The 7:30pm News of May 9, 2023 on CRTV

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Les rôles changent dans la force de défense du Cameroun, car les femmes ont maintenant
00:14 d'assumer des responsabilités de frontières au centre de formation pré-déploiement de
00:19 Mochiboum, où elles ont été formées pour prendre la lead dans des missions de paix
00:25 dans la République Centrale Africaine. La production et le vente de whisky dans des
00:30 sacs de plastique a été bannie au Cameroun, mais le ban sur le businesse whisky, mais
00:36 risqué, n'a eu aucun effet, comme depuis 2026. Le ministre intérieur du Cameroun et son
00:44 intermédiaire de transport ont fait un bruit sur la table, en demandant aux officiers de
00:49 la commission de motociclettes et de la commission de transport de la route de la capitale de
00:55 Yawande, de mettre un arrêt immédiat sur la vague de la dépression sur les motos et
00:59 les taxis, en disant "C'est assez, c'est assez".
01:02 En direct de Yawande, c'est le 730 News.
01:07 Bonjour, je suis Ben Menopoufong, merci de nous avoir rejoints.
01:13 [Musique]
01:26 Bienvenue à nouveau.
01:28 La deuxième journée de notre incursion dans l'intérieur de la force de défense du Cameroun,
01:33 ce soir, nous emmène au centre pré-déployement de la Peacekeeping de Murchibon dans la région
01:39 de l'Est, où les femmes font 11% de leur personnel uniformé pour le mission de la
01:45 Peacekeeping de Murchibon.
01:47 7 à 7 femmes sont en partie de la 825e force de défense, qui sont actuellement en train
01:56 de se préparer physiquement, psychologiquement et tactiquement à l'acquisition des compétences
02:02 nécessaires pour l'environnement forestier dans lequel elles s'opereront.
02:07 Comme le rapporte Beatrice Samba, en advocant, c'est-à-dire la Nation Unie, en advoquant
02:14 le déploiement des femmes pour les missions de la Peacekeeping, l'ONU espère rendre
02:20 les communautés nécessaires plus accessibles, car les femmes sont censées gagner facilement
02:26 la confiance et la confiance des gens, où qu'elles travaillent.
02:31 "Meet Lieutenant Ndiamene, land navigation instructor at the Peacekeeping Pre-Deployment
02:40 Training Center in Murchibon in the East Region.
02:43 One of the six female instructors who have managed to keep their heads above the water
02:48 in a dominantly male domain.
02:50 Her job is to teach Peacekeeping forces feel at home in the forest as they perform their
02:56 jungle missions.
02:58 In front of the gazes of a thousand men, she has her feet on the ground.
03:02 "I'm a navigation instructor and being a woman has nothing to do with it.
03:08 I'm using this God-given talent to help my colleagues carry out the mission smoothly."
03:12 "Lieutenant Mbala holds a key post at the Pre-Deployment Center running the Civil Protection
03:21 Department.
03:22 How does he transmit knowledge about the protection of human rights during Peacekeeping missions?
03:27 "Since many decades now, the United Nations puts a point of honor on what concerns sexual
03:33 exploitation and abuse.
03:35 The policy of zero tolerance is applied whenever a member of our mission is concerned with
03:43 such serious misconduct."
03:45 At Murchibon, 77 women are part of the 825 members of the 10th contingent of the Cameroon
03:53 Blue Helmet.
03:54 Their participation capped at 11% in line with UN standards.
03:59 They are seen as the key to accessing communities during Peacekeeping missions as women easily
04:04 win the trust and confidence of people and help protect human rights.
04:09 In the forests of Murchibon, women perform same roles at same standards under same difficult
04:17 conditions as their male counterparts in all the fields of Peacekeeping.
04:22 "No matter the firepower of any defense force and no matter the monstrosity of its equipment
04:32 arsenal, all of that would amount to nothing in the absence of an independent accessory.
04:40 That's how the 21st Air Defense Artillery Regiment stationed in Edea in the Littoral
04:47 has been holding its own over the years thanks to the input of its maintenance pool massively
04:55 backed by the electric generator.
