• l’année dernière
Retrouvez toutes les émissions de France Bleu Isère sur le site www.francebleu.fr/isere


00:00:00 Vous êtes bien sur France 3 Auvergne Ronalpa.
00:00:03 Système, recycler c'est protéger.
00:00:08 Ici c'est France Bleu Isère, à la radio, sur l'appli Ici, tous les réseaux et sur France 3 Ronalpa.
00:00:18 Excellent, vendredi à tous, nous sommes le vendredi 26 mai, il est 7h.
00:00:28 Et la tendance météo sur l'Isère aujourd'hui, c'est du soleil, c'est de la chaleur aussi, peut-être quelques orages en montagne,
00:00:34 mais on va avoir un très beau week-end, je vous en dis plus à la fin du journal.
00:00:37 Journal présenté par Bastien Roch et puis vous l'entendez régulièrement depuis tout ce matin,
00:00:44 l'alerte enlèvement a été déclenchée pour une enfant iséroise.
00:00:47 Oui, la petite Eya, 10 ans, kidnappée par son père hier à Fontaine.
00:00:52 L'homme a été aidé d'un complice sans qu'aucun témoin n'ait pu faire quoi que ce soit.
00:00:57 A commencer par la maman aspergée de gaz lacrymogène.
00:01:01 Éric Vaillant est le procureur de la République de Grenoble, il craint une fuite à l'étranger du père.
00:01:05 La petite fille a été enlevée devant son école par le père de famille, qui était accompagné d'un de ses amis cagoulés,
00:01:13 qui a gazé la mère de famille et qui a pris l'enfant pour l'emmener dans la voiture.
00:01:18 Depuis 8h25, tous les services de police grenoblois et les membres du parquet suivent cette affaire attentivement.
00:01:25 Différentes mesures d'investigation ont été mises en place pour retrouver la fillette.
00:01:31 Tous les services de police européens sont contactés, ont déjà été contactés,
00:01:35 et ont mis en place les dispositifs utiles pour intercepter le père de famille, son complice et la petite fille,
00:01:43 si jamais ils se présentent à leurs frontières.
00:01:45 Le papa a une double nationalité suédoise et tunisienne, il est vraisemblable qu'il cherche à quitter la France.
00:01:52 Et si vous localisez Eya ou son père, n'intervenez pas vous-même, mais contactez immédiatement le 197.
00:01:59 On vous a mis la photo d'Eya, sa description et les personnes à contacter sur francebleu.fr.
00:02:06 Du nouveau dans l'affaire du commandant de police renversé à Vienne, ce mercredi,
00:02:10 les gardes à vue des suspects ont été prolongés, hier, confirme la procureure de la République de Vienne.
00:02:15 Le conducteur lui roulait sans permis et sans assurance au moment des faits, selon le parquet.
00:02:20 Quant au commandant de police, il est toujours à l'hôpital Lyon Sud, dans un état grave.
00:02:24 Là aussi, on vous rappelle les faits sur francebleu.fr et sur l'application eSIM.
00:02:29 Le ministre de la Santé, François Braun, annonce un audit sur la sécurité dans les hôpitaux.
00:02:34 Oui, une annonce qui fait suite à la mort, ce lundi, d'une infirmière au CHU de Reims.
00:02:38 Elle et une collègue ont été agressées par un déséquilibré.
00:02:41 L'idée avec cet audit, c'est d'améliorer les choses, de corriger ce qui doit l'être.
00:02:46 Un travail qui ne part pas non plus de zéro, car il y a déjà des dispositifs de sécurité dans les services d'urgence, le Rangalien.
00:02:52 Quand le ton monte, c'est souvent pour des questions d'attente.
00:02:55 Trop longue, disent les syndicats hospitaliers, pour qui la sécurité passe d'abord par ce problème-là, lié au moyen.
00:03:01 Malgré tout, depuis quelques années, un vigile au moins est présent en permanence aux urgences.
00:03:05 Il y en a même deux, voire trois, au CHU de Grenoble, qui comme les urgences de Bourgogne à Lieu,
00:03:09 est également équipé d'un système d'appel direct à police secours.
00:03:13 En plus des vigiles et avant les policiers, la deuxième ligne d'intervention est celle des PC sécurité des établissements.
00:03:19 Les PC incendies, pourrait-on dire, et de surveillance générale des bâtiments.
00:03:23 Elle est également constituée de certains soignants, qui peuvent être équipés d'un téléphone mobile connecté aux collègues,
00:03:28 pour tenter de compléter tout ça.
00:03:30 Les personnels sont formés à désamorcer l'agressivité.
00:03:33 Et même pour certains, nous dit-on, à l'hôpital de Bourgogne à Lieu, à des techniques de self-défense.
00:03:37 L'hôpital bergélien qui fait appel à des sociétés de sécurité en renfort, quand il y a des périodes particulièrement tendues.
00:03:43 Et quant à l'agresseur de l'infirmière à Reims, il est mis en examen pour assassinat et il a été placé en détention provisoire.
00:03:50 Des échauffourées en ce moment même entre manifestants et policiers, à Paris, devant le bâtiment qui accueille l'assemblée générale du groupe Total Energy.
00:03:59 Assemblée avec les actionnaires, qui doit commencer à 10h ce matin.
00:04:03 Plusieurs ONG environnementales, par exemple Greenpeace ou Atac, ont appelé à manifester et à bloquer l'événement.
00:04:10 Déjà l'an dernier, 300 manifestants avaient tenté de bloquer cette assemblée générale.
00:04:14 La France doit disposer de vaccins efficaces contre la grippe aviaire pour les canards.
00:04:18 Le ministère de l'Agriculture a jugé hier que deux traitements,
00:04:22 élaborés par les laboratoires Böhringer Ingeleim et Ceva Santé Animal,
00:04:27 présentent suffisamment de garanties pour vacciner les canards avant l'automne.
00:04:31 Alors que l'hiver 2021-2022 avait été le pire de l'histoire concernant la grippe aviaire,
00:04:36 22 millions de volailles abattues chez nous.
00:04:38 Cela faisait un an que ces vaccins-là étaient en phase de test,
00:04:41 et c'est donc une étape importante qui a été franchie hier, même s'il en reste encore quelques-unes.
00:04:46 Thomas Cognac ?
00:04:47 Oui, déjà comme tous les vaccins, il faudra obtenir une ATU, une autorisation temporaire d'utilisation.
00:04:53 La demande a été faite côté Ceva.
00:04:55 Puis il faudra être choisi lors de l'appel d'offre qui a été lancé il y a un mois
00:04:59 et qui porte sur 80 millions de doses.
00:05:01 Reste à savoir combien l'Etat en commandera à Ceva,
00:05:04 combien à Böhringer, et surtout, combien ces labos seront capables d'en fabriquer.
00:05:09 Pour eux, le délai est très court.
00:05:11 D'ici à l'automne, le moment où le gouvernement veut donner le coup d'envoi de la campagne
00:05:14 pour que le vaccin ait le temps de faire effet avant l'hiver,
00:05:17 la période la plus à risque pour la grippe aviaire.
00:05:19 Et s'il n'y a pas beaucoup de doses, l'ANSES, l'agence de sécurité sanitaire,
00:05:23 suggère de vacciner en priorité les animaux reproducteurs
00:05:27 afin de préserver le renouvellement des élevages.
00:05:29 Et même une fois les canards vaccinés,
00:05:31 il faudra les tester régulièrement sur le modèle des tests PCR
00:05:35 utilisés pendant le Covid, pour vérifier que le virus ne circule pas parmi les animaux vaccinés.
00:05:40 Et la grippe aviaire, déjà de retour bien avant sa saison habituelle dans les élevages du Sud-Ouest.
00:05:45 Plus de 50 foyers ont été recensés dans des élevages de canards et de poulets,
00:05:49 en particulier dans le Gers et les Landes depuis début mai.
00:05:52 Les rugbymen grenoblois préparent leur finale de Pro D2 à Toulouse.
00:05:56 Les joueurs du FCG arrivaient hier, ils s'entraîneront une dernière fois cet après-midi sur la pelouse d'Ernest Vallon,
00:06:02 avant d'y affronter Oyonnax demain en finale.
00:06:05 Et dans le viseur, un premier titre depuis 2012 et une remontée en top 14,
00:06:10 alors qu'au moins un millier de supporters grenoblois seront à Toulouse demain pour cette finale.
00:06:15 Avec leur belle saison, l'engouement est réel derrière les rouges et bleus,
00:06:18 en témoigne les 17 000 personnes rassemblées au Stade des Alpes pour la demi-finale.
00:06:23 Mais aussi l'affluence dans les différentes boutiques du club,
00:06:26 une affluence qui a considérablement augmenté, explique Marine Clarecy,
00:06:29 elle est la responsable de ce secteur au FCG.
00:06:32 Sur la boutique, on marche beaucoup avec les résultats sportifs,
00:06:35 donc là forcément avec des demi-finales qui se préparent, les gens vont être aux couleurs du FCG.
00:06:40 Donc pour les demi-finales, on a quand même vendu pas mal de maillots et de tee-shirts à l'effigie du FCG,
00:06:44 beaucoup d'écharpes, de drapeaux pour être équipés dans le stade.
00:06:47 Et là on a beaucoup de gens qui viennent pour être équipés pour le match de la finale à Toulouse.
00:06:53 En termes de chiffres, on peut dire quand même que les ventes ont évolué de 20 à 30% sur des phases finales en plus.
00:07:00 Forcément on a des matchs en plus, donc ça fait toujours du chiffre en plus parce que le stade est rempli, presque rempli.
00:07:06 Mais forcément oui, ça fait beaucoup de ventes en plus.
00:07:09 Grenoble-Oyonnax en finale de Pro D2, c'est demain et c'est bien évidemment en direct sur France Bleu Isère.
00:07:15 Émission spéciale dès 20h et coup d'envoi à 21h.
00:07:19 Et puis avant cela, ce soir en foot, le GF38 joue à Valenciennes, avant dernière journée de Ligue 2.
00:07:25 8ème du classement, Grenoble n'a plus rien à jouer, alors que les nordistes doivent encore assurer leur maintien.
00:07:31 Coup d'envoi à 20h45.
00:07:33 Un enfant a été enlevé. Ceci est une alerte enlèvement du ministère de la Justice.
00:07:42 Eya, de sexe féminin, âgé de 10 ans, âge apparent 13 ans, mesurant 1m60, les yeux marrons, cheveux longs et bruns, de corpulence normale,
00:07:52 habillé d'un pantalon noir avec des petites fleurs blanches, une veste marron à manches beige clair, type veste de football américain,
00:07:59 a été enlevé sur la commune de Fontaine dans l'Isère le 25 mai 2023 à 8h25.
00:08:05 Le suspect Khaled Sassi, le père d'Eya, est un homme de 53 ans, de forte corpulence, mesurant 1m80, cheveux rasés, les yeux marrons,
00:08:15 porteur d'un suit marron beige, à capuche et d'un pantalon de survêtement.
00:08:20 Il est susceptible de circuler à bord d'un véhicule Peugeot 306 grise, immatriculé AD663TF ou d'une Renault Clio FZ176XC.
00:08:37 Si vous localisez l'enfant, n'intervenez pas vous-même, appelez immédiatement le 197 ou envoyez un courriel à alerte.enlèvement@interieur.gouv.fr.
00:08:53 7h09 sur France Bleu Isère, la météo de ce vendredi et la météo du week-end, ça va être une belle journée, sous le soleil vraiment.
00:09:05 Ceci dit, ce matin, il est possible que vous ayez par endroit quelques petits bancs de nuages, très localisés en Orisère,
00:09:11 mais dans l'ensemble, c'est vraiment du soleil, on le voit sur la carte, si vous êtes sur France 3 Alpes en même temps, grand soleil partout ce matin.
00:09:17 Dans l'après-midi, même chose, toujours du soleil, du beau soleil, avec quelques petits nuages pour la décoration, la chaleur va grimper aussi.
00:09:25 Les nuages, c'est plutôt sur les massifs 0, j'ai oublié de vous le dire, ce qui veut dire que les petites averses isolées sont quand même possibles en montagne cet après-midi.
00:09:33 Température en hausse, et vous allez très vite le sentir dès ce matin, même en montagne, on a 9 degrés à Chambrousse par exemple ce matin,
00:09:40 10 degrés au Sept-Los, il fait 13 à la Côte-Saint-André, 14 degrés au Réveil à Grenoble, à Pont-en-Royant, également à Saint-Marcelin,
00:09:47 15 à Voiron et Bourgogne à Lieux, et dans l'après-midi, ça va vraiment grimper, rien à voir avec les jours précédents,
00:09:53 25 à 27 pour les maximales en pleine, 19 à 20 à partir de 1000 mètres, vous aurez 26 degrés par exemple à Ponchara et à la Tour du Pin,
00:10:02 il fera 26 également à Bourgogne à Lieux, 27 degrés à Vienne et Grenoble, et la suite pour le week-end, ce sera le même type de temps,
00:10:09 samedi, dimanche et lundi, c'est-à-dire du soleil, de la chaleur, et peut-être un risque orageux en fin de journée.
00:10:15 La météo 100% locale, avec le Supercross SX Tour, Championnat de France Supercross en salle, course SX1, SX2 et freestyle,
00:10:23 avec la présence des meilleurs pilotes français au Palais des Sports de Grenoble, info sur gcproduction.fr.
00:10:28 - Et la route, avec vos conditions de circulation ? - Sur la route, ça va bien, on n'a pas de difficultés particulières, pas pour le moment.
00:10:35 Sur le rail, c'est fluide pour le moment, là aussi il n'y a pas de difficultés. Je regardais aussi en départ de la gare de Grenoble,
00:10:43 il y a juste le 7h30 départ de Grenoble pour Valence, l'arrêt est supprimé pour Chambéry-Chal-Lézot, un petit info au départ.
00:10:53 Si vous faites Annecy-Valence, vous ne pourrez pas faire Annecy-Valence, je vois le train est carrément supprimé.
00:11:00 On peut faire Annecy-Grenoble, mais pas Grenoble-Valence. C'est clair ? Non, c'est pas très clair.
00:11:08 - D'autant qu'on a l'habitude avec ce trajet, il est très impacté ces derniers mois.
00:11:13 - Je ne suis pas très bonne en gardien de gare, je ne ferais pas ça comme métier.
00:11:22 - Allez, 7h11 sur France Bleu Isère.
00:11:25 - Heureusement, il y a des panneaux, c'est beaucoup plus fiable que moi ce matin.
00:11:33 Merci de commencer la journée avec France Bleu Isère, c'est parti pour une nouvelle journée sous le soleil aujourd'hui,
00:11:38 pour tout le week-end, mais vous l'avez vu, on a quand même eu plus de jours sans soleil que de jours avec le soleil.
00:11:43 Alors, on va voir justement comment on fait pour garder la forme malgré ce manque de soleil,
00:11:48 parce qu'évidemment, ça joue sur notre morale, sur notre forme, on est un petit peu fatigué aussi.
00:11:53 Le coach sportif Joël Doquet nous donnera ses bons conseils d'ici quelques minutes.
00:11:57 Et puis, notez que dans 40 minutes maintenant, vous pourrez interpeller la députée Servane Hugues
00:12:02 sur l'inclusion des enfants porteurs de handicap.
00:12:04 - Oui, on se pose la question ce matin.
00:12:06 Alors, certes, le nombre d'enfants handicapés qui sont en milieu scolaire classique a augmenté de 30% en 5 ans,
00:12:13 mais il y a encore beaucoup d'écueils, on en parlera avec cette députée de la première circonscription de l'Isère.
00:12:18 Vous pouvez lui poser vos questions sur notre site internet et au standard de France Bleu Isère.
00:12:23 - Voilà, on vous redonne le numéro si vous voulez participer, témoigner, si vous l'avez vécu, si vous le vivez en ce moment.
00:12:28 04 76 46 45 45.
00:12:31 Et puis, côté musique, ça sent déjà un petit peu le week-end.
00:12:35 On s'écoutera Yannick Noah, mais tout de suite voici Cindy Lauper avec un hymne à la joie, à la fête.
00:12:41 - Les filles veulent faire ce qu'elles veulent. Girls just wanna have fun.
00:12:44 Est-ce que vous avez bien entendu, Bastien et Théo ? Les filles veulent faire ce qu'elles veulent.
00:12:48 - C'est noté. Eh ben, on les laisse faire, alors.
00:12:50 - Merci, j'aime bien.
00:12:52 - Come home in the morning like my mother said, when you gonna live your life right.
00:12:59 Oh, mama said we're not the fortunate ones, and girls, they wanna have fun.
00:13:06 Oh, girls just wanna have fun.
00:13:17 If I'm late in the middle of the night, my body yells, what you gonna do with your life.
00:13:25 Oh, daddy, do you know you're still number one, but girls, they wanna have fun.
00:13:32 Oh, girls just wanna have fun.
00:13:35 That's all we really want, number one.
00:13:43 What's the word, can you name that ? Oh, girls, they wanna have fun.
00:13:50 Oh, girls just wanna have fun.
00:13:56 Wanna have fun, girls.
00:14:00 Wanna have...
00:14:03 Wanna have...
00:14:06 Wanna have...
00:14:09 Wanna have...
00:14:12 Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her in red flowers all over.
00:14:24 I wanna be the one to walk in that line.
00:14:28 Oh, girls, they wanna have fun.
00:14:31 Oh, girls just wanna have fun.
00:14:34 That's all we really want, number one.
00:14:40 What's the word, can you name that ? Oh, girls, they wanna have fun.
00:14:49 Oh, girls just wanna have fun.
00:14:53 Wanna have fun, girls.
00:14:57 Wanna have...
00:14:59 They just wanna, they just wanna have fun.
00:15:03 They just wanna, they just wanna have fun.
00:15:07 Girls just wanna have fun.
00:15:10 Girls just wanna have fun with Cindy Lauper on France Bleu Is Air.
00:15:14 Just after the commercial, we're going to do some shopping.
00:15:16 But made in Is Air.
00:15:18 Is here.
00:15:19 We have to say it like that.
00:15:20 With products from Is Here.
00:15:22 Also found at the Grand-Noble mine.
00:15:23 It will be in the new Echo.
00:15:24 See you soon.
00:15:26 France Bleu, France 3 Matins, returns in a moment.
00:15:29 Live at the pace of culture, on France 3 Matins.
00:15:53 Live at the pace of culture, on France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
00:15:56 It's 7h15 on France Bleu Is Air.
00:16:05 Welcome to this Friday morning.
00:16:07 Next news at 7h30.
