• last year
(Adnkronos) - In occasione della seconda delle quattro giornate dell’edizione 2023 del congresso europeo della reumatologia, evento che riunisce tutte le società europee di reumatologia, finalizzato a ricerca, prevenzione, terapia e riabilitazione delle patologie reumatiche, sono intervenuti Luca Iaccarino, professore di Reumatologia all’università di Padova, Andrea Doria, responsabile dell’Uoc di Reumatologia dell’azienda ospedaliera di Padova e il responsabile del Centro vasculiti della stessa Unità, Roberto Padoan. 


00:00 23 years after its first edition, the European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, has become
00:09 the main point of reference in Europe for the exchange of scientific and clinical information
00:13 regarding rheumatology and is an innovative platform for acquiring information on new
00:19 clinical research by professionals in the sector.
00:22 Among the rheumatic diseases at the center of the Congress, the hereditary systemic lupus,
00:27 an autoimmune disease that can attack any organ and apparatus.
00:31 The most frequently affected are joints, the cuticle and the kidneys.
00:35 Biological drugs in lupus were introduced 10 years ago and have shown an advantage in
00:42 terms of the percentage of patients who reach a response, the percentage of patients who
00:47 reach remission, which means a completely gone disease, and have also guaranteed the
00:54 reduction of the accumulation of damage, that is, what I said before, that is, the compromise
00:58 of the function of the organs, for example, which can be the functionality of the joints,
01:03 the functionality of the kidneys, have certainly helped to improve the quality of life of these
01:09 patients.
01:10 Patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases, in particular those affected by hereditary
01:15 systemic lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, have a risk 1.5 times higher than the reactivation
01:20 of the herpes zoster virus.
01:22 This circumstance can involve serious and invalidating complications, such as meningoencephalitis
01:27 and post-herpetic neurology.
01:29 According to recent studies, in the period following the reactivation of the virus, 30% of the
01:35 subjects were affected by cerebral ictus.
01:37 Vaccination, in my opinion, is fundamental and the important thing to remember is that
01:42 until recently we had a single vaccine, which was a live vaccine, and therefore it could
01:49 cause problems to patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases, especially when treated
01:54 with immunosuppressive drugs.
01:56 Today we have a recombinant vaccine, which is very safe from this point of view and has
02:02 great immunogenicity, therefore it is effective, let's say, in 90% of patients and that persists
02:09 even over time.
02:10 Osinophil granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a chronic pathology of autoimmune zoology,
02:16 whose manifestations, often very severe, can involve vital organs such as the heart,
02:21 nerves, intestine and kidneys.
02:22 If not treated properly, it can also cause problems to the respiratory system.
02:27 Today, the standard of care provides the association from the early stages of corticosteroids,
02:34 initially at high doses, and then gradually decrease over time, associated with immunosuppressive
02:41 drugs.
02:42 This is especially true for more severe forms of disease, where it is necessary to use drugs
02:47 such as rituximab or ciclofosfamide.
02:49 Instead, for less severe forms, conventional immunosuppressive drugs can be used,
02:55 or newer drugs, more specific with target leucine, which is one of the main cells
03:03 involved in the pathogenesis of this disease, in such a way as to be able to adequately control
03:08 the symptoms.
