Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, --DON'T NOBODY WANT A BROKE MAN -- Sunday 18th, June 2023

  • l’année dernière


00:00 I
00:02 Music ministry, thank you so very much Luke chapter 15
00:13 Luke chapter 15
00:18 Luke chapter 15 verses 17 through 20 Luke chapter 15 verses 17 through 20
00:44 Music
00:46 As such you'll stand to your feet all over the sanctuary those of you are physically able
00:56 You'll do so we welcome those of you who are worshipping with us from around the world
01:02 We so wish that you were here, but we're so glad that you were there
01:06 The same God that is in this place. We're believing is going to fill your home
01:11 It's gonna feel where it is that you worship and where it is that you watch Luke chapter 15 verse 17 through 20
01:19 Let's read together with uplifted voices
01:21 When he came to his senses
01:24 He said how many of my father's hired servants
01:28 I was set out and go back to my father and say to him
01:40 father I've sinned against heaven I
01:42 Am no longer worthy to be called your son
01:47 Make me like one of your hired servants
01:50 So he got up and went to his father. You may be seated in the presence of the Lord. I
01:57 am
01:59 Overwhelmingly pleased and grateful to have three of my daughters with me today
02:08 Grace ain't you on the door once you all stand. I'm glad to have them
02:13 With me on this day
02:16 Grace is on her way to a fam you so please
02:21 Pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me. Thank you
02:31 When he came to his senses he said how many of my father's hired servants have food to spare
02:38 And here I am starving to death
02:41 I'll set out and go back to my father and say to him father. I've sinned against heaven and
02:46 Against you. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son
02:51 Make me like one of your hired servants
02:54 So he went up and went to his father. I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject
03:02 Don't nobody want a broke man
03:07 Nobody
03:36 Would you look at the person beside you and say did you hear what pastor is preaching about
03:40 Don't nobody
03:47 Don't nobody want a broke man
04:06 Comrades
04:08 One of the most successful
04:11 singing groups since the Supremes
04:13 Was Georgia's grown homegrown trio TLC
04:19 Sold over 72 million records worldwide
04:24 T-bar's left eye and chili
04:28 embodied creativity and the culture
04:32 with their style and with their songs
04:35 Maybe long after our lifetime
04:39 anthropologists
04:41 Would do well to analyze
04:43 the long-range impact of one particular tune and
04:49 the trail of trauma
04:52 That lies in its wake
04:55 Although released on the airwaves in
04:58 1999
05:00 It's still pulsating through the subconscience of a whole lot of people in our community
05:06 the song
05:09 No scrubs
05:11 It starts with a taunting alto decrying a scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
05:20 Or y'all ain't been saved your whole life and
05:25 He's also known as a buster
05:31 I don't want no scrub a scrub that can't get no love from me
05:36 Hanging outside of passenger side of his best friend's ride
05:41 Trying to holler at me
05:44 No, I don't want your number
05:49 No, I don't want to give you mine
05:52 No, I don't want to meet you nowhere
05:55 No, I don't want none of your time
05:59 Scrub can't get no love from me now half of y'all need to join the choir after this
06:05 I want you to press pause on the cassette tape and rewind it with a pencil
06:17 And I want you to hear what they said
06:21 over two million times
06:24 just on streaming platforms I
06:28 Need you to hear this that the man was dismissed
06:32 Because he didn't have his own car
06:35 Not because of his character
06:38 Not because of criminality
06:41 Not because of an absence of self-control
06:44 Not because of a void of convictions
06:48 Not because he didn't have a relationship with Christ
06:52 But simply reduced to a car
06:56 They took into no account the red lining of his zip code
07:00 The fact that maybe he's trying to rebuild his credit score
07:04 Or that he's coming off papers and that the system won't let him have a license
07:10 The man's value was reduced to wealth all the more
07:17 assessed by a pack of 20 year olds
07:23 Ladies and gentlemen might I humbly submit to you this Sunday morning