04:57 Kilianda Ndifan now reports on how these units impact the overall output of the Air Defense
05:06 Wing of the nation's defense force.
05:09 "It is the maintenance service that keeps any artillery operation resistant in case
05:15 there is an equipment breakdown."
05:18 "We cannot go back or call the Colonel.
05:23 It is this service that takes care.
05:25 We have SD cards, spanners, electric generators, in short, all accessories with which we can
05:31 repair the guns and the trucks."
05:34 "Well equipped, it repairs all the materials."
05:39 "Each equipment has its own shelf such that we find it easy to get corresponding spare
05:46 parts to change.
05:47 It is a whole group that operates this facility, but we have six at a time, the driver, the
05:53 leader and four support staff.
05:55 The Air Defense Artillery Regiment cannot go for an operation without the maintenance
06:01 facility."
06:02 Another dependable accessory of the Air Defense Artillery is the electric generator.
06:10 "This is a generator which generates electrical energy to our guns.
06:16 It converts chemical energy, which is fuel, to electric energy which is used for our operation
06:23 during operating on the guns."
06:26 Its capacity and autonomy are robust.
06:29 "Its capacity in fuel is 80 liters.
06:34 In oil, it is 40 liters.
06:37 Its autonomy is more than 8 hours.
06:39 It can operate non-stop more than 8 hours.
06:41 Distance, the distance can be around 1 kilometer."
06:44 The generator provides energy beyond the guns.
06:48 "You can also have it to provide electrical energy to recharge some of our electrical
06:53 apparatus such as our optical sight which needs electrical energy."
06:57 The regiment is complete but operates on interdependent facilities and kits for every
07:03 mobilization of modern equipment.
07:06 As the surface-to-air artillery guarantees the country's aerial cover and supervision,
07:14 the country's Navy made a name for itself this year by participating in celebrations
07:19 marking the centenary of Brazil's independence.
07:23 The crew that led the fleet to Brazil was made up essentially of youthful officers,
07:29 amongst them Navy Captains Zanga-Francois-Joel Marcel and Joqui-Yuba Etienne, who performed
07:37 the extra feat of piloting the vessels across 10,000 miles to and from Rio de Janeiro in
07:45 the epic expedition.
07:46 Mokwele Prince Wiladoma is here with a cross portrait of the two Navy Captains.
07:54 An open secret for a collective agenda, the country bestowing confidence on the young.
08:02 In this example lodged in the Thames and then in the Senegal, the two victory ships of the
08:08 Cameroon Navy commanded separately by two commanders in chief, Zanga-Joel-Francois-Marcel
08:15 and Joqui-Yuba Etienne.
08:18 Their show of bravery, tenacity and professional acumen demonstrated in this expedition to
08:24 Brazil when Cameroon's Navy featured in colors in the centenary celebrations of Brazil's
08:30 independence.
08:32 "We engage all the weapons on board, we use when we have threats about piracy, about
08:39 immigration and also.
08:41 So we have information with our hierarchy or authority, we give us information that
08:47 where we can find the threats.
08:50 So we use this weapon to stop them."
08:53 This 37-year-old navigator and engineer graduate of the Moroccan International Navy School
08:59 in 2005, accustomed to sailing patrol boats, lived in this mission his biggest in 18 years
09:07 of service.
09:08 Like him, the commander of the Intem headed a crew of 30, coordinating from the ship's
09:14 cuisine, clinic, firefighting service, telecom and defense maneuvers.
09:19 "When we are at sea, we do not call firefighting brigade, we intervene on the fire by our
09:29 proper equipment and our crew.
09:32 So we conduct this kind of exercises every week."
09:37 Sailing side by side the Senegal, this navigator engineer graduate from the same Moroccan Naval
09:43 School in 2006, docked his ships on the shores of Rio de Janeiro before completing the remainder
09:50 of the over 10,000 miles, joining back in the Douala Naval Base in Cameroon.
