Nachani Satva, also known as Ragi Satva or Finger Millet Pudding, is a popular dish in many Indian households. It is made from ragi flour (finger millet flour) and is known for its high protein and calcium content, making it a healthy and delicious option for breakfast or as a mid-day snack.
2 tbsp Ragi Malt
2-3 tbsp Milk
5-6 Dates (deseeded)
6 Almonds (soaked in water & deskinned)
6-7 Cashew Nuts (soaked in water)
1 tsp Cocoa Powder
1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder
1/4 tsp Cinnamon Powder
4-5 tsp Milk
Honey (as per taste)
Almonds & Pistachio Flakes (for garnishing)
2 tbsp Ragi Malt
2-3 tbsp Milk
5-6 Dates (deseeded)
6 Almonds (soaked in water & deskinned)
6-7 Cashew Nuts (soaked in water)
1 tsp Cocoa Powder
1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder
1/4 tsp Cinnamon Powder
4-5 tsp Milk
Honey (as per taste)
Almonds & Pistachio Flakes (for garnishing)