07:26 That bankrolls and black men have always had an abusive marriage
07:33 Given the fact that the currency of this country was built on the backs of black men
07:41 Our value
07:47 Was always measured on our strength and our seeds
07:52 but never on our sensibilities as
07:54 a consequence
07:57 Financial trauma impacts the psyche of black males
08:01 Different than any other demographic in this society
08:05 Economists gauge net worth while culture
08:11 interprets worthiness
08:13 This is only exacerbated with pay inequity
08:19 Being so glaring that black men are the only demographic in this nation
08:25 Where their female counterparts make more money
08:28 So as a consequence black women have more entrepreneurial enterprises
08:35 Have more degrees and have more home ownership
08:39 This has left many brothers feeling inadequate to walk in the role as providers
08:47 We live in a system hear me we live in a system where you can go to jail
08:53 Have your license suspended and passport revoked for not having paid child support
09:01 But that same system does not provide job training
09:05 job placement or access to capital I
09:11 Need you to be mindful that in the welfare of this nation that when they develop section 8 and food stamps
09:19 the only way that families could receive it is if a black father was not present and
09:26 Many black fathers were escorted out of the picture
09:30 Not because they did not want to be a part of their family or their children's lives
09:36 But they made the sacrifice so that their children could eat and could have a roof over their head
09:42 Many of our fathers and grandfathers served this nation
09:46 Nobly and when they came back could not get access to buy a home
09:51 Could not find capital to start a business and then they were
09:56 reclassified as being lazy syphilis and
09:59 Worthless while it is that they were strung out on heroin after serving in Vietnam
10:05 But not given any insurance or aftercare or medical attention
10:11 I need you to understand that money does not make a black man a
10:16 Black man has been a man when he had no money. I
10:21 Don't know where you are y'all ought to help me right through here
10:25 I want to heal some black fathers who felt as if they were not worthy to serve in that place of honor
10:33 Because you didn't have a job because you didn't have resources
10:36 Because you didn't have capital because you didn't have a fancy car
10:40 I want you to know your children want you broke your children want you with no money
10:47 Your children want you with no fancy car your presence means more than video games
10:54 Means more than Jordan's means more than fly clothes
10:59 They would rather you be there cheering at the games
11:02 present at PTA
11:05 Seeing their homework and telling them that they can be somebody I
11:10 Defied this nation that has tried to break our black men and reduce them to their bank account
11:18 But there are black men that are standing in this room that understand the Negro
11:25 Spiritual before I be a slave I'll be buried in my grave
11:30 And go home to my Lord and be free
11:34 I want to cheer the black men that didn't have all of the money, but they made all of the
11:41 Sacrifices made all of the things that were necessary for their children to have a better way of life
11:51 Money does not make you a man
11:55 It just gives you the equipment to establish what's in your head and the material to build what's in your heart
12:05 With no money. I need you to hear this with no money with no money with no
12:13 money
12:15 Jesus fed
12:16 10,000 with no money. He brought a girl back to life with no money
12:23 Jesus canceled a little boy's funeral with no money. Jesus pulled himself up out of the grave
12:30 He said no man takes my life. I lay it down and if I lay it down
12:36 I'll pick it back up again
12:38 I came to remind black people that have forgotten that God can make miracles happen
12:45 When money is not an option
12:47 Don't y'all walk around here acting like you always have money
12:53 But I need those of y'all that know that I serve a God
12:57 That when I had no money he put food on the table with no money
13:04 Clothes on my back with no money a roof over my head
13:13 Everybody don't have that testimony
13:15 But if you know you serve the God that blessed you in seasons when you had no money
13:23 Would you give God glory?
