Forum Public Affairs 2023, Boaglio (Intesa SANPAOLO): "In atto transizione perché il CPR è già presente nel settore bancario"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “La CPR è già all’interno del settore bancario e riguarda un modo di fare public affairs e relazione in modo trasparente e innovativo. Bisogna parlare con le imprese e i consumatori per far capire loro che c’è una grande transizione in atto”. Così il Responsabile dei Progetti Speciali ed Istituzionali di Intesa San Paolo spa, Matteo Boaglio, a margine del Forum Public Affairs 2023, tenutosi a Roma presso Palazzo Wedekind. 


00:00 I believe that the corporate responsibility is already here,
00:04 within the financial banking sector.
00:06 Basically, it is, forgive me the expression, a crisis
00:10 between the way of doing public affairs, the way of doing advocacy,
00:14 the way of doing relations on the one hand in a transparent way,
00:17 in an innovative way, and on the other hand,
00:20 what was the explosion of the ISG theme, of the inclusive banking theme.
00:24 It is also worth mentioning that the advocacy action, the action of legitimate representation of interests,
00:31 is particularly relevant and felt, important, when a new way of doing business is developed,
00:37 which evidently constitutes and represents the ISG paradigm, the paradigm of financial inclusion.
00:44 The advocacy activity has influenced the Italian and European level a lot.
00:48 I can cite as an example the fact that the sector has dealt a lot with the European Commission
00:53 and, in this regard, the European taxonomy has been involved,
00:58 which fundamentally establishes what is a green investment,
01:03 and what is not, and cannot be.
01:06 And it was a very important result, which shows how the two things are linked.
01:10 The second aspect, which certainly concerns public affairs,
01:13 but also concerns corporate affairs in general,
01:17 is evidently related to education.
01:19 We must educate the subjects, which obviously deal with us and with the sector,
01:26 to make them understand that a transition is underway,
01:30 but there is a great opportunity, which obviously concerns the financial sector,
01:34 but also concerns all sectors.
01:35 So we must talk to small and medium-sized businesses,
01:37 we must talk to companies, we must talk to consumers,
01:40 and all legitimate subjects that move within a social market, an economic market.