09:56 It was an all Cameroonian crew that made it, no expatriates on board.
10:01 "And you know what?
10:04 Technological revolution has swung into the first lane in the Cameroon Defense Force
10:09 as video surveillance, anti-spy operations and intelligence gathering from all the regions
10:16 of the country can now be done by the National Gendarmerie irrespective of geographical locations.
10:23 And thus through the use of one of its latest acquisitions, the command car, which provides
10:30 mobility, visibility and other options to the commanding officers during routine operations.
10:36 Elvis Teke now takes us inside out this special equipment and on how it facilitates communication
10:43 between the units on the ground and the central command base."
10:48 Deployed to the post office runabout in central town Yaoundé for a simulation exercise, the
10:55 command car captures images from its surrounding environment and also relays with other stations
11:02 in all the 10 regions of Cameroon.
11:05 "These images are used on active or passive investigation.
11:11 The gendarme can inform the operational unit on the field if there is an incident on the screen."
11:17 The special operations vehicle of the National Gendarmerie operates in all terrains, even
11:23 where the telephone or internet services are absent.
11:27 "It's like a mobile staff headquarter that allows the National Gendarmerie high command
11:34 to have all the operational means.
11:37 I'm referring to operational communication, operational video surveillance, anti-spy measures."
11:45 The command car is a prolongation of the central command situated at the National Gendarmerie
11:51 headquarters in Yaoundé.
11:53 "These vehicles are deployed in three main strategic regions, the centre, the littoral
12:01 and the north.
12:03 The images from this command centre can also be related to the command car."
12:08 The military hardware allows the commanding officer to have a global view of the state
12:14 of operation, communicate with units on the operations field and carry out anti-spying
12:21 operations, amongst others.
12:23 "These technical and technological know-how are yielding fruits, especially on the ground,
12:31 as thanks to it, the population of Ngaoui on the eastern borders of the Adamawa are
12:38 now going about their activities in total safety and serenity.
12:42 "The border locality on the Cameroon-Central African Republic borderline has until recently
12:48 been prone to sporadic acts of insecurity and gangsterism perpetrated by armed men and
12:55 hoodlums who sneak in from the conflict-prone neighbouring country.
12:59 "CRTV Adamawa's Emos Enonyaket Agbo travelled to Ngaoui, some 307km from Ngaoundére, from
13:08 where he sent in this report."
13:11 "Ngaoui once had a vibrant cattle market in the Simak sub-region, with traders coming
13:16 in as far as from Sudan, Nigeria, Chad and the Central African Republic.
13:22 "Due to its proximity with the Central African Republic, rebels have been fostering
13:27 trans-border crimes, attacks on traders, headsmen, thus crumbling the sub-regional
13:34 cattle market.
13:35 "The locality of Ngaoui used to be a high-risk zone, with kidnapping along the road and highway
13:41 robbery rampant, causing the population to flee their villages.
13:45 "Today, the story has changed.
13:48 Vehicles ply the road without any escort.
13:51 This is due to a massive military presence along the borderline, protecting Cameroon's
13:57 territorial integrity from sporadic attacks.
14:01 Regular patrols are organised by the 2nd Unit of the Rapid Intervention Battalion in Ngaoui
14:07 to ensure that no inch of Cameroon's territory is under the control of the enemy, with the
14:13 border just 7km away."
14:17 "These 3 borders of Ngaoui's sub-region are very sensitive and strategic, given that
14:25 they are so close to the Central African Republic and very porous.
14:32 But thanks be to God, the population is very understanding and they collaborate with us
14:40 fully to ensure their own security.
14:43 This is the reason why the High Command positions permanent forces on these borders."
14:51 "The population of the two brotherly nations go about their activities unperturbed, while
14:57 the military is on guard, ensuring protection and safety."
15:02 "The preservation plan for the reconstruction and development of the northwest and southwest
15:08 regions is well on course with a good number of projects already executed, indicative of
15:14 a gradual return to normalcy in the rest of regions.