13:25 right now
13:27 Come on come on come on
13:32 I can recall I
13:39 recall long ago
13:42 One of the best and worst father's days that were ever recorded
13:46 Was in Luke chapter 15
13:49 Where we find this dad who had two sons and the youngest of them felt entitled
13:56 So much so that he went to his father and asked for his inheritance early
14:04 My entire life from vacation Bible school to Sunday school. We have always vilified this youngest son
14:12 But I need you to look at him differently today
14:15 I need you to look with a fresh set of eyes and see not just his audacity but his insight
14:22 What am I looking at pastor the youngest son knew something that I want fathers your children to know about you
14:31 The youngest son knew that the father made preparation for him
14:37 The youngest son knew that the father had put something aside for him
14:42 That the youngest son knew that the father made plans for his children's future
14:48 And not only did the son know that the father made plans. He had enough nerve to ask for it
14:54 I don't know whether you remember it or not, but the Bible says he will supply
14:59 All of your needs. I don't know who this is for. Maybe you online
15:05 Maybe you in this room, but the Heavenly Father is saying I got what you need
15:09 I'm just waiting on you to ask for it now. Some of y'all look so bougie
15:14 Y'all don't need nothing, but there's a small group that need a financial breakthrough
15:20 And God said what your grandmother told you shut mouths don't get fed
15:26 But if you need God to see about something that you are in need of in this hour
15:33 Would you open up your mouth like you need the rent to get paid?
15:38 Like you need to wish and they get paid
15:41 Like you need the condo to get paid
15:45 Like you need insurance to get paid
15:48 Just a little talk with Jesus and he will make it. All right
15:54 I need you to be seated for just one moment
16:02 He asked his father for it
16:04 Because he had a need for it had a want for it had a desire for it
16:09 Can you imagine that anything you ask for in Jesus's name?
16:14 It shall be given unto you. Look at the person beside you telling my family's going through a lot right now
16:22 Come on, I can't hear nobody. I said my family's going through a lot right now. I
16:27 Need something only God can provide
16:32 And I don't have a whole lot of time to get it. I
16:35 Need God to do it before this month is over
16:40 Those of you that got a real need
16:43 Don't worry about these phony Negroes. You need God to do something
16:50 Immediately I dare you to open up your mouth
16:55 And try out under God
16:58 Like God, you know what I need. It ain't my mother. It ain't my father
17:04 It's me Oh Lord
17:07 I'm standing
17:09 The Bible records
17:18 That the son was not a good steward of his resources
17:23 He did not function in
17:28 financial literacy
17:29 He didn't exercise in discipline and gave no hint. What's this a fiscal maturity?
17:37 I got a pause right here
17:39 My mother pulled my sisters and I aside and says I need you all to know I am NOT going to raise
17:45 entitled middle-class children
17:48 Y'all ain't gonna walk around here thinking that the world owes you something
17:53 Yeah, y'all ain't saying nothing and too many of you are not raising your children
17:58 You are just gifting your children
18:01 You gotta raise your children to leave so that you don't have grown squatters in your house
18:08 Yeah, y'all ain't saying nothing to me
18:11 You gotta raise your children to get jobs and to make a difference and to make an impact
18:17 It is out of biblical order for grown children to be asking their parents for money
18:23 You are supposed to be taking care of your parents
18:28 And I believe God is getting ready to do something in the life of your children
18:34 So that your children will take financial responsibility
18:38 Over their lives. I know some of y'all ain't worried about it
18:43 But those of you that want to see your children not repeat your financial mistakes
18:49 Would you give God glory right now?
