• il y a 2 ans
Nothing but Thieves était de passage dans #LeDriveRTL2 ce jeudi 22 juin. Les membres du groupe anglais ont parlé avec Eric Jean-Jean de leur quatrième album "Dead Club City" qui sortira le 30 juin prochain et en ont joué un extrait "Overcome" ainsi qu'une reprise de Radiohead "Fake Plastic Trees" en live dans les studios de RTL2.


00:00 On les a découvert sur RTL2 avec d'autres chansons, on y reviendra un petit peu plus
00:06 tard dans le courant de cette émission.
00:07 Mais this was your last hit.
00:10 Welcome here.
00:11 Nothing but thieves.
00:12 How are you ?
00:13 We are very well.
00:14 Alors il y a à mes côtés Connor, il y a Dominique et il y a Joe.
00:20 Well, this is a new album coming.
00:22 We're going to talk about that later.
00:24 But first of all, I want you to sing a song which is overcome.
00:28 What can we say about that song before you sing it ?
00:31 Qu'est-ce qu'on peut dire de cette chanson avant que vous la chantiez ?
00:33 C'est Dominique qui répond.
00:34 Overcome is a driving song for me.
00:38 C'est une chanson pour conduire.
00:40 Why that ?
00:41 You know the name of the show is drive.
00:44 It's like I saw it behind your shoulder.
00:46 C'est un truc derrière son épaule.
00:48 It's driving down the highway, the sun's going down.
00:51 It's a feel good song.
00:52 Une chanson feel good, on roule sur l'autoroute comme ça et le soleil est en train de tomber.
00:57 On fait souvent des chansons triste.
00:59 C'est une approche très différente pour nous.
01:01 Mais on est des grands fans de ça.
01:03 On aime ça.
01:04 D'habitude, ils font plutôt des chansons tristes.
01:05 Là, en l'occurrence, c'est une chanson un peu différente et ils adorent cette chanson.
01:08 Let's play it.
01:09 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
01:10 The future's overdue, you're under that.
01:11 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
01:12 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
01:13 The future's overdue, you're under that.
01:14 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
01:15 The future's overdue, you're under that.
01:16 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
01:39 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
02:05 The future's overdue, you're under that.
02:12 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
02:23 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
02:34 The future's overdue, you're under that.
02:37 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
02:43 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
02:44 The future's overdue, you're under that.
02:45 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
02:46 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
02:47 The future's overdue, you're under that.
02:48 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
02:49 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
02:50 The future's overdue, you're under that.
02:51 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
02:52 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
02:53 The future's overdue, you're under that.
02:54 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
03:17 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
03:44 The future's overdue, you're under that.
03:50 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
03:51 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
03:52 The future's overdue, you're under that.
03:53 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
03:54 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
03:55 The future's overdue, you're under that.
03:56 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
03:57 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
03:58 The future's overdue, you're under that.
03:59 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
04:00 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
04:01 The future's overdue, you're under that.
04:02 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
04:27 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
04:55 The future's overdue, you're under that.
04:57 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
04:59 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
05:01 The future's overdue, you're under that.
05:02 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
05:03 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
05:04 The future's overdue, you're under that.
05:05 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
05:06 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
05:07 The future's overdue, you're under that.
05:08 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
05:09 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
05:10 The future's overdue, you're under that.
05:11 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
05:35 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
06:03 The future's overdue, you're under that.
06:05 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
06:07 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
06:08 The future's overdue, you're under that.
06:09 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
06:10 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
06:11 The future's overdue, you're under that.
06:12 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
06:13 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
06:14 The future's overdue, you're under that.
06:15 Turn the engine on, somewhere, and now that they're on radio.
06:16 I'm on fire, my world is in the back, in the back fire.
06:17 The future's overdue, you're under that.
06:18 The future's overdue, you're under that.
06:46 Yeah, we were very, very fortunate enough to be asked to support Muse.
06:51 We've probably done about 20 shows of them now.
06:53 They did the first part of Muse, about 20 concerts.
06:56 What did you learn?
06:59 It's a masterclass in being able to put on the most amazing theatrical show you'll ever see, the production.
07:07 He says it's a masterclass, it's perhaps one of the biggest shows we've seen.
07:12 Everything is big.
07:13 It's bigger, bigger is better.
07:15 It probably had an effect on us in the past.
07:17 We've gone now and done a concept album, and it's so sort of wide and big screen.
07:21 Because they did concept albums.
07:22 They've done everything.
07:23 And let me translate.
07:24 He says it's a masterclass, it's always bigger, and the bigger it is, the better it is.
07:27 And in fact, Joe adds that maybe they gave you the idea of a concept album, Muse.
07:33 Well, let's not go that far, but maybe.
07:35 Maybe.
07:36 Very good.
07:37 I'd like to clarify for the RTL2 listeners, because you may not know this, but you've sold 1.2 million albums.
07:46 You sold more than a million records, so now you can do Stadium 2.
