00:00 you are here today. Somebody you
00:05 know is supposed to be in
00:08 church today. I so wish that
00:09 you were here but I am so glad
00:12 that you are there. The power
00:14 of god is not restricted to a
00:16 building. Wherever it is that
00:18 you are, I pray that the
00:19 presence and the power of god
00:21 would meet you right there.
00:23 Genesis chapter twenty-seven. I
00:26 want to uh illumine just one
00:28 person. Genesis twenty-seven
00:34 verse twenty. First book of the
00:36 Bible.
00:39 Genesis twenty-seven verse
00:44 twenty. Once you found it,
00:45 won't you say I got it? If you
00:48 can't find it, say lord help me.
00:52 If that was you, come get saved
00:55 right now. Come come join the
00:57 church. Genesis twenty-seven
01:00 verse number twenty. Isaac
01:04 asked his son, how did you find
01:07 it so quickly, my son? The lord
01:11 your god gave me success. He
01:14 replied, you may be seated.
01:19 Isaac asked his son, how did
01:20 you find it so quickly? The
01:24 lord your god gave me success
01:29 was his response. I want to
01:31 preach for a little while uh
01:33 this morning using as a subject
01:35 just be honest for once. Just
01:41 be honest for once. Look at the
01:44 person beside you. Tell him I
01:45 didn't say that. I didn't say
01:47 that. Look look at him. Say the
01:49 pastor want to know. Will you
01:52 say yes? Just be honest for
02:01 once. The best soul food ever
02:04 stolen by white people.
02:08 the best soul food ever stolen
02:13 by white people has gotta be
02:16 Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's
02:19 gotta be. A gentleman by the
02:21 name of Michael McCurnell.
02:24 Michael McCurnell's
02:26 allegedly, allegedly came up
02:29 with the recipe in 1930.
02:33 Knowing historically, white
02:35 people don't even season their
02:38 food.
02:41 but has ingredients that boast
02:47 the recipe. The colonel has a
02:51 signed copy of the original
02:54 recipe sealed in a safe that
02:58 has been placed in the vault in
03:01 the basement of their global
03:03 headquarters next to the legal
03:06 department. The recipe has
03:12 been around the clock. They are
03:17 so intentional on non
03:19 disclosure. that they have one
03:23 company blend five of the
03:26 spices. and another company
03:30 does six. Then a computer
03:34 processing plant blends them
03:37 together. The company actually
03:41 believes, hear this, that their
03:45 secret is their greatest asset.
03:49 They believe that their secret
03:51 is their greatest asset. As a
03:53 consequence, only two living
03:56 board members at a time can
03:58 know the recipe. While most of
04:03 us aren't selling chicken, most
04:06 of us are selling chicken. When
04:09 it's time to divulge stuff about
04:12 ourselves. In the book, I want
04:15 to recommend to you called the
04:17 secret life of secrets. The
04:21 secret life of secrets. The
04:23 author's name is Michael
04:24 Slepian. We discover that we
04:28 suppress instances about our
04:30 life that we deem attached to
04:34 our identity. Are entangled with
04:38 embarrassment. or hold the
04:41 powder keg to destroy the
04:44 identity that we manufacture.
04:48 Columbia University has coughed
04:51 up that the average person, y'all
04:53 are not going to believe this.
04:55 The average person listening to
04:57 me today. The average person
05:00 keeps 13 secrets. The average
05:04 person keeps 13 secrets and
05:07 five of them they have never
05:10 told. So, within the safe
05:13 deposit box of our souls, we
05:16 hold the secrets about assault,
05:20 about abuse, about arrest, about
05:25 our identities, about our
05:29 orientation, about our
05:32 addictions, about infidelities,
05:36 about infirmities, about
05:39 anxieties, about unwanted
05:43 pregnancies, about disabilities,
05:46 about squandered possibilities,
05:49 about unmet responsibilities,
05:53 about our family history.
05:56 Everybody in this room is
05:59 holding on the secrets. The
06:03 saved, the sanctified, the
06:06 sinner, all of us have at least
06:10 13. We got more secrets than
06:15 Jesus had disciples. Shouldering
06:20 all those secrets is straining.
06:24 You have to do the work of
06:26 subconsciously reminding
06:28 yourself. You have to remind
06:30 yourself not to remember. You
06:35 have yellow lights flashing in
06:37 your mind, cautioning you not
06:40 to overshare. Sitting at dinner
06:44 tables and you are playing
06:46 double dutch. Should I tell them?
06:48 Should I not? Can they handle
06:50 it? Can they take it? Is this
06:52 too much? Should I keep it to
06:54 myself? Because we don't even
06:56 know where to enlist for
06:59 witness protection. It's no
07:02 longer acting when you have
07:05 mastered being inauthentic. You
07:10 have earned degrees in being
07:14 ingenuous. The very threat of
07:19 its unveiling will have you
07:21 living on an edge that has
07:24 morphed into a cliff and the
07:26 shaky boulder of the truth has
07:29 you trying to figure out, do I
07:32 commit emotional suicide? And
07:37 so the litmus test of your
07:40 closest friends, come on, look
07:42 at me. Don't look at your
07:43 neighbor. This ain't one of
07:44 them sermons. Look at me. Do
07:46 not look at your neighbor. Your
07:48 closest friends are determined
07:51 not just about love and loyalty.