00:16:09 We're going to talk about the removal of little Eya Théo.
00:16:12 Yes, the little girl kidnapped at Fontaine, yesterday, is still wanted.
00:16:15 You hear it on France Bleu.
00:16:16 The removal alert was triggered last night.
00:16:19 Authorities fear that the father is trying to leave France with the child.
00:16:23 It's also the fear of the family.
00:16:25 You hear the wait of little Eya at 7h30.
00:16:28 And then we will hear our anthem for the FCG players who arrived in Toulouse.
00:16:34 At J-1 of the Pro D2 final against Ollana.
00:16:37 It will be to follow, of course, on France Bleu Is Air.
00:16:40 And we will hear the anthem at 7h30.
00:16:42 We have recorders who called.
00:16:44 I think so.
00:16:45 We go to the new Echo.
00:16:47 And this morning, we're going to the market, Théo.
00:16:48 Yes, not just any one.
00:16:49 The Grenoble's national interest market, the Rungis Grenoble.
00:16:53 This is where the Is Air department opened yesterday a stand for Is Here products.
00:16:58 The local product brand of the department.
00:17:01 To bring it closer to the professionals who come to supply themselves every day to the international market.
00:17:06 Cédric Hermel talks to the director of the Is Here branch.
00:17:10 Hello Pascal Denoli.
00:17:11 Hello.
00:17:12 The Is Air store was created within the Grenoble's national interest market.
00:17:16 What is it going to change for the producers?
00:17:20 The goal with this platform is to allow producers to collect their products and to give them to the final distribution.
00:17:29 We call it a little bit the last kilometer to a logistics man.
00:17:31 We also want to have an action, if I may say, on the carbon aspect.
00:17:36 And so to approach all these stores in the city, we have 35 intramural stores in this metropolis.
00:17:41 We decided to bring together all the Is Air products in one place.
00:17:45 If we look at this mine that is right in front of us, it means that the restaurateurs,
00:17:49 all the people who need to buy products in the morning, professionals, will have to go to the store.
00:17:53 They will have the Is Air products, the organic products.
00:17:56 The restaurateurs must have ordered before.
00:17:58 We are not like the other wholesalers of this hall, we are not with a sale on site.
00:18:05 Our sale is always pre-order.
00:18:07 That is to say that our customers want to move less and less.
00:18:10 So they order via an internet interface, they pass the orders and we deliver them.
00:18:17 And so the place of the mine is for us a place of product collection before a last kilometer which is carried out by our logistics man.
00:18:24 Does it also give a greater visibility to the producers who are under your brand?
00:18:29 That is to say, being present at the mine is not a coincidence.
00:18:31 We also want to be present at the place where the trade is done.
00:18:34 The mine is still the food lung of the metropolis and even a little bit of Is Air.
00:18:39 So it was essential for me, for us, to find ourselves in this pit where producers naturally bring their products
00:18:46 or where merchants come to make their purchases.
00:18:49 We must reconcile, that's the term, on the same pallet, these products that will be distributed by bike if possible in the stores of the metropolis.
00:18:58 That's the pattern.
00:18:59 The products arrive, they are reconciled, distributed customer by customer
00:19:04 and distributed the next morning in the stores.
00:19:09 And these products, precisely, what will be available as products that will be offered here in this place?
00:19:14 Will there be bread, honey, strawberries, fruits? What will be available as products?
00:19:18 The products that we distribute, that we group on the food lung are products that are either at room temperature,
00:19:24 honey, biscuits, confections, or products that require cold, all dairy products.
00:19:30 But we also have meat, either lamb or beef.
00:19:34 Thank you very much, Pascal Noly.
00:19:35 Goodbye.
00:19:36 Sorry, it was the new echo dedicated to this stand Is Here at the Grenoble National Market.
00:19:43 It was to be listened to on francebleu.fr.
00:19:46 A child has been kidnapped. This is a warning from the Ministry of Justice.
00:19:57 Eya, female, 10 years old, 13 years old, measuring 1.60 meters, brown eyes, long hair and brown,
00:20:05 normal body, dressed in black pants with small white flowers,
00:20:10 a brown jacket with light beige sleeves, type American football jacket,
00:20:14 was kidnapped on the town of Fontaine in Isère on May 25, 2023 at 8.25 am.
00:20:20 The suspect, Khaled Sassi, Eya's father, is a 53-year-old man of strong body,
00:20:26 measuring 1.80 meters, shaved hair, brown eyes, wearing a brown beige suit,
00:20:32 with a hood and overcoat pants.
00:20:35 He is likely to be driving a Peugeot 306 gray vehicle,
00:20:41 registered as AD663TF or a Renault Crio FZ176XC.
00:20:52 If you find the child, do not intervene, call 197 immediately
00:21:00 or send an email to alert.enlevement@interieur.gouv.fr.
00:21:09 And I would like to point out that you can find the description of this alert on our website francebleu.fr.
00:21:16 Come on, we're going to do good in a moment and take care of ourselves.
00:21:19 With the sports coach Joël Doquet, it's true that these last few days we have been missing the sun
00:21:24 and even if it's better today, we're not out of business.
00:21:27 It affects our morale, it affects our physique too, that's why we have to take care of it.
00:21:32 He arrives just after another great athlete that we love and a great singer too, it's Yannick Noah right now with the Lyon.
00:21:39 Have a good Friday and a good weekend.
00:21:41 Bring water, bring life, from the sky to your bones, day and night.
00:21:48 It's gold in your hands, every day that passes makes the earth more lazy.
00:21:54 Bring water, bring it well, above all be careful, do not spill anything.
00:22:01 You know the effort, every day that passes makes the earth more lazy.
00:22:07 And you know the Lyons are really kings.
00:22:13 Their love they give and never again regret it.
00:22:20 The sun astonishes them, makes their pain rise.
00:22:26 Yes, you know the Lyons are really, really kings.
00:22:33 Bring water, bring life, you have to bend your back for a little rain.
00:22:45 It's gold in your hands, every day that passes makes the earth more lazy.
00:22:51 And you know the Lyons are really kings.
00:22:57 Their love they give and never again regret it.
00:23:04 The sun astonishes them, makes their pain rise.
00:23:10 Yes, you know the Lyons are really, really kings.
00:23:17 It's hope that comes back, it's the one that they bring back.
00:23:23 In their bones there is the complaint, tired but always serene.
00:23:29 From the earth and men, they are the guardians.
00:23:35 And you know the Lyons are really, really kings.
00:23:43 Yannick Noah with the Lyons.
00:23:45 In 10 days, on June 5, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of Yannick Noah.
00:23:48 So not his 40 years because he is a little older.
00:23:51 But the 40th anniversary of his victory at Roland-Garros.
00:23:54 It was June 5.
00:23:55 We are still waiting for the successor.
00:23:56 No, there won't be. Yannick is the best.
00:23:59 My mother already told me that at that time she was in class, in the terminal.
00:24:02 I thought one of his classmates had a small radio hidden in his office.
00:24:06 When he won, the whole class exploded with joy.
00:24:09 The teacher didn't understand what was going on.
00:24:12 It was worth it to put the area in the class for Yannick Noah's victory.
00:24:16 Let's go to sports again.
00:24:18 With another athlete who has just joined us.
00:24:21 It's Joël Doquet, sports coach on the Grenoblo pool.
00:24:24 Hello Joël.
00:24:25 Hello Renessa, hello everyone.
00:24:26 Before getting into the heart of the matter on how to be in shape despite the lack of sun.
00:24:30 A little word about you, you are a sports coach, right?
00:24:33 Exactly, I am a sports coach, physical trainer.
00:24:36 I work on joint and muscle flexibility.
00:24:39 It's manual therapy, to put it simply.
00:24:42 I want to address people who want to get back into sport or who have never practiced sports.
00:24:46 And who want to feel good in their body.
00:24:49 Very good, that's very important.
00:24:51 You have to feel good.
00:24:53 Although at the moment, with the lack of sun, we feel a little less good.
00:24:56 We feel tired.
00:24:57 Indeed, it will be sunny today, but we still had practically a month of graying.
00:25:02 How do you keep in shape when there is no sun?
00:25:05 When there is no sun, we generally feel excessive fatigue.
00:25:08 The interest is to be able to do simple things.
00:25:11 Define a typical day of work.
00:25:13 And know when we can get some time to do simple exercises.
00:25:16 Stretching, breathing.
00:25:18 See also define what we want to get.
00:25:21 In fine, because that's very important.
00:25:23 What do I want?
00:25:25 It's participating in the moral.
00:25:28 Otherwise, I suggest you not necessarily start by buying equipment.
00:25:32 But work with what you have on hand.
00:25:34 A chair, a wall, a carpet.
00:25:36 There is no excuse. We all have a chair, a wall and a carpet.
00:25:39 What can we do as a simple exercise?
00:25:43 We can work on the venous return.
00:25:46 This is very interesting in terms of legs.
00:25:48 We will work the calves with the hands against the wall and standing.
00:25:51 I'm standing, I have my hands against the wall, legs straight, I take off my heels.
00:25:54 This is very interesting for all that is circulation.
00:25:57 We can do squats. It makes the thighs work.
00:25:59 It hurts.
00:26:01 To do them safely, you have a chair, you sit at the bottom of the chair.
00:26:05 You push on the heels and you get up by blowing.
00:26:08 And you are sure to be safe.
00:26:10 We stay on very simple things.
00:26:12 The goal is not to hurt.
00:26:14 And the goal is to do it regularly.
00:26:16 Because if we put the bar too high, it's going to be a bit complicated.
00:26:18 That's evolution.
00:26:20 It is regularity to get results.
00:26:22 And if you start by doing 150 pumps, you will be discouraged.
00:26:26 It will disgust us especially.
00:26:28 What material do we need?
00:26:31 You were talking about the chair.
00:26:33 But sometimes we see people buying a lot of equipment at Decathlon.
00:26:36 Do we need a budget or not?
00:26:38 Not necessarily.
00:26:40 It's about being comfortable with clothes you feel good in.
00:26:43 Possibly a mat.
00:26:45 But not with equipment.
00:26:47 We will start with our own body to tone it.
00:26:50 But with our own weight.
00:26:52 Without necessarily putting on a car.
00:26:54 Without having to put on tools.
00:26:57 The interest of all this is to tone the body without hurting yourself.
00:27:03 Being on the ground with a mat.
00:27:07 It will not be moving abs.
00:27:09 It will be static abs.
00:27:11 I don't move much, but I contract my abs.
00:27:13 20 seconds is enough to start.
00:27:15 And basically, we have to stop taking the bad weather as an excuse.
00:27:18 There is always the possibility of doing sport.
00:27:20 We have to move.
00:27:22 If we want to call you, you are available by phone.
00:27:25 We will give it to our listeners.
00:27:28 0674 21 83 43
00:27:32 A last word before leaving.
00:27:34 Where do you like to go to do sport?
00:27:37 I practice on Tulin and Voiron.
00:27:40 Grenoble too from time to time.
00:27:43 I train people individually at home.
00:27:46 Or possibly in associations like the MJC.
00:27:49 Or various associations.
00:27:51 In the business too.
00:27:53 Imitation of MPs.
00:27:55 Professional disease.
00:27:57 When the bosses want to listen to me, it's interesting.
00:27:59 Let's go to Théo Bastien.
00:28:01 Thank you Joël.
00:28:03 See you soon for new sports advice.
00:28:06 It's 7h28.
00:28:08 It is the only wildlife rescue center in Niger.
00:28:13 And for 18 years, the Ticodrome,
00:28:15 installed in a building on the heights of the Gha,
00:28:17 welcomes animals badly injured,
00:28:19 diminished and tries to put them back on their feet.
00:28:22 Presentation of the site this morning with Mireille Lattier.
00:28:24 She is the director and founder.
00:28:26 We opened our doors in 2011.
00:28:30 And since then, the number of wild animals we receive per year has increased.
00:28:35 Now we are at about 2000 animals per year that are received.
00:28:39 With a very large majority of birds.
00:28:42 We are between 70 and 80% of birds per year.
00:28:45 It's not by choice.
00:28:48 The general public finds more birds than mammals.
00:28:52 We don't realize it, but the rafters, the raptors, the corvids, etc.
00:28:57 are really part of our environment every day.
00:29:01 You come to help all wild animals,
00:29:04 birds also a lot, who are victims of human infrastructures.
00:29:08 What are the most common causes?
00:29:10 The most common is what is linked to human infrastructures
00:29:16 or our functioning in cities, in urban areas.
00:29:20 It's going to be the shocks against vehicles,
00:29:22 the glass shocks, the barbed wire, the electrified lines.
00:29:26 A lot also by domestic cats.
00:29:30 We are starting to realize it in France.
00:29:34 But really, domestic cats have an important impact on the small fauna
00:29:39 and in particular the fauna life.
00:29:41 Especially in the spring, because at the moment,
00:29:43 young rafters are coming out of their nests.
00:29:45 They are not very flexible, they don't know the dangers.
00:29:49 They are really easy prey for cats,
00:29:51 who hunt by instinct and not to feed themselves.
00:29:55 There are preventive measures to limit predation,
00:29:58 and that's important.
00:30:00 But we have a lot of causes of injury,
00:30:03 also everything related to gardening,
00:30:05 the rotofils, the logging of trees.
00:30:08 Yesterday we received small squirrels.
00:30:10 The nest was in a tree.
00:30:13 They are cutting everything to build a lot.
00:30:16 The female made her little ones.
00:30:18 We are urbanizing and the transformation of habitats
00:30:22 makes the wild fauna in trouble.
00:30:25 I imagine that donations are always welcome.
00:30:28 Yes, absolutely.
00:30:30 Donations in nature can be typically croquettes,
00:30:34 cat food, things like that,
00:30:36 or financial donations.
00:30:39 We are also looking for volunteers,
00:30:41 civic services, eco-volunteers.
00:30:43 We are entering a period of very strong activity.
00:30:46 We will receive about 500 animals per month
00:30:49 in June and July.
00:30:51 It's a lot of activity.
00:30:53 All good will is welcome.
00:30:56 If you find a wounded wild animal
00:30:58 or if you want to become a volunteer,
00:31:00 you can contact the site located in the Gars,
00:31:03 in the south of Vif.
00:31:05 When you listen to France Bleu,
00:31:07 you are not anywhere.
00:31:09 You are at home.
00:31:11 France Bleu, at the heart of our regions,
00:31:13 our cities, our villages.
00:31:15 France Bleu Hiver, here we speak of here.
00:31:19 It is 7.30am on France Bleu Hiver.
00:31:21 Welcome to this Friday morning,
00:31:23 Friday May 26th, under the sun.
00:31:25 It feels good.
00:31:26 Sun for the whole weekend,
00:31:28 heat too, complete weather at the end of the day.
00:31:31 At 7.30am, your news is presented by Théo H,
00:31:35 she has a heya and her father are still in France.
00:31:38 The prosecutor of Grenoble is questioning and worrying.
00:31:41 He triggered an alert yesterday evening
00:31:43 to find this 10-year-old girl
00:31:45 kidnapped by her father in Fontaine yesterday.
00:31:48 He took the child away when school started.
00:31:50 He attacked the mother with tear gas
00:31:53 before leaving with the child.
00:31:55 Dounia, the aunt of the heya, is very worried and shocked.
00:31:58 We are in shock.
00:32:00 We can't believe it yet
00:32:02 because it's crazy.
00:32:04 It's crazy.
00:32:06 It's like what we see in the movies.
00:32:08 We are in ...
00:32:10 I can't find the words.
00:32:11 We are really in shock.
00:32:13 We don't know what to do.
00:32:14 The camp is that we don't have anything new.
00:32:16 We have no solution and we are lost
00:32:18 because we don't know where she is.
00:32:20 We don't know what will happen tomorrow.
00:32:22 Are we going to see her this week?
00:32:24 Are we not going to see her anymore?
00:32:25 He had no pity.
00:32:27 It's his dad anyway, but he had no pity.
00:32:30 A father who is able to do that,
00:32:33 he can do anything for me.
00:32:35 And to find the little heya,
00:32:37 the kidnapping alert was triggered.
00:32:39 You hear it on France Bleu,
00:32:40 general mobilization of the police of France
00:32:42 and messages on all TV, radio.
00:32:44 The father and the daughter are actively looking for a kidnapper.
00:32:48 The kidnapping was prepared.
00:32:50 This is what the prosecutor of Grenoble said yesterday
00:32:52 and the reason why an alert was triggered
00:32:55 at the beginning of the evening,
00:32:56 12 hours after the kidnapping of heya.
00:32:59 While she is in the street with her mother
00:33:01 yesterday morning, right in front of her school,
00:33:03 a car stops at their height.
00:33:05 The father of the girl and an accomplice,
00:33:07 cagouled, so,
00:33:08 asperge the tear gas mother
00:33:10 before making the child get up.
00:33:12 According to the prosecutor of Grenoble,
00:33:14 the life of heya would not be in danger,
00:33:16 but the relatives of the mother describe the kidnapper
00:33:18 as a violent man towards his ex-wife and his daughter.
00:33:22 Investigators are now afraid
00:33:23 that the father is taking heya abroad.
00:33:25 Both have Tunisian nationality.
00:33:27 European and Tunisian police services
00:33:30 are warned to intercept the father,
00:33:32 his accomplice and the child if they cross a border.
00:33:35 And you have the complete description of the two people
00:33:37 of the father and heya on francebleu.fr.
00:33:39 If you see them, thank you for calling 197.
00:33:42 In Vienna, the file is filled
00:33:44 against the man who knocked over a police officer the day before yesterday.
00:33:47 We already knew that he was positive
00:33:49 to alcohol and drugs,
00:33:50 but we also learn that he was driving
00:33:52 without a driver's license
00:33:54 and without insurance,
00:33:55 says the parquet of Vienna.
00:33:56 His custody was extended yesterday.
00:33:58 As for the injured police commander,
00:34:01 he is still in the hospital Lyon-Sud in a serious condition.
00:34:04 How can we better include disabled children
00:34:06 in society, especially in school?
00:34:08 Yes, we are asking ourselves the question this morning
00:34:10 with our guest and in 10 minutes
00:34:12 the deputy of the ISER, Servane Hug,
00:34:14 very involved in this fight
00:34:15 and you can ask her your questions,
00:34:17 question her on our social networks
00:34:19 and at the standard of France Bleu ISER
00:34:20 at 04 76 46 45 2x.
00:34:23 Because yes, things are still moving forward in this area.