18:53 Father had worked hard
19:02 Had invested
19:04 Most black businesses do not go into the next generation
19:08 Because the children are not interested
19:12 They'll sell it off sell the house sell the business sell the property because we have not taught them about generational wealth
19:19 This young man got his inheritance from his father and he does not plan a business
19:25 He does not buy your home. He does not make any investments
19:30 I need you to see what he does the Bible says that he lives recklessly
19:34 keeps buying New Jordans
19:37 keeps getting bottle service
19:40 keeps getting a gold chain
19:42 keeps buying video games
19:45 Keeps investing in bitcoins keep buying expensive cars
19:49 Always is in an uncommitted relationship
19:52 The recession kicks and he is not prepared for what's getting ready to happen. I need you to lift up that hand
20:00 I want to speak something over you but that has nothing to do with you. I speak over the life of your children
20:07 That we're in the financial storms come that your children will not forget the God of their salvation
20:15 That your children will not lower their standard their ethics or their morality just for money
20:23 But they understand that we are called to a high standard
20:26 That no matter how broke they get there's some stuff
20:31 They'll never do for a dollar that they'll keep their self-esteem intact
20:37 They'll keep their Christlike consciousness intact. I don't want you so desperate
20:42 Say this over your daughters. I don't want you so desperate that you got a share relationship with a married man
20:50 I don't want you so desperate that you gotta sell drugs to our own community
20:57 I don't want you so desperate that you make excuses to participate in something illegal
21:04 I raised you better than that
21:07 Hallelujah
21:18 Hallelujah
21:21 Hallelujah
21:24 I don't know where you are. I don't know who you are. I don't know where you're sitting, but I just felt the download from heaven
21:30 That a breakthrough
21:33 Financially is about to happen for your child
21:35 Oh, yeah, y'all didn't hear what I just said. I said a financial breakthrough
21:41 Is about to happen for your child
21:45 Your grandchildren are not gonna be in four or five different schools. I speak stability
21:54 over your child's life and over their future
21:58 He spent all that he had
22:03 This youngest son did
22:06 He spent all that he had and he woke up in a pigpen
22:10 And when he woke up in the pigpen, I need you to hear this. I need you to note this is that he
22:17 woke up
22:20 broken
22:23 He was raised in a good Christian home, but wakes up in a pigpen
22:28 broken
22:31 Not his pockets
22:33 his self-esteem
22:35 Was broken
22:38 His self-image was broken
22:40 His morale was broken
22:43 His drive was broken
22:47 But he said I can go to my father's house. I
22:51 Ain't gotta live like this
22:53 The father's gonna put me back together again. I
22:57 Came for some men who were in this house today
23:01 Who don't understand that life has tried to break you and the last thing the enemy of your soul?
23:08 Wanted you to do is to get to your father's house
23:11 But God said from the moment you stepped in this door
23:15 God is putting you back together again
23:20 You gonna live a life with no regrets
23:22 You gonna live a life not second-guessing who it is that you are
23:27 You gonna live a life knowing I'm a child of the King
23:32 And the father saw him a far off
23:37 The father saw him a far off and like a good father
23:41 Before the son could even get close
23:44 The father starts making preparation
23:48 Says I see you coming
23:50 And I need you to hear and pay attention to what it is that he says to the servants of the house
23:56 Says my son is coming
23:59 Go get shoes and a robe for him
24:02 You've been reading this your whole life and didn't even understand what this meant. I need you to know this is
24:09 That only slaves
24:12 wore no shoes
24:15 God I can't hear nobody
24:17 Only slaves walked around bare-chested
24:21 He saw his son and said no son of mine is gonna be a slave
24:27 I'm putting shoes on his feet
24:31 I'm putting covering on his back. I speak over every black man in this room
24:38 You are not gonna be a slave to this system
24:42 You are not gonna be a slave to this culture
24:46 You are not gonna be a slave to some job for 40 years
24:51 Just to get a stinkin gold watch
24:54 God said I'm putting a robe on you a covering over your life
24:59 Not gonna let you be a slave
25:03 To who it is that television says you are
25:08 I'm not gonna let you be a slave to the ghosts that haunt you in your head
25:13 Because you were touched inappropriately
25:16 I'm not gonna let you be a slave
25:18 Cuz you don't know how to turn that bottle of loose
25:21 I'm not gonna let you be a slave to your anger that you hidden people that you love and you supposed to protect
25:29 God said I gotta put a robe on you so you can stop acting like what America thinks you are
25:37 You are greater than that. You are not a criminal
25:41 Donald Trump is a criminal you eyes black man with integrity
25:48 Says I'm putting a robe on you
25:53 I'm putting shoes on you
25:56 But not only am I putting a robe on you not only my putting shoes on you. He said bring me the fatty calf
26:04 He says I never as a man want you to be hungry. I
26:09 Never want you trying to figure out how you gonna sustain yourself
26:14 How it is that you gonna live and make it from week to week?