07:54 Your closest friends are
07:56 determined by, can I trust you
07:59 with my secret? That's who's
08:03 the closest to me is who I can
08:06 trust with it. And even that I
08:09 don't give them everything. I'm
08:12 not a piece of it. The people
08:15 around the president are not
08:17 called soldiers. They are not
08:20 called militia. They are sworn
08:23 in as secret service. And
08:27 that's what a lot of people
08:28 really want. They don't want
08:29 friends. They just want secret
08:33 service. Who will defend my
08:37 secrets? So the people who are
08:41 closest to you are the people
08:42 who have been with you the
08:44 longest because you can't
08:46 afford to cut them off. They
08:50 know too much. Y'all ain't
08:52 saying nothing to me. I, I, I,
08:54 I got a hold them dear because
08:57 I know if they spill the beans,
08:59 it's over for everything. Who
09:04 will defend my secret to the
09:08 extent that they are willing to
09:10 compromise their own integrity
09:13 to defend my life? That's who
09:18 my real friend is. Their ethics
09:22 will go on sale to protect my
09:26 honor. When Adam consumed the
09:30 forbidden fruit, he covered
09:32 himself, himself in leaves, not
09:35 because of the sin, but because
09:37 of the shame. He didn't mind
09:42 being naked until he heard God
09:44 coming. Y'all ain't saying
09:47 nothing to me. I'm telling you,
09:49 I'm trying to figure out how
09:51 you are in church covering up
09:54 your secret from God. As if he
09:57 don't know when you did it, who
10:00 you did it with, where you did
10:03 it. Here's for five of y'all
10:05 that's going to keep it a stack
10:06 and how often you did it because
10:08 it wasn't just one time. You
10:10 ought to be thankful under God
10:12 because if nobody else, God will
10:15 keep your secrets. It is amazing
10:19 how many people hate you on
10:22 speculation when God loves you
10:26 with the evidence. Y'all make me
10:30 sick. You sitting in here as if
10:32 you ain't got no secrets, but
10:34 here's where you ought to be
10:36 shouting real quick. Would you
10:37 just jump up and give God glory
10:39 for covering your secrets, for
10:42 the stuff that never got out,
10:44 for the stuff that he held
10:46 together, for the stuff he never
10:49 get leaked. He held my secrets.
10:57 He may be seated when Cain
11:04 killed his brother Abel, he
11:08 thought it was concealed in a
11:10 field, but the blood started
11:13 crying out. God, I can't hear
11:16 nobody in here. Many of us have
11:20 adopted a victimization
11:22 mentality that we are quick to
11:25 go to God about what other
11:27 people did to us, but we are
11:30 slow in recognition on how we
11:34 made other people bleed. God, I
11:37 can't hear nobody. It's some
11:39 stuff you said, some stuff you
11:41 did, some stuff you participated
11:44 in, some rumors you spread, some
11:46 tech messages that you forwarded
11:48 out, and you got no idea how
11:51 many people are staggering along
11:53 from the dagger you inflicted on
11:56 them, and the blood is crying
11:59 out, but you ought to be crying
12:01 for the mercy of God. I know you
12:05 want the blessings of God, but
12:07 look at you with your self-righteous
12:09 self, acting like you ain't never
12:11 hurt somebody, acting like you
12:13 ain't never broke somebody's
12:15 heart, acting like you ain't
12:17 never lied to nobody, like you
12:19 ain't never cheated nobody, like
12:21 you never manipulated anybody,
12:24 but I stand on this rainy Sunday
12:26 morning saying, "Father, forgive
12:29 me because I got some blood on
12:32 the ground." 1 John 1 and 19
12:39 says, "If you confess your sins,
12:43 he's faithful, and he's just to
12:47 cleanse us from all
12:48 unrighteousness." Hallelujah. I
12:52 want you to know right now, if
12:54 you'll just lift up that hand, I
12:55 want to speak it over your life.
12:58 Hallelujah. I speak over every
13:01 lifted hand that God is
13:03 releasing grace over unspoken
13:07 secrets. Hallelujah. I thought
13:10 you was going to shout better
13:11 than that. Some of us should be
13:13 in jail right now. Some of us
13:15 have no business in church with
13:18 our head lifted up. I'm telling
13:20 you, if your parents had any
13:22 indication of some of the stuff
13:25 that you were involved in, you'd
13:26 be scared to be in the house.
13:28 But while we were yet sinners,
13:32 he died for us. I ain't scared
13:35 of none of y'all. I know you got
13:37 your dress and your suit on, but
13:39 don't sit in here like you ain't
13:41 never smoked nothing, snorted
13:42 nothing, like you ain't never
13:44 slept with somebody. You ought
13:46 to just be giving God glory that
13:49 God's mercy covered you. He is a
13:57 secret keeper. You may be seated.