00:34:26 The number of disabled children
00:34:28 in ordinary schools has climbed by 30%
00:34:31 in 5 years and the mentalities are changing,
00:34:34 says Jean-Claude Darley,
00:34:35 the president of the ISER's agricultural chamber,
00:34:37 who has been in a wheelchair for 23 years.
00:34:39 Hello Pascal Denoli.
00:34:40 Hello.
00:34:41 The ISER local was created
00:34:43 within the international market of Grendoble.
00:34:45 Sorry, sound problem, you hear it,
00:34:46 it's not Jean-Claude Darley,
00:34:47 we'll hear it later,
00:34:48 who actually testified to the change
00:34:50 of mentalities on this issue of the handicap
00:34:54 and we will receive Servane Hug later
00:34:56 at 7h45 to talk about the handicap
00:35:00 and the school, Servane Hug,
00:35:01 deputy of the first ISER's circonscription.
00:35:04 In a little over a month now,
00:35:05 the most polluting vehicles
00:35:07 will no longer be able to enter Grenoble
00:35:09 and 13 municipalities of the metropolis.
00:35:12 The ZFE comes into force on July 1 next.
00:35:15 It starts with the Criter 5 vehicles
00:35:17 and to help you change your old cars,
00:35:20 the metropolis of Grenoble
00:35:21 should unlock new Z.
00:35:23 Today, a metropolitan council
00:35:25 starts at 10am this morning
00:35:27 with the programme,
00:35:28 in particular the adoption of a climate budget for 2024.
00:35:31 The rugbymen of Grenoble are in Toulouse.
00:35:34 Yes, the FCG players arrived yesterday.
00:35:36 They will train one last time this afternoon
00:35:38 on the lawn of Ernest Vallon
00:35:40 where they will face Yona tomorrow
00:35:42 in the Pro D2 final
00:35:43 and they will not be alone.
00:35:45 At least a thousand Grenoble supporters
00:35:48 will be in Toulouse tomorrow for the final
00:35:50 which will also be followed on France Bleu ISER.
00:35:53 And we remind you that we have created
00:35:55 a hymn for the Reds and Blues.
00:35:57 To beat Yona, we will all be there
00:36:00 The top 14 is in our hands
00:36:02 Come on Reds and Blues
00:36:04 We have to leave this Pro D2
00:36:06 Come on Reds and Blues
00:36:08 We have to leave this Pro D2
00:36:10 Come on Reds and Blues
00:36:12 We have to leave this Pro D2
00:36:14 The hymn signed by Soazic Pelé
00:36:17 for France Bleu ISER
00:36:18 We are not giving up!
00:36:19 Exactly, for this match
00:36:20 FCG vs Yona in the Pro D2 final
00:36:22 It's in our hands
00:36:23 And it's live on France Bleu ISER
00:36:26 special show from 8pm
00:36:28 with a show at 9pm
00:36:30 And then cycling
00:36:31 the third leg of the Alpe Isertour
00:36:33 174km to the start of the airport
00:36:37 of Lyon-Saint-Exupery
00:36:38 for an arrival in Colombier-Saulnier
00:36:41 the Alpe Isertour
00:36:43 in cycling today.
00:36:48 A child has been abducted
00:36:50 This is a police alert
00:36:52 from the Ministry of Justice
00:36:53 There is a female
00:36:55 aged 10 years old
00:36:56 13 years old
00:36:57 measuring 1.60m
00:36:59 brown eyes
00:37:00 long hair and brown
00:37:01 normal body
00:37:03 wearing black pants
00:37:04 with white flowers
00:37:06 a brown jacket with light beige sleeves
00:37:09 like an American football jacket
00:37:11 has been abducted
00:37:12 in Fontaine in the Isertour
00:37:14 on May 25th, 2023
00:37:15 at 8.25pm
00:37:17 the suspect
00:37:18 Khaled Sassi
00:37:19 the father of Eya
00:37:20 is a 53 years old man
00:37:21 with a strong body
00:37:23 measuring 1.80m
00:37:25 shaved hair
00:37:26 brown eyes
00:37:27 wearing a brown beige suit
00:37:29 with a hood
00:37:30 and a pair of overcoats
00:37:32 he is likely to be riding
00:37:34 a Peugeot 306
00:37:36 grey
00:37:38 registered
00:37:39 AD663TF
00:37:43 or a Renault Clio
00:37:45 FZ176XC
00:37:49 if you spot the child
00:37:51 do not intervene
00:37:53 call 197 immediately
00:37:56 or send a mail
00:37:58 to alert.enlevement@interieur.gouv.fr
00:38:04 and I would like to clarify
00:38:07 that you can find this description
00:38:08 on our website francebleu.fr
00:38:10 the weather is going to be like this for today
00:38:13 the day is going to be under the sun
00:38:15 this morning
00:38:16 but you can have some
00:38:18 small clouds
00:38:20 to decorate
00:38:22 because this morning is really beautiful
00:38:24 very sunny
00:38:26 this afternoon, it's sunny too
00:38:28 everywhere in the Isert
00:38:29 big sun
00:38:30 and the heat is going to rise
00:38:32 which means that isolated storms
00:38:34 are possible in the mountains
00:38:36 small degradation
00:38:38 yes, it's said like that
00:38:39 stormy
00:38:40 I have a doubt on the word
00:38:41 it's said like that
00:38:42 but stormy
00:38:43 possible in the mountains
00:38:44 at the end of the day
00:38:45 the temperatures are going to rise
00:38:47 with 10°C in the South
00:38:49 this morning
00:38:50 we have 13°C in Vif
00:38:51 14°C already in Grenoble
00:38:53 in Saint-Marcelin, Pont-en-Royant
00:38:55 15°C in Voiron and Bourgogne-Jalieu
00:38:57 16°C in Vienne
00:38:58 and in the afternoon
00:38:59 nothing to see
00:39:00 really hot
00:39:01 between 25°C and 27°C
00:39:02 for the maximum in the plain
00:39:03 19°C in Beauvoir
00:39:04 from 1000m
00:39:05 14°C from 2000m
00:39:07 we are planning for example
00:39:09 26°C in Ponchat
00:39:10 and at the Tour du Pain
00:39:11 26°C also in Bourgogne-Jalieu
00:39:13 and you will have 27°C this afternoon
00:39:15 in Grenoble and Vienne
00:39:17 and the rest of the weekend
00:39:18 it's like today
00:39:19 sun, heat
00:39:21 and the possibility of a stormy degradation
00:39:24 we stay vigilant for the end of the day
00:39:26 7h39 on France Bleu Isère
00:39:30 good Friday with a big weekend
00:39:38 that is taking place
00:39:39 yes, Monday
00:39:40 it's holiday
00:39:41 more sleep
00:39:42 more fat
00:39:43 more barbecues with the neighbours
00:39:44 ah, I am told in the earpiece
00:39:46 that no, we are working
00:39:47 but yes, we will be there
00:39:49 with you on Monday
00:39:50 and I don't know
00:39:51 it can also be more rest at home
00:39:54 more family outings
00:39:56 tell us what you are doing
00:39:57 what you have planned for this weekend
00:39:58 we are waiting for all your messages
00:39:59 on the Facebook page of France Bleu Isère
00:40:02 I am very curious
00:40:03 but I like to know what you are doing
00:40:04 we will read your messages live
00:40:08 this weekend we are going to Bangkok
00:40:10 ah, totally
00:40:11 are you up for it?
00:40:12 let's go
00:40:13 it's the magic of the radio
00:40:14 in 3 minutes we are there
00:40:15 thanks to Murrayhead
00:40:16 and this 84's hit
00:40:18 One Night in Bangkok
00:40:20 on France Bleu Isère
00:40:21 and just after
00:40:22 we welcome the guest of 6/9
00:40:24 the deputy Servan Hug
00:40:26 on access to school
00:40:27 for children with disabilities
00:40:29 I remind you that you can ask her questions live
00:40:31 it's not common to be able to do it
00:40:34 enjoy it
00:40:35 if you are concerned
00:40:36 or if you have been there with your children
00:40:38 or your grandchildren
00:40:39 0476 46 45 45
00:40:43 see you soon on France Bleu Isère
00:40:45 I like to swim
00:40:46 in Bangkok anyway
00:40:47 [Music]
00:41:16 [Music]
00:41:37 [Music]
00:42:02 [Music]
00:42:26 [Music]
00:42:55 [Music]
00:43:10 One Night in Bangkok
00:43:11 with Murrayhead
00:43:12 if there is a date that I recommend
00:43:14 it's the brunch
00:43:15 the Sunday morning date
00:43:16 at 10am with Alain Salomon
00:43:18 he takes breakfast
00:43:19 with a personality from our region
00:43:21 on Sunday he welcomes the humorist
00:43:23 Lionel Selig
00:43:24 he will come to tell us
00:43:26 about his journey
00:43:27 his passions
00:43:28 his attachment to the region
00:43:29 he will also talk to us about his childhood
00:43:31 and in particular
00:43:32 the holiday colonies
00:43:33 in which he participated
00:43:34 he even made a sketch
00:43:35 in which he wondered
00:43:37 how he came back alive
00:43:38 listen
00:43:39 already the transport
00:43:40 attention
00:43:41 we were leaving in cars
00:43:42 the technical control did not exist
00:43:44 as long as the engine did not fall on the asphalt
00:43:47 the thing was rolling
00:43:49 you see
00:43:50 in it it was sky seats
00:43:51 we burned our thighs
00:43:52 we burned our thighs
00:43:53 at the third degree
00:43:54 aïe aïe aïe aïe aïe aïe
00:43:55 Selig
00:43:56 the humorist
00:43:57 Lionel I think we're going to have a great time
00:43:59 yes I cut you Selig
00:44:01 but we will listen to you more in length
00:44:03 Sunday
00:44:04 with Alain Salomon
00:44:05 in the brunch
00:44:06 from 10am
00:44:07 on France Bleu Isère
00:44:08 in a moment
00:44:09 back of the info
00:44:11 and then we will also welcome
00:44:12 the guest of the 6/9 of France Bleu Isère
00:44:14 we talk about inclusion
00:44:15 how to help these children
00:44:17 how to accompany them at school
00:44:19 when they are handicapped
00:44:21 and how the school can also help us
00:44:23 ask your questions at 0476 46 45 45
00:44:27 France Bleu France 3 Matins
00:44:31 returns in a moment
00:44:33 all the scores
00:44:42 all the specialists
00:44:45 all the sensations
00:44:50 all the evenings
00:44:51 all the sports
00:44:53 from Monday to Friday at 8.50pm
00:44:55 and Saturday at 8.15pm
00:44:57 on France 3 and on France.tv
00:44:59 it's 8.45pm on France Bleu Isère
00:45:08 in the next news at 8pm
00:45:10 Bastien Roc we come back
00:45:11 on this alert for a Ciseroise girl
00:45:13 yes and 10 years ago
00:45:14 kidnapped yesterday morning
00:45:15 by her father and an accomplice
00:45:17 in Fontaine in the Grenoble agglomeration
00:45:19 brutal kidnapping
00:45:21 the mother of the girl
00:45:22 was sprayed with tear gas
00:45:24 we will hear the testimony
00:45:26 of one of his colleagues
00:45:27 who has been following the situation for a long time
00:45:29 the father, he risks
00:45:30 to want to flee abroad
00:45:31 with his daughter
00:45:32 if you want to locate them
00:45:33 do not intervene
00:45:34 but rather call 197
00:45:36 we go to the guest of the 6/9
00:45:38 of France Bleu Isère
00:45:39 and this morning Théo
00:45:40 we talk about handicap
00:45:41 yes and more particularly
00:45:42 of the handicap at school
00:45:44 how to better include children
00:45:46 in a situation of handicap
00:45:47 in schools, in colleges, in high schools
00:45:49 hello Servane Hug
00:45:50 hello
00:45:51 thank you for being with us this morning
00:45:52 you are a deputy of Isère
00:45:53 the first circumscription
00:45:54 that of Grenoble
00:45:55 the Tronche-Mellon
00:45:56 you won it
00:45:57 in a ticket
00:45:58 with the spokesman
00:45:59 of the government
00:46:00 Olivier Véran
00:46:01 you are very involved in this fight
00:46:02 you even have a child
00:46:04 with a handicap
00:46:05 we will come back to it
00:46:06 I would like first
00:46:07 to make you hear this testimony
00:46:08 he will tell you
00:46:09 it's a mother
00:46:10 Isèreoise
00:46:11 listen
00:46:12 and we'll talk about it right after
00:46:13 frankly it's often not easy
00:46:14 there is no place
00:46:15 in the structures
00:46:16 there is no possibility
00:46:17 our children
00:46:18 are not children
00:46:19 that we invite to birthdays
00:46:20 we must say
00:46:21 we never invite mine
00:46:22 so here we like it
00:46:23 but from afar
00:46:24 Christelle
00:46:25 a mother of disabled children
00:46:26 in Grenoble
00:46:27 at the micro of France 3
00:46:28 it speaks to you I imagine
00:46:29 yes necessarily
00:46:30 it speaks to me completely
00:46:31 if I can just allow me
00:46:32 to come back very briefly
00:46:33 on my journey
00:46:34 I am a teacher
00:46:35 of training schools
00:46:36 so childhood
00:46:37 already
00:46:38 is a theme
00:46:39 that fascinates me
00:46:40 and you have been active
00:46:41 for years
00:46:42 in the social environment
00:46:43 so here
00:46:44 I had to stop working
00:46:45 because I became a mother
00:46:46 and when I got my DNA
00:46:47 who is now 17 years old
00:46:48 I had to stop working
00:46:49 to take care of him
00:46:50 because he was born
00:46:51 with a severe brain paralysis
00:46:52 so a very heavy handicap
00:46:53 if I may
00:46:54 my third child
00:46:55 is suffering from deafness
00:46:56 so if you want
00:46:57 I really have the two sides
00:46:58 of today
00:46:59 of the world
00:47:00 and of the world
00:47:01 and I have to stop
00:47:02 working
00:47:03 to take care of him
00:47:04 because he was born
00:47:05 with a severe cerebral paralysis
00:47:06 so a very heavy handicap
00:47:07 if I can allow me
00:47:08 my third child
00:47:09 is suffering from deafness
00:47:10 so if you want
00:47:11 I really have the two sides
00:47:12 of today
00:47:13 of today
00:47:14 so what are the children
00:47:15 who are easily
00:47:16 schoolable
00:47:17 excuse me the word
00:47:18 but I hear it
00:47:19 this way
00:47:20 compared to those
00:47:21 who are heavily handicapped
00:47:22 who are "hidden"
00:47:23 in specialized institutions
00:47:24 but who have
00:47:25 their share
00:47:26 in relation
00:47:27 to the instruction
00:47:28 especially
00:47:29 the mission
00:47:30 I am leading
00:47:31 but maybe
00:47:32 we will talk about it
00:47:33 later
00:47:34 I got involved
00:47:35 in the association
00:47:36 because
00:47:37 finding myself
00:47:38 a mother at home
00:47:39 I was able
00:47:40 to find
00:47:41 a mother at home
00:47:42 with
00:47:43 very often
00:47:44 during
00:47:45 sessions
00:47:46 in the hospital
00:47:47 in re-education
00:47:48 sessions with my children
00:47:49 as soon as
00:47:50 they had
00:47:51 a responsibility
00:47:52 I could
00:47:53 give time
00:47:54 give time
00:47:55 to those families
00:47:56 who are exhausted
00:47:57 you see
00:47:58 I am still moved
00:47:59 by talking about it
00:48:00 because
00:48:01 I completely understand
00:48:02 this mother
00:48:03 who unfortunately
00:48:04 speaks
00:48:05 about
00:48:06 a huge gap
00:48:07 between what we would like
00:48:08 for our children
00:48:09 and what exists
00:48:10 currently
00:48:11 but I want to believe in it
00:48:12 and that's why
00:48:13 I got involved
00:48:14 in politics
00:48:15 to defend all those families
00:48:16 who are too
00:48:17 in the shadows
00:48:18 currently
00:48:19 I would like to make you
00:48:20 hear another testimony
00:48:21 it's from
00:48:22 Anthony Corfail
00:48:23 he is the president
00:48:24 of the parents of students
00:48:25 of a school in
00:48:26 Villard-de-Land
00:48:27 a Ulysse class
00:48:28 especially
00:48:29 hello Mr. Corfail
00:48:30 yes hello
00:48:31 hello
00:48:32 your question
00:48:33 to Servan Hug
00:48:34 yes so
00:48:35 I am the president
00:48:36 of the association
00:48:37 of the parents of students
00:48:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:48:39 and I am the president
00:48:40 of the association
00:48:41 of the parents of students
00:48:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:48:43 and I am the president
00:48:44 of the association
00:48:45 of the parents of students
00:48:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:48:47 and I am the president
00:48:48 of the association
00:48:49 of the parents of students
00:48:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:48:51 and I am the president
00:48:52 of the association
00:48:53 of the parents of students
00:48:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:48:55 and I am the president
00:48:56 of the association
00:48:57 of the parents of students
00:48:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:48:59 and I am the president
00:49:00 of the association
00:49:01 of the parents of students
00:49:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:03 and I am the president
00:49:04 of the association
00:49:05 of the parents of students
00:49:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:07 and I am the president
00:49:08 of the association
00:49:09 of the parents of students
00:49:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:11 and I am the president
00:49:12 of the association
00:49:13 of the parents of students
00:49:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:15 and I am the president
00:49:16 of the association
00:49:17 of the parents of students
00:49:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:19 and I am the president
00:49:20 of the association
00:49:21 of the parents of students
00:49:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:23 and I am the president
00:49:24 of the association
00:49:25 of the parents of students
00:49:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:27 and I am the president
00:49:28 of the association
00:49:29 of the parents of students
00:49:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:31 and I am the president
00:49:32 of the association
00:49:33 of the parents of students
00:49:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:35 and I am the president
00:49:36 of the association
00:49:37 of the parents of students
00:49:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:39 and I am the president
00:49:40 of the association
00:49:41 of the parents of students
00:49:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:43 and I am the president
00:49:44 of the association
00:49:45 of the parents of students
00:49:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:47 and I am the president
00:49:48 of the association
00:49:49 of the parents of students
00:49:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:51 and I am the president
00:49:52 of the association
00:49:53 of the parents of students
00:49:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:55 and I am the president
00:49:56 of the association
00:49:57 of the parents of students
00:49:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:49:59 and I am the president
00:50:00 of the association
00:50:01 of the parents of students
00:50:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:03 and I am the president
00:50:04 of the association
00:50:05 of the parents of students
00:50:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:07 and I am the president
00:50:08 of the association
00:50:09 of the parents of students
00:50:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:11 and I am the president
00:50:12 of the association
00:50:13 of the parents of students
00:50:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:15 and I am the president
00:50:16 of the association
00:50:17 of the parents of students
00:50:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:19 and I am the president
00:50:20 of the association
00:50:21 of the parents of students
00:50:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:23 and I am the president
00:50:24 of the association
00:50:25 of the parents of students
00:50:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:27 and I am the president
00:50:28 of the association
00:50:29 of the parents of students
00:50:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:31 and I am the president
00:50:32 of the association
00:50:33 of the parents of students
00:50:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:35 and I am the president
00:50:36 of the association
00:50:37 of the parents of students
00:50:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:39 and I am the president
00:50:40 of the association
00:50:41 of the parents of students
00:50:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:43 and I am the president
00:50:44 of the association
00:50:45 of the parents of students
00:50:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:47 and I am the president
00:50:48 of the association
00:50:49 of the parents of students
00:50:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:51 and I am the president
00:50:52 of the association
00:50:53 of the parents of students
00:50:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:55 and I am the president
00:50:56 of the association
00:50:57 of the parents of students
00:50:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:50:59 and I am the president
00:51:00 of the association
00:51:01 of the parents of students
00:51:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:03 and I am the president
00:51:04 of the association
00:51:05 of the parents of students
00:51:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:07 and I am the president
00:51:08 of the association
00:51:09 of the parents of students
00:51:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:11 and I am the president
00:51:12 of the association
00:51:13 of the parents of students
00:51:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:15 and I am the president
00:51:16 of the association
00:51:17 of the parents of students
00:51:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:19 and I am the president
00:51:20 of the association
00:51:21 of the parents of students
00:51:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:23 and I am the president
00:51:24 of the association
00:51:25 of the parents of students
00:51:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:27 and I am the president
00:51:28 of the association
00:51:29 of the parents of students
00:51:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:31 and I am the president
00:51:32 of the association
00:51:33 of the parents of students
00:51:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:35 and I am the president
00:51:36 of the association
00:51:37 of the parents of students
00:51:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:39 and I am the president
00:51:40 of the association
00:51:41 of the parents of students
00:51:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:43 and I am the president
00:51:44 of the association
00:51:45 of the parents of students
00:51:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:47 and I am the president
00:51:48 of the association
00:51:49 of the parents of students
00:51:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:51 and I am the president
00:51:52 of the association
00:51:53 of the parents of students
00:51:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:55 and I am the president
00:51:56 of the association
00:51:57 of the parents of students
00:51:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:51:59 and I am the president
00:52:00 of the association
00:52:01 of the parents of students
00:52:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:03 and I am the president
00:52:04 of the association
00:52:05 of the parents of students
00:52:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:07 and I am the president
00:52:08 of the association
00:52:09 of the parents of students
00:52:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:11 and I am the president
00:52:12 of the association
00:52:13 of the parents of students
00:52:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:15 and I am the president
00:52:16 of the association
00:52:17 of the parents of students
00:52:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:19 and I am the president
00:52:20 of the association
00:52:21 of the parents of students
00:52:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:23 and I am the president
00:52:24 of the association
00:52:25 of the parents of students
00:52:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:27 and I am the president
00:52:28 of the association
00:52:29 of the parents of students
00:52:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:31 and I am the president
00:52:32 of the association
00:52:33 of the parents of students
00:52:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:35 and I am the president
00:52:36 of the association
00:52:37 of the parents of students
00:52:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:39 and I am the president
00:52:40 of the association
00:52:41 of the parents of students
00:52:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:43 and I am the president
00:52:44 of the association
00:52:45 of the parents of students
00:52:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:47 and I am the president
00:52:48 of the association
00:52:49 of the parents of students
00:52:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:51 and I am the president
00:52:52 of the association
00:52:53 of the parents of students
00:52:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:55 and I am the president
00:52:56 of the association
00:52:57 of the parents of students
00:52:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:52:59 and I am the president
00:53:00 of the association
00:53:01 of the parents of students
00:53:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:03 and I am the president
00:53:04 of the association
00:53:05 of the parents of students
00:53:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:07 and I am the president
00:53:08 of the association
00:53:09 of the parents of students
00:53:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:11 and I am the president
00:53:12 of the association
00:53:13 of the parents of students
00:53:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:15 and I am the president
00:53:16 of the association
00:53:17 of the parents of students
00:53:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:19 and I am the president
00:53:20 of the association
00:53:21 of the parents of students
00:53:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:23 and I am the president
00:53:24 of the association
00:53:25 of the parents of students
00:53:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:27 and I am the president
00:53:28 of the association
00:53:29 of the parents of students
00:53:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:31 and I am the president
00:53:32 of the association
00:53:33 of the parents of students
00:53:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:35 and I am the president
00:53:36 of the association
00:53:37 of the parents of students
00:53:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:39 and I am the president
00:53:40 of the association
00:53:41 of the parents of students
00:53:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:43 and I am the president
00:53:44 of the association
00:53:45 of the parents of students
00:53:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:47 and I am the president
00:53:48 of the association
00:53:49 of the parents of students
00:53:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:51 and I am the president
00:53:52 of the association
00:53:53 of the parents of students
00:53:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:55 and I am the president
00:53:56 of the association
00:53:57 of the parents of students
00:53:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:53:59 and I am the president
00:54:00 of the association
00:54:01 of the parents of students
00:54:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:03 and I am the president
00:54:04 of the association
00:54:05 of the parents of students
00:54:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:07 and I am the president
00:54:08 of the association
00:54:09 of the parents of students
00:54:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:11 and I am the president
00:54:12 of the association
00:54:13 of the parents of students
00:54:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:15 and I am the president
00:54:16 of the association
00:54:17 of the parents of students
00:54:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:19 and I am the president
00:54:20 of the association
00:54:21 of the parents of students
00:54:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:23 and I am the president
00:54:24 of the association
00:54:25 of the parents of students
00:54:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:27 and I am the president
00:54:28 of the association
00:54:29 of the parents of students
00:54:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:31 and I am the president
00:54:32 of the association
00:54:33 of the parents of students
00:54:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:35 and I am the president
00:54:36 of the association
00:54:37 of the parents of students
00:54:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:39 and I am the president
00:54:40 of the association
00:54:41 of the parents of students
00:54:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:43 and I am the president
