Baking a Butterfly Cake! ad Tanya Burr

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys! So today I'm filming a baking video and I'm so so excited because I'm in my new house!
00:05 In my new kitchen! And this is so exciting to actually have like space to lay everything out
00:10 and I've got flowers and flowers because we've moved so everyone has been buying us flowers
00:16 and I'm just so excited to film this video!
00:18 So today I'm going to be making a butterfly cake and I've never made one of these before
00:22 and it just looked kind of interesting. I found the recipe on the Stork website
00:26 and Stork have just released a new product, Stork with Butter
00:30 and it's perfect for baking because it creates light and fluffy cakes and also rich and creamy icing
00:35 because I'm going to be covering this butterfly cake in icing as well and it has a really buttery taste.
00:39 And Stork are launching their #EveryCakeIsAWinner campaign
00:42 where all bakers can try the new product and share their creations using the hashtag #EveryCakeIsAWinner
00:46 and by the way guys I just need to apologise because we actually have a little garden in our new place
00:52 and that means that there are just birds cheeping away the whole time
00:55 so if you can hear in the background a little like cheep cheep cheep then that's my little birds in the garden.
00:59 Okay so to make this butterfly cake you are going to need obviously your Stork with Butter.
01:04 I've got four different food colourings here for the icing. I'm not sure if I'm going to use them all.
01:10 You're going to need some green sugar paste which looks like this like really hard icing.
01:15 Some self-raising flour.
01:18 Some sprinkles or any kind of like pretty stuff that you want to put on your butterfly to decorate it.
01:24 Icing sugar.
01:26 Caster sugar.
01:29 Two different types of sugar here guys.
01:31 Some vanilla extract.
01:34 A piping bag if you want to pipe on any icing but you don't have to you can do it in whatever kind of way you want.
01:40 This is the funniest ingredient. Spaghetti.
01:43 And you're going to see why you need that a bit later.
01:46 You actually only need I think one spaghetti but we have some here just for it so you get the whole feel for it.
01:53 Lots of eggs.
01:55 Then obviously you're going to need things like an oven which I've got behind me.
01:58 And this thing which I can't pull up any higher because it's plugged in.
02:03 I call that my whizzer. Electric whisk is what I think it's called.
02:07 A bowl and scales and a cake tin.
02:11 And that's all you need so let's get started.
02:14 Okay so the first thing we're going to do is cream together the butter and the sugar.
02:18 So you are going to need 250 grams of the Stork with Butter.
02:22 Get in there.
02:23 And this stuff's great because I've just got it from the fridge and it's already a great consistency to use so it's really easy.
02:29 250 grams going in the mixing bowl.
02:35 Okay now I need 250 grams of caster sugar.
02:39 So just pouring this in.
02:41 Okay great now I've got sugar all over my hands.
02:44 Don't worry my hands are clean.
02:46 Okay so now I'm going to cream these together using my whizzer if it's going to reach.
02:51 Yes just about.
02:55 Oh I love this bit.
02:57 Baking is literally one of my favourite things to do ever.
03:00 And this is the first thing I'm baking in my new kitchen.
03:04 I don't know if you can hear me.
03:09 And that is done.
03:13 Next you need to add a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
03:17 And then you want to add your four eggs one at a time and beat after each egg.
03:21 So here we go.
03:23 Let's pray for no shell.
03:24 Get an egg shell.
03:25 Woo!
03:26 Successful egg.
03:32 Next one.
03:36 Yay!
03:38 I really love dropping my eggs from a height and then hearing that slap into the bowl.
03:48 Yay!
03:49 Another egg.
03:50 Always crack the egg on that one.
03:54 Final egg.
03:56 Going the highest for this one.
03:58 Woo!
03:59 I thought it was going to splash me in the face then.
04:01 Mixing my final egg.
04:09 Now I'm going to add in my 250 grams of self raising flour.
04:13 Just plonking that in.
04:15 And actually I'm just going to quickly use this spoon and fold it in a little bit first.
04:20 Because if you stick your whizzer into a big pile of flour it's going to end up in your face.
04:26 And even though it might make funny bloopers I don't want a flower face.
04:30 Now I'm just going to whip this in.
04:33 Yay!
04:34 Now it looks like cake mixture.
04:38 Oh, this is amazing.
04:44 So that is the cake mixture done.
04:46 Now I always just like to try a little bit.
04:49 Oh my god, I love raw cake mixture so much.
04:51 So I'm going to take some of the stork with butter.
04:54 This is great for lining tins.
04:57 And I'm going to get my tin.
05:00 And I'm just going to use my kitchen roll to just make sure I've covered the whole tin with it.
05:05 And this will make sure that your cake doesn't get stuck so that when you want to pour it out it will pour out nicely.
05:12 I just realised I completely forgot to preheat my oven.
05:15 So I'm going to do that for 10 minutes now and let my oven preheat.
05:19 I'm not really sure how my oven works yet because I'm new here.
05:22 So I'll just have to see how this works.
05:24 I think I have to put a timer on my oven.
05:26 So I'm going to do the timer for 80 minutes because it has to bake for 70 and that allows for warming up time.
05:33 And then put it onto oven and then you want it on 180.