14:00 You have expended all of this
14:03 energy fighting people who
14:05 perpetuate lies. What if they
14:10 knew the truth? God, I can't
14:14 hear nobody. I know you ain't
14:16 heard it in a while, but I think
14:18 this is a good place for me to
14:19 make an announcement. Those of
14:21 you who don't need it, don't
14:22 worry about it. I ain't talking
14:23 to you. I'm talking to somebody
14:24 two rows behind you, but I want
14:26 to make an announcement. You
14:27 already know it. It's just a
14:29 reminder. Here is the reminder.
14:31 The devil is a liar. God, I
14:36 can't hear nobody. I better say
14:38 it again. The devil is a liar.
14:42 I better say it just for five of
14:44 y'all. The devil is a liar. God
14:48 wanted you to come here today to
14:50 hear one thing. His grace is
14:52 better than your shame. Whatever
14:55 it is that you've been ashamed
14:57 of, God said, "Be free from it."
15:00 My grace is sufficient. Whatever
15:05 it is that you have had to
15:07 compartmentalize, stuff you've
15:10 had to avoid, the stuff that you
15:12 didn't want to confront, the
15:15 stuff that makes you tremble in
15:17 your sleep, the reason why it is
15:20 that you avoid people from your
15:21 past is because of the secrets
15:25 that you don't want released.
15:28 I want you to know we aren't the
15:30 first ones to try to keep a
15:32 secret from the Father. In
15:35 Genesis 27, when Isaac was old
15:38 and had developed cataracts, he
15:41 called for his oldest son Esau
15:44 and said, "Esau, I want you to
15:46 go out into the field and go find
15:49 some wild meat. I want you to
15:53 cook it the way that I like it.
15:55 Then I want you to bring it to
15:57 me. After you found this wild
16:00 meat, cook it the way that I like
16:02 it, bring it to me, then I am
16:05 going to bless you." I think you
16:08 missed something here. The
16:10 Father said, "I'm going to bless
16:11 you, but before I bless you, I
16:14 hope five of y'all will get it,
16:16 you got to do something wild
16:17 first. I am not going to bless
16:21 people who play it safe. I'm
16:24 only going to bless people who
16:25 push the envelope, who are
16:28 willing to take a risk." See,
16:31 that's why a whole lot of people
16:32 don't get with you, because you
16:34 are not as conventional as they
16:36 are. But God said, "I got a
16:38 blessing for the wild ones, for
16:41 the ones that been out there."
16:43 Y'all ain't saying nothing to
16:44 ones that were in some stuff
16:46 that should have killed them. I
16:47 got a blessing for you, those of
16:49 you who were reckless with your
16:51 own life and did some stuff that
16:54 was stupid and crazy. Had you
16:56 had any bit of sin, you would
16:59 have never been there. God said,
17:01 "That's who I got a blessing for.
17:03 Not those that been in church
17:05 their whole life, but those of
17:07 you that was balling out of
17:09 control. I think I better talk
17:11 to you. You were drunk and still
17:13 don't know how you drove home.
17:16 You slept with folk and don't
17:18 know how you're HIV negative.
17:21 You took some stuff, but there's
17:24 no bullet in your body." God
17:26 said, "The wild ones." Do
17:32 something wild. Then come to me
17:39 and watch me bless you. But
17:43 ladies and gentlemen, this is
17:44 where it gets interesting.
17:47 Because he said it to his
17:49 oldest son, Esau, but Rebecca,
17:53 who's Isaac's wife, is listening.
17:57 She's listening to the plan that
18:00 Jacob has for Esau, but Esau was
18:04 not her favorite. She wanted the
18:08 blessing to go to Jacob. She
18:12 pulled Jacob to the side and
18:15 concocted a scheme to derail
18:18 Esau from getting the blessing.
18:22 She said, "While your brother
18:25 is in the wild hunting, go to
18:28 the backyard. I already got some
18:31 animals in the stable. Cook it
18:34 up so it tastes like it came
18:37 from the wild. Give it to your
18:40 dad. Watch this, and what should
18:42 have gone to Esau is going to go
18:45 to you." God help me. Would you
18:48 lift up that hand, please?
18:50 Hallelujah. I'm burdened to even
18:53 make this proclamation, but I am
18:55 compelled to do so by the Holy
18:57 Spirit. I pray that God will free
19:00 you from the consequences of bad
19:04 parental coaching. God help me.
19:08 There's some stuff you picked up
19:10 that you didn't get from the
19:12 streets. You got it from the
19:13 house. And I am praying over
19:16 every lifted hand that God will
19:18 sever the responsibility that
19:21 should have come from good
19:23 parenting but did not fall your
19:25 lot. That God will destroy the
19:28 generational curse that was on
19:31 your mother and what was on your
19:34 father will not be on you. I
19:37 break the get-over spirit. I
19:40 break the scheming spirit. I
19:43 break the welfare spirit. I
19:46 break the settling spirit. I
19:49 break the nine-to-five-for-20-
19:51 years spirit that God will do in
19:54 your life exceedingly, abundantly,
19:58 beyond. Watch this. What your
20:01 parents could think, what your
20:06 parents could dream, what your
20:09 parents could imagine, what they
20:12 settled for, I never want you to
20:15 live with. Says I want to fool
20:18 you and I'm going to show you
20:21 how to fool your father. And he
20:24 saw how it was hairy but Jacob
20:28 was smooth-skinned. He says, how
20:31 am I going to pull this off? How
20:34 am I going to pull this off?