00:54:44 of the association
00:54:45 of the parents of students
00:54:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:47 and I am the president
00:54:48 of the association
00:54:49 of the parents of students
00:54:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:51 and I am the president
00:54:52 of the association
00:54:53 of the parents of students
00:54:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:55 and I am the president
00:54:56 of the association
00:54:57 of the parents of students
00:54:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:54:59 and I am the president
00:55:00 of the association
00:55:01 of the parents of students
00:55:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:03 and I am the president
00:55:04 of the association
00:55:05 of the parents of students
00:55:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:07 and I am the president
00:55:08 of the association
00:55:09 of the parents of students
00:55:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:11 and I am the president
00:55:12 of the association
00:55:13 of the parents of students
00:55:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:15 and I am the president
00:55:16 of the association
00:55:17 of the parents of students
00:55:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:19 and I am the president
00:55:20 of the association
00:55:21 of the parents of students
00:55:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:23 and I am the president
00:55:24 of the association
00:55:25 of the parents of students
00:55:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:27 and I am the president
00:55:28 of the association
00:55:29 of the parents of students
00:55:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:31 and I am the president
00:55:32 of the association
00:55:33 of the parents of students
00:55:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:35 and I am the president
00:55:36 of the association
00:55:37 of the parents of students
00:55:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:39 and I am the president
00:55:40 of the association
00:55:41 of the parents of students
00:55:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:43 and I am the president
00:55:44 of the association
00:55:45 of the parents of students
00:55:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:47 and I am the president
00:55:48 of the association
00:55:49 of the parents of students
00:55:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:51 and I am the president
00:55:52 of the association
00:55:53 of the parents of students
00:55:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:55 and I am the president
00:55:56 of the association
00:55:57 of the parents of students
00:55:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:55:59 and I am the president
00:56:00 of the association
00:56:01 of the parents of students
00:56:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:03 and I am the president
00:56:04 of the association
00:56:05 of the parents of students
00:56:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:07 and I am the president
00:56:08 of the association
00:56:09 of the parents of students
00:56:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:11 and I am the president
00:56:12 of the association
00:56:13 of the parents of students
00:56:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:15 and I am the president
00:56:16 of the association
00:56:17 of the parents of students
00:56:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:19 and I am the president
00:56:20 of the association
00:56:21 of the parents of students
00:56:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:23 and I am the president
00:56:24 of the association
00:56:25 of the parents of students
00:56:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:27 and I am the president
00:56:28 of the association
00:56:29 of the parents of students
00:56:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:31 and I am the president
00:56:32 of the association
00:56:33 of the parents of students
00:56:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:35 and I am the president
00:56:36 of the association
00:56:37 of the parents of students
00:56:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:39 and I am the president
00:56:40 of the association
00:56:41 of the parents of students
00:56:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:43 and I am the president
00:56:44 of the association
00:56:45 of the parents of students
00:56:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:47 and I am the president
00:56:48 of the association
00:56:49 of the parents of students
00:56:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:51 and I am the president
00:56:52 of the association
00:56:53 of the parents of students
00:56:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:55 and I am the president
00:56:56 of the association
00:56:57 of the parents of students
00:56:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:56:59 and I am the president
00:57:00 of the association
00:57:01 of the parents of students
00:57:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:03 and I am the president
00:57:04 of the association
00:57:05 of the parents of students
00:57:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:07 and I am the president
00:57:08 of the association
00:57:09 of the parents of students
00:57:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:11 and I am the president
00:57:12 of the association
00:57:13 of the parents of students
00:57:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:15 and I am the president
00:57:16 of the association
00:57:17 of the parents of students
00:57:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:19 and I am the president
00:57:20 of the association
00:57:21 of the parents of students
00:57:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:23 and I am the president
00:57:24 of the association
00:57:25 of the parents of students
00:57:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:27 and I am the president
00:57:28 of the association
00:57:29 of the parents of students
00:57:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:31 and I am the president
00:57:32 of the association
00:57:33 of the parents of students
00:57:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:35 and I am the president
00:57:36 of the association
00:57:37 of the parents of students
00:57:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:39 and I am the president
00:57:40 of the association
00:57:41 of the parents of students
00:57:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:43 and I am the president
00:57:44 of the association
00:57:45 of the parents of students
00:57:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:47 and I am the president
00:57:48 of the association
00:57:49 of the parents of students
00:57:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:51 and I am the president
00:57:52 of the association
00:57:53 of the parents of students
00:57:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:55 and I am the president
00:57:56 of the association
00:57:57 of the parents of students
00:57:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:57:59 and I am the president
00:58:00 of the association
00:58:01 of the parents of students
00:58:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:03 and I am the president
00:58:04 of the association
00:58:05 of the parents of students
00:58:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:07 and I am the president
00:58:08 of the association
00:58:09 of the parents of students
00:58:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:11 and I am the president
00:58:12 of the association
00:58:13 of the parents of students
00:58:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:15 and I am the president
00:58:16 of the association
00:58:17 of the parents of students
00:58:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:19 and I am the president
00:58:20 of the association
00:58:21 of the parents of students
00:58:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:23 and I am the president
00:58:24 of the association
00:58:25 of the parents of students
00:58:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:27 and I am the president
00:58:28 of the association
00:58:29 of the parents of students
00:58:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:31 and I am the president
00:58:32 of the association
00:58:33 of the parents of students
00:58:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:35 and I am the president
00:58:36 of the association
00:58:37 of the parents of students
00:58:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:39 and I am the president
00:58:40 of the association
00:58:41 of the parents of students
00:58:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:43 and I am the president
00:58:44 of the association
00:58:45 of the parents of students
00:58:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:47 and I am the president
00:58:48 of the association
00:58:49 of the parents of students
00:58:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:51 and I am the president
00:58:52 of the association
00:58:53 of the parents of students
00:58:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:55 and I am the president
00:58:56 of the association
00:58:57 of the parents of students
00:58:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:58:59 and I am the president
00:59:00 of the association
00:59:01 of the parents of students
00:59:02 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:03 and I am the president
00:59:04 of the association
00:59:05 of the parents of students
00:59:06 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:07 and I am the president
00:59:08 of the association
00:59:09 of the parents of students
00:59:10 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:11 and I am the president
00:59:12 of the association
00:59:13 of the parents of students
00:59:14 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:15 and I am the president
00:59:16 of the association
00:59:17 of the parents of students
00:59:18 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:19 and I am the president
00:59:20 of the association
00:59:21 of the parents of students
00:59:22 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:23 and I am the president
00:59:24 of the association
00:59:25 of the parents of students
00:59:26 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:27 and I am the president
00:59:28 of the association
00:59:29 of the parents of students
00:59:30 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:31 and I am the president
00:59:32 of the association
00:59:33 of the parents of students
00:59:34 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:35 and I am the president
00:59:36 of the association
00:59:37 of the parents of students
00:59:38 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:39 and I am the president
00:59:40 of the association
00:59:41 of the parents of students
00:59:42 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:43 and I am the president
00:59:44 of the association
00:59:45 of the parents of students
00:59:46 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:47 and I am the president
00:59:48 of the association
00:59:49 of the parents of students
00:59:50 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:51 and I am the president
00:59:52 of the association
00:59:53 of the parents of students
00:59:54 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:55 and I am the president
00:59:56 of the association
00:59:57 of the parents of students
00:59:58 of Villard-de-Land
00:59:59 and I am the president
01:00:00 of the association
01:00:01 of the parents of students
01:00:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:03 and I am the president
01:00:04 of the association
01:00:05 of the parents of students
01:00:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:07 and I am the president
01:00:08 of the association
01:00:09 of the parents of students
01:00:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:11 and I am the president
01:00:12 of the association
01:00:13 of the parents of students
01:00:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:15 and I am the president
01:00:16 of the association
01:00:17 of the parents of students
01:00:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:19 and I am the president
01:00:20 of the association
01:00:21 of the parents of students
01:00:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:23 and I am the president
01:00:24 of the association
01:00:25 of the parents of students
01:00:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:27 and I am the president
01:00:28 of the association
01:00:29 of the parents of students
01:00:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:31 and I am the president
01:00:32 of the association
01:00:33 of the parents of students
01:00:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:35 and I am the president
01:00:36 of the association
01:00:37 of the parents of students
01:00:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:39 and I am the president
01:00:40 of the association
01:00:41 of the parents of students
01:00:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:43 and I am the president
01:00:44 of the association
01:00:45 of the parents of students
01:00:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:47 and I am the president
01:00:48 of the association
01:00:49 of the parents of students
01:00:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:51 and I am the president
01:00:52 of the association
01:00:53 of the parents of students
01:00:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:55 and I am the president
01:00:56 of the association
01:00:57 of the parents of students
01:00:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:00:59 and I am the president
01:01:00 of the association
01:01:01 of the parents of students
01:01:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:03 and I am the president
01:01:04 of the association
01:01:05 of the parents of students
01:01:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:07 and I am the president
01:01:08 of the association
01:01:09 of the parents of students
01:01:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:11 and I am the president
01:01:12 of the association
01:01:13 of the parents of students
01:01:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:15 and I am the president
01:01:16 of the association
01:01:17 of the parents of students
01:01:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:19 and I am the president
01:01:20 of the association
01:01:21 of the parents of students
01:01:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:23 and I am the president
01:01:24 of the association
01:01:25 of the parents of students
01:01:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:27 and I am the president
01:01:28 of the association
01:01:29 of the parents of students
01:01:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:31 and I am the president
01:01:32 of the association
01:01:33 of the parents of students
01:01:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:35 and I am the president
01:01:36 of the association
01:01:37 of the parents of students
01:01:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:39 and I am the president
01:01:40 of the association
01:01:41 of the parents of students
01:01:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:43 and I am the president
01:01:44 of the association
01:01:45 of the parents of students
01:01:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:47 and I am the president
01:01:48 of the association
01:01:49 of the parents of students
01:01:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:51 and I am the president
01:01:52 of the association
01:01:53 of the parents of students
01:01:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:55 and I am the president
01:01:56 of the association
01:01:57 of the parents of students
01:01:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:01:59 and I am the president
01:02:00 of the association
01:02:01 of the parents of students
01:02:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:03 and I am the president
01:02:04 of the association
01:02:05 of the parents of students
01:02:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:07 and I am the president
01:02:08 of the association
01:02:09 of the parents of students
01:02:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:11 and I am the president
01:02:12 of the association
01:02:13 of the parents of students
01:02:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:15 and I am the president
01:02:16 of the association
01:02:17 of the parents of students
01:02:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:19 and I am the president
01:02:20 of the association
01:02:21 of the parents of students
01:02:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:23 and I am the president
01:02:24 of the association
01:02:25 of the parents of students
01:02:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:27 and I am the president
01:02:28 of the association
01:02:29 of the parents of students
01:02:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:31 and I am the president
01:02:32 of the association
01:02:33 of the parents of students
01:02:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:35 and I am the president
01:02:36 of the association
01:02:37 of the parents of students
01:02:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:39 and I am the president
01:02:40 of the association
01:02:41 of the parents of students
01:02:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:43 and I am the president
01:02:44 of the association
01:02:45 of the parents of students
01:02:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:47 and I am the president
01:02:48 of the association
01:02:49 of the parents of students
01:02:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:51 and I am the president
01:02:52 of the association
01:02:53 of the parents of students
01:02:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:55 and I am the president
01:02:56 of the association
01:02:57 of the parents of students
01:02:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:02:59 and I am the president
01:03:00 of the association
01:03:01 of the parents of students
01:03:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:03 and I am the president
01:03:04 of the association
01:03:05 of the parents of students
01:03:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:07 and I am the president
01:03:08 of the association
01:03:09 of the parents of students
01:03:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:11 and I am the president
01:03:12 of the association
01:03:13 of the parents of students
01:03:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:15 and I am the president
01:03:16 of the association
01:03:17 of the parents of students
01:03:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:19 and I am the president
01:03:20 of the association
01:03:21 of the parents of students
01:03:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:23 and I am the president
01:03:24 of the association
01:03:25 of the parents of students
01:03:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:27 and I am the president
01:03:28 of the association
01:03:29 of the parents of students
01:03:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:31 and I am the president
01:03:32 of the association
01:03:33 of the parents of students
01:03:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:35 and I am the president
01:03:36 of the association
01:03:37 of the parents of students
01:03:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:39 and I am the president
01:03:40 of the association
01:03:41 of the parents of students
01:03:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:43 and I am the president
01:03:44 of the association
01:03:45 of the parents of students
01:03:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:47 and I am the president
01:03:48 of the association
01:03:49 of the parents of students
01:03:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:51 and I am the president
01:03:52 of the association
01:03:53 of the parents of students
01:03:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:55 and I am the president
01:03:56 of the association
01:03:57 of the parents of students
01:03:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:03:59 and I am the president
01:04:00 of the association
01:04:01 of the parents of students
01:04:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:03 and I am the president
01:04:04 of the association
01:04:05 of the parents of students
01:04:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:07 and I am the president
01:04:08 of the association
01:04:09 of the parents of students
01:04:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:11 and I am the president
01:04:12 of the association
01:04:13 of the parents of students
01:04:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:15 and I am the president
01:04:16 of the association
01:04:17 of the parents of students
01:04:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:19 and I am the president
01:04:20 of the association
01:04:21 of the parents of students
01:04:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:23 and I am the president
01:04:24 of the association
01:04:25 of the parents of students
01:04:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:27 and I am the president
01:04:28 of the association
01:04:29 of the parents of students
01:04:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:31 and I am the president
01:04:32 of the association
01:04:33 of the parents of students
01:04:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:35 and I am the president
01:04:36 of the association
01:04:37 of the parents of students
01:04:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:39 and I am the president
01:04:40 of the association
01:04:41 of the parents of students
01:04:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:43 and I am the president
01:04:44 of the association
01:04:45 of the parents of students
01:04:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:47 and I am the president
01:04:48 of the association
01:04:49 of the parents of students
01:04:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:51 and I am the president
01:04:52 of the association
01:04:53 of the parents of students
01:04:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:55 and I am the president
01:04:56 of the association
01:04:57 of the parents of students
01:04:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:04:59 and I am the president
01:05:00 of the association
01:05:01 of the parents of students
01:05:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:03 and I am the president
01:05:04 of the association
01:05:05 of the parents of students
01:05:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:07 and I am the president
01:05:08 of the association
01:05:09 of the parents of students
01:05:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:11 and I am the president
01:05:12 of the association
01:05:13 of the parents of students
01:05:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:15 and I am the president
01:05:16 of the association
01:05:17 of the parents of students
01:05:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:19 and I am the president
01:05:20 of the association
01:05:21 of the parents of students
01:05:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:23 and I am the president
01:05:24 of the association
01:05:25 of the parents of students
01:05:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:27 and I am the president
01:05:28 of the association
01:05:29 of the parents of students
01:05:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:31 and I am the president
01:05:32 of the association
01:05:33 of the parents of students
01:05:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:35 and I am the president
01:05:36 of the association
01:05:37 of the parents of students
01:05:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:39 and I am the president
01:05:40 of the association
01:05:41 of the parents of students
01:05:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:43 and I am the president
01:05:44 of the association
01:05:45 of the parents of students
01:05:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:47 and I am the president
01:05:48 of the association
01:05:49 of the parents of students
01:05:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:51 and I am the president
01:05:52 of the association
01:05:53 of the parents of students
01:05:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:55 and I am the president
01:05:56 of the association
01:05:57 of the parents of students
01:05:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:05:59 and I am the president
01:06:00 of the association
01:06:01 of the parents of students
01:06:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:03 and I am the president
01:06:04 of the association
01:06:05 of the parents of students
01:06:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:07 and I am the president
01:06:08 of the association
01:06:09 of the parents of students
01:06:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:11 and I am the president
01:06:12 of the association
01:06:13 of the parents of students
01:06:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:15 and I am the president
01:06:16 of the association
01:06:17 of the parents of students
01:06:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:19 and I am the president
01:06:20 of the association
01:06:21 of the parents of students
01:06:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:23 and I am the president
01:06:24 of the association
01:06:25 of the parents of students
01:06:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:27 and I am the president
01:06:28 of the association
01:06:29 of the parents of students
01:06:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:31 and I am the president
01:06:32 of the association
01:06:33 of the parents of students
01:06:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:35 and I am the president
01:06:36 of the association
01:06:37 of the parents of students
01:06:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:39 and I am the president
01:06:40 of the association
01:06:41 of the parents of students
01:06:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:43 and I am the president
01:06:44 of the association
01:06:45 of the parents of students
01:06:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:47 and I am the president
01:06:48 of the association
01:06:49 of the parents of students
01:06:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:51 and I am the president
01:06:52 of the association
01:06:53 of the parents of students
01:06:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:55 and I am the president
01:06:56 of the association
01:06:57 of the parents of students
01:06:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:06:59 and I am the president
01:07:00 of the association
01:07:01 of the parents of students
01:07:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:03 and I am the president
01:07:04 of the association
01:07:05 of the parents of students
01:07:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:07 and I am the president
01:07:08 of the association
01:07:09 of the parents of students
01:07:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:11 and I am the president
01:07:12 of the association
01:07:13 of the parents of students
01:07:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:15 and I am the president
01:07:16 of the association
01:07:17 of the parents of students
01:07:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:19 and I am the president
01:07:20 of the association
01:07:21 of the parents of students
01:07:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:23 and I am the president