05:38 So I'm now just going to pour my mixture into the tin and then once it's heated up I'll put it in the oven.
05:45 Oh, this looks like a good mixture.
05:48 I don't need two people to do this though.
05:52 It's 10 minutes later now and my oven is hot so I'm going to put my cake in the oven.
05:57 Whilst my cake is cooking away in the oven I'm going to make my butter icing to go on top of my butterfly.
06:02 Ooh, butter icing on the butterfly.
06:04 So I'm going to use my salt with butter and this is...
06:08 I swear when I do baking videos I talk like I'm doing a makeup tutorial still.
06:12 So I'm now going to use some of my salt with butter brow pencil.
06:16 I'm just going to put this over here.
06:18 Yes, anyway, you need 150 grams.
06:24 I'm trying to do this from memory.
06:26 And I probably should be looking at my scale.
06:29 Oh my goodness, I just did exactly 150 grams.
06:32 And then I have 300 grams of icing sugar here so I'm just going to pour this in.
06:36 Oh no, I just got this everywhere.
06:38 I can literally taste icing in the air because when I poured it in it just went everywhere.
06:44 So I'm going to start to stir this in using a spoon.
06:50 Now this could go horribly wrong but I'm going to try now that I've mixed it in quite a lot to whizz a little bit.
06:55 [Whizzing]
07:00 There we go.
07:02 Okay guys, so as I said at the beginning this is my first time baking in this oven.
07:06 It is a little bit overcooked and that's because I haven't used this oven before and I didn't check it.
07:12 I just put it in for the time we're on and then I started making the icing and got really distracted.
07:16 So it's fine, it's still going to taste amazing.
07:19 It's only a little bit burnt and we're going to cover up the icing anyway.
07:22 So I'm using a bread knife and I'm just going to really carefully slice off the top because we need it to be a flat surface.
07:34 Oh my goodness, the cake is so good.
07:38 We'll just cut from the outside, we'll save some cake.
07:43 Now for the really fun part, we're going to make this cake into a butterfly shape.
07:46 So I've got on a screen over here on my laptop the little guide that I got off the website
07:52 and it kind of looks like a peace sign that kind of shapes you want to cut it into.
07:57 I'm going to cut in a straight line, basically cut the cake in half.
08:01 I don't know if a bread knife is the right knife to be using but that's what I'm using.
08:08 I'm going to cut there, going into the middle and then I think cut there.
08:18 Turn them over and we do the points at the top into the middle like that.
08:27 And there is a really cute little butterfly shape but we need to cover them in icing.
08:32 So I'm just going to put a cloth on each one so I'm evenly spreading it.
08:39 Then I think I'm just going to use the back of the spoon actually to just spread this on.
08:45 So now I have iced my beautiful butterfly and I've got some leftover icing that I've put in a little square bowl here.
08:53 I'm just going to pour a little bit of this.
08:58 Food colouring is the most fun thing to play with in baking ever.
09:03 Now I have my piping bag and I'm just going to use a spoon and pop this in.
09:09 It looks kind of like a strawberry milkshake kind of colour.
09:15 Okay, then what I'm going to do is just kind of do a little outline on all of the pieces of cake because it will look really pretty.
09:21 Oh, so cute!
09:25 And I'm doing this quite kind of, it's a little bit wavy the way I've done it.
09:31 It's not very neat but that's kind of my style with baking.
09:34 I never bake anything super perfect.
09:37 I think you guys probably know that by now.
09:39 Now I'm really tempted to just kind of go crazy and do like swirls everywhere but I've got my sprinkles.
09:45 Oh, fun!
09:49 Oh, this is so cute.
09:51 I'm so happy with it. It looks so cool!
09:55 Sprinkles make everything the best.
09:58 Now the final decoration that I'm going to do is kind of I guess it's like the body of the butterfly.
10:02 And for this I'm going to use my green sugar paste and spaghetti.
10:08 And now you guys get to find out what spaghetti is for.
10:11 Now what you want to do is measure how long you want the body to be.
10:13 So I'm trying to lay it on here and I want it to be about that long.
10:19 So then you just snap your spaghetti stick.
10:21 You don't need that part.
10:23 And we want to roll some green balls out of our sugar paste.
10:29 Kind of like different sizes so that they go from big to small.
10:36 And then you want to push your balls onto your spaghetti stick.
10:45 Here's my balls.
10:47 They look so super cute.
10:49 And then I'm just going to place them down and they'll just nestle into the icing there.
10:55 Oh my goodness! My finished butterfly!
10:58 I absolutely love it.
11:00 This is like the coolest cake I've ever made.
11:02 It may not look that professional but I'm really happy with it.
11:07 And that is going to do it for this video guys.
11:09 So if you want to try a stalk with butter then you can share your bakes on the hashtag #EveryCakesAWinner
11:14 and there's loads of recipe inspiration on the stalk website as well which I will link down in the description box.
11:19 I really hope you guys have fun recreating this butterfly cake because I had so much fun making it
11:23 and it was just so awesome.
11:25 I've never made anything like this before so it was quite a challenge for me.
11:28 But anyway I will see you guys in my next video.
11:30 I love you all guys. Bye!
11:32 (upbeat music)