20:36 Watch this. When I don't feel
20:40 like my brother. Why is this
20:44 important? Because he knew what
20:47 a lot of us don't recognize and
20:50 that is feelings lie. Y'all
20:56 don't like this sermon. Your
20:59 feelings will lie to you. Your
21:02 feelings don't like confronting
21:05 facts. Your feelings will try to
21:08 convince you it's your fault that
21:11 I hit you. Your feelings will
21:14 blind you from seeing that your
21:16 child is in love with the
21:18 streets. Your feelings will
21:20 convince you that they're coming
21:22 back when they have clearly
21:24 moved on. Your feelings are a
21:27 lie. That's why you got to move
21:30 past your feelings and tap the
21:32 spirit. That even though I love
21:35 you, you ain't good for me. Even
21:38 though I like you a lot, you are
21:40 toxic to my destiny and my
21:43 assignment. The hardest thing
21:45 you will ever have to do in
21:48 trusting God is ignore your
21:51 feelings and obey your spirit.
21:54 But I got 30 of y'all in this
21:57 room. They said I didn't
21:59 understand it there. But I thank
22:02 God my spirit is stronger than
22:06 my flesh. You got to ignore
22:13 your feelings because your
22:16 feelings lie. You got to be
22:20 honest with yourself. Time has
22:23 passed but you still mad about
22:25 what they did. Be honest with
22:28 yourself. You resent that they're
22:32 succeeding while you're
22:33 struggling. Y'all ain't saying
22:36 nothing to me. Be honest with
22:38 yourself. You still don't
22:40 understand why you worked that
22:42 hard for a degree but can't find
22:44 a job in your field. Be honest
22:47 with yourself. It makes you sick
22:49 that you got to be this lonely
22:51 when you are naturally a giver.
22:53 Be honest with yourself. It is
22:56 unfair how people in your own
22:59 family treat you like dirt when
23:01 all you try to do is reach out
23:03 to them and exercise compassion.
23:06 Be honest. You don't know why
23:08 it is that God ain't answering
23:11 your prayer but he doing
23:13 miracles, signs, wonders, and
23:15 breakthrough for everybody
23:16 else. Why you standing and say
23:18 it's me oh Lord. Standing in
23:21 the need of prayer. Be honest
23:23 with yourself. I said how am I
23:29 going to fool the father when I
23:32 don't feel like my brother? So
23:36 the mother coaches him and says
23:39 put something on your arms so
23:42 you'll feel like him. God help
23:45 me in here. You are going to
23:49 have to destroy the demon of
23:52 familiarity. God help me. You
23:56 are going to have to destroy
23:59 the demon of familiarity. That's
24:02 for immature saints. In this
24:04 season of your life you can't be
24:06 with somebody because you like
24:08 how they make you feel. God I
24:11 can't hear nobody. I need
24:13 somebody I like the way they
24:15 make me think and how they push
24:17 me to go further and to conquer
24:20 more when I didn't have the Holy
24:23 Spirit. He goes into the room
24:28 dressed up like his brother.
24:31 Got stuff on his arms so he
24:33 feels like his brother. And the
24:36 problem is that he's serving up
24:39 a deceptive dinner. And the
24:42 father's feelings have been
24:44 lied to. Cuz he feels like his
24:47 brother. The mistake that Jacob
24:51 made was talking. The father
24:55 said wait a minute now. You
24:58 feel like your brother. But you
25:02 don't sound like him. God we
25:05 may have church in a minute.
25:06 See some of y'all are so caught
25:09 up in feelings that you don't
25:11 know the father's looking for a
25:13 sound. Hallelujah. Cuz God
25:15 knows the voice of his
25:17 children. See some of y'all
25:19 cry out when you get to church.
25:22 But there's a group of us that
25:24 know I get joy when I think
25:27 about what he's done for me.
25:29 You can try to dance like me.
25:32 But you can't worship like me.
25:35 I need the children of God.
25:37 Would you open up your mouth so
25:40 that the father hears your
25:42 voice. I said open up your
25:45 voice so that God know I know
25:47 that voice. Come on cry out to
25:50 him. That's the voice of
25:52 somebody that needs their rent
25:54 paid. I know that voice. That's
25:57 the voice of somebody that's
26:00 worried about their children. I
26:02 know that voice. I said my
26:06 feelings. My feelings may be
26:11 off. But I know the voice. You
26:15 can't hear me. Hallelujah. I
26:19 know your voice. Oh my god. I
26:24 know that voice. God I can't
26:27 hear nobody. I I I know that
26:29 voice. This this this getting
26:32 ready to be your black test.