01:07:24 of the association
01:07:25 of the parents of students
01:07:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:27 and I am the president
01:07:28 of the association
01:07:29 of the parents of students
01:07:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:31 and I am the president
01:07:32 of the association
01:07:33 of the parents of students
01:07:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:35 and I am the president
01:07:36 of the association
01:07:37 of the parents of students
01:07:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:39 and I am the president
01:07:40 of the association
01:07:41 of the parents of students
01:07:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:43 and I am the president
01:07:44 of the association
01:07:45 of the parents of students
01:07:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:47 and I am the president
01:07:48 of the association
01:07:49 of the parents of students
01:07:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:51 and I am the president
01:07:52 of the association
01:07:53 of the parents of students
01:07:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:55 and I am the president
01:07:56 of the association
01:07:57 of the parents of students
01:07:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:07:59 and I am the president
01:08:00 of the association
01:08:01 of the parents of students
01:08:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:03 and I am the president
01:08:04 of the association
01:08:05 of the parents of students
01:08:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:07 and I am the president
01:08:08 of the association
01:08:09 of the parents of students
01:08:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:11 and I am the president
01:08:12 of the association
01:08:13 of the parents of students
01:08:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:15 and I am the president
01:08:16 of the association
01:08:17 of the parents of students
01:08:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:19 and I am the president
01:08:20 of the association
01:08:21 of the parents of students
01:08:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:23 and I am the president
01:08:24 of the association
01:08:25 of the parents of students
01:08:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:27 and I am the president
01:08:28 of the association
01:08:29 of the parents of students
01:08:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:31 and I am the president
01:08:32 of the association
01:08:33 of the parents of students
01:08:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:35 and I am the president
01:08:36 of the association
01:08:37 of the parents of students
01:08:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:39 and I am the president
01:08:40 of the association
01:08:41 of the parents of students
01:08:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:43 and I am the president
01:08:44 of the association
01:08:45 of the parents of students
01:08:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:47 and I am the president
01:08:48 of the association
01:08:49 of the parents of students
01:08:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:51 and I am the president
01:08:52 of the association
01:08:53 of the parents of students
01:08:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:55 and I am the president
01:08:56 of the association
01:08:57 of the parents of students
01:08:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:08:59 and I am the president
01:09:00 of the association
01:09:01 of the parents of students
01:09:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:03 and I am the president
01:09:04 of the association
01:09:05 of the parents of students
01:09:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:07 and I am the president
01:09:08 of the association
01:09:09 of the parents of students
01:09:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:11 and I am the president
01:09:12 of the association
01:09:13 of the parents of students
01:09:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:15 and I am the president
01:09:16 of the association
01:09:17 of the parents of students
01:09:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:19 and I am the president
01:09:20 of the association
01:09:21 of the parents of students
01:09:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:23 and I am the president
01:09:24 of the association
01:09:25 of the parents of students
01:09:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:27 and I am the president
01:09:28 of the association
01:09:29 of the parents of students
01:09:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:31 and I am the president
01:09:32 of the association
01:09:33 of the parents of students
01:09:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:35 and I am the president
01:09:36 of the association
01:09:37 of the parents of students
01:09:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:39 and I am the president
01:09:40 of the association
01:09:41 of the parents of students
01:09:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:43 and I am the president
01:09:44 of the association
01:09:45 of the parents of students
01:09:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:47 and I am the president
01:09:48 of the association
01:09:49 of the parents of students
01:09:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:51 and I am the president
01:09:52 of the association
01:09:53 of the parents of students
01:09:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:55 and I am the president
01:09:56 of the association
01:09:57 of the parents of students
01:09:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:09:59 and I am the president
01:10:00 of the association
01:10:01 of the parents of students
01:10:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:03 and I am the president
01:10:04 of the association
01:10:05 of the parents of students
01:10:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:07 and I am the president
01:10:08 of the association
01:10:09 of the parents of students
01:10:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:11 and I am the president
01:10:12 of the association
01:10:13 of the parents of students
01:10:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:15 and I am the president
01:10:16 of the association
01:10:17 of the parents of students
01:10:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:19 and I am the president
01:10:20 of the association
01:10:21 of the parents of students
01:10:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:23 and I am the president
01:10:24 of the association
01:10:25 of the parents of students
01:10:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:27 and I am the president
01:10:28 of the association
01:10:29 of the parents of students
01:10:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:31 and I am the president
01:10:32 of the association
01:10:33 of the parents of students
01:10:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:35 and I am the president
01:10:36 of the association
01:10:37 of the parents of students
01:10:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:39 and I am the president
01:10:40 of the association
01:10:41 of the parents of students
01:10:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:43 and I am the president
01:10:44 of the association
01:10:45 of the parents of students
01:10:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:47 and I am the president
01:10:48 of the association
01:10:49 of the parents of students
01:10:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:51 and I am the president
01:10:52 of the association
01:10:53 of the parents of students
01:10:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:55 and I am the president
01:10:56 of the association
01:10:57 of the parents of students
01:10:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:10:59 and I am the president
01:11:00 of the association
01:11:01 of the parents of students
01:11:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:03 and I am the president
01:11:04 of the association
01:11:05 of the parents of students
01:11:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:07 and I am the president
01:11:08 of the association
01:11:09 of the parents of students
01:11:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:11 and I am the president
01:11:12 of the association
01:11:13 of the parents of students
01:11:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:15 and I am the president
01:11:16 of the association
01:11:17 of the parents of students
01:11:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:19 and I am the president
01:11:20 of the association
01:11:21 of the parents of students
01:11:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:23 and I am the president
01:11:24 of the association
01:11:25 of the parents of students
01:11:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:27 and I am the president
01:11:28 of the association
01:11:29 of the parents of students
01:11:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:31 and I am the president
01:11:32 of the association
01:11:33 of the parents of students
01:11:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:35 and I am the president
01:11:36 of the association
01:11:37 of the parents of students
01:11:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:39 and I am the president
01:11:40 of the association
01:11:41 of the parents of students
01:11:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:43 and I am the president
01:11:44 of the association
01:11:45 of the parents of students
01:11:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:47 and I am the president
01:11:48 of the association
01:11:49 of the parents of students
01:11:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:51 and I am the president
01:11:52 of the association
01:11:53 of the parents of students
01:11:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:55 and I am the president
01:11:56 of the association
01:11:57 of the parents of students
01:11:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:11:59 and I am the president
01:12:00 of the association
01:12:01 of the parents of students
01:12:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:03 and I am the president
01:12:04 of the association
01:12:05 of the parents of students
01:12:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:07 and I am the president
01:12:08 of the association
01:12:09 of the parents of students
01:12:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:11 and I am the president
01:12:12 of the association
01:12:13 of the parents of students
01:12:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:15 and I am the president
01:12:16 of the association
01:12:17 of the parents of students
01:12:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:19 and I am the president
01:12:20 of the association
01:12:21 of the parents of students
01:12:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:23 and I am the president
01:12:24 of the association
01:12:25 of the parents of students
01:12:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:27 and I am the president
01:12:28 of the association
01:12:29 of the parents of students
01:12:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:31 and I am the president
01:12:32 of the association
01:12:33 of the parents of students
01:12:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:35 and I am the president
01:12:36 of the association
01:12:37 of the parents of students
01:12:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:39 and I am the president
01:12:40 of the association
01:12:41 of the parents of students
01:12:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:43 and I am the president
01:12:44 of the association
01:12:45 of the parents of students
01:12:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:47 and I am the president
01:12:48 of the association
01:12:49 of the parents of students
01:12:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:51 and I am the president
01:12:52 of the association
01:12:53 of the parents of students
01:12:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:55 and I am the president
01:12:56 of the association
01:12:57 of the parents of students
01:12:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:12:59 and I am the president
01:13:00 of the association
01:13:01 of the parents of students
01:13:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:03 and I am the president
01:13:04 of the association
01:13:05 of the parents of students
01:13:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:07 and I am the president
01:13:08 of the association
01:13:09 of the parents of students
01:13:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:11 and I am the president
01:13:12 of the association
01:13:13 of the parents of students
01:13:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:15 and I am the president
01:13:16 of the association
01:13:17 of the parents of students
01:13:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:19 and I am the president
01:13:20 of the association
01:13:21 of the parents of students
01:13:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:23 and I am the president
01:13:24 of the association
01:13:25 of the parents of students
01:13:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:27 and I am the president
01:13:28 of the association
01:13:29 of the parents of students
01:13:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:31 and I am the president
01:13:32 of the association
01:13:33 of the parents of students
01:13:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:35 and I am the president
01:13:36 of the association
01:13:37 of the parents of students
01:13:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:39 and I am the president
01:13:40 of the association
01:13:41 of the parents of students
01:13:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:43 and I am the president
01:13:44 of the association
01:13:45 of the parents of students
01:13:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:47 and I am the president
01:13:48 of the association
01:13:49 of the parents of students
01:13:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:51 and I am the president
01:13:52 of the association
01:13:53 of the parents of students
01:13:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:55 and I am the president
01:13:56 of the association
01:13:57 of the parents of students
01:13:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:13:59 and I am the president
01:14:00 of the association
01:14:01 of the parents of students
01:14:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:03 and I am the president
01:14:04 of the association
01:14:05 of the parents of students
01:14:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:07 and I am the president
01:14:08 of the association
01:14:09 of the parents of students
01:14:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:11 and I am the president
01:14:12 of the association
01:14:13 of the parents of students
01:14:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:15 and I am the president
01:14:16 of the association
01:14:17 of the parents of students
01:14:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:19 and I am the president
01:14:20 of the association
01:14:21 of the parents of students
01:14:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:23 and I am the president
01:14:24 of the association
01:14:25 of the parents of students
01:14:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:27 and I am the president
01:14:28 of the association
01:14:29 of the parents of students
01:14:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:31 and I am the president
01:14:32 of the association
01:14:33 of the parents of students
01:14:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:35 and I am the president
01:14:36 of the association
01:14:37 of the parents of students
01:14:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:39 and I am the president
01:14:40 of the association
01:14:41 of the parents of students
01:14:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:43 and I am the president
01:14:44 of the association
01:14:45 of the parents of students
01:14:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:47 and I am the president
01:14:48 of the association
01:14:49 of the parents of students
01:14:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:51 and I am the president
01:14:52 of the association
01:14:53 of the parents of students
01:14:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:55 and I am the president
01:14:56 of the association
01:14:57 of the parents of students
01:14:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:14:59 and I am the president
01:15:00 of the association
01:15:01 of the parents of students
01:15:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:03 and I am the president
01:15:04 of the association
01:15:05 of the parents of students
01:15:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:07 and I am the president
01:15:08 of the association
01:15:09 of the parents of students
01:15:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:11 and I am the president
01:15:12 of the association
01:15:13 of the parents of students
01:15:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:15 and I am the president
01:15:16 of the association
01:15:17 of the parents of students
01:15:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:19 and I am the president
01:15:20 of the association
01:15:21 of the parents of students
01:15:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:23 and I am the president
01:15:24 of the association
01:15:25 of the parents of students
01:15:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:27 and I am the president
01:15:28 of the association
01:15:29 of the parents of students
01:15:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:31 and I am the president
01:15:32 of the association
01:15:33 of the parents of students
01:15:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:35 and I am the president
01:15:36 of the association
01:15:37 of the parents of students
01:15:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:39 and I am the president
01:15:40 of the association
01:15:41 of the parents of students
01:15:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:43 and I am the president
01:15:44 of the association
01:15:45 of the parents of students
01:15:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:47 and I am the president
01:15:48 of the association
01:15:49 of the parents of students
01:15:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:51 and I am the president
01:15:52 of the association
01:15:53 of the parents of students
01:15:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:55 and I am the president
01:15:56 of the association
01:15:57 of the parents of students
01:15:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:15:59 and I am the president
01:16:00 of the association
01:16:01 of the parents of students
01:16:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:03 and I am the president
01:16:04 of the association
01:16:05 of the parents of students
01:16:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:07 and I am the president
01:16:08 of the association
01:16:09 of the parents of students
01:16:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:11 and I am the president
01:16:12 of the association
01:16:13 of the parents of students
01:16:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:15 and I am the president
01:16:16 of the association
01:16:17 of the parents of students
01:16:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:19 and I am the president
01:16:20 of the association
01:16:21 of the parents of students
01:16:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:23 and I am the president
01:16:24 of the association
01:16:25 of the parents of students
01:16:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:27 and I am the president
01:16:28 of the association
01:16:29 of the parents of students
01:16:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:31 and I am the president
01:16:32 of the association
01:16:33 of the parents of students
01:16:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:35 and I am the president
01:16:36 of the association
01:16:37 of the parents of students
01:16:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:39 and I am the president
01:16:40 of the association
01:16:41 of the parents of students
01:16:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:43 and I am the president
01:16:44 of the association
01:16:45 of the parents of students
01:16:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:47 and I am the president
01:16:48 of the association
01:16:49 of the parents of students
01:16:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:51 and I am the president
01:16:52 of the association
01:16:53 of the parents of students
01:16:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:55 and I am the president
01:16:56 of the association
01:16:57 of the parents of students
01:16:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:16:59 and I am the president
01:17:00 of the association
01:17:01 of the parents of students
01:17:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:03 and I am the president
01:17:04 of the association
01:17:05 of the parents of students
01:17:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:07 and I am the president
01:17:08 of the association
01:17:09 of the parents of students
01:17:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:11 and I am the president
01:17:12 of the association
01:17:13 of the parents of students
01:17:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:15 and I am the president
01:17:16 of the association
01:17:17 of the parents of students
01:17:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:19 and I am the president
01:17:20 of the association
01:17:21 of the parents of students
01:17:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:23 and I am the president
01:17:24 of the association
01:17:25 of the parents of students
01:17:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:27 and I am the president
01:17:28 of the association
01:17:29 of the parents of students
01:17:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:31 and I am the president
01:17:32 of the association
01:17:33 of the parents of students
01:17:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:35 and I am the president
01:17:36 of the association
01:17:37 of the parents of students
01:17:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:39 and I am the president
01:17:40 of the association
01:17:41 of the parents of students
01:17:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:43 and I am the president
01:17:44 of the association
01:17:45 of the parents of students
01:17:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:47 and I am the president
01:17:48 of the association
01:17:49 of the parents of students
01:17:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:51 and I am the president
01:17:52 of the association
01:17:53 of the parents of students
01:17:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:55 and I am the president
01:17:56 of the association
01:17:57 of the parents of students
01:17:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:17:59 and I am the president
01:18:00 of the association
01:18:01 of the parents of students
01:18:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:03 and I am the president
01:18:04 of the association
01:18:05 of the parents of students
01:18:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:07 and I am the president
01:18:08 of the association
01:18:09 of the parents of students
01:18:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:11 and I am the president
01:18:12 of the association
01:18:13 of the parents of students
01:18:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:15 and I am the president
01:18:16 of the association
01:18:17 of the parents of students
01:18:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:19 and I am the president
01:18:20 of the association
01:18:21 of the parents of students
01:18:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:23 and I am the president
01:18:24 of the association
01:18:25 of the parents of students
01:18:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:27 and I am the president
01:18:28 of the association
01:18:29 of the parents of students
01:18:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:31 and I am the president
01:18:32 of the association
01:18:33 of the parents of students
01:18:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:35 and I am the president
01:18:36 of the association
01:18:37 of the parents of students
01:18:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:39 and I am the president
01:18:40 of the association
01:18:41 of the parents of students
01:18:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:43 and I am the president
01:18:44 of the association
01:18:45 of the parents of students
01:18:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:47 and I am the president
01:18:48 of the association
01:18:49 of the parents of students
01:18:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:51 and I am the president
01:18:52 of the association
01:18:53 of the parents of students
01:18:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:55 and I am the president
01:18:56 of the association
01:18:57 of the parents of students
01:18:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:18:59 and I am the president
01:19:00 of the association
01:19:01 of the parents of students
01:19:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:03 and I am the president
01:19:04 of the association
01:19:05 of the parents of students
01:19:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:07 and I am the president
01:19:08 of the association
01:19:09 of the parents of students
01:19:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:11 and I am the president
01:19:12 of the association
01:19:13 of the parents of students
01:19:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:15 and I am the president
01:19:16 of the association
01:19:17 of the parents of students
01:19:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:19 and I am the president
01:19:20 of the association
01:19:21 of the parents of students
01:19:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:23 and I am the president
01:19:24 of the association
01:19:25 of the parents of students
01:19:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:27 and I am the president
01:19:28 of the association
01:19:29 of the parents of students
01:19:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:31 and I am the president
01:19:32 of the association
01:19:33 of the parents of students
01:19:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:35 and I am the president
01:19:36 of the association
01:19:37 of the parents of students
01:19:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:39 and I am the president
01:19:40 of the association
01:19:41 of the parents of students
01:19:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:43 and I am the president
01:19:44 of the association
01:19:45 of the parents of students
01:19:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:47 and I am the president
01:19:48 of the association
01:19:49 of the parents of students
01:19:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:51 and I am the president
01:19:52 of the association
01:19:53 of the parents of students
01:19:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:55 and I am the president
01:19:56 of the association
01:19:57 of the parents of students
01:19:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:19:59 and I am the president
01:20:00 of the association
01:20:01 of the parents of students
01:20:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:03 and I am the president