15:18 As the nation prepares to celebrate its national day, it is the wish of the civilians in the
15:24 affected regions to see their damaged structures restored.
15:29 For an update on the implementation of the Presidential Reconstruction Plan in the southwest
15:36 region, we now call on Olivia Mwaye-Ambaye in Boya."
15:43 "Between 2021 and December 2022, close to 100 projects had been executed in the southwest
15:52 region within the framework of the Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development of
15:57 the Northwest and Southwest Regions.
16:00 Projects ranging from the reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools, health facilities
16:05 and water points, to support to small businesses and the promotion of social cohesion.
16:11 In Boya, two palpable projects include the FACO Empowerment Platform, a skill development
16:18 center for youth, women and other vulnerable persons, and the Gratitude Islamic Secondary
16:24 School."
16:25 "I want to thank God and also thank the head of state for this Presidential Plan, which
16:29 has come to relieve a lot of burden.
16:32 The crisis has brought in a lot of IDPs."
16:34 "Our trainees are able to gain access to skills such as tailoring, catering and we
16:40 have the ICT department.
16:42 Most of them come from the affected areas."
16:44 "Another beneficial institution is the St. Joseph College SACE, where a dormitory and
16:50 a school fence have been rehabilitated and constructed."
16:54 "This dormitory, which caught fire some two years ago and everything was destroyed in
16:58 that dormitory.
16:59 In this framework of this Presidential Plan, the UNDP came and carried out reconstruction
17:04 of this dormitory.
17:05 The boys are happy being lodged there."
17:07 "In Limbe, the Barkingili community, through its integrated health center, has so far benefited
17:13 from three projects.
17:14 There have been calls for the population to appropriate the plan and totally embrace peace
17:20 to facilitate its implementation, particularly in yellow and red zones."
17:25 "It is now the latest catch of designers and fashion modelers in Cameroon.
17:33 The UNDP fabric of the grass fields of Cameroon, every other stitch has a blend of it either
17:40 in patches or in its entirety.
17:42 To such an extent that this sacred fabric, once reserved only for notables and royalties,
17:50 is fast losing its grandeur and nobility of old."
17:54 "Isaac Mgonkom now reports on how the UNDP has moved from being the special preserve
18:01 of the grass fields to becoming one of the most prized symbols of national identity in
18:08 Cameroon today."
18:09 "The UNDP fabric, if you see it, you will know it.
18:14 In all shapes and sizes, it is used to customize dresses and other accessories for men, women
18:21 and children nowadays.
18:23 A mood not readily accepted back in the day."
18:27 "All the queen mothers and chiefs and princes and queens, they used it before, but now everyone
18:34 can use it."
18:35 "It shows the culture of our people and it globalized the whole country because not only
18:41 the westerners are using it, but now we have other people that are coming from other regions
18:46 that are buying the material."
18:47 "Fashion designers have given the fabric a touch of modernity and national integration."
18:53 "I like the mixture and I like the blend because it's very attractive.
18:57 It's something I identify myself as a Cameroonian, even when I'm out of the country."
19:02 "They come from all the parts of Cameroon.
19:04 They come, they buy bangles, scarves, shirts like these ones."
19:09 "Dressing in this regalia is not, however, for any Tom, Dick and Harry."
19:14 "It's a traditional dress from the west region.
19:17 It sells the image of Cameroon abroad.
19:20 It can be a little expensive, but it's good."
19:23 "The fabric is available in abundant supply in the city of Yaoundé as elsewhere in the
19:28 country, only waiting for Cameroonians, proud of their unique cultural identity, to grab
19:35 theirs."
19:37 [Music]
19:46 From around the world and across Cameroon, this is the 7.30 News.
19:52 The rate of insecurity on board commercial motorbikes and taxis is becoming a cause for
20:00 concern as night assaults are being reported almost on a daily basis.
20:06 At a special security meeting convened to this effect in Yaoundé today, Territorial Administration
20:12 Minister Paula Tanganyi and his counterpart of transport, Ernest-Marcel Le Behe, have
20:19 promised hard times to cab and motorbike trade union officials should the carnage persist.