26:34 This can be your ghetto test
26:37 right here. This this can be
26:39 the test for your hood
26:41 credentials. If if if you ever
26:43 hear somebody say y'all ain't
26:45 saying that and you got a
26:46 friend that comes to visit you.
26:48 They ringing on the doorbell
26:50 knocking on the door and you
26:52 say who is it? God help me. If
26:54 it's a real friend, those of
26:56 y'all from the hood. If it's a
26:58 real friend, you know what
26:59 they're going to say? It's me.
27:01 God, I can't hear nobody. When
27:03 I call on God. God already
27:06 knows it's me. I need somebody
27:09 to hear me. It's me, God. I
27:13 need a miracle right now. It's
27:16 me, God. I need deliverance.
27:21 He said, it's it's me. I'm the
27:28 one that needs a blessing. It's
27:30 it's me. Be seated. I need
27:33 healing in my body. It's it's
27:35 me. You got to get me out of
27:37 this car. It's me. I'm I'm the
27:39 one that got to get out of this
27:41 car as quick as possible. It's
27:44 me. The father is conflicted.
27:50 The father is conflicted. Watch
27:52 this. He's conflicted and
27:54 confounded because he doesn't
27:56 understand the feeling and the
27:59 feeling don't match the voice.
28:04 The feeling does not match the
28:08 voice. You may be seated. I'm
28:11 coming. The feeling does not
28:16 match the voice. You may be
28:19 seated. I'm coming. The feeling
28:22 does not match the voice. I'm
28:26 waiting on you. You may be
28:27 seated. The feeling does not
28:31 match the voice and the father
28:35 ask a question that you are
28:38 going to be asked this week.
28:41 Would you be seated? I gotta
28:42 ask you the question. Please,
28:43 would you be seated? I'm I'm
28:45 trying to get you ready. The
28:46 father asked a question that
28:48 people are going to be asking
28:50 you this week. The father asked
28:53 a question that people are
28:55 going to be asking you this
28:57 week. It's right there in the
28:58 Bible. The father asked the
29:01 father, how did you get it so
29:06 quickly? Oh my god. God, I got
29:10 the wrong church right here. I
29:12 I really thought y'all was
29:14 going to shout better than
29:15 that. Did you get it so
29:19 quickly? They said it was going
29:21 to take years for that
29:23 bankruptcy to come off your
29:26 shoulders.
29:29 How did you get that job that
29:37 quickly? You just got that job.
29:39 How'd you get that raise? God
29:42 help me. That quickly. You you
29:45 just met that man. How you get
29:47 the ring that quickly? Y'all
29:50 ain't got crazy faith. And I
29:53 tell you what. Is that um
30:02 Jacob lies to the father. And
30:07 says, I got it this quickly
30:10 because of the father.
30:13 Hallelujah. There's any time he
30:16 should have been honest. This
30:20 is a lie. But I declare and
30:24 decree over every person who's
30:25 in this room. That Jacob's lie
30:28 will not be yours. Oh god, I
30:31 can't hear nobody. When people
30:34 ask you how you got it so
30:36 quickly. The only thing you can
30:39 say is god did this for me. Now
30:42 now some of you all I don't
30:44 need you to shout. I don't need
30:45 you to jump. I don't need you
30:47 to respond. Cuz here's the
30:49 thing. Quick blessings are
30:52 getting ready to happen for
30:54 those. Here's your shout who
30:56 didn't do it right. God god god
30:59 I can't hear nobody. Quick
31:01 blessings are getting ready to
31:03 come. For those that are not
31:05 perfect. That didn't dot all
31:07 their I's and cross all of their
31:09 D. But those of y'all that know
31:11 that's how I know it's faithful.
31:14 I don't deserve all of this.
31:17 How did you get it so quickly?
31:25 How did you have this level of
31:29 success? With your spending
31:33 habits. How'd you get it so
31:40 quickly? With your sexual
31:43 history. How'd you get it with
31:48 your not so stellar career? How
31:52 did you get it with your
31:53 scholastic ineptitude? How did
31:57 you get it so quickly when you
31:58 are anti-social? God I can't
32:02 hear nobody in here. How how did
32:04 you get it so quickly when you
32:05 have no social standing? How'd
32:08 you get it so quickly when you
32:10 have no social standing? You
32:13 have no sorority to speak of.
32:16 You are going to have to declare
32:19 god gave me this. God I don't
32:21 know where my worshippers are.
32:24 God gave me this. God gave me
32:31 this. Be seated please. God
32:35 gave me this. Hallelujah. God
32:39 gave me this. God gave me this.
32:45 Hallelujah. God gave me this.
32:49 Hallelujah. God gave me this. I
32:52 got this because of god. God.
32:55 God did this for me. Now, I I I
32:58 gotta brace you because this is
33:00 an unconventional message that I
33:03 really should not be preaching
33:05 until the third Sunday in May.
33:08 God help me in here. God gave me
33:12 this. This is my secret. The
33:18 secret for where I am is because
33:22 of god and I'm telling you the
33:24 twelve of y'all if you don't
33:25 tear this church up, I'm
33:26 packing up and going home. I
33:29 got where I am. Hear this.
