The Regional bilingual News of June 12, 2023

  • l’année dernière
Le JT Bilingue des Régions du 12 Juin 2023
00:00 de la télévision.
00:03 de la télévision.
00:06 de la télévision.
00:09 de la télévision.
00:12 de la télévision.
00:15 de la télévision.
00:15 de la télévision. C'est 6 PM en
00:18 C'est 6 PM en C'est 6 PM en
00:18 C'est 6 PM en Yahoundé et c'est
00:21 Yahoundé et c'est c'est 6 PM
00:24 Yahoundé et c'est 6 PM en
00:24 Yahoundé et c'est 6 PM en Cameroun.
00:27 Cameroun. Cameroun. C'est
00:30 C'est 6 PM.
00:33 Le ministre de l'environnement
00:37 Le ministre de l'environnement
00:37 Le ministre de l'environnement a présidé ce jour à
00:39 a présidé ce jour à
00:39 a présidé ce jour à Yahoundé. Une réunion pour discuter de
00:41 Yahoundé. Une réunion pour discuter de
00:41 Yahoundé. Une réunion pour discuter de la mise sur pied de
00:42 la mise sur pied de
00:42 la mise sur pied de ce projet. Zéro accident de la
00:45 ce projet. Zéro accident de la
00:45 ce projet. Zéro accident de la circulation en cette période de
00:46 circulation en cette période de
00:46 circulation en cette période de vacances. Plusieurs régions
00:48 vacances. Plusieurs régions
00:48 vacances. Plusieurs régions ont engagé la sensibilisation
00:50 ont engagé la sensibilisation
00:50 ont engagé la sensibilisation dans les agences de voyage et
00:51 dans les agences de voyage et
00:52 dans les agences de voyage et de la circulation. Pour appeler
01:03 les usagers au respect du code de la route et des règles de
01:04 les usagers au respect du code de la route et des règles de
01:04 les usagers au respect du code de la route et des règles de conduite.
01:05 conduite. Et puis en page magazine de
01:06 conduite. Et puis en page magazine de
01:06 conduite. Et puis en page magazine de village c'est livre
01:07 village c'est livre
01:08 village c'est livre à vous. La localité à quinze kilomètres
01:09 à vous. La localité à quinze kilomètres
01:09 à vous. La localité à quinze kilomètres de Nangaiboko dans la
01:10 de Nangaiboko dans la
01:10 de Nangaiboko dans la Haute-Sanaga région du centre est un
01:11 Haute-Sanaga région du centre est un
01:11 Haute-Sanaga région du centre est un centre d'exploitation de la
01:22 centre d'exploitation de la
01:22 centre d'exploitation de la pollution. La bourse des déchets
01:23 pollution. La bourse des déchets
01:23 pollution. La bourse des déchets verra bientôt le jour pour
01:24 verra bientôt le jour pour
01:24 verra bientôt le jour pour permettre une meilleure collecte
01:25 permettre une meilleure collecte
01:25 permettre une meilleure collecte des déchets. Elle va mettre en
01:27 des déchets. Elle va mettre en
01:27 des déchets. Elle va mettre en connexion les collecteurs et les
01:29 connexion les collecteurs et les
01:29 connexion les collecteurs et les sociétés de transformation. Sur la
01:31 sociétés de transformation. Sur la
01:31 sociétés de transformation. Sur la question je vous propose d'écouter
01:33 question je vous propose d'écouter
01:38 question je vous propose d'écouter
01:38 question je vous propose d'écouter la ministre de l'environnement et
01:39 la ministre de l'environnement et
01:39 la ministre de l'environnement et les pierres est au micro de
01:40 les pierres est au micro de
01:41 les pierres est au micro de Caroline Witi. Il s'agit euh de
01:44 Caroline Witi. Il s'agit euh de
01:45 Caroline Witi. Il s'agit euh de booster disons une commune
01:47 booster disons une commune
01:48 booster disons une commune circulaire à travers la création
01:48 circulaire à travers la création
01:49 circulaire à travers la création d'une bourse de déchets. En
01:49 d'une bourse de déchets. En
01:50 d'une bourse de déchets. En deux-mille-seize sont tenues des
01:52 deux-mille-seize sont tenues des
02:02 deux-mille-seize sont tenues des
02:03 deux-mille-seize sont tenues des autres. Le revenu ou des
02:06 autres. Le revenu ou des
02:06 autres. Le revenu ou des
02:06 autres. Le revenu ou des décisions ont été faites.
02:07 décisions ont été faites.
02:07 décisions ont été faites. Maintenant il faut passer à
02:07 Maintenant il faut passer à
02:07 Maintenant il faut passer à une action concrète.
02:10 une action concrète.