07:50 Yeah, I think we're going to just...
07:52 Muse can support us now.
07:53 I think we've done a lot of streaming, but I don't think we've sold a million records.
07:58 Yes, you did.
07:59 Wow.
08:00 I think so.
08:01 We're now actually looking at Sony and they're going, "No, no, no."
08:04 So, I'm telling you the joke, because you've sold more than a million albums, so soon you'll be able to do Stadium 2 too.
08:11 And Dominique tells me, "Now, Muse is going to do our first part now."
08:15 And everyone turns to the guys, the friends of the record company who are there, and they're like, "Oh no, no, no, you haven't sold..."
08:22 So, ask them for money.
08:24 Yeah, we're going to release more records.
08:26 How was born the band?
08:29 How was this band born?
08:31 Well, we've all been friends and family for a very long time.
08:34 They've been friends for an eternity.
08:36 We started... We all know each other really from school.
08:39 They met at school.
08:40 Phil, the bass player, sadly he's not here. He's still alive, but he's not here. He's my cousin.
08:46 There's a Philippe who's not here, but he's the bass player.
08:48 And his mother is French, isn't she?
08:50 Yeah.
08:51 Wow, good knowledge.
08:52 Yeah, serious knowledge.
08:54 He doesn't know?
08:56 No, I know. How do you know?
08:58 Because I do my job.
09:01 There's some good research.
09:03 But don't ask him to speak French to you because he hasn't sort of brushed up on it yet.
09:08 So, we miss the bass player, Philippe and James, the drummer and the bass player.
09:13 But you met all together at school.
09:15 You met... I say we don't have the drummer, we don't have the bass player. Sorry, I didn't translate.
09:19 And you all met at school. You met all together at school.
09:22 Yes, so Joe and I were in a band when we were... I mean, I think I was 15, 14, 15?
09:28 There was a couple of years when Joe and Connor were together in a...
09:31 And Joe raised me up and took me out drinking and having a good experience. That was great.
09:37 It's true as well.
09:39 Did it save you or did it make you drink?
09:42 No, it was the best thing ever. I just got to enjoy being in a band with his older mates.
09:47 He let you take a huge drink, I get it.
09:52 It was very good, yeah. So that's how we started.
09:54 And then first EP, it was in '14, and then first album.
09:58 And there's one point. You never tell the truth about the name of the band.
10:03 I read preparing that show...
10:06 I say they never said... So they started in 2014 with a first EP and then their name is "Nothing But Thieves".
10:11 Which literally means "Nothing but thieves".
10:13 In French we say "Rien que des voleurs".
10:17 "Nothing but thieves". This is the translation.
10:20 So I've read that you never told the truth about the name of the band.
10:25 What is the truth of today in my show?
10:27 What is the truth of today?
10:29 Ok.
10:30 Well, invent something.
10:31 This is actually the truth. I'm going to give you the actual truth this time.
10:35 You want to hear it?
10:36 Ok, yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:38 He's telling me the truth.
10:40 La première fois qu'on est venu ensemble, on était à l'extérieur de la salle de réhearsal,
10:45 à l'extérieur de la salle de pratique de la bande.
10:47 La première fois qu'ils se sont retrouvés en répétition.
10:50 Et il y avait du graffiti sur la murée.
10:53 Il y avait du graffiti sur le mur.
10:56 Et il disait "Lianne"...
10:59 Est-ce que tu dis "Volure"?
11:01 "Voleur".
11:02 "Voleur".
11:03 "Voleur".
11:04 Il disait ça en français, et on a dit que ça serait un bon nom de bande en anglais.
11:09 Tu me trompes.
11:11 C'est un bon nom de bande.
11:13 C'est la plus mauvaise blague que j'ai jamais entendu.
11:17 Je vous explique ce qu'il a dit, parce que vous avez compris qu'ils n'ont jamais dit la vérité.
11:21 Et donc la première fois qu'ils se sont retrouvés pour répéter, il y avait écrit en français ce que je viens de leur apprendre.
11:25 Rien que des voleurs.
11:26 Ok, c'est ma version, je garde ça, c'est ça?
11:28 Bon, allons jouer une autre chanson, mais avant de la faire entendre,
11:33 allons écouter ça.
11:38 Qui me dit comment est née la chanson?
11:41 Qui me dit comment est née la chanson?
11:43 Comment est née la chanson?
11:44 Oui, cette chanson.
11:45 Je ne me souviens plus. Est-ce que quelqu'un s'en souvient?
11:47 Elle a été vraiment cassée dans la boîte.
11:48 C'était si proche, très très proche d'être cassée.
11:51 Ils ont failli ne pas la garder cette chanson. Pourquoi?
11:54 Dom a sauvé cette chanson.
11:55 C'est Tom qui a sauvé cette chanson.
11:56 J'ai eu un peu de soutien de vie.
11:58 On avait commencé à l'écrire, et Connor a beaucoup croit à la chanson.