33:32 Because of god, here's your
33:34 secret. I shout because of god
33:40 and my mama. God, I can't hear
33:44 nobody. My mother saw me
33:47 through this. My mother
33:50 believed in me. My mother
33:53 guided me. She wasn't the
33:56 perfect mother but she did what
33:58 was necessary for me to get in
34:01 the house of god for the Holy
34:04 Ghost and for my mother.
34:08 Y'all forgive me. It's getting
34:23 ready to be a scream in this
34:25 room. I am asking god not to
34:30 tear my house or money but
34:33 y'all better tear the roof off
34:35 of this building. I need you to
34:37 give god glory for every mother
34:41 that's struggling to raise her
34:43 kids. Struggling to give their
34:46 kids a better destiny and a
34:49 better way of life. I dare you
34:52 to open up your mouth that god
34:55 will do it.
35:00 Two waves of blessings. I get
35:05 ready to hit this house. You
35:08 may be seated. Two waves of
35:11 blessings. I get ready to hit
35:14 this house. Two waves of
35:17 blessings. Hallelujah. I feel
35:21 your power right here god.
35:24 Hallelujah. Thank you holy god.
35:27 I feel your wave that's getting
35:29 ready to flow through the earth.
35:31 That god is getting ready to
35:34 send blessings and keep it on
35:37 the heads of mothers who had to
35:41 struggle to get it together. I
35:43 don't know where they are this
35:45 morning. Whether they are in a
35:47 sickbed, in a hospice, in jail,
35:50 if they're drunk, y'all ain't
35:52 saying nothing to me. God said,
35:54 I'm getting ready to reward
35:56 you at least on the path. I
35:59 don't know where y'all are in
36:01 this room but I need to hear
36:03 the sound of a hundred of you
36:05 that need god to take care of
36:08 your mother. You need god to do
36:11 something. A breakthrough gotta
36:14 happen for your mother. I dare
36:17 you to cry out loud.
36:25 Hallelujah. This next wave
36:29 hallelujah. This next wave of
36:32 blessings is for mothers who are
36:35 raising sons. Hallelujah. God
36:39 said you ain't gonna lose either
36:41 of them.
36:44 I'm getting ready to put a hedge
36:46 fence of protection. That they
36:49 don't have to live a wild life
36:51 in order to survive. God, I
36:54 wanna hear the sounds of mothers
36:57 who are doing all they can to
36:59 fight for your child's blessing.
37:02 Would you cry out loud even right
37:04 now? Come on, would you give
37:07 glory out loud for what God is
37:10 getting ready to do?
37:13 Hallelujah.
37:24 Hallelujah.
37:27 Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I don't
37:33 know where you are but mother,
37:34 you better scream. He ain't
37:36 going to jail. He ain't gonna be
37:38 in the streets. He ain't gonna
37:41 be like his father. I need you
37:44 to open up your mouth.
37:46 Everything he needs is getting
37:48 ready to be dropped into your
37:50 son's life and you sitting here
37:53 like God ain't gonna do it. The
37:55 God of my salvation.
38:00 You may be seated for the last
38:10 time.
38:13 Hallelujah.
38:16 I know y'all ain't gonna let
38:41 mother scream by herself.
38:44 College scholarships are on the
38:46 way. Mentors are getting ready
38:49 to show up. Job opportunities
38:52 are getting ready to happen.
38:55 You may be seated for the last
39:01 time, please, sir.
39:04 For the last time, you may be
39:09 seated.
39:12 How did you get it so fast?
39:18 How is it happening for you so
39:24 quickly?
39:27 I want you to grab that
39:32 neighbor's hand. I'm finishing.
39:33 I'm just not through. Grab that
39:36 neighbor's hand. Once you have
39:38 that neighbor's hand, I want you
39:39 to lift it, please.
39:43 Because I wanna release your
39:45 secret.
39:48 As to why your blessings are
39:51 getting ready to happen quickly.
39:54 Here is the secret of your
40:00 success. Pull on that neighbor's
40:04 hand, please. Tell him I don't
40:07 know. I don't tell everybody
40:12 this. But here's my secret.
40:15 Come on, pull on him. Pull on
40:16 him. Pull on him. Pull on him.
40:18 Tell him I hope I can trust you
40:20 with my secret. I don't confide
40:23 in a lot of people. I don't fool
40:26 with a lot of folk. But here's
40:29 my secret. Goodness and mercy.
40:36 Follow me all the days of my
40:39 life. Pull on that neighbor. You
40:41 got another secret to tell him.
40:43 Greater is he that is in me.
40:47 Come on. I'm waiting on my
40:49 worshipers to show up. For a
40:52 thousand fold at my side, ten
40:55 thousand at my right hand.
40:58 Here's my secret. There's a great
41:02 cloud of witnesses that are
41:04 hovering around me. Come on,
41:07 pull on them. Here's your secret.