01:20:04 of the association
01:20:05 of the parents of students
01:20:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:07 and I am the president
01:20:08 of the association
01:20:09 of the parents of students
01:20:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:11 and I am the president
01:20:12 of the association
01:20:13 of the parents of students
01:20:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:15 and I am the president
01:20:16 of the association
01:20:17 of the parents of students
01:20:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:19 and I am the president
01:20:20 of the association
01:20:21 of the parents of students
01:20:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:23 and I am the president
01:20:24 of the association
01:20:25 of the parents of students
01:20:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:27 and I am the president
01:20:28 of the association
01:20:29 of the parents of students
01:20:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:31 and I am the president
01:20:32 of the association
01:20:33 of the parents of students
01:20:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:35 and I am the president
01:20:36 of the association
01:20:37 of the parents of students
01:20:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:39 and I am the president
01:20:40 of the association
01:20:41 of the parents of students
01:20:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:43 and I am the president
01:20:44 of the association
01:20:45 of the parents of students
01:20:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:47 and I am the president
01:20:48 of the association
01:20:49 of the parents of students
01:20:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:51 and I am the president
01:20:52 of the association
01:20:53 of the parents of students
01:20:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:55 and I am the president
01:20:56 of the association
01:20:57 of the parents of students
01:20:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:20:59 and I am the president
01:21:00 of the association
01:21:01 of the parents of students
01:21:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:03 and I am the president
01:21:04 of the association
01:21:05 of the parents of students
01:21:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:07 and I am the president
01:21:08 of the association
01:21:09 of the parents of students
01:21:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:11 and I am the president
01:21:12 of the association
01:21:13 of the parents of students
01:21:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:15 and I am the president
01:21:16 of the association
01:21:17 of the parents of students
01:21:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:19 and I am the president
01:21:20 of the association
01:21:21 of the parents of students
01:21:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:23 and I am the president
01:21:24 of the association
01:21:25 of the parents of students
01:21:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:27 and I am the president
01:21:28 of the association
01:21:29 of the parents of students
01:21:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:31 and I am the president
01:21:32 of the association
01:21:33 of the parents of students
01:21:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:35 and I am the president
01:21:36 of the association
01:21:37 of the parents of students
01:21:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:39 and I am the president
01:21:40 of the association
01:21:41 of the parents of students
01:21:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:43 and I am the president
01:21:44 of the association
01:21:45 of the parents of students
01:21:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:47 and I am the president
01:21:48 of the association
01:21:49 of the parents of students
01:21:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:51 and I am the president
01:21:52 of the association
01:21:53 of the parents of students
01:21:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:55 and I am the president
01:21:56 of the association
01:21:57 of the parents of students
01:21:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:21:59 and I am the president
01:22:00 of the association
01:22:01 of the parents of students
01:22:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:03 and I am the president
01:22:04 of the association
01:22:05 of the parents of students
01:22:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:07 and I am the president
01:22:08 of the association
01:22:09 of the parents of students
01:22:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:11 and I am the president
01:22:12 of the association
01:22:13 of the parents of students
01:22:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:15 and I am the president
01:22:16 of the association
01:22:17 of the parents of students
01:22:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:19 and I am the president
01:22:20 of the association
01:22:21 of the parents of students
01:22:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:23 and I am the president
01:22:24 of the association
01:22:25 of the parents of students
01:22:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:27 and I am the president
01:22:28 of the association
01:22:29 of the parents of students
01:22:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:31 and I am the president
01:22:32 of the association
01:22:33 of the parents of students
01:22:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:35 and I am the president
01:22:36 of the association
01:22:37 of the parents of students
01:22:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:39 and I am the president
01:22:40 of the association
01:22:41 of the parents of students
01:22:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:43 and I am the president
01:22:44 of the association
01:22:45 of the parents of students
01:22:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:47 and I am the president
01:22:48 of the association
01:22:49 of the parents of students
01:22:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:51 and I am the president
01:22:52 of the association
01:22:53 of the parents of students
01:22:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:55 and I am the president
01:22:56 of the association
01:22:57 of the parents of students
01:22:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:22:59 and I am the president
01:23:00 of the association
01:23:01 of the parents of students
01:23:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:03 and I am the president
01:23:04 of the association
01:23:05 of the parents of students
01:23:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:07 and I am the president
01:23:08 of the association
01:23:09 of the parents of students
01:23:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:11 and I am the president
01:23:12 of the association
01:23:13 of the parents of students
01:23:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:15 and I am the president
01:23:16 of the association
01:23:17 of the parents of students
01:23:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:19 and I am the president
01:23:20 of the association
01:23:21 of the parents of students
01:23:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:23 and I am the president
01:23:24 of the association
01:23:25 of the parents of students
01:23:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:27 and I am the president
01:23:28 of the association
01:23:29 of the parents of students
01:23:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:31 and I am the president
01:23:32 of the association
01:23:33 of the parents of students
01:23:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:35 and I am the president
01:23:36 of the association
01:23:37 of the parents of students
01:23:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:39 and I am the president
01:23:40 of the association
01:23:41 of the parents of students
01:23:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:43 and I am the president
01:23:44 of the association
01:23:45 of the parents of students
01:23:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:47 and I am the president
01:23:48 of the association
01:23:49 of the parents of students
01:23:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:51 and I am the president
01:23:52 of the association
01:23:53 of the parents of students
01:23:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:55 and I am the president
01:23:56 of the association
01:23:57 of the parents of students
01:23:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:23:59 and I am the president
01:24:00 of the association
01:24:01 of the parents of students
01:24:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:03 and I am the president
01:24:04 of the association
01:24:05 of the parents of students
01:24:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:07 and I am the president
01:24:08 of the association
01:24:09 of the parents of students
01:24:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:11 and I am the president
01:24:12 of the association
01:24:13 of the parents of students
01:24:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:15 and I am the president
01:24:16 of the association
01:24:17 of the parents of students
01:24:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:19 and I am the president
01:24:20 of the association
01:24:21 of the parents of students
01:24:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:23 and I am the president
01:24:24 of the association
01:24:25 of the parents of students
01:24:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:27 and I am the president
01:24:28 of the association
01:24:29 of the parents of students
01:24:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:31 and I am the president
01:24:32 of the association
01:24:33 of the parents of students
01:24:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:35 and I am the president
01:24:36 of the association
01:24:37 of the parents of students
01:24:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:39 and I am the president
01:24:40 of the association
01:24:41 of the parents of students
01:24:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:43 and I am the president
01:24:44 of the association
01:24:45 of the parents of students
01:24:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:47 and I am the president
01:24:48 of the association
01:24:49 of the parents of students
01:24:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:51 and I am the president
01:24:52 of the association
01:24:53 of the parents of students
01:24:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:55 and I am the president
01:24:56 of the association
01:24:57 of the parents of students
01:24:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:24:59 and I am the president
01:25:00 of the association
01:25:01 of the parents of students
01:25:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:03 and I am the president
01:25:04 of the association
01:25:05 of the parents of students
01:25:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:07 and I am the president
01:25:08 of the association
01:25:09 of the parents of students
01:25:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:11 and I am the president
01:25:12 of the association
01:25:13 of the parents of students
01:25:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:15 and I am the president
01:25:16 of the association
01:25:17 of the parents of students
01:25:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:19 and I am the president
01:25:20 of the association
01:25:21 of the parents of students
01:25:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:23 and I am the president
01:25:24 of the association
01:25:25 of the parents of students
01:25:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:27 and I am the president
01:25:28 of the association
01:25:29 of the parents of students
01:25:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:31 and I am the president
01:25:32 of the association
01:25:33 of the parents of students
01:25:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:35 and I am the president
01:25:36 of the association
01:25:37 of the parents of students
01:25:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:39 and I am the president
01:25:40 of the association
01:25:41 of the parents of students
01:25:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:43 and I am the president
01:25:44 of the association
01:25:45 of the parents of students
01:25:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:47 and I am the president
01:25:48 of the association
01:25:49 of the parents of students
01:25:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:51 and I am the president
01:25:52 of the association
01:25:53 of the parents of students
01:25:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:55 and I am the president
01:25:56 of the association
01:25:57 of the parents of students
01:25:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:25:59 and I am the president
01:26:00 of the association
01:26:01 of the parents of students
01:26:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:03 and I am the president
01:26:04 of the association
01:26:05 of the parents of students
01:26:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:07 and I am the president
01:26:08 of the association
01:26:09 of the parents of students
01:26:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:11 and I am the president
01:26:12 of the association
01:26:13 of the parents of students
01:26:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:15 and I am the president
01:26:16 of the association
01:26:17 of the parents of students
01:26:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:19 and I am the president
01:26:20 of the association
01:26:21 of the parents of students
01:26:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:23 and I am the president
01:26:24 of the association
01:26:25 of the parents of students
01:26:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:27 and I am the president
01:26:28 of the association
01:26:29 of the parents of students
01:26:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:31 and I am the president
01:26:32 of the association
01:26:33 of the parents of students
01:26:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:35 and I am the president
01:26:36 of the association
01:26:37 of the parents of students
01:26:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:39 and I am the president
01:26:40 of the association
01:26:41 of the parents of students
01:26:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:43 and I am the president
01:26:44 of the association
01:26:45 of the parents of students
01:26:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:47 and I am the president
01:26:48 of the association
01:26:49 of the parents of students
01:26:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:51 and I am the president
01:26:52 of the association
01:26:53 of the parents of students
01:26:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:55 and I am the president
01:26:56 of the association
01:26:57 of the parents of students
01:26:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:26:59 and I am the president
01:27:00 of the association
01:27:01 of the parents of students
01:27:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:03 and I am the president
01:27:04 of the association
01:27:05 of the parents of students
01:27:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:07 and I am the president
01:27:08 of the association
01:27:09 of the parents of students
01:27:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:11 and I am the president
01:27:12 of the association
01:27:13 of the parents of students
01:27:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:15 and I am the president
01:27:16 of the association
01:27:17 of the parents of students
01:27:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:19 and I am the president
01:27:20 of the association
01:27:21 of the parents of students
01:27:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:23 and I am the president
01:27:24 of the association
01:27:25 of the parents of students
01:27:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:27 and I am the president
01:27:28 of the association
01:27:29 of the parents of students
01:27:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:31 and I am the president
01:27:32 of the association
01:27:33 of the parents of students
01:27:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:35 and I am the president
01:27:36 of the association
01:27:37 of the parents of students
01:27:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:39 and I am the president
01:27:40 of the association
01:27:41 of the parents of students
01:27:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:43 and I am the president
01:27:44 of the association
01:27:45 of the parents of students
01:27:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:47 and I am the president
01:27:48 of the association
01:27:49 of the parents of students
01:27:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:51 and I am the president
01:27:52 of the association
01:27:53 of the parents of students
01:27:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:55 and I am the president
01:27:56 of the association
01:27:57 of the parents of students
01:27:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:27:59 and I am the president
01:28:00 of the association
01:28:01 of the parents of students
01:28:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:03 and I am the president
01:28:04 of the association
01:28:05 of the parents of students
01:28:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:07 and I am the president
01:28:08 of the association
01:28:09 of the parents of students
01:28:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:11 and I am the president
01:28:12 of the association
01:28:13 of the parents of students
01:28:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:15 and I am the president
01:28:16 of the association
01:28:17 of the parents of students
01:28:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:19 and I am the president
01:28:20 of the association
01:28:21 of the parents of students
01:28:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:23 and I am the president
01:28:24 of the association
01:28:25 of the parents of students
01:28:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:27 and I am the president
01:28:28 of the association
01:28:29 of the parents of students
01:28:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:31 and I am the president
01:28:32 of the association
01:28:33 of the parents of students
01:28:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:35 and I am the president
01:28:36 of the association
01:28:37 of the parents of students
01:28:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:39 and I am the president
01:28:40 of the association
01:28:41 of the parents of students
01:28:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:43 and I am the president
01:28:44 of the association
01:28:45 of the parents of students
01:28:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:47 and I am the president
01:28:48 of the association
01:28:49 of the parents of students
01:28:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:51 and I am the president
01:28:52 of the association
01:28:53 of the parents of students
01:28:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:55 and I am the president
01:28:56 of the association
01:28:57 of the parents of students
01:28:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:28:59 and I am the president
01:29:00 of the association
01:29:01 of the parents of students
01:29:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:03 and I am the president
01:29:04 of the association
01:29:05 of the parents of students
01:29:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:07 and I am the president
01:29:08 of the association
01:29:09 of the parents of students
01:29:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:11 and I am the president
01:29:12 of the association
01:29:13 of the parents of students
01:29:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:15 and I am the president
01:29:16 of the association
01:29:17 of the parents of students
01:29:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:19 and I am the president
01:29:20 of the association
01:29:21 of the parents of students
01:29:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:23 and I am the president
01:29:24 of the association
01:29:25 of the parents of students
01:29:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:27 and I am the president
01:29:28 of the association
01:29:29 of the parents of students
01:29:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:31 and I am the president
01:29:32 of the association
01:29:33 of the parents of students
01:29:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:35 and I am the president
01:29:36 of the association
01:29:37 of the parents of students
01:29:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:39 and I am the president
01:29:40 of the association
01:29:41 of the parents of students
01:29:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:43 and I am the president
01:29:44 of the association
01:29:45 of the parents of students
01:29:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:47 and I am the president
01:29:48 of the association
01:29:49 of the parents of students
01:29:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:51 and I am the president
01:29:52 of the association
01:29:53 of the parents of students
01:29:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:55 and I am the president
01:29:56 of the association
01:29:57 of the parents of students
01:29:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:29:59 and I am the president
01:30:00 of the association
01:30:01 of the parents of students
01:30:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:03 and I am the president
01:30:04 of the association
01:30:05 of the parents of students
01:30:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:07 and I am the president
01:30:08 of the association
01:30:09 of the parents of students
01:30:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:11 and I am the president
01:30:12 of the association
01:30:13 of the parents of students
01:30:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:15 and I am the president
01:30:16 of the association
01:30:17 of the parents of students
01:30:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:19 and I am the president
01:30:20 of the association
01:30:21 of the parents of students
01:30:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:23 and I am the president
01:30:24 of the association
01:30:25 of the parents of students
01:30:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:27 and I am the president
01:30:28 of the association
01:30:29 of the parents of students
01:30:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:31 and I am the president
01:30:32 of the association
01:30:33 of the parents of students
01:30:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:35 and I am the president
01:30:36 of the association
01:30:37 of the parents of students
01:30:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:39 and I am the president
01:30:40 of the association
01:30:41 of the parents of students
01:30:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:43 and I am the president
01:30:44 of the association
01:30:45 of the parents of students
01:30:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:47 and I am the president
01:30:48 of the association
01:30:49 of the parents of students
01:30:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:51 and I am the president
01:30:52 of the association
01:30:53 of the parents of students
01:30:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:55 and I am the president
01:30:56 of the association
01:30:57 of the parents of students
01:30:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:30:59 and I am the president
01:31:00 of the association
01:31:01 of the parents of students
01:31:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:03 and I am the president
01:31:04 of the association
01:31:05 of the parents of students
01:31:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:07 and I am the president
01:31:08 of the association
01:31:09 of the parents of students
01:31:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:11 and I am the president
01:31:12 of the association
01:31:13 of the parents of students
01:31:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:15 and I am the president
01:31:16 of the association
01:31:17 of the parents of students
01:31:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:19 and I am the president
01:31:20 of the association
01:31:21 of the parents of students
01:31:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:23 and I am the president
01:31:24 of the association
01:31:25 of the parents of students
01:31:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:27 and I am the president
01:31:28 of the association
01:31:29 of the parents of students
01:31:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:31 and I am the president
01:31:32 of the association
01:31:33 of the parents of students
01:31:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:35 and I am the president
01:31:36 of the association
01:31:37 of the parents of students
01:31:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:39 and I am the president
01:31:40 of the association
01:31:41 of the parents of students
01:31:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:43 and I am the president
01:31:44 of the association
01:31:45 of the parents of students
01:31:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:47 and I am the president
01:31:48 of the association
01:31:49 of the parents of students
01:31:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:51 and I am the president
01:31:52 of the association
01:31:53 of the parents of students
01:31:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:55 and I am the president
01:31:56 of the association
01:31:57 of the parents of students
01:31:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:31:59 and I am the president
01:32:00 of the association
01:32:01 of the parents of students
01:32:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:03 and I am the president
01:32:04 of the association
01:32:05 of the parents of students
01:32:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:07 and I am the president
01:32:08 of the association
01:32:09 of the parents of students
01:32:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:11 and I am the president
01:32:12 of the association
01:32:13 of the parents of students
01:32:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:15 and I am the president
01:32:16 of the association
01:32:17 of the parents of students
01:32:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:19 and I am the president
01:32:20 of the association
01:32:21 of the parents of students
01:32:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:23 and I am the president
01:32:24 of the association
01:32:25 of the parents of students
01:32:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:27 and I am the president
01:32:28 of the association
01:32:29 of the parents of students
01:32:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:31 and I am the president
01:32:32 of the association
01:32:33 of the parents of students
01:32:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:35 and I am the president
01:32:36 of the association
01:32:37 of the parents of students
01:32:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:39 and I am the president
01:32:40 of the association
01:32:41 of the parents of students
01:32:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:43 and I am the president