12:05 Connor y croyait beaucoup, mais le reste de la bande n'était pas ok.
12:09 Vous n'avez pas aimé?
12:10 Beaucoup de réservoir.
12:12 Mais il y a une confiance dans cette bande, et une règle inécrite,
12:17 si quelqu'un a vraiment confiance en quelque chose,
12:19 nous donnons tout ce qu'on peut pour essayer de faire fonctionner.
12:22 Et lui, il croit dans le groupe, il fait tout pour que ça avance bien et que ça marche.
12:26 Et nous avons réécrit un peu de la musique, je pense, et on a changé la démo,
12:31 et nous sommes tombés amoureux de la chanson.
12:33 On a changé 2-3 trucs, ils ont refait un peu de musique,
12:35 ils ont refait la démo, et puis c'est devenu...
12:37 C'est devenu un grand hit.
12:39 C'est le closeur ultime de notre show.
12:42 Vous ne pouvez pas trouver un meilleur closeur.
12:44 Ça vous emmène à la maison dans le bon mode.
12:47 Oui, c'est un bon moment, et c'est quelque chose qui met dans un bon mood dans le show.
12:51 Bon, au bout de cette show, s'il vous plaît,
12:53 je veux que vous chantez une chanson d'une de mes bandes préférées,
12:58 Radiohead.
12:59 Est-ce que ça a eu une grande influence sur vous?
13:01 Oui, c'était la première influence sur nous.
13:04 Je me souviens très tôt de l'écoute...
13:06 C'est "Colourful", c'est une influence massive pour moi,
13:08 c'est même l'influence du départ pour moi.
13:10 C'était une chanson sur le premier album, "Thinking About You",
13:13 et j'étais comme "Oh, c'est vraiment cool pour Rock",
13:16 ça m'a mis à la voix.
13:18 Et il dit "Mais cette chanson est absolument incroyable".
13:21 Donc, la chanson que vous devez jouer maintenant est "Fake Plastic Tree",
13:24 et nous jouons habituellement cette chanson de Radiohead,
13:27 c'est votre chanson maintenant.
13:29 Merci.
13:30 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:33 ♪ A green plastic watering can ♪
13:39 ♪ For a fake Chinese rubber plant ♪
13:45 ♪ And a fake plastic girl ♪
13:51 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:58 ♪ That she bought from a rubber man ♪
14:04 ♪ In a town full of rubber plants ♪
14:10 ♪ To get rid of itself ♪
14:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
14:19 ♪ It wears her out ♪
14:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
14:25 It wears her out It wears her out It wears her out
14:48 She lives with a broken mind A cracked polystyrene hand
14:59 Who just cries and blurs
15:13 Used to do surgery For girls in the 80's
15:23 But gravity always wins
15:33 It wears her out It wears her out
15:44 It wears her out It wears
16:01 She looks like the real thing She tastes like the real thing
16:12 Fake plastic love
16:26 I can't help the feeling You blow through the ceiling
16:36 I just turn around
16:46 It wears her out It wears her out
16:56 It wears her out It wears her out
17:10 And if I could be who you want to be
17:16 If I could be who you want to be
17:22 Who you want to be
17:27 Who you want to be
17:33 Who you want to be
17:40 This is Radiohead, and it was "Nothing But Thieve".
17:43 A round of applause, gentlemen, please, because it was really beautiful.
17:45 Thank you very much.
17:46 The fourth album is called "Dead Club City".
17:48 It's coming out on July 7th.
17:50 We already have this single, the two singles, by the way, "Overcome" and "Welcome to the DCC".
17:55 And above all, we're going to see you on stage.
17:58 You're going to be on stage, but in the first part of your show, Muse, that's it, right?
18:03 Yeah, Muse now supports us everywhere we go.
18:06 That's what they're telling me, Muse is opening their festival.
18:09 It's a joke.
18:10 We'll see you at the Beauregard Festival.
18:12 It will be on July 8th.
18:13 For the Parisians, it will be the Olympia on February 2nd.
18:16 And then from June 29th, it's a festival tour.
18:20 And then what's really interesting is that you're going to...
18:23 Now you're going to win USA, guys.
18:26 Yes.
18:27 It started in September, Washington, then the East Coast, then the West Coast.
18:33 Congratulations.
18:34 Thank you.
18:35 And happy to meet you for the first time.
18:37 Hope you will be back again.
18:38 Thank you very much.
18:39 Thank you.
18:40 They're very, very cool.
18:41 We had an appointment with Connor, with Joe and with Dominique,
18:44 who are three of the five members of this group, "Nothing But Thieves".
18:47 And now I know...
18:49 We're the band, I can't tell you the truth.
18:52 I know the truth.
18:53 Now I know why the band is called like that.
18:56 They're having a good time.
18:57 Thank you very much, guys.
18:58 It's nice to have you.
18:59 See you soon.
19:00 Thank you.
19:01 Merci.
