• 2 years ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Welcome to BBQPitBoys.com.
00:28 Today we're gonna do a three pig roast
00:30 on the old barbecue.
00:32 Alright, this is real easy to do.
00:35 Here we got three pigs.
00:38 They're about 50 pounds a piece, dressed.
00:42 And these are ready to go, U.S. government inspected.
00:46 Not much to prepare these pigs.
00:50 Just use a little bit of olive oil,
00:53 a little bit of rub.
00:56 Some pit masters, they'll inject with some marinades
01:00 and they'll actually butterfly these pigs,
01:04 but there's no need to do that.
01:06 Use a light smoke of apple wood.
01:09 And you just barbecue these at about
01:15 190 to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
01:17 And that's all you need to do.
01:22 Just pork won't get any better than that.
01:24 Now here we've got the rub.
01:26 And this rub is not really gonna penetrate these pork.
01:30 This is more for presentation.
01:33 It gives it a good look when you pull it off the barbecue.
01:38 Man, I'm getting hungry already.
01:50 Alright, these are ready to go on the smoker.
01:54 Again, we're gonna barbecue these at low and slow,
02:02 around 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
02:04 And like I said, with these three pigs,
02:08 it might take 12, 14 hours.
02:10 (country music)
02:13 Man, good eating don't get any better
02:28 than pork hot off the barbecue grill.
02:31 Alright.
02:38 (country music)
02:41 Nothing left now to do but get the sides together.
02:46 Just wait for these porkers to come off the barbecue.
02:50 Alright, through the miracle of time,
02:52 about 12, 13 hours has gone by
02:55 and we're just checking on these pigs.
02:58 And we're gonna cool down this smoker here
03:02 and let all these juices get back into these pigs.
03:07 Alright, I think it's time to eat.
03:10 (country music)
03:12 Look at that.
03:22 Man.
03:33 (country music)
03:36 (pigs grunting)
03:39 Alright, let's cut this up.
03:44 This pig here has been sitting out for about an hour.
03:48 And what you wanna do is take your old hickory
03:52 or whatever knife you got, man,
03:53 and you wanna do yourself a T-cut right there
03:57 'cause you're gonna open this skin and the flaps.
04:01 (country music)
04:04 Man.
04:08 Can you smell that?
04:11 It smells good.
04:13 Moist, tender.
04:18 Little bit of that apple smoke flavor.
04:23 Mm-hmm.
04:31 Smells good.
04:32 Man, let's eat.
04:36 I'm gonna make a pulled pork sandwich here.
04:42 Pile on that shredded pork.
04:51 Get some of that homemade barbecue sauce.
04:59 Pile on some of that coleslaw.
05:01 Oh.
05:03 Good eating don't get any better than that.
05:09 (country music)
05:11 (upbeat music)
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06:23 We got all them sides, green beans,
06:26 slaw, barbecue beans, cornbread, biscuits.
06:31 We got some pickles and olives, potato salad,
06:36 some cherry and pumpkin pie.
06:38 Man.
06:40 (upbeat music)
06:43 Of course, we have a pit master favorite here.
06:50 It's called brain salad.
06:53 (upbeat music)
06:56 Grab a little more of that barbecue sauce.
07:22 In fact, let me apologize,
07:24 but I'm gonna eat some of this right now, right in front of
07:28 you.
07:28 Bam.
07:32 Good.
07:34 (upbeat music)
07:36 So there's nothing left to do now,
07:41 but to shred up the rest of this pork,
07:43 kick back, relax, wait for the guests to arrive.
07:48 We're gonna have ourselves a three pig barbecue.
07:52 Barbecue Pit Boys style.
07:54 (upbeat music)
07:57 So the next time you're looking for a recipe
08:08 for your barbecue,
08:11 you check out the BBQPitBoys.com.
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