26:17 He didn't say bring me any old calf. He said bring me a fatty calf. I
26:24 prophesy over this house
26:27 That beginning this week you are living in more than enough
26:33 God I can't hear anybody
26:35 I'd date open up your mouth if you believe your struggle season is coming to an end
26:43 your struggle season
26:46 Says kill the fatty calf
26:50 Said I want to put a ring on them
26:53 I'm not just gonna give him a robe
26:56 Not just gonna give him shoes
26:59 Not just gonna kill kill the fatty calf
27:02 He says I want to put a ring on him
27:04 Watch as the ring has my insignia
27:08 So he knows he is connected to me
27:12 I'm getting ready to bother some of your theology and I hope you'll pay attention to it. You've known this story your whole life
27:20 That the prodigal son comes home
27:22 And when the prodigal son comes home the father gives him a robe
27:27 gives him shoes
27:30 Has a cookout has killed the fatty calf
27:33 You already know by now they put a ring on them, but there's a small
27:37 principle in the story that I think you've ignored
27:41 That you've not paid attention to is that when the son comes home?
27:47 The father never gives him money
27:55 Y'all didn't hear what I just said he never gave him money he said I made that mistake before I
28:02 Gave you money before I gave you identity
28:06 So now I'm gonna give you identity first
28:10 Because if you don't know who you are
28:13 You'll spend money trying to be what you are not
28:17 But when you know, I am a man and nobody can define me
28:24 Nobody can limit who I am
28:26 I want you to be seated for just one moment
28:30 I'm gonna show this to you
28:34 Because there are men who are sitting amongst you
28:37 Who you can't even tell?
28:39 because of the car they drive
28:42 Because of the Rolex that they wear
28:44 Because of the degrees that are on their wall
28:47 You think that they are okay
28:53 And you don't even know that they're broke
28:55 And you want him for what he has
29:01 And not for who he is
29:06 My soul shuddered
29:15 At how you celebrated and rejoiced over the affirmation
29:21 Nobody wants a broke man
29:23 Because you thought I was talking about money
29:27 God help me
29:33 But you can have a baller that got a Benz a
29:38 Bentley but got no bearings of who he is I
29:43 Am praying today, and I hope you'll shout better that God will restore broken men
29:52 That he'll put men back together again
29:55 To know who you are in spite of what you've been through
30:00 In spite of what you don't have in spite of what was taken from you
30:07 I need you to hear this
30:11 I need you to hear this this ain't much of a shouting sermon ain't no turn to your neighbor and giving three people a high-five
30:20 But you have no idea how many men are broken
30:25 Because life has happened
30:31 With no manual
30:34 You have no idea how many men are
30:37 functionally depressed
30:41 You have no idea how many men have committed emotional suicide
30:48 You have no idea how many men don't know their self-worth
30:53 Because they've been reduced to a check
30:57 Reduced to a job
31:00 And the Bible said that the father says I see you
31:04 with mud on you I
31:07 See you
31:10 Smelling like what we are forbidden to have I
31:13 See you
31:16 And I notice your language changed
31:19 After you went broke
31:23 God I can't hear nobody
31:25 Before you went broke you said give me
31:29 When you were entitled little brat you said give me
31:37 But after you went out in the street
31:40 After you live through some stuff
31:45 After you endured some heartache you didn't say give me you said make me
31:51 God I can't hear nobody and God said today. I'm getting ready to make new men
31:59 Today I am raising up new men
32:04 The problem is I
32:07 Really thought everybody would celebrate I
32:12 Thought everybody would celebrate him coming to himself
32:15 Getting to the father
32:18 And saying I made some mistakes
32:21 But I want to be a better man
32:24 His greatest enemy wasn't a pig
32:27 It wasn't the Philistines his greatest enemy was his own brother
32:34 Who couldn't stand the sight of seeing his brother restored
32:40 I
32:42 Know that we have seen the feminization of church
32:46 Will we believe that worship and breakthrough was just for women?