01:32:44 of the association
01:32:45 of the parents of students
01:32:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:47 and I am the president
01:32:48 of the association
01:32:49 of the parents of students
01:32:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:51 and I am the president
01:32:52 of the association
01:32:53 of the parents of students
01:32:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:55 and I am the president
01:32:56 of the association
01:32:57 of the parents of students
01:32:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:32:59 and I am the president
01:33:00 of the association
01:33:01 of the parents of students
01:33:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:03 and I am the president
01:33:04 of the association
01:33:05 of the parents of students
01:33:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:07 and I am the president
01:33:08 of the association
01:33:09 of the parents of students
01:33:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:11 and I am the president
01:33:12 of the association
01:33:13 of the parents of students
01:33:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:15 and I am the president
01:33:16 of the association
01:33:17 of the parents of students
01:33:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:19 and I am the president
01:33:20 of the association
01:33:21 of the parents of students
01:33:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:23 and I am the president
01:33:24 of the association
01:33:25 of the parents of students
01:33:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:27 and I am the president
01:33:28 of the association
01:33:29 of the parents of students
01:33:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:31 and I am the president
01:33:32 of the association
01:33:33 of the parents of students
01:33:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:35 and I am the president
01:33:36 of the association
01:33:37 of the parents of students
01:33:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:39 and I am the president
01:33:40 of the association
01:33:41 of the parents of students
01:33:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:43 and I am the president
01:33:44 of the association
01:33:45 of the parents of students
01:33:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:47 and I am the president
01:33:48 of the association
01:33:49 of the parents of students
01:33:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:51 and I am the president
01:33:52 of the association
01:33:53 of the parents of students
01:33:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:55 and I am the president
01:33:56 of the association
01:33:57 of the parents of students
01:33:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:33:59 and I am the president
01:34:00 of the association
01:34:01 of the parents of students
01:34:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:03 and I am the president
01:34:04 of the association
01:34:05 of the parents of students
01:34:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:07 and I am the president
01:34:08 of the association
01:34:09 of the parents of students
01:34:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:11 and I am the president
01:34:12 of the association
01:34:13 of the parents of students
01:34:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:15 and I am the president
01:34:16 of the association
01:34:17 of the parents of students
01:34:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:19 and I am the president
01:34:20 of the association
01:34:21 of the parents of students
01:34:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:23 and I am the president
01:34:24 of the association
01:34:25 of the parents of students
01:34:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:27 and I am the president
01:34:28 of the association
01:34:29 of the parents of students
01:34:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:31 and I am the president
01:34:32 of the association
01:34:33 of the parents of students
01:34:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:35 and I am the president
01:34:36 of the association
01:34:37 of the parents of students
01:34:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:39 and I am the president
01:34:40 of the association
01:34:41 of the parents of students
01:34:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:43 and I am the president
01:34:44 of the association
01:34:45 of the parents of students
01:34:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:47 and I am the president
01:34:48 of the association
01:34:49 of the parents of students
01:34:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:51 and I am the president
01:34:52 of the association
01:34:53 of the parents of students
01:34:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:55 and I am the president
01:34:56 of the association
01:34:57 of the parents of students
01:34:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:34:59 and I am the president
01:35:00 of the association
01:35:01 of the parents of students
01:35:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:03 and I am the president
01:35:04 of the association
01:35:05 of the parents of students
01:35:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:07 and I am the president
01:35:08 of the association
01:35:09 of the parents of students
01:35:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:11 and I am the president
01:35:12 of the association
01:35:13 of the parents of students
01:35:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:15 and I am the president
01:35:16 of the association
01:35:17 of the parents of students
01:35:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:19 and I am the president
01:35:20 of the association
01:35:21 of the parents of students
01:35:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:23 and I am the president
01:35:24 of the association
01:35:25 of the parents of students
01:35:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:27 and I am the president
01:35:28 of the association
01:35:29 of the parents of students
01:35:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:31 and I am the president
01:35:32 of the association
01:35:33 of the parents of students
01:35:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:35 and I am the president
01:35:36 of the association
01:35:37 of the parents of students
01:35:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:39 and I am the president
01:35:40 of the association
01:35:41 of the parents of students
01:35:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:43 and I am the president
01:35:44 of the association
01:35:45 of the parents of students
01:35:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:47 and I am the president
01:35:48 of the association
01:35:49 of the parents of students
01:35:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:51 and I am the president
01:35:52 of the association
01:35:53 of the parents of students
01:35:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:55 and I am the president
01:35:56 of the association
01:35:57 of the parents of students
01:35:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:35:59 and I am the president
01:36:00 of the association
01:36:01 of the parents of students
01:36:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:03 and I am the president
01:36:04 of the association
01:36:05 of the parents of students
01:36:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:07 and I am the president
01:36:08 of the association
01:36:09 of the parents of students
01:36:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:11 and I am the president
01:36:12 of the association
01:36:13 of the parents of students
01:36:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:15 and I am the president
01:36:16 of the association
01:36:17 of the parents of students
01:36:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:19 and I am the president
01:36:20 of the association
01:36:21 of the parents of students
01:36:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:23 and I am the president
01:36:24 of the association
01:36:25 of the parents of students
01:36:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:27 and I am the president
01:36:28 of the association
01:36:29 of the parents of students
01:36:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:31 and I am the president
01:36:32 of the association
01:36:33 of the parents of students
01:36:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:35 and I am the president
01:36:36 of the association
01:36:37 of the parents of students
01:36:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:39 and I am the president
01:36:40 of the association
01:36:41 of the parents of students
01:36:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:43 and I am the president
01:36:44 of the association
01:36:45 of the parents of students
01:36:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:47 and I am the president
01:36:48 of the association
01:36:49 of the parents of students
01:36:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:51 and I am the president
01:36:52 of the association
01:36:53 of the parents of students
01:36:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:55 and I am the president
01:36:56 of the association
01:36:57 of the parents of students
01:36:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:36:59 and I am the president
01:37:00 of the association
01:37:01 of the parents of students
01:37:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:03 and I am the president
01:37:04 of the association
01:37:05 of the parents of students
01:37:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:07 and I am the president
01:37:08 of the association
01:37:09 of the parents of students
01:37:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:11 and I am the president
01:37:12 of the association
01:37:13 of the parents of students
01:37:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:15 and I am the president
01:37:16 of the association
01:37:17 of the parents of students
01:37:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:19 and I am the president
01:37:20 of the association
01:37:21 of the parents of students
01:37:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:23 and I am the president
01:37:24 of the association
01:37:25 of the parents of students
01:37:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:27 and I am the president
01:37:28 of the association
01:37:29 of the parents of students
01:37:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:31 and I am the president
01:37:32 of the association
01:37:33 of the parents of students
01:37:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:35 and I am the president
01:37:36 of the association
01:37:37 of the parents of students
01:37:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:39 and I am the president
01:37:40 of the association
01:37:41 of the parents of students
01:37:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:43 and I am the president
01:37:44 of the association
01:37:45 of the parents of students
01:37:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:47 and I am the president
01:37:48 of the association
01:37:49 of the parents of students
01:37:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:51 and I am the president
01:37:52 of the association
01:37:53 of the parents of students
01:37:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:55 and I am the president
01:37:56 of the association
01:37:57 of the parents of students
01:37:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:37:59 and I am the president
01:38:00 of the association
01:38:01 of the parents of students
01:38:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:03 and I am the president
01:38:04 of the association
01:38:05 of the parents of students
01:38:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:07 and I am the president
01:38:08 of the association
01:38:09 of the parents of students
01:38:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:11 and I am the president
01:38:12 of the association
01:38:13 of the parents of students
01:38:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:15 and I am the president
01:38:16 of the association
01:38:17 of the parents of students
01:38:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:19 and I am the president
01:38:20 of the association
01:38:21 of the parents of students
01:38:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:23 and I am the president
01:38:24 of the association
01:38:25 of the parents of students
01:38:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:27 and I am the president
01:38:28 of the association
01:38:29 of the parents of students
01:38:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:31 and I am the president
01:38:32 of the association
01:38:33 of the parents of students
01:38:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:35 and I am the president
01:38:36 of the association
01:38:37 of the parents of students
01:38:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:39 and I am the president
01:38:40 of the association
01:38:41 of the parents of students
01:38:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:43 and I am the president
01:38:44 of the association
01:38:45 of the parents of students
01:38:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:47 and I am the president
01:38:48 of the association
01:38:49 of the parents of students
01:38:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:51 and I am the president
01:38:52 of the association
01:38:53 of the parents of students
01:38:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:55 and I am the president
01:38:56 of the association
01:38:57 of the parents of students
01:38:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:38:59 and I am the president
01:39:00 of the association
01:39:01 of the parents of students
01:39:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:03 and I am the president
01:39:04 of the association
01:39:05 of the parents of students
01:39:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:07 and I am the president
01:39:08 of the association
01:39:09 of the parents of students
01:39:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:11 and I am the president
01:39:12 of the association
01:39:13 of the parents of students
01:39:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:15 and I am the president
01:39:16 of the association
01:39:17 of the parents of students
01:39:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:19 and I am the president
01:39:20 of the association
01:39:21 of the parents of students
01:39:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:23 and I am the president
01:39:24 of the association
01:39:25 of the parents of students
01:39:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:27 and I am the president
01:39:28 of the association
01:39:29 of the parents of students
01:39:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:31 and I am the president
01:39:32 of the association
01:39:33 of the parents of students
01:39:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:35 and I am the president
01:39:36 of the association
01:39:37 of the parents of students
01:39:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:39 and I am the president
01:39:40 of the association
01:39:41 of the parents of students
01:39:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:43 and I am the president
01:39:44 of the association
01:39:45 of the parents of students
01:39:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:47 and I am the president
01:39:48 of the association
01:39:49 of the parents of students
01:39:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:51 and I am the president
01:39:52 of the association
01:39:53 of the parents of students
01:39:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:55 and I am the president
01:39:56 of the association
01:39:57 of the parents of students
01:39:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:39:59 and I am the president
01:40:00 of the association
01:40:01 of the parents of students
01:40:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:03 and I am the president
01:40:04 of the association
01:40:05 of the parents of students
01:40:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:07 and I am the president
01:40:08 of the association
01:40:09 of the parents of students
01:40:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:11 and I am the president
01:40:12 of the association
01:40:13 of the parents of students
01:40:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:15 and I am the president
01:40:16 of the association
01:40:17 of the parents of students
01:40:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:19 and I am the president
01:40:20 of the association
01:40:21 of the parents of students
01:40:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:23 and I am the president
01:40:24 of the association
01:40:25 of the parents of students
01:40:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:27 and I am the president
01:40:28 of the association
01:40:29 of the parents of students
01:40:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:31 and I am the president
01:40:32 of the association
01:40:33 of the parents of students
01:40:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:35 and I am the president
01:40:36 of the association
01:40:37 of the parents of students
01:40:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:39 and I am the president
01:40:40 of the association
01:40:41 of the parents of students
01:40:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:43 and I am the president
01:40:44 of the association
01:40:45 of the parents of students
01:40:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:47 and I am the president
01:40:48 of the association
01:40:49 of the parents of students
01:40:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:51 and I am the president
01:40:52 of the association
01:40:53 of the parents of students
01:40:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:55 and I am the president
01:40:56 of the association
01:40:57 of the parents of students
01:40:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:40:59 and I am the president
01:41:00 of the association
01:41:01 of the parents of students
01:41:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:03 and I am the president
01:41:04 of the association
01:41:05 of the parents of students
01:41:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:07 and I am the president
01:41:08 of the association
01:41:09 of the parents of students
01:41:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:11 and I am the president
01:41:12 of the association
01:41:13 of the parents of students
01:41:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:15 and I am the president
01:41:16 of the association
01:41:17 of the parents of students
01:41:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:19 and I am the president
01:41:20 of the association
01:41:21 of the parents of students
01:41:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:23 and I am the president
01:41:24 of the association
01:41:25 of the parents of students
01:41:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:27 and I am the president
01:41:28 of the association
01:41:29 of the parents of students
01:41:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:31 and I am the president
01:41:32 of the association
01:41:33 of the parents of students
01:41:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:35 and I am the president
01:41:36 of the association
01:41:37 of the parents of students
01:41:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:39 and I am the president
01:41:40 of the association
01:41:41 of the parents of students
01:41:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:43 and I am the president
01:41:44 of the association
01:41:45 of the parents of students
01:41:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:47 and I am the president
01:41:48 of the association
01:41:49 of the parents of students
01:41:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:51 and I am the president
01:41:52 of the association
01:41:53 of the parents of students
01:41:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:55 and I am the president
01:41:56 of the association
01:41:57 of the parents of students
01:41:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:41:59 and I am the president
01:42:00 of the association
01:42:01 of the parents of students
01:42:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:03 and I am the president
01:42:04 of the association
01:42:05 of the parents of students
01:42:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:07 and I am the president
01:42:08 of the association
01:42:09 of the parents of students
01:42:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:11 and I am the president
01:42:12 of the association
01:42:13 of the parents of students
01:42:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:15 and I am the president
01:42:16 of the association
01:42:17 of the parents of students
01:42:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:19 and I am the president
01:42:20 of the association
01:42:21 of the parents of students
01:42:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:23 and I am the president
01:42:24 of the association
01:42:25 of the parents of students
01:42:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:27 and I am the president
01:42:28 of the association
01:42:29 of the parents of students
01:42:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:31 and I am the president
01:42:32 of the association
01:42:33 of the parents of students
01:42:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:35 and I am the president
01:42:36 of the association
01:42:37 of the parents of students
01:42:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:39 and I am the president
01:42:40 of the association
01:42:41 of the parents of students
01:42:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:43 and I am the president
01:42:44 of the association
01:42:45 of the parents of students
01:42:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:47 and I am the president
01:42:48 of the association
01:42:49 of the parents of students
01:42:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:51 and I am the president
01:42:52 of the association
01:42:53 of the parents of students
01:42:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:55 and I am the president
01:42:56 of the association
01:42:57 of the parents of students
01:42:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:42:59 and I am the president
01:43:00 of the association
01:43:01 of the parents of students
01:43:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:03 and I am the president
01:43:04 of the association
01:43:05 of the parents of students
01:43:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:07 and I am the president
01:43:08 of the association
01:43:09 of the parents of students
01:43:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:11 and I am the president
01:43:12 of the association
01:43:13 of the parents of students
01:43:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:15 and I am the president
01:43:16 of the association
01:43:17 of the parents of students
01:43:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:19 and I am the president
01:43:20 of the association
01:43:21 of the parents of students
01:43:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:23 and I am the president
01:43:24 of the association
01:43:25 of the parents of students
01:43:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:27 and I am the president
01:43:28 of the association
01:43:29 of the parents of students
01:43:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:31 and I am the president
01:43:32 of the association
01:43:33 of the parents of students
01:43:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:35 and I am the president
01:43:36 of the association
01:43:37 of the parents of students
01:43:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:39 and I am the president
01:43:40 of the association
01:43:41 of the parents of students
01:43:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:43 and I am the president
01:43:44 of the association
01:43:45 of the parents of students
01:43:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:47 and I am the president
01:43:48 of the association
01:43:49 of the parents of students
01:43:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:51 and I am the president
01:43:52 of the association
01:43:53 of the parents of students
01:43:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:55 and I am the president
01:43:56 of the association
01:43:57 of the parents of students
01:43:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:43:59 and I am the president
01:44:00 of the association
01:44:01 of the parents of students
01:44:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:03 and I am the president
01:44:04 of the association
01:44:05 of the parents of students
01:44:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:07 and I am the president
01:44:08 of the association
01:44:09 of the parents of students
01:44:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:11 and I am the president
01:44:12 of the association
01:44:13 of the parents of students
01:44:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:15 and I am the president
01:44:16 of the association
01:44:17 of the parents of students
01:44:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:19 and I am the president
01:44:20 of the association
01:44:21 of the parents of students
01:44:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:23 and I am the president
01:44:24 of the association
01:44:25 of the parents of students
01:44:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:27 and I am the president
01:44:28 of the association
01:44:29 of the parents of students
01:44:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:31 and I am the president
01:44:32 of the association
01:44:33 of the parents of students
01:44:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:35 and I am the president
01:44:36 of the association
01:44:37 of the parents of students
01:44:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:39 and I am the president
01:44:40 of the association
01:44:41 of the parents of students
01:44:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:43 and I am the president
01:44:44 of the association
01:44:45 of the parents of students
01:44:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:47 and I am the president
01:44:48 of the association
01:44:49 of the parents of students
01:44:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:51 and I am the president
01:44:52 of the association
01:44:53 of the parents of students
01:44:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:55 and I am the president
01:44:56 of the association
01:44:57 of the parents of students
01:44:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:44:59 and I am the president
01:45:00 of the association
01:45:01 of the parents of students
01:45:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:03 and I am the president
01:45:04 of the association
01:45:05 of the parents of students
01:45:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:07 and I am the president
01:45:08 of the association
01:45:09 of the parents of students
01:45:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:11 and I am the president
01:45:12 of the association
01:45:13 of the parents of students
01:45:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:15 and I am the president
01:45:16 of the association
01:45:17 of the parents of students
01:45:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:19 and I am the president
01:45:20 of the association
01:45:21 of the parents of students
01:45:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:23 and I am the president