02:11 une action concrète. And that was a minister the social
02:14 And that was a minister the social
02:14 And that was a minister the social workers in the west
02:17 workers in the west
02:17 workers in the west region have called on parents and
02:18 region have called on parents and
02:18 region have called on parents and guidance to be more
02:21 guidance to be more
02:21 guidance to be more exposed by their children. The call
02:23 exposed by their children. The call
02:23 exposed by their children. The call was made during the
02:25 was made during the
02:25 was made during the official launch of week long activities
02:28 official launch of week long activities
02:28 activities ahead of the day of the African child come June
02:30 ahead of the day of the African child come June
02:31 ahead of the day of the African child come June sixteen twenty
02:32 sixteen twenty
02:32 sixteen twenty twenty-three. Details with
02:34 twenty-three. Details with
02:34 twenty-three. Details with from CRTV West in Bafousam.
02:38 from CRTV West in Bafousam.
02:38 from CRTV West in Bafousam. In this era of technology where
02:41 In this era of technology where
02:41 In this era of technology where children are often exposed to
02:43 children are often exposed to
02:43 children are often exposed to unwholesome content on TV and
02:45 unwholesome content on TV and
02:45 unwholesome content on TV and devices. The risk of deviant
02:48 devices. The risk of deviant
02:48 devices. The risk of deviant behavior is even greater.
02:51 behavior is even greater.
02:51 behavior is even greater. Parents need to control their
02:52 Parents need to control their
02:52 Parents need to control their children, control the images,
02:54 children, control the images,
02:54 children, control the images, control what what children watch
02:56 control what what children watch
02:56 control what what children watch in at home. While launching
02:58 in at home. While launching
02:58 in at home. While launching activities to mark the thirty
03:00 activities to mark the thirty
03:00 activities to mark the thirty third edition of the day of the
03:01 third edition of the day of the
03:01 third edition of the day of the African child, emphasis was
03:03 African child, emphasis was
03:03 African child, emphasis was laid on sensitization. We started the
03:06 laid on sensitization. We started the
03:07 laid on sensitization. We started the launching on the
03:09 launching on the
03:09 launching on the thirty. We have the sensitization about
03:13 thirty. We have the sensitization about
03:13 thirty. We have the sensitization about our business and on the
03:14 our business and on the
03:14 our business and on the sixteen, we are having the
03:16 sixteen, we are having the
03:17 sixteen, we are having the celebration. We take place at
03:20 celebration. We take place at
03:20 celebration. We take place at the council. For this, the
03:23 the council. For this, the
03:23 the council. For this, the government intends to promote
03:25 government intends to promote
03:25 government intends to promote the responsible use of ICT
03:27 the responsible use of ICT
03:27 the responsible use of ICT gadgets and the internet amongst
03:30 gadgets and the internet amongst
03:30 gadgets and the internet amongst children. In the little
03:33 gadgets and the internet amongst
03:33 gadgets and the internet amongst international children's
03:35 amongst international children's
03:35 amongst international children's emergency phone, UNICEF and
03:38 emergency phone, UNICEF and
03:38 emergency phone, UNICEF and private companies in the
03:40 private companies in the
03:40 private companies in the country have joined efforts in
03:42 country have joined efforts in
03:42 country have joined efforts in fast tracking the
03:44 fast tracking the
03:44 fast tracking the implementation of the guiding
03:45 implementation of the guiding
03:45 implementation of the guiding principles to the promotion of
03:47 principles to the promotion of
03:47 principles to the promotion of a child right. This was in a
03:50 a child right. This was in a
03:50 a child right. This was in a two-day workshop in Douala aimed
03:53 two-day workshop in Douala aimed
03:53 two-day workshop in Douala aimed at protecting early
03:54 at protecting early
03:54 at protecting early childhood by ensuring their health and
03:57 childhood by ensuring their health and
03:57 childhood by ensuring their health and safety.
03:59 safety.
03:59 safety. The synergy between UNICEF and private
04:01 The synergy between UNICEF and private sector companies is
04:03 Private sector companies is
04:03 Private sector companies is mainly to ensure that children's
04:05 mainly to ensure that children's
04:05 mainly to ensure that children's rights are respected and
04:07 rights are respected and
04:07 rights are respected and protected in the workplace,
04:09 protected in the workplace,
04:09 protected in the workplace, marketplace, communities and
04:11 marketplace, community and
04:11 marketplace, communities and environment but also put
04:13 environment but also put
04:13 environment but also put children's rights at the center
04:15 children's rights at the center
04:15 children's rights at the center of their enterprises.
04:17 of their enterprises.
04:17 of their enterprises. >> How they can, let's say,
04:19 >> How they can, let's say,
04:19 >> How they can, let's say, they can move on together with
04:21 they can move on together with UNICEF in making child rights
04:25 UNICEF in making child rights
04:25 UNICEF in making child rights something that is effective
04:27 something that is effective
04:27 something that is effective inside their organization.
04:29 inside their organization.
04:29 inside their organization. >> During the workshop, companies
04:31 >> During the workshop, companies
04:32 >> During the workshop, companies were joined to eliminate
04:34 were joined to eliminate
04:34 were joined to eliminate child labor and create a favorable
04:36 child labor and create a favorable
04:36 child labor and create a favorable environment for
04:37 environment for
04:37 environment for employees amongst other things.