32:51 But I believe with everything that's in me that restoration is still for men
32:56 I'm gonna open up this altar listen to me very carefully
33:08 When open up this altar for some men who feel broken
33:12 Some men who waving the white flag
33:15 Men who have been chewed up by the culture by society
33:21 You don't know you're left from your right. You don't know whether you're coming or whether you're going I
33:26 Need you to meet me at this altar, please
33:29 I
33:31 I'm not asking all the men to come. I'm just asking for those of you who have been broken by life
33:47 You
33:49 Make me one of your servants
34:17 Every brother who's at this altar. I want you to interlock arms with another brother
34:20 Because God's gonna heal something in you
34:25 It's gonna heal something for you
34:44 You don't know how to explain to a child I
34:47 Wasn't there cuz I was embarrassed I
34:53 Didn't have nothing to give
34:57 No way to articulate they got no clue you don't want to fight over no child support
35:09 Under those of you who got no idea folk don't care that nobody wants to hire you because of your past
35:16 Nobody wants to give you a chance. Nobody wants to give you an opportunity
35:21 They looking at you like you got no goals got no dreams like you ain't going after nothing
35:27 They got no idea. I'd give my left lung just to get some support
35:33 Just to get some resources
35:37 Just to have somebody believe in me
35:39 God says I will you trust me?
35:43 Many of you at this altar look at me. Will you trust God?
35:47 Here it is if he don't give you
35:51 He just makes you
35:54 I want to responsibly I want to responsibly
36:06 Apologize to you
36:08 For the church telling you if you shout you'll get money
36:12 And if you scream you'll be a millionaire if you holler all your bills that get paid
36:21 Sometimes God to do it that way but most times he don't he'll make you into something
36:34 The quality and the character of man you are about to become
36:38 Money can't buy
36:41 All of your past missteps
36:44 We're preparing you for what you get ready to step into
36:48 One of my father's mentors the late Bishop John Hearst Adams
36:53 I need you to listen to me Bishop Adams told my father this and my father said it to me
36:57 Would you look at me, please?
36:59 This is what my father's mentor said to him and he said to me money makes you more of who you are
37:06 broke
37:09 Did you hear what I just said money makes you more of who you are broke
37:18 God can't trust your character with wealth
37:26 Says I got to trust you that when I bless you this time you won't blow it I
37:31 Got to trust that when I give it to you this time you'll be responsible and think about the future I
37:39 Need to make sure that all of that pride and flesh and drip is out of you before the next blessing hits
37:47 So I need you to live through a season
37:54 Need you to live through a season where you will come back to me
37:58 Because had you had all the money in the world come on keep it a hundred you wouldn't be here
38:07 You had all the money in the world ain't no way this is where you would be
38:16 God brothers had you wake up in a pigpen
38:21 For you to get to his house
38:25 Just so that he could make you into something
38:28 His self-esteem was so broken that he said I just want to be one of the servants
38:35 And the father said lift up your head
38:39 You ain't one of my servants
38:42 You my son
38:45 I am believing by faith
38:49 That God is going to restore you to the place and to the position and to the capacity you're supposed to be in
38:55 How a new birth would you stretch your right hand to faith? I'm going to pray for these sons
38:59 Sons of the Most High God
39:03 Lord I pray
39:05 That you'll make a position for them I
39:08 Pray dear Lord that you'll make a situation that is custom-tailor-made for their gift I
39:18 Pray dear Lord that you'll make it easy for them to have a difficult conversation. I
39:23 Pray dear Lord that you'll reconcile whatever's taking place with them and their children. I
39:29 Pray that you'll heal whatever's happened in their heart
39:33 Thank you dear Lord for every betrayal
39:37 For letting people leave before the real harvest comes
39:41 God I trust you that this will be the summer of restoration
39:49 That everything that they lost in life is going to be added back to them. I
39:53 believe it 20 40 60 80 a hundredfold and
39:58 Those of you that believe just like the men at this altar
40:02 God is going to restore the men in your family
40:06 Would you open up your mouth and give God glory?