20:27 Beatrice Ngoun was at that meeting that was also attended by other regional and divisional
20:33 security stakeholders and now reports.
20:36 "Towns are wagging.
20:39 Citizens are in distress.
20:41 The enemy is in the taxi, on bikes and even lurking around in town.
20:46 Assaults on people in complicity with other drivers are rife.
20:51 Police and gendarmerie reports show the inter-urban transport sector has been hijacked by men
20:57 of the underworld."
20:58 "Even some passengers who are fake passengers but who are highway robbers come inside taxis
21:03 and behave as if they were drivers.
21:05 When the customer is inside, they rob you of everything.
21:09 I think that it is time that we should examine all the difficulties we have in this sector."
21:15 To protect citizens and their belongings, the Minister of Territorial Administration
21:21 and the Minister of Transport have met with mayors, transporter trade unions, administrative
21:26 and regional security chiefs to strategize on how they can work in synergy to fight the
21:32 high crime wave in Yaoundé.
21:34 "You have a proprietor of 40 taxis.
21:37 He does not even know the names of those driving his vehicles.
21:41 He asks the proprietor, 'How many motorbike riders have one on their... do you know them?
21:45 I don't know them.
21:46 Do you know their names?
21:47 I don't know their names.
21:48 Do you know if they are Cameroonians or foreigners?
21:50 He knows nothing.
21:51 So I think that the identification process which is ongoing, it will help us to curb down
21:56 this criminality which is inside the profession."
21:59 With the transporters trade unions, they've also resolved that, henceforth, all inter-urban
22:05 transport vehicles must return to the old rule of carrying numbers on the doors and
22:11 identification badges.
22:12 "Come January 2026, Cameroon will be free from whisky manufactured and sold in plastic
22:20 bags, otherwise known as sachet whiskies.
22:24 The consumption of this liqueur, which medics say is hazardous to human health, has been
22:31 on a dangerous ascendancy in the country and even alleged to have occasioned deaths in
22:37 some cases.
22:38 Cameroon's interim minister of mines, Fou Kalistou Gentry, spoke the injunction order to manufacturers
22:46 in Douala today as he went visiting some of the liqueur production plants out there.
22:52 Clarisse Aré Takam is with the minister.
22:55 Bottled packaging, it is the standard for liqueur and it is what the government is
23:01 making mandatory for local enterprises manufacturing whisky.
23:05 The idea is to gradually phase out sachet whisky with the 2026 deadline fixed.
23:11 "The government has adopted a strategy where whisky should be put in bottles, but already
23:18 the transitional measures we have taken is that no whisky should be seen in this country
23:23 produced in sachets which are less than 50ml.
23:28 There is no compromise on this issue and whether you see it in the market, if it is found in
23:34 production and we see you producing it, we will close your factory."
23:37 Entrepreneurs in the business have re-routed their investments, moving towards conformity.
23:42 They have been enjoined to ensure that accessibility and affordability keep the activities running
23:48 while the conditions of the government are met.
23:50 "We already installed some machines in bottles and right now we are equally ordered for other machines.
23:57 But now we are waiting for the revision of the norms.
24:00 Once those revisions are done, we are going to confirm the arrival of those new machines."
24:05 Decisions regarding the respect of norms for packaging whisky have been in existence for years.
24:10 While sensitization continues, manufacturers have been reminded that there is no favoritism
24:16 when it comes to upholding the law.
24:20 Le ministre de l'Agriculture a aussi visité les industries de la production d'iron et de l'eau
24:26 et a encouragé les investisseurs à fournir des marchés au-delà de Cameroun
24:31 et à amener les revenus nécessaires pour le développement du pays.
24:34 Le ministre de la Collection de Calais a aussi conseillé les industries de la mine et des métal
24:40 à réduire les coûts de transport en élargissant les contrats avec les entreprises de transport.
24:47 Claude-Isaée Tarkon, encore une fois.
