05:11 well it opens the entire eye.
05:14 Now drag the white pencil exactly like how you would drag your black kohl.
05:23 And instead of using a black kajal, I'll be using a blue pencil.
05:28 Apparently shades of blue and brown tend to open up the eyes and black would make it look
05:33 a little too dark and eyes would again appear smaller.
05:37 So this is called Blues by MAC again.
05:40 It's a darkish kind of a blue.
05:42 It looks similar to black but when you come closer, you will make out that it is a blue.
05:52 Now just to make the line a little smoother because generally the effect with a pencil
06:19 is that it looks a little shabby, use a brush which looks like this.
06:24 So this is the Sigma E20 short shader brush and just run it through the line that we had
06:30 just drawn.
06:35 Now using the same brown that we had used in the outer corner of the eye, which is this
06:40 one, we will be using the same color to give it a little bit of dimension below the eye.
06:45 So using it with a MAC 219 pencil brush, taking a little bit onto the bristles and just applying
06:56 a little bit on the lower portion of the eye, not till the inside but just stopping midway.
07:09 Now using the Maybelline Colossal Volume Express and applying a good layer of mascara over
07:24 the lashes as well as from below.
07:35 Now in case if you intend to apply many coats of mascara, make sure that you are making
07:42 the first layer dry and only then starting of applying your second because otherwise
07:49 the lashes would all stick together and would look very clumpy rather than looking defined.
07:56 Moving on to foundation, first we have already moisturized Sujana's face.
08:01 We will move on to using a face primer.
08:03 I am using the MAC Prep+ Prime face primer.
08:11 Taking a little bit onto the middle finger and the ring finger and massaging it all over
08:16 the face.
08:26 I feel that the face primer is a very good investment because you only need to use it
08:31 when you are using foundation and not otherwise like a moisturizer and you need to use very
08:35 little.
08:36 So a big bottle like the one I have been using should last for a long long time.
08:45 Next for foundation, I will be using the Studio Fix Fluid by MAC.
08:51 Taking a little bit onto my hand and using it with a buffing brush which is a duo fiber
08:57 brush.
08:58 This is a brand by Bharat and Doris Godambe.
09:00 They have a store in Bombay.
09:03 You get a lot of these brushes online as well and I think in the local markets too.
09:08 So anything that looks similar to this will work.
09:11 So just taking a little bit of it on the brush and going downward strokes and then going
09:17 in circular motions.
09:18 We will blend the entire foundation into the skin and it will look very even.
09:30 And remember with makeup, with anything that you use, less is more.
09:35 So do not start off with more product whether it is an eye shadow or it is a foundation.
09:40 Start off with little and then work towards using the exact same amount or you could add
09:45 on more if you feel that it is less.
09:49 This brush we would generally use if you want a very natural look and something that does
09:55 not look too heavy.
09:58 And in case if you want more coverage, then you would have to use it with a flat brush
10:03 like a flat big foundation brush.
10:07 Now always remember that anything that is liquid or cream would best be set with powder
10:14 for it to last for really long.
10:16 So our next step after using a liquid foundation would obviously be using a loose powder with
10:24 the help of a fluffy brush.
10:26 This is the MAC 129 blush brush.
10:28 It can be used for powder as well.
10:31 Just taking a little bit, dabbing off any excess and blotting it into the skin, meaning
10:36 pressing it inside so that it literally sticks on very well to the foundation and it does
10:41 not make it budge at all for as long as you are wearing it.
10:48 Now at the end of your application, just drag your brush all over the face so that if there
10:53 is any excess remaining, it all falls off.
10:58 Area around the eye needs to be very well powdered because that's where you tend to
11:03 get creases and lines.
11:06 Moving on to the blush, I will be using a peach color by B&B Professional.
11:11 Now since this look can be carried off during the day, a peach color would look very pretty.
11:17 So using it with the same 129 MAC brush, taking a little bit onto the brush, dabbing off excess
11:25 again, having her smile and just applying it a little bit on the apples of the cheeks.
11:35 Now you get two variants of blushes.
11:37 One is the cream blush and one is powder.
11:40 A lot of people apply cream blush first and then use a powder over it.
11:44 It does stay for very long, yes.
11:47 But if you have oily skin, I would suggest staying away from anything that's greasy again
11:52 because your face would look extremely oily.
11:55 So for people who have oily skin, a powder blush is perfect to be used.
12:02 Make sure that you are blending the blush very well.
12:06 It basically needs to start off on the apples and go upwards.
12:10 It's never side or it's never down.
12:15 For the lipsticks, again they can be left, your lips can be left very nude or with just
12:20 a little bit of a gloss would also work.
12:23 So I'm just going to use a color called Capricious by MAC.
12:27 It's a beautiful purple and it's a very soft texture.
12:31 So although it looks very dark over here in the container, on the lips it looks very sheer.
12:37 I'm using it with a 316 MAC lip brush.
12:52 Sometimes this lipstick can even pass off as a lip color of yours, a natural lip color
12:58 rather because it's so light and you can hardly make out that you have anything on.
13:04 Now in case if you are wearing this look for the night, you could contour your face, make
13:09 your cheeks a little more taut and longer.
13:13 You could use a highlighter on your cheekbone in case if you feel again that you'd want
13:16 to go so heavy onto your makeup.
13:19 But the eyes are so so natural and almost nude that you could even pass off by wearing
13:25 a darker lip color, maybe like a fuchsia pink or even a red for that matter.
13:29 So again, customize it to something that you would like to wear.
13:33 And I hope you've enjoyed this video too.
13:35 Something that's really wearable.
13:38 And I will see you soon with many many more new videos.
13:41 And do comment and let me know how you find them.
13:43 Thank you so much for watching.
13:44 We'll see you soon.
13:45 Bye.
13:46 [Music]