40:10 I
40:12 Need you to listen to me
40:22 The youngest son gets restored
40:24 But the oldest brother can't handle it
40:26 Because he wanted his brother to be out there
40:30 Those of you who are here at this altar. I want you to know we're excited about your restoration
40:35 We're excited about what God is getting ready to do in your life
40:39 Watch this. We are not gonna wait for you to get the contract. We're not gonna wait for you to get the degree
40:45 We're not gonna wait for you to make the deposit. We're not gonna wait for you to move into your own house
40:50 We're not gonna wait for you to be debt-free today. We celebrate you
40:55 New birth I need y'all to kill every devil a sign to their self-esteem
41:10 As they go back to their seats, would you cheer for these men?
41:15 You can go back. Come on
41:18 Come on, give God glory
41:21 Y'all better cheer for
41:27 Come on open up your mouth
41:34 Oh
41:36 the Lord made me. Come on everybody, the Lord made me.
41:46 The Lord made me.
41:48 I need every person standing. I need to do two things and then we're getting ready to go
42:15 I need to do two things, please
42:17 Those of you who are in smack dab in the middle of a financial crisis
42:23 You may lose your house. You may lose your car
42:27 Utilities about to be cut off
42:30 Child is about to go without. I want you to lift up both of those hands right where you are. You are in a real
42:36 financial crisis
42:39 I'm believing by faith that God is getting ready to make something happen for you
42:44 You didn't hear what I just said. I said God is getting ready to make something happen for you
42:48 While on others thou art calling
42:52 Please don't pass me by
42:55 If you're in the middle of a financial crisis lift that hand as high as you can
43:00 New birth watch what we get ready to do. Watch what we get ready to do. We get ready to open our mouths and
43:06 Cry out under God on behalf of them
43:10 That whatever it is that they need we know our Heavenly Father will do it
43:15 Give us this day our daily
43:18 bread and
43:21 He will supply all of our need. Would you do me a favor for one minute?
43:27 Would you open up your mouth and give God glory for those whose hands are lifted?
43:38 Come on open up your mouth
44:04 Listen to me I
44:06 Need you to do me a favor before you take your seats
44:09 I want you to hug two people you don't know and tell them miracles can happen without money
44:15 Come on, hug somebody tell them miracles can happen
44:21 without money
44:23 I
44:25 Dare you to clap your hands like you are living witness clap your hands
44:47 (clapping)
44:49 We're an unconventional church
44:56 You may be seated
44:59 We're an unconventional church. We don't do things the regular way the way that most churches do
45:05 And as a consequence, I believe that God will do out-of-the-box
45:10 innovative things in our ministry
45:14 How my heart did somersaults I was
45:16 sitting this week with a
45:19 Debra Lee who was a
45:21 former president of BET for the last 10 years and she said to me
45:27 Pastor what do you think?
