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00:51:23 Good morning.
00:51:30 Good morning, my child.
00:51:32 What's going on, mom?
00:51:38 Your father...
00:51:41 ...has given me the last will.
00:51:44 He's telling me it's either my family or my career.
00:51:48 I can't understand the dilemma, mom.
00:51:53 And I can't understand what you've been through.
00:51:56 And you're going to Masalia? What happened?
00:51:59 We'll come and see you. You're not going to leave forever.
00:52:02 You're telling him that? He's so ungrateful.
00:52:05 Mom, the first shock is terrible.
00:52:11 He'll shout, he'll get angry, and in the end he'll come with you.
00:52:16 He can't live without you, he can't leave you.
00:52:19 You'll go to Masalia, you'll remember the trip you took to Melitos and you'll go back to France,
00:52:26 and I'll be waving my handkerchief at you.
00:52:29 I'll tell you, I could never imagine a better daughter than you.
00:52:36 Not a better husband, let's not say that.
00:52:40 Don't be sad.
00:52:44 You've been through so much, but in the end, you're always in a magical way.
00:52:48 Come on, don't be sad.
00:52:51 You'll go to Masalia and you'll be perfect. You'll see.
00:52:55 We'll see, love.
00:52:57 I have to go, will you be okay?
00:53:01 Yes, my baby, don't worry.
00:53:03 I've adopted a girl I really value.
00:53:09 I'm so sad that we're going to be separated from her husband.
00:53:12 No matter how good things seem, the truth is very different.
00:53:23 See you, my baby.
00:53:25 Bye.
00:53:26 [Music]
00:53:54 Hello, my dear.
00:53:56 Hello, my princess.
00:53:57 Hello, how are you? You're happy, aren't you?
00:54:00 Yes, we have a family dinner today, we're giving Lefteris a speech.
00:54:04 Really?
00:54:05 Well done.
00:54:08 Lefteris is a serious boy and I think he really loves you.
00:54:13 You should be grateful that he's moved away from Efthymis.
00:54:17 Yes.
00:54:19 I haven't told you this before, but I can tell you now.
00:54:24 What is it?
00:54:26 Lefteris was never with Efthymis.
00:54:30 He's a police officer.
00:54:32 He was on a secret mission.
00:54:34 He set up the business to catch that big liar.
00:54:39 Really?
00:54:41 Yes.
00:54:43 I'm speechless.
00:54:46 I didn't know that Toursounidis had gone abroad to avoid arrest.
00:54:51 Now Lefteris is back in the police force and he's a big shot.
00:54:56 What can I say?
00:54:59 You should be proud of him.
00:55:03 Very proud.
00:55:05 I have to go to the client's office, because if I'm late, you know what they'll do.
00:55:11 We'll talk later.
00:55:12 See you later.
00:55:13 She's incredible. She's the one who keeps the child in the dark.
00:55:26 You don't know her, we'll change her.
00:55:29 What matters is that she's getting softer and she's talking to us.
00:55:35 How much?
00:55:36 If she talks to us, we'll be in trouble.
00:55:40 I think that the idea of Papa-Michal is the best.
00:55:42 What's the idea of Papa-Michal?
00:55:45 We'll get married.
00:55:46 You mean my brother-in-law?
00:55:51 Yes. It was going to happen.
00:55:54 We'll get married and that's it.
00:55:56 You should do what you have to do, because you want to.
00:56:00 Not because you have to.
00:56:01 We want it, Mathieu.
00:56:03 If the groom wants to...
00:56:08 But the groom would like to go to his wife's wedding.
00:56:12 He would like to be happy with the princess, to celebrate it all together.
00:56:15 You know that's not in my hands.
00:56:19 Can I help you?
00:56:22 What do you want to do?
00:56:24 I was thinking about talking to them.
00:56:27 I don't know, if you feel the need, do it.
00:56:31 I'll do it.
00:56:34 I'll call them and tell them about my mother.
00:56:37 You'll tell them on the phone?
00:56:40 Now that you're going to help him, you'll tell them on the phone?
00:56:44 - You think so? - Why?
00:56:46 I'm leaving.
00:56:47 I was saying, we'll talk about it later.
00:56:52 Why don't you talk to them, Papa?
00:56:58 Tell me, what's wrong?
00:57:03 Tell me, what's the DNA test got to do with it?
00:57:06 I want to tell you, my child, that Kiforos...
00:57:09 ...is not the son of Stefani.
00:57:13 Good morning.
00:57:23 Stella, I wasn't expecting you.
00:57:27 Yes, I know.
00:57:30 Vasiliki, since you told me about this yesterday...
00:57:33 ...I can't stop thinking about it.
00:57:35 Are you sure you want to break up with Mathias?
00:57:40 Tell me, did you change your mind?
00:57:43 No, I haven't changed my mind.
00:57:45 So, are you sure we'll move on?
00:57:48 I think so.
00:57:50 I don't think it's the reassurance I need.
00:57:57 If you're not sure, take some more time.
00:58:00 If you decide to do this, I'll be here for you.
00:58:04 I can't think of anything else.
00:58:07 - It can't be otherwise. - No, it can.
00:58:11 Anything can happen.
00:58:13 I can see you're still a woman.
00:58:15 You can't make such decisions.
00:58:17 I suggest you talk to Mathias.
00:58:20 I'm sure he'll find another way.
00:58:23 Stella, you're pressuring me.
00:58:26 You're making things even harder for me.
00:58:29 Okay.
00:58:31 I'll give you some more time.
00:58:34 Let me hope that everything can change.
00:58:38 Please.
00:58:39 And if nothing happens...
00:58:41 ...I promise we'll have a talk.
00:58:45 Okay?
00:58:46 Okay.
00:58:49 Okay.
00:58:50 Marina, your husband must understand...
00:59:09 ...that I'm as old as you are for the girl.
00:59:13 He's been hiding it from me for so long.
00:59:15 I can't take it anymore.
00:59:18 I'm going to ask the old hag to see the child.
00:59:21 If you're going to do this...
00:59:26 ...you're living a normal life.
00:59:29 I wish I could do you a favor.
00:59:32 It's time to do something good for you.
00:59:36 I'll manage with my father.
00:59:38 But I don't have any hope with Pantelli.
00:59:41 I have an idea that will make the coffee shop...
00:59:44 ...beg you to agree with the channel.
00:59:47 I don't understand.
00:59:49 Are you suspecting me again?
00:59:51 What do you want me to think...
00:59:53 ...when I've been sent a message that I know your house?
00:59:56 You're being suspected. You have to take care of it.
00:59:59 I know. Don't worry, I'll find a way.
01:00:01 What a mess.
01:00:02 What are you saying?
01:00:04 He's the only one on the way.
01:00:06 This is what has to happen.
01:00:08 I'm leaving.
01:00:09 Is that all you wanted to tell me?
01:00:12 Are you sure?
01:00:14 Because I can see it in your eyes.
01:00:16 It's something else. I know it.
01:00:19 Elena is your problem.
01:00:21 You'll solve it.
01:00:23 If you get in my way and it becomes my problem...
01:00:26 ...I'll have to solve it myself.
01:00:30 No!
01:00:32 No!
01:00:34 (Bruit de voiture qui tombe)
01:00:36 (Explosion)