41:09 Forgetting those things which are
41:11 behind. I press towards the mark
41:14 of the high collar. Come on, pull
41:17 on them. Pull on them. I got to
41:19 tell you my secret. It ain't my
41:22 degrees. It ain't my looks. It
41:26 ain't my background. The only
41:29 reason why I keep finding
41:31 success. Come on, shout it after
41:34 me. The only reason I keep
41:35 finding success is the devil
41:38 knows my secret. I am anointed
41:44 from the top of my head to the
41:48 sole of my feet. I need those of
41:52 you that are anointed for
41:54 success. Would you open up your
41:58 mouth? I was born to do this. I
42:02 was born to take over the world.
42:06 I was born.
42:08 Lay your hands on your chest. I
42:27 want to pray for you and I got
42:28 to release you.
42:56 Musicians, if you'll play for me
42:58 softly, there's not a friend like
43:00 the lowly Jesus. No, not one. I
43:06 want that hand on your chest
43:07 even now. I'm praying even for
43:09 those of you who are online.
43:12 That God will undergird and
43:18 sustain you for the five things
43:22 you've been holding. For the
43:26 five things that have been a
43:27 ball of chain around your waist.
43:34 The five things that have kept
43:35 you prisoner to your past. The
43:39 five things that are holding you
43:41 hostage from being your
43:44 authentic self. From the five
43:48 things that have tried to
43:50 baptize you in shame. I speak
43:54 wholeness. I speak peace. And I
44:00 speak what your soul has longed
44:02 to hear. And I hope you'll
44:05 receive it. You are forgiven.
44:11 Some of y'all don't need it but
44:18 those of y'all don't need it but
44:20 those of y'all take it as you
44:21 will. I better say it again.
44:23 You are forgiven.
44:27 That's all yesterday's news. I
44:32 need every person standing
44:34 wherever it is that you are. I
44:36 need every person standing.
44:39 Listen to me. Deacons, ministers,
44:42 elders, hold your position for
44:44 just one moment. There are five
44:46 people. Watch this right off the
44:48 rip that need to get saved.
44:51 Need to join the church. Need to
44:52 get right with god. Some of you
44:56 left the church because of a
44:57 secret. Some of you been out of
45:00 ministry because of a secret.
45:03 Some of you have recused
45:05 yourself from being in a place
45:07 of purpose. In fear that your
45:09 secret might be exposed. But
45:12 those of you in this room,
45:13 please hear me very carefully
45:15 that the message was not for
45:17 shouting. Uh it was really for
45:20 thinking and for processing and
45:22 for delivering. The five of you,
45:25 you felt almost like I was
45:26 sitting on your lap list
45:28 whispering in your ear. Speaking
45:30 to you about you. Wherever the
45:33 five of you are, I want you to
45:35 know you are in a church that
45:37 can handle your secrets. You in
45:41 a church that is not gonna be
45:42 thrown off by what it is that
45:44 you are. Where it is that you
45:47 lived or the wild things that
45:49 you participated in. Wherever
45:51 it is that you are, the five of
45:53 you who I'm talking to, I want
45:54 you to come meet me. It's just
45:55 me and you at this altar. The
45:57 five of you who I'm talking to,
45:59 I need you to come excuse
46:00 yourself and come meet me right
46:02 here, please. Right where it is
46:04 that you are, the five of you.
46:09 I need you to excuse yourself.
46:10 You can't go back the same way
46:12 that you did. That's too much
46:14 that god has in store and in
46:17 mind just for you. Next year,
46:20 next Sunday, I will celebrate
46:22 4 years of being pastor of this
46:24 church. Listen to me.
46:28 And in 4 years of being a
46:31 pastor of this church, I have
46:32 never in 4 years preached from
46:35 this floor. I needed to get as
46:38 close to you as I possibly can
46:41 because there are no boundaries.
46:43 There are no obstacles between
46:45 what you need to do and where
46:48 you need to go. There are five
46:50 of you. I felt you in my
46:51 spirit. This is where I was
46:53 supposed to preach from some
46:54 other things supposed to happen
46:55 in this worship. I shifted all
46:56 of them because I needed to get
46:58 to you. I need you to do me a
47:00 favor please. I need you. I'm
47:01 telling you somebody's life is
47:03 on the line internally. They
47:05 are about to implode. I'm
47:07 telling you they're getting
47:08 worse. They are really
47:11 transmitting to the universe.
47:12 If one more thing happens to me,
47:14 I'm going to crumble. I'm going
47:15 to fall. I'm going to lose it
47:17 all. I'm telling you I'm either
47:18 hurt somebody or hurt myself. I
47:21 got to get to god. The five of
47:23 you where it is that you are,
47:24 I'm telling you I got nowhere
47:26 to go. I got nowhere to go. I
47:29 flew for 15 hours just to get
47:31 to where you are and I need you
47:34 to come to me. Hallelujah.
47:37 Thank you so very much. I'm
47:39 grateful for you. I'm grateful
47:41 for you. Stay right here. It's
47:43 four more that's going to be
47:44 standing with you in 1 moment.
47:46 The four others who I'm waiting
47:47 on. I need you to come and meet
47:49 me at this altar. Please. I need
47:52 you to come. Thank you sir. I'm
47:55 waiting on four more of you.