45:29 About Tyler Perry becoming a new owner of BET and VH1
45:39 And I said it means everything to me to know that he was somebody who was sleeping in their car for 18 months
45:46 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me
45:50 Sleeping in his car for 18 months
45:53 When nobody was buying tickets to the play, but he was still trusting and believing God. I
45:58 Forgot to give him a meteoric rise and to be able to trust him at that level
46:06 Says that God is still in the blessing of business
46:09 Yeah, y'all ain't saying nothing to him. I said he's still in the blessing business
46:15 All the more I need you to look it up to hear Tyler Perry's story that he accredits how much of his success to two things
46:23 He accredits his success to two things is that in every stage of his life
46:27 While he was living in a car in New Orleans when he moved here to
46:30 Atlanta with no money if he sold three tickets he was tithing
46:36 A hundred tickets he was tithing got his first movie deal. He was tithing y'all ain't saying nothing to me
46:43 He said the second secret to his success. I need you to hear this the second secret to his success
46:49 Is that he wasn't raised with his father?
46:51 Didn't know his father had no relationship to his father, but when he got on his feet and did well
46:59 hired a private investigator
47:03 Found his father y'all ain't gonna like this found his father and bought his father a mansion here in Atlanta
47:10 Not just a mansion but got
47:14 Housekeepers and got lawn care for him and said to his father you weren't there for me
47:20 Don't take credit for who I am now
47:23 But the Bible says honor your mother and father
47:30 Come on I can't hear nobody
47:32 Some of y'all ain't gonna clap on this the Bible doesn't say honor good fathers
47:39 It doesn't say honor present fathers
47:43 Honor your father so your days may be long
47:48 I'm gonna take Tyler's
47:52 Secret to success and I want to multiply it on this day to every single one of you
47:58 I ushers are moving amongst you because I want to grab hold to that tithing principle that you can't beat God's giving no matter
48:06 How hard you try?
48:08 We're a tithing church and because we're a tithing church we give what percent of our income to God
48:13 Come on, talk back to your pastor. What percent?
48:16 Amen, 10% God is the give of every good and every perfect gift as a consequence
48:23 We want to give back to him in reflection as to how it is that he has given to us
48:28 If last week you earned you raised you were cashed at you was zailed a thousand dollars. How much you given in church today?
48:37 Come on, y'all's math is getting slow now last week earned raised. I was given $500. How much are you given today?
48:47 Amen, we give 10% of everything that God has a given to us
48:51 I want you to give that offering on today, but all the more I want on the back of that envelope
48:57 I want you to write your dad's name
48:59 On the back of that envelope. I want you to write your dad's name
49:03 You're gonna be watch this a better giver than your father was
49:06 You're gonna be a greater receiver than your father was I want to believe that by faith
49:13 I want to believe it by faith that God can do absolutely anything
49:17 But fail. Amen. How many of you know you serve that kind of God you serve that?
49:23 Kind of God God loves a cheerful giver. I'm trying to figure out why y'all are frowning
49:29 Amen, you ought to be giving watch this knowing that more is coming
49:34 I am so grateful that I can identify with that prodigal son that even after I lost everything God
49:41 Restored everything some of y'all can't shout because you ain't had a real loss in your life
49:47 Anybody here ever hit rock bottom? Here's the shout more than once
49:51 And you saw God give it right back to you I'm gonna do something a little bit different
49:58 I want us to lead by example how God raised men to be providers and to be protectors
50:04 And so on this day ushers if you'll look clear those
50:08 Aisles for me ushers help me real quick. I want our men to lead by example
50:13 All of our men all of our men those of you who are online. I need you to hear me with rapt attention
50:19 Our men are going to lead this community
50:23 The men are going to lead this congregation the men are gonna lead this city
50:27 And I believe that black men are gonna lead the world and we've got to do so watch this by leading in our
50:34 Giving we're leading in our giving I want every man in this room every man in this room
50:40 Would you come to the altar and leave your offering on the altar?
50:44 Even if you're giving it by your phone just come touch the altar very quickly, please. Thank you so very much
50:50 Those of you who are online
50:52 I want you to give and I want you to type in the thread the name of your son
50:57 Name of your brother who God is gonna restore all over this altar
51:02 I want you to be able to do it all over this altar all over the altar
51:07 You
51:09 You
51:11 You
51:13 You
51:15 You
51:17 You
51:19 You
51:21 You
51:23 You
51:25 You
