Kyle epic fail black ops 2 clip

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Hey guys, I actually made this video, it's not about Kyle Dibs, but I just wanna say that, well, if you, we're gonna make a part 2 of our Minecraft video soon.
00:20 We was making a video to say that, but it was, the video just cut out, so I hope that don't happen here, so that means I won't, don't, won't, um, record it, but if you enjoy, enjoy watching Kyle's epic Phelon video...
00:44 ...Epic Phelon, Black Ops 2 Zombies, holding the nitro.
00:51 Hey, we never done a video of that, by the way, Kyle's playing Black Ops 2, so I hope...
01:04 Kyle's a bit annoying.
01:10 So guys, I hope you enjoyed the part 2 when we uploaded it.
01:18 Shut up!
01:20 I'm a multiplayer now, because I'm multiplayer. If I do snipe...
01:27 Who cares about your snipe?
01:30 Blah blah blah.
01:32 I beat everyone on Black Ops 2 multiplayer.
01:38 Ok guys, maybe I will stop this video now because...
01:42 Sorry guys, if you want to play this game, play Team Deathmatch.
01:47 Because Kyle plays Team Deathmatch the most.
01:50 Banda!
01:52 Your face is all black!
01:54 The voice on the street.
01:57 I break your nose!
01:59 Oh putain !