47:57 Come on. Come on. Come on. Come
48:08 on. I'm waiting on you. I can't
48:14 believe y'all clapping that
48:16 slow. Losing 1 hour of sleep
48:19 took all that praise out of you.
48:23 Bless his holy name. I'm
48:26 grateful for you. Listen to me
48:28 very carefully. Listen to me.
48:30 Come on. Give god some glory.
48:31 Here they come. I wish y'all a
48:39 shout for this beautiful family
48:41 coming. Listen to me. Help me.
48:50 Would you be honest for once?
48:53 Be honest for once. How many
48:55 y'all church people got a secret?
48:57 Would you lift up that hand
48:59 please? Wave that hand if you
49:01 got more than one. More than
49:04 two. More than three. Blink at
49:08 me if there's more than four. I
49:13 am excited. Listen to me. I
49:15 wanted you to do that because I
49:17 wanted to disavow the notion
49:19 that the church is for perfect
49:21 people. You know the craziest
49:26 thing? Craziest thing you've
49:28 ever seen is when you see
49:30 people in the gym make fun of
49:32 people who are out of shape.
49:35 Where else should they be?
49:38 Y'all ain't saying nothing to
49:40 me. The same way with church
49:42 folk is that you think
49:43 everybody ought to be smelling
49:45 good, dressing good, driving
49:46 good. If they're trying to get
49:48 their life together, where else
49:49 should they be? But in the
49:53 house of God, I'm thankful for
49:56 these five. Amen. But I want to
49:59 double it. Amen. I want another
50:02 five but I need your help. I
50:04 got jet lag. I'm nine hours
50:06 ahead. I'm trying to catch up
50:08 to where it is that you are. I
50:09 need five more to come but I
50:11 can't do it by myself. Can you
50:12 imagine this? That God is going
50:14 to let imperfect people with
50:16 secrets be his disciple. Can
50:22 y'all believe that? God gonna
50:24 use people with secrets to win
50:28 people to him. I want you to do
50:33 me a favor please. I need you
50:35 to do me a favor please. Would
50:36 you just go and walk up uh to
50:38 three people who you don't know,
50:40 three people who you don't
50:41 recognize and look right at
50:43 them and tell them I can't keep
50:44 it a secret. Jesus saved me.
50:46 Come on, tell them I can't keep
50:48 it a secret. Jesus saved me.
50:50 That's the reason why I'm here.
50:52 That's the reason why I'm alive.
50:55 That's the reason why I'm still
50:56 breathing. He saved my life.
51:01 Bless his name. Now, after you
51:05 gave that testimony, would you
51:07 invite them to get saved? Would
51:09 you invite them to become a
51:10 member of the church? Would you
51:12 invite them to get right with
51:13 god and do it now? Come on. I'm
51:15 still waiting on two more. You
51:18 won't do your job. Come on. I'm
51:21 waiting on two more of you to
51:22 come.
51:25 Come on, clap your hands.
51:32 Bless his name. Stretch your
51:39 right hand to faith uh to our
51:41 friends who have come. Both of
51:42 you who are watching online, I
51:44 I want you to know you can get
51:45 saved up from home. I want you
51:48 to clap your hands. Here comes a
51:49 beautiful black family right now.
51:53 Come on. Y'all gotta do better
51:55 than that.
51:58 Look at this. Look at this.
52:07 My heart is doing somersaults
52:10 this morning. Hallelujah. You
52:14 know what? I'm I'm I just got a
52:15 wild idea. I got a wild idea
52:17 that one more person can get
52:19 saved. I am so far over time.
52:22 Amen. But I I need you to come
52:25 as quickly as you can. I I know
52:27 y'all think we late but it's
52:29 really it's really just 1025.
52:32 It's really just we just got to
52:35 church early. It's just really
52:36 1025. I wanna believe god for
52:39 one last soul. I wanna believe
52:40 god for one last member. Uh and
52:43 I want you to exercise that same
52:45 level of faith. If there's one
52:48 more, would you kindly come? The
52:50 Bible says the angels rejoice
52:52 over one that is found. Would
52:55 you give god praise as they
52:57 come? If you online, come on,
53:00 come on. Do it right now in this
53:03 moment. But I believe there's
53:05 another. Here it comes.
53:09 Bless that wonderful name of
53:14 Jesus. Alright, let's try it.
53:16 Stretch your right hand to
53:17 faith. You're in the right
53:18 place. At the right time. Join
53:21 in the right church. Serving
53:23 only god. And I know that's
53:26 right. If you know right, would
53:28 you give god some praise even
53:30 right now? I wanna ask all of
53:34 you, you are now in our family.
53:36 You are a part of our community.
53:38 We are so grateful to have you
53:41 here. Amen. I ask that you'll
53:43 please follow us out this way.
53:45 Lady over here is holding the
53:46 sign. Welcome to the family. Ask
53:48 that you'll follow her new birth.
53:49 Make them feel welcome. Come on.
53:53 Make them feel
53:57 welcome.
54:01 Amen.
54:05 Amen.
54:09 Amen.