24:51 L'ambition de la mine du pays est d'involver les industries locales de la secteur
24:56 par 15% dans le processus de production d'itraison.
24:59 Mais cela présuppose un état d'infrastructure adéquat.
25:02 Assurer que les manufactureurs locaux puissent prendre le défi
25:06 a été le but de la tournée, qui a été conduite par les officiers du ministère des Mines,
25:10 Industrie et Développement Technologique à des sites de processus
25:14 dans les zones industrielles de Bonabéri et Bassin-in-Douala.
25:17 L'objectif est de mettre les industries de métal et de bois sous le même panneau pour le développement du secteur.
25:23 C'est en ligne avec ce que nous essayons d'établir.
25:26 Notre objectif est de voir comment, avec les types de solutions qu'on présente,
25:31 ce sera l'une des façons dont il sera nécessaire de commencer le projet d'Embalamb.
25:37 Même si les travaux conduits par les entreprises ont été appris,
25:40 il y a des problèmes liés aux standards et aux qualités à considérer.
25:44 Quand un produit est certifié d'anode, il offre des garanties aux consommateurs.
25:51 Le certificat de délivrage d'anode sera très important pour ceux qui veulent vendre au-dessus de Cameroun.
26:03 La demande locale des produits en irone compte à 180 000 tonnes.
26:07 La production augmente à environ 260 000 tonnes par an.
26:11 La remaindre est exportée.
26:13 Les entreprises affirment que, avec le soutien adéquat, la capacité peut être exagérée.
26:19 Un comité interministériel a ordonné à plusieurs citoyens chinois
26:25 de travailler illégalement en Cameroun pour payer des fines qui correspondent à 25 millions de CFA France ou qui s'en sont confiées.
26:32 L'adoption de la loi s'applique à des mesures de gouvernement qui requièrent aux employés et employés étrangers
26:38 de procurer des permis de travail ou de s'en sortir de leurs activités.
26:45 Romeo Kenyi a le rapport.
26:47 Dans cette entreprise chinoise à Bastos, 8 étrangers ne sont pas certificés de travail.
26:54 En plus, la plupart ne sont pas résidents et n'ont pas reçu un permis de résidence avec un visa touristique.
27:01 Dans les vérifications répressives spéciales conduites par un comité interministériel sous la coordination du directeur en charge de la régulation des droits de l'homme
27:09 au ministère de l'Emploi et de l'Enseignement vocational, Jeanine Ebangan,
27:14 les officiers de l'entreprise ont attesté qu'ils n'étaient pas conformes.
27:19 Après chaque vérification de documents, la structure a été mise en oeuvre pour payer la fines de 25 millions de CFA France
27:26 et, avec effet immédiat, la compagnie a été fermée.
27:31 Ensuite, à cette entreprise de tabac sur la hausse de Yaunde,
27:35 a été révélé que, des 6 étrangers employés, 2 étaient temporaires.
27:41 Aucune irrégularité majoritaire n'a été notée.
27:45 Mais le directeur général de l'entreprise a réitéré l'engagement à toujours être des citoyens abattus.
27:52 Nous avons sonné la cloche.
27:54 La campagne mondiale pour améliorer l'awareness pour le droit d'éducation aux enfants avec des difficultés
28:01 a été mise en oeuvre à Yaunde, avec des appels clairs pour les parents
28:05 pour s'assurer que les enfants avec des maladies intellectuelles, physiques et mentales
28:12 ne soient pas dénigrés à cause de leurs conditions.
28:16 Cette campagne de l'année, conduite par le ministre de la Sociale et des Affaires,
28:20 Pauline Iwengene, a été dévoilée sous le slogan
28:24 "Policy to practice inclusive education for children with disability".
28:30 Gérard Nanjié-Héiambe, reportage.
28:32 90% des enfants avec des difficultés en Cameroun sont censés n'avoir pas accès à l'éducation.
28:40 C'est contre la loi de 2010, qui stipule que chaque enfant doit être bienvenue à l'école.
28:47 Les enfants avec des difficultés sont éloignés de l'école à cause de leurs difficultés.