01:45:24 of the association
01:45:25 of the parents of students
01:45:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:27 and I am the president
01:45:28 of the association
01:45:29 of the parents of students
01:45:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:31 and I am the president
01:45:32 of the association
01:45:33 of the parents of students
01:45:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:35 and I am the president
01:45:36 of the association
01:45:37 of the parents of students
01:45:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:39 and I am the president
01:45:40 of the association
01:45:41 of the parents of students
01:45:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:43 and I am the president
01:45:44 of the association
01:45:45 of the parents of students
01:45:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:47 and I am the president
01:45:48 of the association
01:45:49 of the parents of students
01:45:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:51 and I am the president
01:45:52 of the association
01:45:53 of the parents of students
01:45:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:55 and I am the president
01:45:56 of the association
01:45:57 of the parents of students
01:45:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:45:59 and I am the president
01:46:00 of the association
01:46:01 of the parents of students
01:46:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:03 and I am the president
01:46:04 of the association
01:46:05 of the parents of students
01:46:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:07 and I am the president
01:46:08 of the association
01:46:09 of the parents of students
01:46:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:11 and I am the president
01:46:12 of the association
01:46:13 of the parents of students
01:46:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:15 and I am the president
01:46:16 of the association
01:46:17 of the parents of students
01:46:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:19 and I am the president
01:46:20 of the association
01:46:21 of the parents of students
01:46:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:23 and I am the president
01:46:24 of the association
01:46:25 of the parents of students
01:46:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:27 and I am the president
01:46:28 of the association
01:46:29 of the parents of students
01:46:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:31 and I am the president
01:46:32 of the association
01:46:33 of the parents of students
01:46:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:35 and I am the president
01:46:36 of the association
01:46:37 of the parents of students
01:46:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:39 and I am the president
01:46:40 of the association
01:46:41 of the parents of students
01:46:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:43 and I am the president
01:46:44 of the association
01:46:45 of the parents of students
01:46:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:47 and I am the president
01:46:48 of the association
01:46:49 of the parents of students
01:46:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:51 and I am the president
01:46:52 of the association
01:46:53 of the parents of students
01:46:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:55 and I am the president
01:46:56 of the association
01:46:57 of the parents of students
01:46:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:46:59 and I am the president
01:47:00 of the association
01:47:01 of the parents of students
01:47:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:03 and I am the president
01:47:04 of the association
01:47:05 of the parents of students
01:47:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:07 and I am the president
01:47:08 of the association
01:47:09 of the parents of students
01:47:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:11 and I am the president
01:47:12 of the association
01:47:13 of the parents of students
01:47:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:15 and I am the president
01:47:16 of the association
01:47:17 of the parents of students
01:47:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:19 and I am the president
01:47:20 of the association
01:47:21 of the parents of students
01:47:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:23 and I am the president
01:47:24 of the association
01:47:25 of the parents of students
01:47:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:27 and I am the president
01:47:28 of the association
01:47:29 of the parents of students
01:47:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:31 and I am the president
01:47:32 of the association
01:47:33 of the parents of students
01:47:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:35 and I am the president
01:47:36 of the association
01:47:37 of the parents of students
01:47:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:39 and I am the president
01:47:40 of the association
01:47:41 of the parents of students
01:47:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:43 and I am the president
01:47:44 of the association
01:47:45 of the parents of students
01:47:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:47 and I am the president
01:47:48 of the association
01:47:49 of the parents of students
01:47:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:51 and I am the president
01:47:52 of the association
01:47:53 of the parents of students
01:47:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:55 and I am the president
01:47:56 of the association
01:47:57 of the parents of students
01:47:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:47:59 and I am the president
01:48:00 of the association
01:48:01 of the parents of students
01:48:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:03 and I am the president
01:48:04 of the association
01:48:05 of the parents of students
01:48:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:07 and I am the president
01:48:08 of the association
01:48:09 of the parents of students
01:48:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:11 and I am the president
01:48:12 of the association
01:48:13 of the parents of students
01:48:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:15 and I am the president
01:48:16 of the association
01:48:17 of the parents of students
01:48:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:19 and I am the president
01:48:20 of the association
01:48:21 of the parents of students
01:48:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:23 and I am the president
01:48:24 of the association
01:48:25 of the parents of students
01:48:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:27 and I am the president
01:48:28 of the association
01:48:29 of the parents of students
01:48:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:31 and I am the president
01:48:32 of the association
01:48:33 of the parents of students
01:48:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:35 and I am the president
01:48:36 of the association
01:48:37 of the parents of students
01:48:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:39 and I am the president
01:48:40 of the association
01:48:41 of the parents of students
01:48:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:43 and I am the president
01:48:44 of the association
01:48:45 of the parents of students
01:48:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:47 and I am the president
01:48:48 of the association
01:48:49 of the parents of students
01:48:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:51 and I am the president
01:48:52 of the association
01:48:53 of the parents of students
01:48:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:55 and I am the president
01:48:56 of the association
01:48:57 of the parents of students
01:48:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:48:59 and I am the president
01:49:00 of the association
01:49:01 of the parents of students
01:49:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:03 and I am the president
01:49:04 of the association
01:49:05 of the parents of students
01:49:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:07 and I am the president
01:49:08 of the association
01:49:09 of the parents of students
01:49:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:11 and I am the president
01:49:12 of the association
01:49:13 of the parents of students
01:49:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:15 and I am the president
01:49:16 of the association
01:49:17 of the parents of students
01:49:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:19 and I am the president
01:49:20 of the association
01:49:21 of the parents of students
01:49:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:23 and I am the president
01:49:24 of the association
01:49:25 of the parents of students
01:49:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:27 and I am the president
01:49:28 of the association
01:49:29 of the parents of students
01:49:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:31 and I am the president
01:49:32 of the association
01:49:33 of the parents of students
01:49:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:35 and I am the president
01:49:36 of the association
01:49:37 of the parents of students
01:49:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:39 and I am the president
01:49:40 of the association
01:49:41 of the parents of students
01:49:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:43 and I am the president
01:49:44 of the association
01:49:45 of the parents of students
01:49:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:47 and I am the president
01:49:48 of the association
01:49:49 of the parents of students
01:49:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:51 and I am the president
01:49:52 of the association
01:49:53 of the parents of students
01:49:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:55 and I am the president
01:49:56 of the association
01:49:57 of the parents of students
01:49:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:49:59 and I am the president
01:50:00 of the association
01:50:01 of the parents of students
01:50:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:03 and I am the president
01:50:04 of the association
01:50:05 of the parents of students
01:50:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:07 and I am the president
01:50:08 of the association
01:50:09 of the parents of students
01:50:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:11 and I am the president
01:50:12 of the association
01:50:13 of the parents of students
01:50:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:15 and I am the president
01:50:16 of the association
01:50:17 of the parents of students
01:50:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:19 and I am the president
01:50:20 of the association
01:50:21 of the parents of students
01:50:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:23 and I am the president
01:50:24 of the association
01:50:25 of the parents of students
01:50:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:27 and I am the president
01:50:28 of the association
01:50:29 of the parents of students
01:50:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:31 and I am the president
01:50:32 of the association
01:50:33 of the parents of students
01:50:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:35 and I am the president
01:50:36 of the association
01:50:37 of the parents of students
01:50:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:39 and I am the president
01:50:40 of the association
01:50:41 of the parents of students
01:50:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:43 and I am the president
01:50:44 of the association
01:50:45 of the parents of students
01:50:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:47 and I am the president
01:50:48 of the association
01:50:49 of the parents of students
01:50:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:51 and I am the president
01:50:52 of the association
01:50:53 of the parents of students
01:50:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:55 and I am the president
01:50:56 of the association
01:50:57 of the parents of students
01:50:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:50:59 and I am the president
01:51:00 of the association
01:51:01 of the parents of students
01:51:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:03 and I am the president
01:51:04 of the association
01:51:05 of the parents of students
01:51:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:07 and I am the president
01:51:08 of the association
01:51:09 of the parents of students
01:51:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:11 and I am the president
01:51:12 of the association
01:51:13 of the parents of students
01:51:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:15 and I am the president
01:51:16 of the association
01:51:17 of the parents of students
01:51:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:19 and I am the president
01:51:20 of the association
01:51:21 of the parents of students
01:51:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:23 and I am the president
01:51:24 of the association
01:51:25 of the parents of students
01:51:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:27 and I am the president
01:51:28 of the association
01:51:29 of the parents of students
01:51:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:31 and I am the president
01:51:32 of the association
01:51:33 of the parents of students
01:51:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:35 and I am the president
01:51:36 of the association
01:51:37 of the parents of students
01:51:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:39 and I am the president
01:51:40 of the association
01:51:41 of the parents of students
01:51:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:43 and I am the president
01:51:44 of the association
01:51:45 of the parents of students
01:51:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:47 and I am the president
01:51:48 of the association
01:51:49 of the parents of students
01:51:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:51 and I am the president
01:51:52 of the association
01:51:53 of the parents of students
01:51:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:55 and I am the president
01:51:56 of the association
01:51:57 of the parents of students
01:51:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:51:59 and I am the president
01:52:00 of the association
01:52:01 of the parents of students
01:52:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:03 and I am the president
01:52:04 of the association
01:52:05 of the parents of students
01:52:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:07 and I am the president
01:52:08 of the association
01:52:09 of the parents of students
01:52:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:11 and I am the president
01:52:12 of the association
01:52:13 of the parents of students
01:52:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:15 and I am the president
01:52:16 of the association
01:52:17 of the parents of students
01:52:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:19 and I am the president
01:52:20 of the association
01:52:21 of the parents of students
01:52:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:23 and I am the president
01:52:24 of the association
01:52:25 of the parents of students
01:52:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:27 and I am the president
01:52:28 of the association
01:52:29 of the parents of students
01:52:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:31 and I am the president
01:52:32 of the association
01:52:33 of the parents of students
01:52:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:35 and I am the president
01:52:36 of the association
01:52:37 of the parents of students
01:52:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:39 and I am the president
01:52:40 of the association
01:52:41 of the parents of students
01:52:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:43 and I am the president
01:52:44 of the association
01:52:45 of the parents of students
01:52:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:47 and I am the president
01:52:48 of the association
01:52:49 of the parents of students
01:52:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:51 and I am the president
01:52:52 of the association
01:52:53 of the parents of students
01:52:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:55 and I am the president
01:52:56 of the association
01:52:57 of the parents of students
01:52:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:52:59 and I am the president
01:53:00 of the association
01:53:01 of the parents of students
01:53:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:03 and I am the president
01:53:04 of the association
01:53:05 of the parents of students
01:53:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:07 and I am the president
01:53:08 of the association
01:53:09 of the parents of students
01:53:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:11 and I am the president
01:53:12 of the association
01:53:13 of the parents of students
01:53:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:15 and I am the president
01:53:16 of the association
01:53:17 of the parents of students
01:53:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:19 and I am the president
01:53:20 of the association
01:53:21 of the parents of students
01:53:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:23 and I am the president
01:53:24 of the association
01:53:25 of the parents of students
01:53:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:27 and I am the president
01:53:28 of the association
01:53:29 of the parents of students
01:53:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:31 and I am the president
01:53:32 of the association
01:53:33 of the parents of students
01:53:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:35 and I am the president
01:53:36 of the association
01:53:37 of the parents of students
01:53:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:39 and I am the president
01:53:40 of the association
01:53:41 of the parents of students
01:53:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:43 and I am the president
01:53:44 of the association
01:53:45 of the parents of students
01:53:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:47 and I am the president
01:53:48 of the association
01:53:49 of the parents of students
01:53:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:51 and I am the president
01:53:52 of the association
01:53:53 of the parents of students
01:53:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:55 and I am the president
01:53:56 of the association
01:53:57 of the parents of students
01:53:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:53:59 and I am the president
01:54:00 of the association
01:54:01 of the parents of students
01:54:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:03 and I am the president
01:54:04 of the association
01:54:05 of the parents of students
01:54:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:07 and I am the president
01:54:08 of the association
01:54:09 of the parents of students
01:54:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:11 and I am the president
01:54:12 of the association
01:54:13 of the parents of students
01:54:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:15 and I am the president
01:54:16 of the association
01:54:17 of the parents of students
01:54:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:19 and I am the president
01:54:20 of the association
01:54:21 of the parents of students
01:54:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:23 and I am the president
01:54:24 of the association
01:54:25 of the parents of students
01:54:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:27 and I am the president
01:54:28 of the association
01:54:29 of the parents of students
01:54:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:31 and I am the president
01:54:32 of the association
01:54:33 of the parents of students
01:54:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:35 and I am the president
01:54:36 of the association
01:54:37 of the parents of students
01:54:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:39 and I am the president
01:54:40 of the association
01:54:41 of the parents of students
01:54:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:43 and I am the president
01:54:44 of the association
01:54:45 of the parents of students
01:54:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:47 and I am the president
01:54:48 of the association
01:54:49 of the parents of students
01:54:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:51 and I am the president
01:54:52 of the association
01:54:53 of the parents of students
01:54:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:55 and I am the president
01:54:56 of the association
01:54:57 of the parents of students
01:54:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:54:59 and I am the president
01:55:00 of the association
01:55:01 of the parents of students
01:55:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:03 and I am the president
01:55:04 of the association
01:55:05 of the parents of students
01:55:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:07 and I am the president
01:55:08 of the association
01:55:09 of the parents of students
01:55:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:11 and I am the president
01:55:12 of the association
01:55:13 of the parents of students
01:55:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:15 and I am the president
01:55:16 of the association
01:55:17 of the parents of students
01:55:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:19 and I am the president
01:55:20 of the association
01:55:21 of the parents of students
01:55:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:23 and I am the president
01:55:24 of the association
01:55:25 of the parents of students
01:55:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:27 and I am the president
01:55:28 of the association
01:55:29 of the parents of students
01:55:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:31 and I am the president
01:55:32 of the association
01:55:33 of the parents of students
01:55:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:35 and I am the president
01:55:36 of the association
01:55:37 of the parents of students
01:55:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:39 and I am the president
01:55:40 of the association
01:55:41 of the parents of students
01:55:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:43 and I am the president
01:55:44 of the association
01:55:45 of the parents of students
01:55:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:47 and I am the president
01:55:48 of the association
01:55:49 of the parents of students
01:55:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:51 and I am the president
01:55:52 of the association
01:55:53 of the parents of students
01:55:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:55 and I am the president
01:55:56 of the association
01:55:57 of the parents of students
01:55:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:55:59 and I am the president
01:56:00 of the association
01:56:01 of the parents of students
01:56:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:03 and I am the president
01:56:04 of the association
01:56:05 of the parents of students
01:56:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:07 and I am the president
01:56:08 of the association
01:56:09 of the parents of students
01:56:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:11 and I am the president
01:56:12 of the association
01:56:13 of the parents of students
01:56:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:15 and I am the president
01:56:16 of the association
01:56:17 of the parents of students
01:56:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:19 and I am the president
01:56:20 of the association
01:56:21 of the parents of students
01:56:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:23 and I am the president
01:56:24 of the association
01:56:25 of the parents of students
01:56:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:27 and I am the president
01:56:28 of the association
01:56:29 of the parents of students
01:56:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:31 and I am the president
01:56:32 of the association
01:56:33 of the parents of students
01:56:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:35 and I am the president
01:56:36 of the association
01:56:37 of the parents of students
01:56:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:39 and I am the president
01:56:40 of the association
01:56:41 of the parents of students
01:56:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:43 and I am the president
01:56:44 of the association
01:56:45 of the parents of students
01:56:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:47 and I am the president
01:56:48 of the association
01:56:49 of the parents of students
01:56:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:51 and I am the president
01:56:52 of the association
01:56:53 of the parents of students
01:56:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:55 and I am the president
01:56:56 of the association
01:56:57 of the parents of students
01:56:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:56:59 and I am the president
01:57:00 of the association
01:57:01 of the parents of students
01:57:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:03 and I am the president
01:57:04 of the association
01:57:05 of the parents of students
01:57:06 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:07 and I am the president
01:57:08 of the association
01:57:09 of the parents of students
01:57:10 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:11 and I am the president
01:57:12 of the association
01:57:13 of the parents of students
01:57:14 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:15 and I am the president
01:57:16 of the association
01:57:17 of the parents of students
01:57:18 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:19 and I am the president
01:57:20 of the association
01:57:21 of the parents of students
01:57:22 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:23 and I am the president
01:57:24 of the association
01:57:25 of the parents of students
01:57:26 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:27 and I am the president
01:57:28 of the association
01:57:29 of the parents of students
01:57:30 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:31 and I am the president
01:57:32 of the association
01:57:33 of the parents of students
01:57:34 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:35 and I am the president
01:57:36 of the association
01:57:37 of the parents of students
01:57:38 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:39 and I am the president
01:57:40 of the association
01:57:41 of the parents of students
01:57:42 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:43 and I am the president
01:57:44 of the association
01:57:45 of the parents of students
01:57:46 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:47 and I am the president
01:57:48 of the association
01:57:49 of the parents of students
01:57:50 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:51 and I am the president
01:57:52 of the association
01:57:53 of the parents of students
01:57:54 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:55 and I am the president
01:57:56 of the association
01:57:57 of the parents of students
01:57:58 of Villard-de-Land
01:57:59 and I am the president
01:58:00 of the association
01:58:01 of the parents of students
01:58:02 of Villard-de-Land
01:58:03 and I am the president
01:58:04 of the association