04:39 employees amongst other things.
04:39 employees amongst other things. UNICEF expects an effective
04:41 UNICEF expects an effective
04:41 UNICEF expects an effective implementation of these
04:43 implementation of these
04:43 implementation of these recommendations by each company
04:45 recommendations by each company
04:45 recommendations by each company present at the gathering.
04:47 present at the gathering.
04:47 present at the gathering. >> The UNICEF is committed to
04:49 >> The UNICEF is committed to
04:49 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
04:51 providing a safe environment
04:51 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
04:53 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
04:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
04:57 providing a safe environment
04:57 providing a safe environment for young people.
04:59 for young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:01 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:03 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:05 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:11 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:13 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:19 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:21 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:23 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:25 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:31 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:33 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:35 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:37 for children and young people. >> The UNICEF is committed to
05:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
05:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
05:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
06:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
06:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
07:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
07:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
08:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
08:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
09:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
09:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
10:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
10:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
11:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
11:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:39 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:41 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:43 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:45 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:47 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:49 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:51 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:53 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:55 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
12:57 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
12:59 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:01 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:03 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:05 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:07 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:09 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:11 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:13 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:15 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:17 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:19 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:21 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:23 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:25 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:27 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:29 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:31 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:33 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:35 >> The UNICEF is committed to providing a safe environment
13:37 providing a safe environment for children and young people.
13:39 >> We have learned that adequate training is vital
13:41 >> We have learned that adequate training is vital
13:43 >> If one wants to be an optician, who respects the ethics
13:45 >> If one wants to be an optician, who respects the ethics
13:47 >> And that's what I want to do.
13:49 >> After these awareness raising fees,
13:51 >> After these awareness raising fees,
13:53 >> Members of the board say they will get into the repressive phase
13:55 >> Members of the board say they will get into the repressive phase
13:57 >> Because they no longer want to see people becoming blind because of quarks.
13:59 >> Because they no longer want to see people becoming blind because of quarks.
14:01 >> Some 17,000 persons in the North West region have been pre-enrolled
14:03 >> Some 17,000 persons in the North West region have been pre-enrolled
14:05 >> Some 17,000 persons in the North West region have been pre-enrolled
14:07 >> In the universal health coverage platform
14:09 >> The figures were disclosed by the regional delegate of public health
14:11 >> The figures were disclosed by the regional delegate of public health
14:13 >> At a two day seminar to train health personnel on the health drive
14:15 >> At a two day seminar to train health personnel on the health drive
14:17 >> At a two day seminar to train health personnel on the health drive
14:19 >> At a two day seminar to train health personnel on the health drive
14:21 >> With the details from CRTV North West in Bamenda
14:23 >> With the details from CRTV North West in Bamenda
14:25 >> They are 139 medical practitioners
14:27 >> They are 139 medical practitioners
14:29 >> From the 20 health districts in the North West region
14:31 >> From the 20 health districts in the North West region
14:33 >> They have the task to pre-enroll persons from the North West region
14:35 >> They have the task to pre-enroll persons
14:37 >> Residing within their health district
14:39 >> With emphasis on the target population
14:41 >> With emphasis on the target population
14:43 >> To benefit from the universal health coverage package for the region
14:45 >> To benefit from the universal health coverage package for the region
14:47 >> The region's boss in charge of public health
14:49 >> Salutes their efforts
14:51 >> And insists on the need for the figures to be stepped up
14:53 >> And insists on the need for the figures to be stepped up
14:55 >> We've had to register more than 17,803 enrollments on the system
14:57 >> We've had to register more than 17,803 enrollments on the system
14:59 >> For the enrollment figures we are still at 207
15:01 >> For the enrollment figures we are still at 207
15:03 >> With the facilitators coming down to train us
15:05 >> With the facilitators coming down to train us
15:07 >> We're going to improve on the figures
15:09 >> The universal health care package for the North West
15:11 >> The universal health care package for the North West
15:13 >> Covers full cost of essential health services
15:15 >> From health promotion, prevention, treatment and palliative care
15:17 >> From health promotion, prevention, treatment and palliative care
15:19 >> For children between 0 to 5 years
15:21 >> For children between 0 to 5 years
15:23 >> Persons living with HIV and AIDS
15:25 >> Persons living with HIV and AIDS
15:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
15:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:17 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:21 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:23 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:25 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
16:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:17 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:21 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:23 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:25 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
17:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:17 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:21 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:23 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:25 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
18:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:17 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:21 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:23 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:25 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
19:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:17 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:21 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:23 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:25 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
20:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:17 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:21 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:23 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:25 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:27 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:29 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:31 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:33 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:35 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:39 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:41 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:43 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:45 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:47 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:49 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:51 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:55 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:57 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
21:59 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:01 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:03 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:05 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:07 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:09 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:11 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:13 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
22:15 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
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22:19 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
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22:37 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
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30:53 >> Tuberculosis and patients undergoing dialysis in the region
30:55 *bruits de combat*