28:51 Les environnements scolaires ne sont pas accessibles à ces enfants.
28:54 Ils vont à l'école, les portes sont petites, il n'y a pas de rampes pour les laisser entrer.
28:59 Les enseignants ne sont pas entraînés à apprendre le signe, pour pouvoir les gérer.
29:03 C'est pour cela qu'en effort de changer le narratif,
29:07 nous avons mis en oeuvre la campagne de la Belle pour promouvoir l'éducation inclusive.
29:12 Les organisations de PANDA ont été en commun, en communauté, dans les marchés, dans les églises,
29:17 en disant qu'il y a besoin de l'envoyer à l'école.
29:20 Le but est de faire en sorte que tous les enfants soient bienvenus à l'école,
29:23 pour pouvoir accéder à l'éducation,
29:25 pour que nous puissions tous atteindre le but d'être éducés.
29:30 La campagne globale, qui a commencé en Cameroun en 2016,
29:34 et qui a été mis en place par le ministère des Sociales,
29:37 a été lancée en lien avec le but de développement sustainable n°4.
29:43 Le ministère des Sociales et des Communications de Cameroun
29:47 partage avec les développeurs et les régulateurs de l'espace de communication
29:52 l'objet de l'ordre dans le secteur,
29:56 qui, pour l'instant, est confronté à un nombre de difficultés.
30:00 Le ministre des Sociales et des Communications, M. Lebeum-Lillingen,
30:04 a juste terminé une série de consultations avec des partenaires.
30:09 Nous avons des détails dans ce rapport de CRTV Center.
30:14 Le développement de l'économie numérique,
30:19 advocaté par le président de l'Etat,
30:21 est une excellente opportunité pour les plateformes numériques
30:24 comme un marché global ouvert pour les applications et les services,
30:27 en contribuant à la développement d'une économie collaborative.
30:31 Le sujet de l'économie numérique est de clarifier l'entendu,
30:36 le modèle, les impacts que la plateforme numérique
30:40 apporte aux pays comme Cameroun.
30:44 Elle apporte à tout le monde,
30:46 autour de la table,
30:48 pour permettre à Cameroun de s'adapter à des lois
30:53 qui attirent l'investissement de la plateforme numérique.
30:57 Les experts à des workshops,
30:59 ont partagé des expériences et des connaissances
31:01 sur la régulation des plateformes numériques,
31:03 y compris ceux qui permettent l'échange de contenus
31:06 ainsi que l'économie collaborative,
31:08 comme Yango.
31:09 Yango a une longue expérience
31:12 en tant que plateforme numérique
31:14 dans plusieurs pays en Afrique.
31:16 Nous avons travaillé avec différents gouvernements
31:19 pour partager notre expérience
31:21 sur les différentes régulations
31:23 appliquées à la plateforme numérique.
31:25 Notre participation ici est de partager cette expérience
31:28 avec les différents artistes publics
31:30 qui ont participé à ce workshop.
31:33 En adressant les participants à ce workshop,
31:35 le ministre des Postes et des Telecommunications
31:37 de Cameroun a dit que les plateformes numériques
31:39 jouent un rôle fondamental dans l'économie du pays
31:42 car elles génèrent de l'argent dans les coffres du gouvernement
31:45 ainsi que protègent les données des Camerounais.
31:48 Ensemble, la société civile,
31:51 les différents opérateurs,
31:53 nous allons partager
31:55 pour voir qui est vraiment touché
31:58 par l'introduction de la plateforme numérique
32:01 et comment nous pouvons mettre en place
32:04 cette co-régulation
32:07 pour encourager le développement
32:09 de la plateforme numérique
32:11 mais aussi pour assurer
32:14 que les données des Camerounais sont sauvées.
32:19 Le monde va en numérique
32:21 et Cameroun ne peut pas être laissé derrière.
32:26 C'est tout. Merci de m'avoir regardé.
32:28 Bonne nuit.
32:30 [Musique]
32:59 [Musique]